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Subs down 25%


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I am truly praying and hoping that BW loses 50%-75% of its sub base so that they learn a lesson about customer service. I refuse to pay for a single player game (due to the low population on my server) with no end in sight. Had BW kept its sub base informed about important community issues maybe this would have never happened. I will not be resubing till answers are givien or merges and transfers take place.


THIS! I doubt I'll be back at all, unless there's a major overhaul to the crafting.


I think the loss of subs will teach EA/BW something. As long as people keep paying, the game will keep running...obviously. Gaming isn't about gaming any more, it's about making money.

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EA just released their earnings and Star Wars subs are down 25% for the quarter. This can't be a good thing. Can we get server mergers ASAP?:rak_02:


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And 25% is a highly inaccurate figure. The truth is probably about 50 to 70% are unsubbed. The only reason the numbers are only at 25% is all of the free months still running out.

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And 25% is a highly inaccurate figure. The truth is probably about 50 to 70% are unsubbed. The only reason the numbers are only at 25% is all of the free months still running out.


Some will argue that, yet it happened to Warhammer. Signs do point to a continued drop in active subscriptions, how bad remains to be seen.

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I have a lot of hope that server mergers will happen soon, and EA won't let the game take a death spiral by drawing out paid transfers first. Yesterday I waited 30 minutes for a warzone, this just isn't fun. I like the game, and think it would be a shame that the game dies right when they start selling t-shirts on JINX and at Hot Topic.
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And 25% is a highly inaccurate figure. The truth is probably about 50 to 70% are unsubbed. The only reason the numbers are only at 25% is all of the free months still running out.


Agreed, I have 54 days left but I haven't logged in for a month, and don't intend to either... Free playtime and game cards are giving the game a better % of people than are actually coming back.

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I'm from New Zealand. I bought my copy of TOR off eBay back in December so I could play, since we had no release at that point. The Australian/New Zealand release came in March. I still can't play with my character with my friends. I cancelled my subscription a month ago. It won't be resubbed until I can transfer my character for free.
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Because it's still fun for my friends and I. Honestly, SWTOR has only gotten better and better since launch IMO. You may not agree, but there are hundreds of thousands of players still enjoying it. :)


I agree, this is my first MMO and I'm having lots of fun. I also can see they are working really hard to make this game work and appreciate it very much. It's work in progress and I'm willing to see past the bugs, give this game a chance to develop a bit ! For now, I for one, am a satisfied customer, but you can't discuss taste ...

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Did none of you guys even read the article. The article says the subs are at 1.3 million. The 25% they are talking about was the 400k that left already. We knew about this. Its not down 25% more in fact they talk about it leveling out at 1 million subs. While not the 1.5 they hoped for 1 million subs is nothing to sneeze at.


Did you not notice the date?

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  • 1 year later...
its still relevant.


Yeah, kind of sucks that we went down 25% from 1.7 to 1.3 million subs. That really sucks. But I'm looking forward to 1.3 though, it looks to be pretty cool. They're finally adding group finder I hear. Hopefully it drops in another month or so, I wouldn't want to wait much longer.

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Yeah, kind of sucks that we went down 25% from 1.7 to 1.3 million subs. That really sucks. But I'm looking forward to 1.3 though, it looks to be pretty cool. They're finally adding group finder I hear. Hopefully it drops in another month or so, I wouldn't want to wait much longer.


lol. :t_tongue:

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