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D3 killed the PvP Queue


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exept that you can actualy play the game not stand ALONE on the fleet with 11 ppl total online


My server had 100 people on Republic Fleet lastnight.


Monday, I was bored and did a who 1-50 and it came out to 710 people playing on my server. 104 were lvl 50.

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Call of Duty franchise? Recycle the same content, release new games that are more like "patch updates" and call it a brand new game and make billions.


I gave up on the CoD series as soon as they started porting the console game over to the PC instead of making a PC version. Then they axed dedicated servers and player made maps the way ToR did to Illum....


Vote with your $$$, it is the only thing they understand.

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ofc they do they got more player and just came out not many left on tor to complain or forums :p


me personlay im not interrested in d3 no pvp waiting for secret world or gw3 to come out if nothing has been done to the dead servers till then its bye bye


I'd be very very cautious of secret world. Its being developed by funcom, which in case you have not heard, is the most inept development company the gaming world has ever seen. Forget for a moment that they took a pvp advertised/developed game and turned it into a pve wasteland, take forever to fix issues, their patches always require 2+ hotfixes (major ones at that), don't commuincate with customer base, havent had a pvp content in years (1 minigame map in 3+ years). This is the company that within a year of releasing a major MMO (AoC), they announce they are developing a new MMO to compete with it, move 90% of the development of AoC to work on the new one, and force the players paying for AoC to beta new systems/code for TSW. They are pretty shady, making AoC customers pay them to qa/test their TSW beta code rather than pay real workers wages/benefits.


if your into pvp, i'd think twice before playing a funcom game.

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think of d2 and how long it had attention.


That was 10 years ago. Torchlight, Titan Quest, Scared 1 & 2 and many other hack n'slash/rpgs have come out since D2. Diablo isn't some unique snow flake anymore. Kinda like how Starcraft 2 came out.. me and my friends played it hardcore for like 2-3 weeks and now we occasionally log on if we are super bored. No games have the lasting power they had 10 years ago. The industry has been saturated with games. People crave new games, new content too fast now. There is a reason that COD can be released every year and the sales only go up each time.

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I gave up on the CoD series as soon as they started porting the console game over to the PC instead of making a PC version. Then they axed dedicated servers and player made maps the way ToR did to Illum....


Vote with your $$$, it is the only thing they understand.


I bought MW2, never played COD4. It was new and different type of FPS that I liked. Bought Black Ops and it was more like a $60 content update patch (*cough*wow expansions*cough*). Was disappointed, never buying that crap anymore.

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I'd be very very cautious of secret world. Its being developed by funcom, which in case you have not heard, is the most inept development company the gaming world has ever seen.


I was an Alpha tester for AO and I still have the original CD. Secret World looks like AO2 to me and I will definitely be cautious. Back in the Alpha testing they thought my idea of adding fallen trees, foilage etc was epically creative... I /facepalmed. True story.

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If you go to the Official D3 forums you will see what is happening you will see how D3 is really far away of being gold. They have more complains that in the SWTOR forums (what seems hard to believe, but yes, its true).


That's because all the players left SWTOR :rolleyes:

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I'm only pvping, but I want try D3=kill SWTOR. No, I don't think so, SWTOR selfkill itself. I'm playing on 2nd population pvp server in EUR, now it has 40 ppl in PT at Rep Fl. And I can oly wondering about other servers, no pvp no pve only solo.
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D3 did NOT kill the PVP queue. Bioware did that. If Bioware had put together a decent PVP environment, then people would still be playing regardless of what came out (sure there would be less people, but still enough to play warzones). Instead Bioware made a joke of a PVP system, screwed up open world PVP then just got rid of all the related quests for it, and they canceled rated WZs with no news about when we can expect them.


Bioware killed PVP not any other game.

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Hype sells. Watched videos of it and it looks like a game 5 years old.




Don't get me wrong; I enjoyed the Diablo series (when I was a teenager)... I just agree that hype does sell, and after a while, having instanced areas where you can only interact with a certain amount of players will just be like "meh".


People play online games for the interactive experience; if they say they don't, they are lying to themselves (because you can just as easily use a majority of your time to play Xbox 360, PS3, etc.).

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1.2 killed the pvp queue. The only redeeming factor in ToR's pvp was that it was actually very well balanced for a mmo. Of course there were the odd OP classes but since that patch it's gone ridiculous. There is no point being a healer in pvp anymore, unless you roll with a premade for tank support/roll some pointless hybrid spec so you can kite but sacrifice heals. In other words the terribad pvp became even worse ie. A dps gib fest. The sub losses speak for themselves, its such a shame.
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At OP, I'm not trying to contradict you just to be "that guy", but I've actually noticed more warzone queues the past 24 hours (including today) than I've seen in weeks. I was expecting to not get many warzones due to Diablo but so far it hasn't been an issue for me. I may just be lucky though.
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OMG Blizzard fix your dam servers this is ridiculous I can't even log in what the hell man I thought you were the best, but not anymore.


Oops, er.


OMG Bioware fix your damn servers I can't even get a warzone to pop let or see anyone else on the fleet

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Hmmmm - no load time, no bugs and no broken promises (yet). Someone should learn from this new game.


D3 is fun, but it's straight up linear zombie-mode hack n' slash and it's not an MMO by any stretch of the imagination. Not to mention that it has the sophistication of an etch-a-sketch.


It would also be nice if I could play the fricking game. Have only been able to login twice and play for about 4 hours in two days. Spent more time PvPing in SWTOR last night than playing D3 because Blizzard fails completely at server administration.



Damn, diablo franchise did not age well .... I'm watching Kripparian and other streams on twitchtv and it looks like d3 should have come out 5 years ago. Who knows maybe PvP will elevate D3 but right now how is that game gonna hold people attention for a long time ??


I don't think it will hold peeps' attention for long, not mature gamers at least. It's just too basic. Great for kids. Asian grinders are going to love it too, especially for the built in AH, so it will be around for awhile.

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D3 is fun, but it's straight up linear zombie-mode hack n' slash and it's not an MMO by any stretch of the imagination. Not to mention that it has the sophistication of an etch-a-sketch.


It would also be nice if I could play the fricking game. Have only been able to login twice and play for about 4 hours in two days. Spent more time PvPing in SWTOR last night than playing D3 because Blizzard fails completely at server administration.





I don't think it will hold peeps' attention for long, not mature gamers at least. It's just too basic. Great for kids. Asian grinders are going to love it too, especially for the built in AH, so it will be around for awhile.


I need my zombie mode hack'n'slash fix so I have no problem playing D3 but I don't see that as a long term hobby.


I mean if people whine about the server stability of SWTOR (which is actually pretty good) how on earth can they play a game that is actually unplayable?


The only way D3 compete with SWTOR is in the sense that your playing time is limited so if you're playing one game you're not playing the other, but that's about it.

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Its going to get only worse when Elder Scroll Online comes in 2013.
That game is very unlikely to succeed. People play ES games for the solipsistic sandbox experience, which is totally un-replicable in a MMO. (Multiplayer sandboxes make you a peon or slum lord, not a wandering god.)


Anyway, Republic side is doing as well as ever in queueing, but the good Imps seem to be on vacation or something for the last week.

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The only way D3 compete with SWTOR is in the sense that your playing time is limited so if you're playing one game you're not playing the other, but that's about it.


Well neither game is an mmo, so people will get tired of both.


D3 does not require a monthly fee and is fresher, so its a better choice while waiting for gw2.

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Why are you clowns even comparing SWTOR to D3? They aren't the same genre. D3 is a MO while SWTOR is an MMO.


D3 has remained true to it's GAME OF THE YEAR mechanics and has implemented a huge list of new features. Of course people quit this game to play D3, it's a blizzard game (there goes the WoW kids) and it's one of the most successful franchises in gaming history.


This game died along time ago.

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secret world is a PVE game even more then TOR... SW was made PVE the devs said it was PVE... i wouldnt buy it for the PVP


personally i wouldnt buy TOR for the pvp either but at least here the devs are saying PVP part is going to be considered more in future.... keep in mind that at release it was just a secondary thing (and i still wonder why all those pvper bought TOR expecting a masterpiece PVP)


D3 is okey but it will get old very very quickly and i was hoping it had better graphic it's mainly a single game can we actually start using those gtx680 out there?


GW2 is the only one half decent to try when come out but personally if i see the lack of RPG in tor i see it x100 in GW2 it will not be a MMORPG it will be a FPS with tab-target system wrapped in a MMO package.

There wont be progression gear won't count in PVP that exactly how FPS are everything reset no pvp have any consequence..


Progression make the game intresting and new everytime you log the problem is mixing people that have 1000 power with people that have 100 power here is where MMO crash... progression by itself is not evil but allowing an NBA team to play with a middle school team it's boring for both of them


MMORPG are made of/for progression (that lack terribly in GW2 in fact there is no even montly payment this means a lot in term of progression/changing) the problem is that the progression is never kept in consideration by the devs at 50 they think progression exist only from 1-50 and at 50 everybody is the same

that idea by itself kill the MMORPG

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I'd be very very cautious of secret world.


Smartest thing I've read in this thread. Heed this man's warning! TSW WILL fail. It will go the route of DCUO. Fine for the first month or two, then just fall off the edge of the earth, and convert to F2P after 6 months. There is a reason they have a cash shop waiting, in addition to having a monthly sub.

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