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D3 killed the PvP Queue


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D3 is the new thing and everyone wants to play today and nexts days in a insanely way. Ever happens the same thing. In 1-2 weeks things will return to its normal status


Specially considering that D3 doesnt have PVP many people will return soon to play PVP on SWTOR.


Ah, but once you try something fresh and decent... do you still want to go back to the stale old bread that is swtor? Or would you look for something else that's new and different?

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Freshness factor...


And killing stuff in PvP doesn't feel much different than in PvE these days... I've been active in PvP since the beginning, doing my 3 wins a day per character. Now-a-days, I don't recognize 2/3 of the people playing it any more.


Same here. I was one of the first to achieve level 50 on my server and have been PVPing since the game came out. I hardly recognize anyone anymore. Most of the good players on both sides here have left the game, many anticipating D3.


And, our guild, once 1000 members strong, hasn't had more than 25 people on at one time in two weeks. In February and March we would have as many as 200+ on in the evenings. We would run up to 8, 4-man premades. We could barely scrape together 1 last night.


Furthermore, my server, once a high population server for at least 6 weeks, hasn't had more than 25 people on in the evenings on both the Imperial and Republic fleets since last Tuesday night. Right now there are 8 on the Republic fleet and 11 on the Imperial.


D3 didn't kill the PVP queues, this game has been slowly hemorrhaging since right before 1.2.

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Ah, but once you try something fresh and decent... do you still want to go back to the stale old bread that is swtor? Or would you look for something else that's new and different?


Groping for others to feel like you do... There are pay sites that you can get that from. Save your $15/mo on SWTOR and you're half way home little fella. ;)

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I don't get how a game that literally has no PvP at the moment is supposed to kill PvP in a game in a completely different genre.


It's funny to note that although you'd think if someone is supposed to know how to handle a large number of people, Blizzard can't get their server up for the midnight release, and I had 4 characters with the exact same name created because it timed out each time it tried to do it. I mean, that doesn't mean the game is bad or anything, but I really thought the game was really supposed to launch smoothly since Blizzard has been doing this forever.

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I don't get how a game that literally has no PvP at the moment is supposed to kill PvP in a game in a completely different genre.


It's funny to note that although you'd think if someone is supposed to know how to handle a large number of people, Blizzard can't get their server up for the midnight release, and I had 4 characters with the exact same name created because it timed out each time it tried to do it. I mean, that doesn't mean the game is bad or anything, but I really thought the game was really supposed to launch smoothly since Blizzard has been doing this forever.



this merely strengthens my stance that never ever ever will any new game be smooth or close to perfect on release ifit is to be played on the internet. There are far too many variables and hopefully people will transfer this knowledge to SWTOR and be far more patient

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Is the game even any good? I haven't really followed it until recently. I'm not gonna say it looks like a crappy game or anything but...I haven't really seen anything that makes me want to jump in either.


Seems like diablo 2 with some modified systems. D2 was an excellent game that I played for a long time. I've had my fill of it at this point though.

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Is the game even any good? I haven't really followed it until recently. I'm not gonna say it looks like a crappy game or anything but...I haven't really seen anything that makes me want to jump in either.


Seems like diablo 2 with some modified systems. D2 was an excellent game that I played for a long time. I've had my fill of it at this point though.


I forgot who said this, but someone once said in this day and age, even a bad Gauntlet clone that lets you press mouse buttons to kill hordes of stuff is a rarity. I haven't actually played the game yet (was able to create the character) but I assume I get to press buttons and watch a lot of stuff die, so they get my money for just that.

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Well Dur Diablo isn't a real MMO. If you were expecting an MMO with Diablo...


I don't know what in my post gave you the idea that I thought D3 was an MMO. My whole point is that D3 will not hurt SWTOR. Within 2 weeks, only D2 fanboys will be playing D3 still. Everyone else will stop playing it. Any hit on SWTOR will only be very short lived. I only bought D3 because my brother wanted to play it with me. He still plays WoW and I play SWTOR. So it will be a chance to game with him again. That being said, I don't think gaming with my brother will make me want to stop SWTOR because D3 is not good. I just wish he'd stop WoW and come over to the dark side with me. He's been playing that for 6 years or whatever. It's time to move on.

As many problems as SWTOR has, they are all fixable. People forget how long it took WoW to be as polished as it is. It certainly wasn't as polished as SWTOR after 6 months. It probably took 2 years.

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Everything that people talk about how D3 can impact SWTOR applies to WoW or any other MMORPG too.


In fact, I always thought raiding in modern MMORPG is like a slightly easier version of a Baal run because Baal run usually ends in failure (as in someone else grabbed all the loot befoe you can) while in PvE raids you usually at least get the loot.

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How would a game that will not have competitive PvP and balanced only around PvE kill swtor PvP?


PvPer's won't be affected by D3 for the most part.. but we are a minority. Now only the PvPers are logging in because all the PvErs have a new PvE game with shinies to chase down.

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Is the game even any good? I haven't really followed it until recently. I'm not gonna say it looks like a crappy game or anything but...I haven't really seen anything that makes me want to jump in either.


Seems like diablo 2 with some modified systems. D2 was an excellent game that I played for a long time. I've had my fill of it at this point though.


D3 is to Diablo 2 what ME2 was to Mass Effect.


It is a streamlined, dumbed down, simplified version of a better game.

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i have a feeling D3 pull will be short-lived in regards to SWTOR playerbase. Its not an MMO and what do non fanbois have to look forward to, same ole pattern of killing monsters ...but with nightmare mode or whatever the highest difficulty factor is ? Maybe some will be enamored with the thought of selling items for real life cash in the auction house. Blizz struggled to even include PvP at release ... ouch.


GW2 is gonna do way more damage to SWTOR then D3 cause it is unlikely those players will return.

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I guess my point is if people play swtor for PvP why would they switch to a game that won't have PvP? I only PvP, no FPs for me. Going to D3 just wouldn't be logical for a player like myself free or not.


BW needs to get their act together, but I've seen videos of GW2, D3, and Tera and they all seem lackluster. GW2 just looks horrible. D3 is not a PvP game. Tera is run by Koreans.


I've been attached to these forums for a long time now and the same issues are spoken on time and time again. Fixing these issues would greatly improve the game quality: too much CC, TTK is too short, cross server queuing is a must, and some kind of open world PvP. Fix these issues and this game would be untouchable compared to other MMOs.


Because SWTOR doesn't have any pvp either, so if your gonna play a single player game, might as well be a good one. I truly do wish the state of SWTOR was better right now, but lets face it, for the majority of servers, you log in and spend 80 percent of your time standing around waiting for a que. Populations are so low that you face off against the same people day in and day out. There is nothing new and fresh. The same 4 WZ's against the same handful of people. I hate to say it, but I feel that there is no real recovery for swtor. Right now D3 and other games will provide a nice filler until the next MMO is out. GW2 pvp is way way ahead of anything swtor has to offer by the way.

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Both my servers are pretty healthy at the moment. Though about Diablo 3, I played the Beta until level 4 and quit. It was absolutely boring and I found no joy in playing it. Then again, the 'friends' I played with never said a word at all during the skype call and ignored all my questions.


Don't get the kind of friends I have. They told me it was a great game and that I'll have tons of fun playing with them and it turned out I wasted 2 hours downloading that junk when I could have been grinding more War Hero gear.

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I don't think D3 is THAT popular, not compared to TERA and GW2, I've played D1 and D2, not at all interested in D3.


D3 is presently the best-selling game title in Amazon.com history. It's pretty popular.


Not going to lie. D3 is fun. But it's very carebear PvE. I'm enjoying it just for a change and because I was a fan of the previous Diablo titles. Oddly enough, it really hasn't changed much from D2 and it seriously lacks any sort of real sophistication in terms of combat and character builds. People may be playing it now, but I don't see peeps sticking with it for long. I don't see myself playing it much after a couple weeks.


Even if Blizz implements PvP in D3, I don't see it being anything more than an add-on. As I stated, the combat system is very unsophisticated, and to be honest, pretty dull. PvP with that system would be a total joke.


And what someone else mentioned about the launch is absolutely true. The launch was pretty terrible. I had to logout of SWTOR due to weekly maintenance and looked forward to just jumping on D3 at midnight. Unfortunately, Blizz was terribly unprepared. Battle.Net crashed and it was impossible to even create a character. After an hour of trying I gave up and went to bed. It wasn't until early this morning before work that I was able to actually login, create a toon and give D3 a whirl.


BW did that part right with SWTOR. In EGA, when they told me I could play, I was actually able to login to play. Kudos to them.



I guess my point is if people play swtor for PvP why would they switch to a game that won't have PvP? I only PvP, no FPs for me.


This is what I'm doing. Getting my PvP fix in SWTOR doing the dailies/weeklies on my Pub and Imp mains. Then hitting D3 for the PvE with some of my friends.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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NO pvp queue pops of this moment, yesterday and all last week Queues were popping normally this time, yes d3 killed the pvp queue right now, and I am installing it right now to kill it more lol
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D3 is presently the best-selling game title in Amazon.com history. It's pretty popular.


Not going to lie. D3 is fun. But it's very carebear PvE. I'm enjoying it just for a change and because I was a fan of the previous Diablo titles. Oddly enough, it really hasn't changed much from D2 and it seriously lacks any sort of real sophistication in terms of combat and character builds. People may be playing it now, but I don't see peeps sticking with it for long. I don't see myself playing it much after a couple weeks.


Even if Blizz implements PvP in D3, I don't see it being anything more than an add-on. As I stated, the combat system is very unsophisticated, and to be honest, pretty dull. PvP with that system would be a total joke.


And what someone else mentioned about the launch is absolutely true. The launch was pretty terrible. I had to logout of SWTOR due to weekly maintenance and looked forward to just jumping on D3 at midnight. Unfortunately, Blizz was terribly unprepared. Battle.Net crashed and it was impossible to even create a character. After an hour of trying I gave up and went to bed. It wasn't until early this morning before work that I was able to actually login, create a toon and give D3 a whirl.


BW did that part right with SWTOR. In EGA, when they told me I could play, I was actually able to login to play. Kudos to them.


This is what I'm doing. Getting my PvP fix in SWTOR doing the dailies/weeklies on my Pub and Imp mains. Then hitting D3 for the PvE with some of my friends.



^ This. I played the beta and was incredibly unimpressed. For so many years after D2, I expected innovation. New mechanics or something, that still felt like the Diablo series but at least put a new dimension on things. Please don't say that the classes are the new dimensions, because they just feel like bastardized hodgepodges of other older classes.


The PvP queue might be hurting right now. Let the Monks and Barbs and Demon Hunters get bored with watching the same death animations over and over again. They'll be back.

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PvPer's won't be affected by D3 for the most part.. but we are a minority. Now only the PvPers are logging in because all the PvErs have a new PvE game with shinies to chase down.


Pvpers are playing d3 til gw2 comes out. A majority of the players are on semi dead servers with 1+ hours to get a pop.


Obviously d3 is not an mmo or a pvp game, but its something to play..

If Bioware wants to turn swtor into an mmo and/or merge servers I might get interested again.

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Because SWTOR doesn't have any pvp either, so if your gonna play a single player game, might as well be a good one. I truly do wish the state of SWTOR was better right now, but lets face it, for the majority of servers, you log in and spend 80 percent of your time standing around waiting for a que. Populations are so low that you face off against the same people day in and day out. There is nothing new and fresh. The same 4 WZ's against the same handful of people. I hate to say it, but I feel that there is no real recovery for swtor. Right now D3 and other games will provide a nice filler until the next MMO is out. GW2 pvp is way way ahead of anything swtor has to offer by the way.


Then you're subscribed because...?

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Nine days since the last warzone on my server. So it wasn't D3 that killed it here :confused:


yeah, we just got enough people to run a wz(imp vs imp) we won and the other team logged out, I'm que'd right now as I post this, and have been qued for an hour. FUN STUFF. My guild is playing D3(I'm not, doesn't appeal to anything in me), but my guild is gone, I had to close vent, cause they where babbling about D3.


Can't some (edit) "NICE GUY" floating around the rim at EA/bioware, put a damn eta on server mergers??? or cross server que's? I'm really trying to give you my money, but this blows. Who plays a game to wait? Theres probably a reason why the sims haven't made a dmv simulator. Nobody has fun waiting.

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