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As A Sorcerer, Every One Is OP


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Show us proof, like you said 18k hp sorc full bm/wh gear vs 18k hp dps full bm/wh gear. Until then you are a troll.


If a sorc doesn't kite properly, he's dead much faster than that against equally geared opponents. Sorcs are the squishiest class make no mistake about it and if you disagree, you have not played one and are probably terrible at fighting them. I have 1300 expertise almost, but comparable dps classes cut through me like butter.


However, this is not to say that sorcs are underpowered. If I successfully get range, I can pump out a good amount of damage pretty quick. The trick is to be able to keep that range so you don't get nearly instagibbed.


I am constantly running around. I have a lot of experience in kiting though from dueling pre BC and BC on a resto shaman. Learn to kite and you will love your sorceror.

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I realize many people play on low population servers and they may not be seeing what the few high population servers are seeing now, and that is full teams with War Hero gear. May not be full War Hero but every single player has over 18k HP buffed and its all PvP gear.


Life as a Sorcerer against those teams sucks, DPS Sorcerer..Just sucks.


One DPS will wipe a Sorcerers HP in under 20 sec flat -Knock Back CD.


GZ says BW do not nurf due to high numbers of Sorcerers, I call liar on that one.


Grtz BW, you and EA can go and......


Nearly all your posts involve your opinion about how Sorc are underpowered and suck at XYZ, I Imagine you play one, both pre and post 1.2.


If you hate the Sorc class that much.......roll something else


Don't want to roll something else, try learning how to play the class. Its one of those easy to learn, difficult to master classes.


Now, off the forums and get learning!


Either that, or stop trying to make this a faceroll class, you're embarrising yourself!



Edited by chimex
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Sorc gets hurt by the 'especially low HP' itemization on their class gear. Yes it has 'especially high offensive stats' too but for a class with relatively weak burst DPS and the worst defense in the game, you don't want to make it even easier for people to kill you. I"ve actually seen some Sorcs have some limited success while wearing some Survivor gear (the Assassin tank gear) because at least they stick around longer than 5 seconds so sure they might be gimped in other ways but at least they didn't die immediately.


I'd think a long term solution would involve taking your class armor but put Assassin DPS mods, which is relatively heavy on endurance compared to offensive stats. This would take more gear than normal, though, since you'd need redundant pieces.

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I realize many people play on low population servers and they may not be seeing what the few high population servers are seeing now, and that is full teams with War Hero gear. May not be full War Hero but every single player has over 18k HP buffed and its all PvP gear.


Life as a Sorcerer against those teams sucks, DPS Sorcerer..Just sucks.


One DPS will wipe a Sorcerers HP in under 20 sec flat -Knock Back CD.


GZ says BW do not nurf due to high numbers of Sorcerers, I call liar on that one.


Grtz BW, you and EA can go and......



I can assure you that there is no server where "every single player" that queues up for warzones has over 18k health.


Overexaggerating post is overexaggerating.

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I can assure you that there is no server where "every single player" that queues up for warzones has over 18k health.


Overexaggerating post is overexaggerating.




empire side on kinrath spider server. with the faction imbalance every imperal is a gear god.


not that it makes them better, it just makes them think they are better.

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empire side on kinrath spider server. with the faction imbalance every imperal is a gear god.


not that it makes them better, it just makes them think they are better.


My assassin has more hp than most, and I have 5 war hero pieces with +18 wp +10 endurance augments and my hp is 17.4k. Just saying.

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My assassin has more hp than most, and I have 5 war hero pieces with +18 wp +10 endurance augments and my hp is 17.4k. Just saying.


Certain classes have higher HP on their class gear itemization. At least before 1.2 it's always looked like:


Tank gear

Merc DPS gear

Assassin DPS gear

Everyone else

Sorc DPS gear


Not sure if this is true on WH but a Sorc would definitely be the lowest HP person if he's using BM gear compared to other BM characters.

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i normally don't post on these forums, but this post made me login.


I feel exactly the opposite as the OP. In fact, i feel like every other class dies in 20 seconds or less to me as a Sage. The amount of single target damage that balance (dot tree) can output is insane. Add the fact that sever force (last skill in far right tree) roots regardless of resolve makes it so that if played correctly melee classes will never touch you.


If you feel as a sorc that every class destroys you, maybe the problem is with your current play style and not the class.


  • Try a full balance spec
  • Be smart about your force management
  • Surge and Power are your friends

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If a sorc doesn't kite properly, he's dead much faster than that against equally geared opponents. Sorcs are the squishiest class make no mistake about it and if you disagree, you have not played one and are probably terrible at fighting them. I have 1300 expertise almost, but comparable dps classes cut through me like butter.


However, this is not to say that sorcs are underpowered. If I successfully get range, I can pump out a good amount of damage pretty quick. The trick is to be able to keep that range so you don't get nearly instagibbed.


I am constantly running around. I have a lot of experience in kiting though from dueling pre BC and BC on a resto shaman. Learn to kite and you will love your sorceror.

You are doing it right but OP clearly doesn't know how to kite. That's the whole problem with his post, simple L2P issue.

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I realize many people play on low population servers and they may not be seeing what the few high population servers are seeing now, and that is full teams with War Hero gear. May not be full War Hero but every single player has over 18k HP buffed and its all PvP gear.


Life as a Sorcerer against those teams sucks, DPS Sorcerer..Just sucks.


I've got news for you. Life against a good team in PvP that is coordinated, experienced and knows how to focus fire is rough, regardless of the class you play. My Shadow gets incinerated by focus fire, and he is one piece short of full WH. My Marauder gets incinerated by focus fire too. Welcome to PvP.


Class doesn't make much of a difference aside from an extra second of life, maybe two or three if you happen to have some cooldowns. I could see how server pop might, if you just end up playing against the same teams over and over.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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My wife plays a sorc and goes down way too fast, but it still is the best healer in Warzones bar none. Operatives get all the hype because of the buffs, but we have a Sorc that regularly does 700-850k healing and on my wife's I got 400k in recruit gear.


Kiting and not being noticed are the keys of the class.


When she plays, if anyone touches her, she kites them away and whoever is targeting her is going to have to do it with a Full War Hero / Augmented Marauder on their back :)


I've even told people the consequences of attacking her, and they'll ignore me and play tough that game, but the next game, they find different targets!

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My wife plays a sorc and goes down way too fast, but it still is the best healer in Warzones bar none. Operatives get all the hype because of the buffs, but we have a Sorc that regularly does 700-850k healing and on my wife's I got 400k in recruit gear.


Kiting and not being noticed are the keys of the class.



A sorc's existence itself is considered either an affront to humanity or an easy kill, depending on the viewpoint of whoever is looking at you.


The only time I don't kill Sorcs is if they have shown signs that they play badly enough to be not worth the trouble killing. Chain casting Dark Heal is one of the best way to get a DPS off you, though that's kind of like saying /stuck causes you to lose your attacker too.

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If a sorc doesn't kite properly, he's dead much faster than that against equally geared opponents. Sorcs are the squishiest class make no mistake about it and if you disagree, you have not played one and are probably terrible at fighting them. I have 1300 expertise almost, but comparable dps classes cut through me like butter.


I call bull.


I'm a WH sniper, about 18K health.

Upon first strike, an equally geared sorcerer (or sage) can take off about 13K health through entrench/dampeners, before I can execute one single ambush/probe/followthrough. If I cannot interrupt the next lightning/telekinesis attack, I'm dead.


Because of activation times and cooldowns, Sorcerers/Sages can generate roughly twice as much DPS as, for example, snipers.

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I only read the first page of this thread..and i saw one guy mention that we sages/sorcs are a support class and he is absolutely right...my brother and i had a 50 bh and jugg and decided to reroll sages the both of us just cuz they are that awesome! we dont top charts by any means we roll a mixture of of balance and heal tree..but we always come out with most activity done during a wz.....its really important to LOS people...and run In my opinion...i think sages and sorcs are the op class..
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Im pretty sure you can win any of the 4 maps without actually killing a single person. So what if you die in 2 seconds, did you pass the ball? did you CC someone to allow a bomb planting/defuse? did you cap a turret?


TOR pvp is all about objectives, not dealing 8 bazillion damage or healing for Umpteen-thousands. You cap objectives, hold objectives, throw objectives.


Complaining is not yet an objective, but look forward to 1.5.. I hear its in the pipeline.

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My assassin has more hp than most, and I have 5 war hero pieces with +18 wp +10 endurance augments and my hp is 17.4k. Just saying.


What type of War Hero gear are you wearing? My healing sorc has 17032 HP after buffs (only number I know off the top of my head) in full BM with WH saber, no augments on any gear. If you have full BM with 5 WH pieces that are augmented, there is no way you're only at 17.4k HP.


As to the original topic of the post, sorcs are fine. Are mara/sent OP? Maybe a little, but things are never going to be perfect and melee needed some love. Everyone expects to 1v1 anyone who comes at them, but sorc is not a 1v1 class. If you're skilled and have all your abilities up, you have a chance, but that won't be often. Stick to what we do best which is stay far away and light people up.

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I call bull.


I'm a WH sniper, about 18K health.

Upon first strike, an equally geared sorcerer (or sage) can take off about 13K health through entrench/dampeners, before I can execute one single ambush/probe/followthrough. If I cannot interrupt the next lightning/telekinesis attack, I'm dead.


Because of activation times and cooldowns, Sorcerers/Sages can generate roughly twice as much DPS as, for example, snipers.


Well I wouldn't kite a sniper would I. Also, interrupt a relic/adrenal/recklessness force lightning or a thundering blast, depending on spec, and you won't be nukea*****ed so hard. Once you do this do your ambush probe follow through combo or w.e you do, then throw in the insta snipe with laze target while you're at it.


If a geared sniper is looking at me I need to find somewhere to LOS him. If I catch him tunnelvisioning someone else, you're right he dies really fast.

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There are two separate issues that makes Sorcerers weak:


1. They've some horrendous 1on1 matchup against the powerhouse classes, particularly Tankasin.

2. They're always the point of attack to expose any weakness in your enemy team's coordination.


Each issue, by themselves, do not make the class weak. For example Mercs have some horrible matchups against strong interrupt classes, but they are not the weak link overall since they have around above average survivality overall. Therefore there's not much incentive to focus fire on them (because they're better than average against that), so you send the 1 guy that can definitely beat him for a matchup advantage but he's not going to die instantly.


On the other hand healers in general always qualify for #2, but an Operative or a Merc healer has decent ways to keep themselves alive. So while you always want to attack healers first, it won't always result in a guaranteed wipeout for the recipient of that attack.


However Sorc happens to satisfy both of these criteria. Even if a Sorc isn't healer speced, it's often a good idea to just see who, if any, will help/heal that guy to get an idea of what your enemy team's priorities are.


I think it's not so much as Sorcs became way weaker but that after 1.2 you no longer have 80% of maps on Huttball, where ranged classes have a huge advantage thanks to the elevation.

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To put Sorcerers into perspective I'll use Darth Sidious:


1. Sends in a Sith Assassin (Darth Maul) so he can hide.

2. Pretends to be a politician while Dooku (Sith Warrior) fights for him.

3. Tricks Anakin (Juggernaut) into putting up a Guard on him when Mace Windu showed up.

4. Gets the Commandos to kill all the Jedi.

5. Runs away from a fight with Yoda (a Sage) because neither one could best the other.

6. Uses Darth Vader (Juggernaut) to kill all those who resist him.

7. Makes Darth Vader fight Luke several times.

8. Waits for Luke to throw down his weapon and then lights him up.

9. Get easily killed by the first guy to actually lay a hand on him when he didn't have someone helping him.


You forgot the part where Sidious (Sorc) wipes the floor with 3 JK's before going toe to toe with Mace. He killed them in less than 2 GCDs!!! So your perspective is off a bit.

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You forgot the part where Sidious (Sorc) wipes the floor with 3 JK's before going toe to toe with Mace. He killed them in less than 2 GCDs!!! So your perspective is off a bit.


Going by SWTOR conventions, the 3 JKs are your obligatory weak class mobs that accompany the Elite guy only to die instantly the moment the fight begins.

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OP is like 90% of sorcs out there-just standing there hard casting and trying to facetank melee, dying and crying about the class being underpowered.

Sorry, but sorc had it too easy pre 1.2 especially with almost every WZ being Huttball. L2kite or reroll/unsub.

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My server Sorcs adapted to 1.2. its stack alacrity to the fullest.

go DPS spec and only heal urself when needed.

and spam 1 buttom lightning.

2.1 sec cast, no cooldown, just spam spam spam.


Its the Tracer missile spam for my server. all the cool kids are doing it.


Obviously your server has no decent Vig spec guardians or you sure as hell wouldn't be using that strat.

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there seems to be a lot of argument about survivability and hp, etc.

I personally think it would be silly to have a class that can heal, dps, cc AND have high armor and hp...

accept the fact that playing that kind of toon means that you wont be able to take an up front hit. dont complain about not having access to every ability and benefit of every class. I play as a jugg, immortal spec'd. its pretty thankless. im there to take hits for you, but im not making threads complaining about my lack of dps or healing. I do think that if anyone could use a boost to survivability (all other things like dps etc kept static) it is the tanks. however i choose to continue playing my tank regardless because it is an integral part of the team. everyone has a role to play in the game, otherwise we would all be carbon copies running around. with good coordination and proper teamwork, sorcs can have fantastic survivability. I have personally taken 100k of damage in one life for a sorc through guard because we were able to play well together with healing and taunting. I have the heavy armor and you dont. you have healing and i dont. dont be a lone wolf, play with the pack.

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there seems to be a lot of argument about survivability and hp, etc.

I personally think it would be silly to have a class that can heal, dps, cc AND have high armor and hp...

accept the fact that playing that kind of toon means that you wont be able to take an up front hit. dont complain about not having access to every ability and benefit of every class. I play as a jugg, immortal spec'd. its pretty thankless. im there to take hits for you, but im not making threads complaining about my lack of dps or healing. I do think that if anyone could use a boost to survivability (all other things like dps etc kept static) it is the tanks. however i choose to continue playing my tank regardless because it is an integral part of the team. everyone has a role to play in the game, otherwise we would all be carbon copies running around. with good coordination and proper teamwork, sorcs can have fantastic survivability. I have personally taken 100k of damage in one life for a sorc through guard because we were able to play well together with healing and taunting. I have the heavy armor and you dont. you have healing and i dont. dont be a lone wolf, play with the pack.


That's all well and good, but you need to spec as a healer to heal. Where does that leave DPS Sorc/Sage? No burst, no survivability, no healing. Yeah I guess you get that instant whirlwind, too bad DOTs break it.

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