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I cannot stress to you how badly pvp brackets need to be implemented, get this bolster garbage out of here and lets do some real math. I know you guys got some dr's in there somewhere who can add that one character that has 27 abilities and 14,000 hit points is going to beat a character with 10,000 hit points and 5 abilities 9 times out of 10. Bolster is probably the worst idea I've ever seen for pvp in an mmo in all of mmo history, but then I saw huttball.
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I have full faith that Bioware is monitoring these issues in regards to PvP. Many MMO launches in the past have experienced similar problems and we have to remember we just launched the game. Patches will fix many issues, however it just takes some time. I would love to hear when the first big patch will be implemented.


I really dont buy that. Bioware decided it was more important to nerf slicing than even try to tackle the pvp ranged dps/cc imbalance. I have seen it stated several times they do not care about pvp, this is a pve game. they just added pvp at the last minute to not lose player base, from what I can tell pvp servers are all the heavy load populations but we get 0 attention.

Thru release of a horribly unbalanced system the underpowered are way behind now. You look at the numbers of sith sorc and bh ruling match after match its not hard to see why they have all decked out in the best pvp gear already, there is no challenge for them its not skill with no challenge.

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How about you fix Illum. The vast...vaaaaaaaaaaaast majority of people on Ajunta Pall simply stand 20 feet from each other and trade one node back and forth all day without fighting. Usually control of that specific node will shift every 3-5 seconds.


Kudos to like the three people I've met over the past two weeks who will actually fight. I'm being dead serious here. Virtually no one on Illum will fight each other. Quickly farming their daily/weekly seems to be far more important.


In fact, if I attack someone, they'll stand there shellshocked that I'm not being nice enough to just trade a node with them 9/10 times, and only realize I'm serious when half their healthbar has vanished. That's how bad it is, that it's already become expected that you don't fight each other on this planet.


In the early days, people would at least trade different nodes, and pretend not to see each other as they moved between them. All pretense has been dropped by now, and everyone just stands at the same node (without fighting).


I could understand this loser mentality on a pve server, but this is occurring on a pvp server. I'm trying to imagine how much lamer the playerbase can make Illum, and drawing a blank, but I'm steadfast in my belief that the playerbase is absolutely capable of finding a way.


If you can't figure out how to fix your incredibly broken open world pvp planet, then at least remove the daily/weekly rewards until you do.


Also, 50 only bracket needs to arrive already. I can't speak for every server, but at least on Ajunta Pall, there are more than enough 50s to keep a 50 only bracket running non-stop. Most of us are mostly fully equipped in pvp gear, and it's completely unfair to the non-50s.


I realize most players simply want the easiest path to shinies possible, and were never raised by parents who instilled a sense of sportsmanship into them, so it's really up to you, Bioware, to be the grown-up here and make some changes to the brackets.


Or, change Bolster's scaling to fall in line with a fully epiced out level 50. A non-50 will have ~12000 hp, 20-25% crit, and 550-650 base weapon damage with maybe 1% Expertise as things currently stand. I have 1600 hp, 25% crit, 1000 base weapon damage and 10% Expertise. Do you think non-50s really stand much of a chance? If you're going to have us fight them, at least bolster their stats to comparable levels to mine.

Edited by revial
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Scoundrel pvp healing sucks indeed. Man , i cant even heal a second. When they disrupt me i cant even use a single heal spell. While if i get disrupted on my Sith inq, i have 4 others spells to heal myself. How the hell can i use upper hand if i never get the chance in pvp to use it? Sith inquisitor healing is so OP against other classes. Its unfair.
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How about instead of PvP brackets, first make it so the queues group people together who are closer in level (no larger than a 3-5 range). I honestly would not mind waiting 5-10 minutes longer in a queue so I wouldn't get my but kicked by a sorcerer who has his talents twice as far as mine and better pvp gear, etc.
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PvP Brackets or better bolstering system - while there isn't consensus on this issue, it is something that is discussed quite often. Both low levels and high levels want brackets, or at least a better bolster system for the low levels to compete better against high levels having more abilities.



Joining from level 10+ allows everyone the chance to compete effectively until people get to level 50. With the gear unbalancing pvp so completely it doesn't make pvp any fun at all. When the opposing team joins up with 4 level 50's that are geared there is nothing that can be done. The gear makes them so overpowering that there is no balance and pvp is not enjoyable whatsoever.


This doesn't come down to skill or even the talents chosen, when the opposing player has over 5k more health than you there is no equality in pvp. Keep the pvp brackets the same for all except those that are level 50, let them have their own bracket.


Lastly, the accommodations received and the price of the gear makes it too easy to gear up. Someone shouldn't have all their level 40 pvp gear purchased by the time they are level 20. Make it challenging and something to work towards. As a company trying to provide a lasting game that pulls people in to play should not have a game that you reach max level and gear within the first month of release. Slow the game down so people can learn to enjoy the game.

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Get rid of the retarded lucky dip system - sick and tired of being valor rank 62+ and having less pvp gear than some valor rank 20-30's who just do dailies and weeklies, get lucky, get geared to the teeth but put in less than 1/10th of the time and effort. Its a joke.
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How to fix Warzone PVP in a few easy steps:


  • Sprint at level 10
  • Tank ACs get taunt, guard, and tank stance at 10
  • Increase bolster effects as much as 30% for low levels, particular sub 20s
  • Introduce optional 50s bracket with choice to queue for next available or only one bracket
  • Remove Expertise from 10-50 bracket. Better yet, remove the stat entirely, it ruins PVP and is counter productive to bolster
  • If you're going to keep Expertise, let it work in the 50s only bracket.



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it's impossible to have fun on pvp while one team is full of 50's totally geared and the other team is low and mid level so you have to face the same team for 3 days in line, i would like to know if anyone on BW is reading this thread, because there are many issues but the level 50 situation is more than a request from some user for what i have readed is mandatory for PVP to work
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PvP Brackets or better bolstering system - while there isn't consensus on this issue, it is something that is discussed quite often. Both low levels and high levels want brackets, or at least a better bolster system for the low levels to compete better against high levels having more abilities.



Joining from level 10+ allows everyone the chance to compete effectively until people get to level 50. With the gear unbalancing pvp so completely it doesn't make pvp any fun at all. When the opposing team joins up with 4 level 50's that are geared there is nothing that can be done. The gear makes them so overpowering that there is no balance and pvp is not enjoyable whatsoever.


This doesn't come down to skill or even the talents chosen, when the opposing player has over 5k more health than you there is no equality in pvp. Keep the pvp brackets the same for all except those that are level 50, let them have their own bracket.


Lastly, the accommodations received and the price of the gear makes it too easy to gear up. Someone shouldn't have all their level 40 pvp gear purchased by the time they are level 20. Make it challenging and something to work towards. As a company trying to provide a lasting game that pulls people in to play should not have a game that you reach max level and gear within the first month of release. Slow the game down so people can learn to enjoy the game.


Thumbs up for the bracket suggestions.


There has to be "balance in the force". Its my first day in SWTOR and I was really excited about PVP battlefield, I got to lvl11 and after a looooong time in the republic fleet deciding what class and crew skills to chose, decided to celebrate by going to my first PVP quest. How disappointed I was to be the lowest lvl and got ... well "gang *****" by people 20-30+ lvls above me. I found it impossible to keep up with my team mates as they had speed skills that left me stumbling along to catch up with them and by the time I got there, the skirmish was over.


I wasn't really a PVP person, but after playing another game last year (I won't mention and NO it was not wow) I was hooked and now LOVE PVP!!! Their PVP was well balanced (brackets 10, 20, 30 etc.) So even if your 9 lvls lower then everyone else, it was still good fun. Sadly SWTOR, this is NOT!


The devs are probably going to sort this as its early days, but devs please don't take too long as I can imagine people who are PVP players will want to cancel their subs. Me however, I'll probably just stick to questing and only PVP for the daily quest. Other then this issue, I'm enjoying SWTOR so far.


Finally, a question if I may. Do we get PVP skills?

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I got to lvl11 [...]and got ... well "gang *****" by people 20-30+ lvls above me. I found it impossible to keep up with my team mates as they had speed skills that left me stumbling along to catch up with them and by the time I got there, the skirmish was over.


Three reasons:

1. No talents or abilities. You don't have your staple rotation yet, so you WILL be weak until 20ish at the latest, though a couple ACs bloom very late from what I hear. I've suggested countless times that especially sub 20s need as much as a 30% extra boost from Bolster.


2. You don't get Sprint till level 14, which is a horrible design choice on Bioware's part. Sprint is FAR too crucial for PVP.


3. Even low level, you can be beneficial. Even at 12 and 13 my vanguard during beta seemed to have an impact. What hit you here, I'm willing to bet, was a mix of inexperience, lacking teamwork on your side, and if the enemy team had any 50s the expertise stat gave them an unfair advantage.

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Bolster needs completey removed and 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50 brackets needs to be implemented immediately.


~PVP Fixed


And then we'd have Rift PVP, one of THE WORST implementations of instanced PVP combat of any themepark MMO.


Just say no to brackets, children.

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I think the system is fine if you removed the 50s to their own bracket. Some of the advantages the higher levels have can be worked around. Bolster works to some extent. Where it falls short is expertise and the lack of skills. Lack of skills i am willing to work around on a lower guy. Pimped out gear i am not willing to work around, though i have tried.


People that are actually geared out at 50 are not balanced with anyone under 50, and that is as simple as it gets. Remove them to their own que. 1-49 brackets should pop better than ever, especially knowing there will not be any 50s beating people down. 50s ques should improve daily as more people get to that point. It might be a bit painful for the 50s currently, but i would think we should be catering to the majority rather than the few who have hit 50 already. You had a few days of farming lowbies, congrats. Now i'm ready for it to be over.

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My story:

I like PvP matches in a game. Its a needed adrenaline fix for me. But it has developed into a daily pain fix instead. I'm not the best player ever, but I'm not the worst. Against my own level I hold my own. But 50s I can't take, not in fair situation. Unless they are complete ******* and that usually dont happen if someone reached 50 at this early stage. Its pretty frustrating.


Two weeks ago I raced to lvl20 to be able to compete on level ground. Last week I raced to level 30 something to be able to compete on level ground. This weak I try to race to lvl 41 to be able to compete at all. I need the ultimate in tree and good 40 gear to boost my char.


I have real trouble in PvP because I meet people at higher levels. So many classes have skill tree synergies that you dont get at lower levels. Add the gear on that and you have **** commin on.


I get a bit frustrated when someone says "go level". Is it too much to ask that you are able to appreciate pvp on your own level? Its frustrating that evidently there is no room for a bit casual play to enjoy the game. Do I need to level 10h per day now to get a good player exprience? Some mates I have just refuse to do it because "they are too low level". Is that ok with you?


Is it too much to ask that you are able to enjoy the game even if you dont have the highest level? If its a design decision to not have brackets or if you think its all working as intended I really want to know why.


I do not mind waiting 10 min if it means I get a fair fight.

Edited by DarthNiktu
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My single complaint is being booted from warzones when it is something out of my control; ie being booted from Civil War because the speeders don't show up or being booted from Huttball because I get stuck (even after using /stuck) in the starting area. I understand the need for the timed kick, but sometimes it is unjust.
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Warzone Filters - it would be okay to have to wait longer just as long as we don't have to be playing Huttball 24/7


Stuff like this makes me love being a Republic player. Come on over! The Dark Side may have cookies, but we have fast and varied queues. In some ways, we (The Republic) dread getting Huttball too, but only because the Empire is getting really good at it.


Allow persistent groups through warzones (so that you do not have to regroup after exiting)


This is an irritation, true, but one that has a simple workaround. I would rather effort be put toward the things that do not have workarounds, such as combat animations and their effect on ability activation.


Combat Log (?) - Is this a real community want?


What sort of sexual favors do I have to perform to make this happen?


Raise commendation cap - 1k is too easy to get. Or allow us to buy more goods with commendations, so that we don't cap at 1k so easily.


Converting to Mercenary will 'save you some room' on the path to 50. Still, I agree, a doubling of the cap would certainly help.


PvP Brackets or better bolstering system - while there isn't consensus on this issue, it is something that is discussed quite often. Both low levels and high levels want brackets, or at least a better bolster system for the low levels to compete better against high levels having more abilities.


The brackets would need some sort of 'opt-out' system or the like. I love the fact that a I can queue up with a 24 Commando guildmate of mine, and that he is still effective. I really dislike the scenario where my guildmates are left out in the cold just because they are working on an alt/have not reached 50 on their main yet, which hard brackets will cause.



As a tank, I frequently run the ball in Huttball. I manage 4 of the 6 points for my team. 2 Medals, no MVP votes.


PvP Healing - besides the issue with raid frames, there just aren't enough ways to incentivize healing in warzones. Healers don't get enough medals, and because they are healing, they don't get enough kills. For example, someone doing 200k damage will get twice the medals that someone doing 400k healing will get!


After seeing the poor returns for healers, they ALWAYS get my MVP vote. Always.




Master Jandor Whitestar (50 Jedi Guardian)

Heir to the Whitestar Legacy

Whitestar Incorporated

Ajunta Pall

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I know I am not the only one who feels totally jilted on aesthetics. In short: consular pvp gear is so ugly. All our gear in general is seriously lacking in aesthetic value, but man- the hooded mummy with butter pat shoulders is really not doing it for me. My commando guild mates get high fives and MVP votes for doing less damage, healing, and objective getting just bc they stand out and look awesome. Really, really lame. Edited by Irullan
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I have had a couple of issue and I would like know if anyone else has experienced them.


My first issue was when I was in a one on one fight with an Imp, I got CCed at the same time my DoT killed him and I got STUCK being CCed. I was floating up in the air for the Remainder of the round and when that round was over, I was STILL CCed in the starting area during round 2. I then of course got kicked by the game for not moving out of the starting area.


My second issue is not a bug per se, but a real annoyance. On more then one occasion I will queue up and get an instant queue into the warzone. The warzone was Voidstar and it had already been created, but had 20 seconds before it would officially start. The game still made me take the speeder to the starting area, so by the time I actually got into the starting area, the force-field was already up and I was not able to join the game. I had to WAIT behind the penalty barrier even though I had not died and I had actually joined the game before it actually started. The slow speeder ride was the ONLY reason I got delayed.


Anyone else have that problem?

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