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Everything posted by Mafdet

  1. I really would love a barber to!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't go without one in games these days. Thinks like changing facial hair , scars , tattoo's haircuts etc is pretty much a must. In the start my scoundrel looked like some kind of young adult, though now i am level 33 and the noble looking gear with capes are avaliable, it's nice to develop my char and add some facial hair to himself.
  2. Scoundrel pvp healing sucks indeed. Man , i cant even heal a second. When they disrupt me i cant even use a single heal spell. While if i get disrupted on my Sith inq, i have 4 others spells to heal myself. How the hell can i use upper hand if i never get the chance in pvp to use it? Sith inquisitor healing is so OP against other classes. Its unfair.
  3. It's at 719-324. those are the coordinates, Its in the glarus valley. Take the path there. Kill the one who posted the whrong coordinates , it took we 2 hours to find it, and yeah... Well good luck above there.
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