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1) more warzones (if anyone at bioware reads this i think you should try to get a couple):

--"battlerfront" warzones in their as if their actually from battlefront 1 or 2[kind-of like alderran warzone].


--"Arena" warzones: like a straight up TDM or FFA


--"space battle" warzones: the "tunnel" in the tunnel shooter makes passes on enemy capital ships/fleet (pve) and enemy players as you try to take them out as you pass (dodging abilities should be given; example: flares for missles) you have a score at the top and who ever does the most damage to the enemy capital ships/fleet (pve) WINS!!!



2) A CHOICE!!! let me choose what type of game i want to play. I really dont want to play hutball and the fact that i have no idea what im about to enter when i click the button to join is upsetting. ALSO!!! the fact that if i miss the spawn door opening dosent mean i should be kicked to the SPACE STAION!!! get a longer timer, spawn somewhere else if afk (maybe the nearest setlement found) and give me a choice or a title heads up that says "your going to play _____"



3) even out factions

- on my republic cahracter im constantly being killed by 1 type of enemy unit: INQUISITORS :mad: (i think there op but then again im no tank sooooo ya.) just try to even plz.



4) more rewards especially for new players...thats about it for this one :p



5) would be cool to have MORE mini-games....A LOT MORE


Well the TOP 2 are the ones that im most concerned about.

PLZ FIX AND UPDATE!!!....then i will love the game (i already almost do:) )


p.s. i am not trying to hate or be mean and if i spell a word wrong...plz dont raise your voice (im talking to any trolls :mad:)

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I've been reading the threads on pvp and have seen a lot of really good arguments for and against various subjects. What I would like to know is if Bioware has seen that lvl 50's need to be in a class of their own, why not the other level brackets. I have been pvping on my main toon and my alts and I find that i go into a match and feel bad since there are so many higher levels. I don't have the abilities nor the damage to really be effective.

It seems logical to me that if i'm lvl 20-29 that i would have the same abilities as other lvl 20-29 players and the same health....it would truly be pvp at that point as it would be based more on player skill and perhaps pvp gear.

Please don't get me wrong...I am not a complainer but just don't understand why there are no pvp level brackets for all warzones?

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Expertise. Please change it or remove it.


Currently, it's only effect is to create an artificial gateway in which those that have expertise compete, and those that do not, do not. With how random warzones are unless you're premading, this makes games very luck-based and frustrating.


But more than this is its strength. Expertise gear is not just an advantage to the player that has it, it is a requirement to even compete. An expertise player vs. a non-expertise player is not a battle in which one player has a good chance of winning over the other because they have invested time into PvP - it is simply a decided match before the players even engage. A full-geared expertise player shreds other level 50s without expertise, because the stat is so powerful.


Because of this, warzones aren't about group tactics, nor are they about player skill and positioning - they are about who has more level 50s in Champion gear. Even the 50s-only bracket will not solve this problem.


I am all for rewarding players who put in the time with better gear - but right now, gear is not an influence on the outcome of a game, it is the only relevant deciding factor.


This severely decreases the enjoyment for players on both sides of the expertise gap - fair competition and tactical matches are much more fun than complete trouncings, no matter if you are the one being trounced, or the one doing the trouncing.


I've heard tell of an idea to make a PvE-exclusive stat instead of a PvP exclusive stat, as PvE content could easily be tuned to require this stat, keeping PvP content smoother. Alternatively, as a much simpler solution, one might simply decrease the effectiveness of Expertise.


Thanks for this thread OP, and thanks for listening to your community, Bioware!

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It probably has been mentioned but it is possible to join a game already in progress, since the deserter debuff begins counting down right away, then due to the screens that seem to randomly appear at the spawn points and before even getting a chance to enter the fights get booted out.


I understand the purpose of the debuff, and it has a good purpose but someone just joining should get some kind of grace period, if you are going to have the screens that prevent players from entering. (after the matches have already started)


Either a grace period or while the match is going those screens need to be removed, if you are worried about players getting up there and camping the spawn point make it so players can leave, (again once the match begins) but players can not re-enter or place it out of the range of any one with a leaping ability.

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Unlike many players in this thread I find the game to be very balanced at 50 in equal gear (which is all that matters). As developers stick to internal testing. The WoW forums have just as much crying and complaining and anyone who tells you WoW is more balanced simply hasn't hit endgame.


However there are some GLARING issues.


1) Mirrored classes not having same cooldowns on same abilities or flat out different abilities, or republic completely screwed over on talents. Example. Flash Bang and Flash grenade. IA cooldown = 60 seconds. Smuggler Cooldown =90 seconds. Needs to be fixed pronto. IA heal spec has 30 percent crit bonus, scoundrel heal spec has 15 percent crit bonus. So the smuggler class gets screwed over TWICE on cooldowns/abilities.


2) Animations. I don't care what you do but make it so that republic is not screwed in pvp/pve dmg output. Simplify them, take out half the frames, we don't care. Mirror the spells. Mirror the weapons. Make the republic animations the same but a different color. Right now the animations favor the empire in every single way.


Example. If a assassin sees a scoundrel in stealth he can immediately hit them with a shock to take them out and screw over their opener. If a shadow sees one he hits project and the delay costs him his life. It also screws republic over keeping people off nodes/caps. There is no way in hell I would play a sage over a sorcerer or a shadow over an assassin for this reason alone. Smugglers are even worse off, but it doesn't matter. Animations alone are enough for people not to play a class.


3) Delays due to animations. Example? Just about everything on a scoundrel. You have delays of two seconds where the game is equipping a shotgun or a pistol. There are times I have to wait 2 seconds or more to even backblast someone after shoot first.


Example: Trooper. Again 2 second delays on things like stock strike. Again this can cost you your life


The rest of the problems you have already talked about. Love that there will be visible markers on guard and who is guarding etc.


Also this game does NOT need macros. If someone wants to use an expertise pot or trinket ? They should have to hit a button. All macros will do is make this game WAY too easy. You already have specs like a balance sage and madness sorc that presses a dot and spams one button waiting on a proc. Is melee hard to play well? Sure. I like the fact that good melee stand out though. There ARE easy classes for people to play and to get better on before they attempt some of the harder classes.


Should the game have a mouseover option for healers? Perhaps but this is going to make healers much more powerful over night and you may have to later balance the game because the ease of play on healers would go way up.


I also like that you are taking a slow approach to addons. Addons that tell people when someones pvp trinket are down are simply gamebreaking, as are addons like "healbot".

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What scares me is all the problems that we've been warning about is serious problems. I mean "unresponsive skills" or "useless skills that has no effect on players even it says so" and "the current combat dynamics which requires almost no thinking or a single brain cell since the variety of the skills". I mean if you are developing a game these are the most important things that you need to work on. Or Is Bioware just trying to say that they do not care about pvp.
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I would like to play against some different people for once aka from other servers, and not ONE guild from my own. Talk about frustrating when there are 6 of them every PvP round.


As a lot of people have mentioned, the spell delay is very annoying. Jolt (an interruption spell) is almost worthless to use, it seems. By the time it registers, the players ability has already gone off.


Mostly what I want though is to play against other servers!!! Get a break from the same people, especially when servers do not seem to be that large to begin with.


PS: Lastly, I know a lot of people are complanining about brackets. I want this for sure. It's not fair that even as 49 and going against a 50, my health is shot down halfway literally by one hit. If I have 12,025 health, and I am getting hit for over 6k. Where is the fun and fairness in that? It's like being in WoW with twinks in the 10-19 bracket.

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Everyone is all making fantastic points in this thread!


Now my main question is - IS BioWare listening? What are they planning to fix?


I want to know, because I subbed for 3 months at a time and need to decide if I will change it to monthly,, My Subscription depends on their action or lack of it at this point.


They need to realize that PvP is that important to maintaining player base.. Agree?



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Everyone is all making fantastic points in this thread!


Now my main question is - IS BioWare listening? What are they planning to fix?


I want to know, because I subbed for 3 months at a time and need to decide if I will change it to monthly,, My Subscription depends on their action or lack of it at this point.


They need to realize that PvP is that important to maintaining player base.. Agree?




*thumbs up* They need to get a move on before they lose a lot of people. It would be sad; this game has so much potential.

Edited by Mystprime
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Just got off a Alderaan civil war and thought i might add to how frustrating it is to meet premade after premade. Random people dont have a chance at getting any objectives done. I like the amount of exp and valor etc. that u redeem from playing. But getting farmed is not what i had in mind when joining in. An bracket for levels is needed indeed. Im trying not to be too "whiny" but it really takes the fun out of pvp unless you're on the other team i guess. :o
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Good effort this thread.


After finally getting to 50 yesterday, only tonight did I realize how broken world pvp is in Swtor: the first time I did the Illum daily and weekly; click some walkers, take some turns, done in maybe 20 minutes. Kind of ironic how the only incentives to fight players in the open world stimulates players not fighting eachother at all ... After completing the daily and weekly there is no incentive to do any kind of world pvp whatsoever.


After that it was off to do more Warzones; 5 Huttballs in a row against premade teams who wooped our asses. That didn't really improve my mood, to say the least, haha.


It looks more and more like pvp was added as an afterthought to me. Not so much the combat and balance itself, which is fun and pretty good for a newly released game, but the content and the mechanics as of now are so disappointing it isn't even funny.


Really hoping 1.1 will change my perception in this regard. If not I can't see myself keeping interest for much longer.

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I still find it that too many classes have stuns and break-out-of-stuns to be balanced.


that and this


*Melee "out of range" bug is driving me crazy. I hope it will be fixed soon.*



killed Warhammer Online, so gl swtor, you are next if you dont get on it not fast but NOW.

People will soon be bored with story element, and "dog on a leash" mode this game is givin them, so pvp and endgame is all you have, and tbh, you ****ed it up completely.

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It's pathetic to see people crying about losing to premades. Do you really think that there can be any sort of queue system that effectively seperates premades from groups of random people at this point in time?


PvP in this game, as with any other game with battlegrounds/warzones, is team based. If you have good communication and teamwork, you deserve to win.

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It's pathetic to see people crying about losing to premades. Do you really think that there can be any sort of queue system that effectively seperates premades from groups of random people at this point in time?


PvP in this game, as with any other game with battlegrounds/warzones, is team based. If you have good communication and teamwork, you deserve to win.


The chances are slimmer I believe with CS. I don't like being farmed by one guild haha. Cant do anything about it either. Hopefully a lot of major concerns are dealt with very soon before it kills Pvp or the game

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Ignoring class balance again, people still complain about being in lvl 50 matches and there would be no issue with that if empire wasnt overpowered and melee were viable, other than tank and operatives.


sigh - why do people like you exist ? HOW can one faction be overpowered when they both have the SAME CLASSES, SAME SKILLS, SAME GEAR just different names!


people like you should just not exist in this world, it would be a better place

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sigh - why do people like you exist ? HOW can one faction be overpowered when they both have the SAME CLASSES, SAME SKILLS, SAME GEAR just different names!


people like you should just not exist in this world, it would be a better place

They're not identical, they're similar.


There's a difference.

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Class balance is total CRAP, like most MMOs. You have WAY to many stuns and WAY to many ways to break stuns, BUT the real problem is your lack of deminishing returns.


With that many stuns, its easy to be held out of the game until you die and never even move an inch. Sith and jedi being able to Leap to someone in huttball and skip through the map is rediculous and shouldnt be allowed if your carrying the ball.


Thats just like 2 things that wasnt thought through and is stupid. Alot of people myself included think the Sith lightning needs a NERF badly. Its way to strong and cooloff is way to friggin short.


I mean holy crap, you have people that are 40 in a Battleground fighting against lvl 10 people.

Who the hell CARES if you scale the lower people with health and a bit of power for what skills they have.?


You still have to deal with a player that has a BUTTLOAD of skills that just mow down players simply because its a HIGH LVL SKILL with outragous dmg.


Also would it really really be that hard to take the vendors with gear and actually make it so you can look at the armor or items by lvl? I mean COME ON, its already bad enough you cant put lvl gear on the same vendor. You had to mix it up with a whole bunch of other crap and you cant sort it properly.


I know one things for certain. Every person you see playing the OVER POWERED CLASSES, and you know who im talking about, is already reaching MAX lvl from just playing Battlegrounds, and will be fully geared to the teeth and impossible to deal with on opening day in battlegrounds OR out in world PVP.


This same kinda crap happened in ALOT of MMO's and im here to tell you, it did nothing but RUIN the game and LOSE subscribers, all because the company FAILED to address the issues and straighten it out befor final release.


Watch and see. Fix the Overpowered classes NOW, or your games going to suffer hard core, just like the others did.

You know which ones are the OP class. Its not that hard to find out, if you actually watch a battleground or pvp, and crunch the numbers.


Hell you dont have to nerf the OP classes. Just fix the ones that ARENT OP.

My 2 cents on which class i personally play and wanna see fixed is the commando. Its the one i like the idea of in a game and sadly i think it has issues that need fixed.


Great DPS as far as that goes, but to me it feels like shooting a BB gun.

1000 BB's fast with crap damage is still crap damage. making us stand still like a statue and get beat to death trying to live long enough to pull off a channeled ability that should OBVIOUSLY BE INSTANT CAST is stupid. They arent mobile and dont have enough staying power to live and get the job done.


Over half of there channeled stuff cant even be used in battlegrounds and plinking with standard shots is a waste of time. It simply doesnt do enough damage.


The only way you can channel anything is if they dont even hit you at all. The pushback for the abilities just sucks and the points to help the pushback in the talent trees is so pathetically a waste of points, its not even funny.


The percentage on things like plasma cell to ignite the target and then the dmg it does for a LONG duration befor it reachs the terrible total its supposed to do , is dumb and you wont live to see the thing tick enough dmg to even dent most players.


The assault tree just plain SUCKS. Even building it to help plasma cell it STILL SUCKS.


This write up started because of how messed up you have pvp right now and ends with my personal thoughts on my character class, the commando.


Its my opinion and anyone that doesnt like it, well tough crapola.

Bottom line is FIX the pvp and the classes NOW befor opening game day, or youll just find the same problem as every other company that was to stupid to do it befor it was to late.


i agree with said statement haha, balance is crap, but is expected with a new release, just hoping it gets btr

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anyone else finding it imbalanaced that ppl can jump from bottom up to where the line for goal is on hutt ball ?

this way they can avoid all the fire things and score easy

same with pulling friendly units (whoever can)

my force pull works only on enemy


imo when used they should drop the ball like when using stealth for eg.

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