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Am I the only one who hates The Coast WZ?


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Its been almost a month now and when I see it pop up on my screen I cringe. When I am grouped with a buddy of mine in vent and it pops up on our screen we both let out a "Oh - - - - (fill in your own expletive here)." I play republic only and just by going off how it seems to us it just feels like we always lose the match to the Imps. It feels like none of the Republic players know what the hell to do. We play on Fatman so we definitely have a decent player base.


Does anyone else feel this way or just hate this WZ in general? I was super excited about this WZ being added and look forward to more still, but it just always feels like some kind of messed up blender of clusterfuggliness when played. Even when we win it still does not feel like we actually came away with an accomplishment and the feeling that its finally over outweighs any good feeling about the match in general...

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I also dislike it. For me the biggest problem I have with it is the unbalanced size of the map. They need to stretch the distance between West and East. As the map stands right now, East and West are closer to each other than they are to the South. This actually makes it easier to zerg-defend the East and West. Another added bonus to holding East-West is that you can see how many people spawn from the enemy base, and you can easily track their movements and call out where they're going.


My other problem with this map is the respawn/door timer. There's just something about the door's timer that just doesn't jive with me. IMO it either needs to be reduced or lengthened, I'm leaning toward lengthen. As it stands many times when I die I just spawn and rush back outta the base.


I suppose what I'd try and do is space out East and West a little more, lengthen the door timer on respawns, but to also balance these out, I'd probly also lengthen the Turret "tick" times like 2 seconds extra or so. Not a huge difference, but kinda makes up for the extra time I've just put into it.


Basically the ONLY thing I like about this map is that in order to win you have to hold 2 turrets, so there's not really a point where you just tell your team to pack it in and just camp your 1 turret for a few Defender Medals

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Its been almost a month now and when I see it pop up on my screen I cringe. When I am grouped with a buddy of mine in vent and it pops up on our screen we both let out a "Oh - - - - (fill in your own expletive here)." I play republic only and just by going off how it seems to us it just feels like we always lose the match to the Imps. It feels like none of the Republic players know what the hell to do. We play on Fatman so we definitely have a decent player base.


Does anyone else feel this way or just hate this WZ in general? I was super excited about this WZ being added and look forward to more still, but it just always feels like some kind of messed up blender of clusterfuggliness when played. Even when we win it still does not feel like we actually came away with an accomplishment and the feeling that its finally over outweighs any good feeling about the match in general...


No and I play more then most by a mile.

Coast WZ is just as much fun as any of the others. Matter of fact the worst is Huttball as the team make up is OP.


If you get a bad team make up in Huttball you are just screwed 4 ways from sunday. In Coast WZ not so much.


Only thing I do not like is the Juggernauts being able to get on the roof. This is just OP for that class.

Imagine the screams if a Sage/Sorc could just stay there and blowing people off while blowing them up on the ground.

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I actually enjoy the coast, the possibility that the match isn't over until someone hits 0 has insipred some good matches that i've been in. Where as Alderaan, as soon as it's mathematically impossible to win without holding all 3 nodes and most of the team will just retreat to the one node they have and wait till 0.
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Novare Coast offers the most tactically diverse WZ environment in the game so far.

It's the best, semi-open field WZ we have.


The basic system can be expanded with a bit larger version of the map, and the developers can easily make it a base for a new, larger scale WZ, IMO.

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I also dislike it. For me the biggest problem I have with it is the unbalanced size of the map. They need to stretch the distance between West and East. As the map stands right now, East and West are closer to each other than they are to the South. This actually makes it easier to zerg-defend the East and West. Another added bonus to holding East-West is that you can see how many people spawn from the enemy base, and you can easily track their movements and call out where they're going.


My other problem with this map is the respawn/door timer. There's just something about the door's timer that just doesn't jive with me. IMO it either needs to be reduced or lengthened, I'm leaning toward lengthen. As it stands many times when I die I just spawn and rush back outta the base.


I suppose what I'd try and do is space out East and West a little more, lengthen the door timer on respawns, but to also balance these out, I'd probly also lengthen the Turret "tick" times like 2 seconds extra or so. Not a huge difference, but kinda makes up for the extra time I've just put into it.


Basically the ONLY thing I like about this map is that in order to win you have to hold 2 turrets, so there's not really a point where you just tell your team to pack it in and just camp your 1 turret for a few Defender Medals


Yeah, but the walk to one of them is always like twice as long for one team respawners when looking at east and west so thats the one you SHOULD be able to get back.


If you can't get back the point that was closest to your teams based you were doomed anyways

Edited by Lt_Latency
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The Coast sucks. Y'all can pretend that you love it.


The nodes are so far apart from each other that most of the time team's have 2-3 members doing nothing but running and guarding. The reduced size of warzone teams makes it so that there are lots of 'dead' spots.


A game like RIFT had large-sized warzone raids, and on a spread map you always were running into teams and scouts. But on Coast games, the dead time just blows.

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I dislike the map because it let's republic shine at being terrible, having the majority of your team camp the south base while 2 or 3 try and defend either west or east get's old real fast. They just don't seem to understand the warzone at all, mind you the same could apply to all the other warzones too.
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For me its: Hutball>Alderaan>Voidstar>Coast with Huttball and Alderaan being really close. Even when I lose Huttball I still enjoy it and the "sport game" type atmosphere makes it less serious. Its almost like the two sides decided that putting bombs on doors, coastal raids, and taking key objectives for The War is getting to them and they want a break. Reminds me of a news story I heard where someone (can't remember if it was journalists or people from the military had a paintball match against some terrorists recently.)


Anyway once I hit 50 maybe The Coast will be different, but pre-50 I just cannot stand it. It just seems that most people who play it really do not have a clue.


And for the person who said they hated Huttball when the team had too many Sorc's on it, well thats any WZ. When you get 6 of them on one team something is wrong and the group finder tool is seriously messed up. I would rather wait another 10 mins than be on a match where 6 sorc's are on it. There has to be some kind of root command they can put into the code that limits any class to a maximum of 4 per match. 6 snipers is overkill, 6 BH's is awful, 6 Juggernauts is terrible, 6 of anything just basically sucks... That includes 6 people in their teens (both their level and their age;) )

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I don't hate it, but I was disappointed that the basic concept is the same as Civil War. With only a few warzones, you'd think they would've come up with something different. I don't like the capture-and-hold because it requires someone to watch the one you hold and possibly have no one to fight for a large portion of the match. That's boring and stupid and I usually give that poor guy my vote if that poor guy isn't me. I will say that NC isn't quite as bad as CW in this regard, as the action tends to spread out among the capture points a little better.
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I don't hate it, but I was disappointed that the basic concept is the same as Civil War. With only a few warzones, you'd think they would've come up with something different. I don't like the capture-and-hold because it requires someone to watch the one you hold and possibly have no one to fight for a large portion of the match. That's boring and stupid and I usually give that poor guy my vote if that poor guy isn't me. I will say that NC isn't quite as bad as CW in this regard, as the action tends to spread out among the capture points a little better.

You must not be an Imp on my Server then lol. I am constantly trying to 1v1 steal the "other" turret, it's quite fun actually (lvl 50 Shadow). A teammate and I yesterday attacked the right side a little after the start. We ended up losing the battle cause he ended up getting 2 to help him (3v2). I spawned and flew back down, stealthed over to the right and it was just 1 Juggy defending (again). So I just Mind Mazed him capped the turret (LoS helped too). The previous fight we had, he already used his control breaker (2 min CD). It felt kinda dirty, but I know that anyone would do the same to me if they could :)

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Its not bad, but it wasn't worth the hype for what is essentially a reskinned Alderaan, which is currently the worst WZ by far.


You can call it a reskinned Alderaan, and in the most basic form it is, but it's also different. Novare isn't over until it's actually over. Your bunker could have 4% health, theirs 100% and you could still win since you need 2 to cause any damage to the bunker. Unlike Alderaan where you get can get far enough behind that you need to three cap to win. That scenario isn't that far fetched either, i've been in a Novare where we had 16% left, they had 88%, we capped two and held on to win, not a single bit of damage more to our bunker. If that had been Alderaan and that far of a spread, it would have already been over.

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I also dislike it. For me the biggest problem I have with it is the unbalanced size of the map. They need to stretch the distance between West and East. As the map stands right now, East and West are closer to each other than they are to the South. This actually makes it easier to zerg-defend the East and West. Another added bonus to holding East-West is that you can see how many people spawn from the enemy base, and you can easily track their movements and call out where they're going.


My other problem with this map is the respawn/door timer. There's just something about the door's timer that just doesn't jive with me. IMO it either needs to be reduced or lengthened, I'm leaning toward lengthen. As it stands many times when I die I just spawn and rush back outta the base.


I suppose what I'd try and do is space out East and West a little more, lengthen the door timer on respawns, but to also balance these out, I'd probly also lengthen the Turret "tick" times like 2 seconds extra or so. Not a huge difference, but kinda makes up for the extra time I've just put into it.


Basically the ONLY thing I like about this map is that in order to win you have to hold 2 turrets, so there's not really a point where you just tell your team to pack it in and just camp your 1 turret for a few Defender Medals


I think the distance between W and E is perfect. If E and W were farther apart, then the map becomes extremely simple. Each side takes their respective turret, and there's only a fight at S. Since W and E are so far apart, it would not be viable to try to get them both, nor hold them both.


The gate timers seem fine to me. I really hate getting stuck behind gates (esp in VS). I love NC because it allows for crazy comebacks. I've been in more than a few games where either my team or the enemy team made a comeback after being down to 2%. I also love the way the control points are designed. One person can't stop a group of people from capping like they can in CW or VS. A team can spread out and click on the console that no single aoe can interrupt them all.

Edited by Smashbrother
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