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Share the LS/DS gains that made you facepalm


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Naaah, that shock just NEVER gets old.





My favorite being on the return to Nar Shaddaa for the lightsaber. "Oh and before I forget....[shock, shock, lightning, shock]" :D I must of laughed for days after that one.

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LS points for leaving a sith holocron to teach force-sensitive Rakghouls to use the force, knowing it had been teaching them to draw power by abducting colonists and torturing them to death.


Because with no one to teach them, they'd stick with the dark side for sure.


Yes, really. Consular storyline.


That's a generic side quest available to everyone I do believe, not just the Consular.

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I do not understand the "kill the murdering psychotic who is sure to kill a huge number of people in the future" as DS vs "let them go on their merry way" as LS. If there was a "lock them up forever" option I could see killing them as DS, but there's no way that letting murdering psychotics run rampant is in any way LS. And there are a lot of them - I've run across this particular choice on a number of different toons in different storylines.


And yes, I understand the "killing is DS" argument, but it isn't applied across the board through the game so it's not a definitive reason for these types of choices. I've just come to the conclusion that as concerned about justice as my toons typically are, they're all probably going to have a few DS points on their record.

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The one that really pissed me off is from a quest in imperial Balmorra bonus series.


So basically some imperial officer orders to kill the villagers despite the fact that they wanted to supply the food to the empire.


The light side choice is to punish/dispose of him. While the dark side is to let yourself get bribed and let him do more stupid things that would undermine the empire.


That's just stupid. Looks like BioWare's idea of Sith is to let yourself be bribed by some incompetent worm and by that letting his incompetence sabotage the imperial effort. It's beyond ridiculous. A true Sith and dark side option would be to kill the guy and then take the credits he was offering as a bribe while at the same time making imperial military a great favour.

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I do not understand the "kill the murdering psychotic who is sure to kill a huge number of people in the future" as DS vs "let them go on their merry way" as LS. If there was a "lock them up forever" option I could see killing them as DS, but there's no way that letting murdering psychotics run rampant is in any way LS. And there are a lot of them - I've run across this particular choice on a number of different toons in different storylines.


And yes, I understand the "killing is DS" argument, but it isn't applied across the board through the game so it's not a definitive reason for these types of choices. I've just come to the conclusion that as concerned about justice as my toons typically are, they're all probably going to have a few DS points on their record.


It's like I said before - the game applies a very Kantian perspective to morality, for the most part: some acts are "good" and some are "bad", regardless of the consequences. Killing an unarmed person is (almost?) always bad, regardless of how many lives such an act may ultimately save. And not turning in an effective Senator for taking illegal money is bad too, even if she's the greatest Senator ever and even if the alternative would be worse for the entire galaxy.


For the game, right/wrong is fairly simple, and it might be, if you never look at the consequences.

Edited by jgelling
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I generally feel like I have a good handle on why some most choices are lightside or darkside. The only time I really felt like they should have been reversed was on Alderaan when one Organa military leader asks you to rescue his daughter from House Rist. The Lightside option is to continue to allow an untrained young woman to help your war effort despite endangering herself and her father's protests and the darkside option is to tell her to get to safety.
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The one that really pissed me off is from a quest in imperial Balmorra bonus series.


So basically some imperial officer orders to kill the villagers despite the fact that they wanted to supply the food to the empire.


The light side choice is to punish/dispose of him. While the dark side is to let yourself get bribed and let him do more stupid things that would undermine the empire.


That's just stupid. Looks like BioWare's idea of Sith is to let yourself be bribed by some incompetent worm and by that letting his incompetence sabotage the imperial effort. It's beyond ridiculous. A true Sith and dark side option would be to kill the guy and then take the credits he was offering as a bribe while at the same time making imperial military a great favour.


Yup that quest annoys me as well I was wondering were is my option to force choke him to death or shove a lighting bolt up his *** or just execute him. Thats why I personally don't do that quest since its out of character for my IA, SW and SI when dealing with him.


They would not take a bribe or report him since if you are sith you are the authority and if you are an IA you outrank him. I was wondering were was the option to execute him so he can be replaced you can do that with the diplomat officer on nar shaada and the shadow syndicate I don't know why they will not give us the option for that guy.

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On Tython: where revealing that two young people are in love earns DS points. Honestly, I think trying to end their relationship should be the DS choice, not ratting on them to the Jedis.


Got it a bit backwards there. Ratting on them gets you LS points, whereas lying to the Masters gets you DS points. However, if you go back after you lie to the Masters and convince them to give up their relationship -and after seeing the girl's possessive jealous nature, her bf sees the sense in it- you can make the mission a wash LS/DS wise since it gives the same points LS as you got DS for lying in the first place.


That, and you don't feel like a dirty snitch. :D

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Yup that quest annoys me as well I was wondering were is my option to force choke him to death or shove a lighting bolt up is *** or just execute him. Thats why I personally don't do that quest since its out of character for my IA, SW and SI when dealing with him.


They would not take a bribe or report him since if you are sith you are the authority and if your IA you outrank him. I was wondering were was the option to execute him so he can be replaced you can do that with the diplomat officer on nar shaada and the shadow syndicate I don't know why they will not give us the option for that guy.



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LS points for leaving a sith holocron to teach force-sensitive Rakghouls to use the force, knowing it had been teaching them to draw power by abducting colonists and torturing them to death.


Because with no one to teach them, they'd stick with the dark side for sure.


Yes, really. Consular storyline.


I thought that was a Jedi holocron.

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Got it a bit backwards there. Ratting on them gets you LS points, whereas lying to the Masters gets you DS points. However, if you go back after you lie to the Masters and convince them to give up their relationship -and after seeing the girl's possessive jealous nature, her bf sees the sense in it- you can make the mission a wash LS/DS wise since it gives the same points LS as you got DS for lying in the first place.


That, and you don't feel like a dirty snitch. :D


If I remember correctly, if you do that you end up with more LS points tha DS points. I think it is:


1. report them. +50 LS

2. lie to the masters. +50 DS


if you chose 2. and go back to them:


1. let them continue. +0

2. convince them to end the romance. +150 LS

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Actually, from what I remember, that issue seemed fairly clear cut.



The senator in question wasn't corrupt (that we know). He simply wanted to break ties with the jedi and side with the sith He (or at least his page) didn't appear to make any pretense at anything else. People are entitled to their views. He's entitled to his. Now, how'd he get elected with those views? No clue. Maybe he managed to keep them secret. Certainly doesn't seem to be keeping them secret anymore. Maybe his constituents happen to have the same views? We have no idea what was in the diplomatic parcel. For all we know it's pictures of him in womens lingerie he was sending to his kinky wife that would be used to blackmail him to keep silent/resign. Seems skirting the democratic (or republic) process like that would be pretty darkside.


The bottom line on that one is that the Senator is not doing anything illegal. You're turning him in and ruining his career for something he has the political freedom to do. We don't have any reason to think that he was about to start selling state secrets or anything. All we know is that he's talking to the Sith about some form of cooperative communication.

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Early on in the IA storyline (on Hutta), if you have a female character:



There's a Zabrak trying to blackmail you, and if you sleep with him to get him off your back you get LS points.




That said, at least it's better than the half-*****ed implementation of LS/DS decisions in some of the flashpoints (Hammer Station, Athiss, etc.) , where there's just some big machine halfway through the instance that will either kill everyone or let them live. At least someone put some thought into those dialogue choices, even if they don't quite work out.


That's because the dark side choice is killing him. I think you can bribe him as well. I have a couple of agents (for leveling with various people), and killing him felt best out of all the options.

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[Threaten Child]


Lol, I know it's unequivocally dark, but it was just so ridiculously over the top, with absolutely no middle ground there...




I feel like returning the supplies to the refugees and ignoring the hurt troops would have been neutral, while there should have been an option 3 to donate money or track down more supplies as the LS one...


I can see why one is LS and the other DS, but still... (ie. asking you to decide if it's better to help the helpless or those with large infrastructure/corruption issues--Republic military on Ord Mantell doesn't have the most sterling reputation either). Choice was just binary to a silly degree....

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Two quests that had me bewildered on DS/LS:


On Belsavis, inquisitor has the choice to free Mother (who cures you of the bodily deterioration of forcewalking illness) or force her to cure you without freeing her. Freeing her is dark side. Forcing her to cure you without freeing her is light side. Go figure.


Sith warrior teams up with a Jedi to go after Baras' sister on Belsavis. She's a real doozy too, killing the apprentice sent to free her just because she feels like it. Anyway, after you defeat her, your choice is to imprison her forever or kill her. Killing her is darkside and imprisoning her forever is light.


Neither of those made much sense to me. Imprisonment for thousands of years instead of a quick death?

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The bottom line on that one is that the Senator is not doing anything illegal. You're turning him in and ruining his career for something he has the political freedom to do. We don't have any reason to think that he was about to start selling state secrets or anything. All we know is that he's talking to the Sith about some form of cooperative communication.


But there in lies the problem for some people. Yes you are correct, he has not done anything illegal but is he now flirting upon the unethical? Is he, in short, consorting with the enemy? Which is why it was such a hard choice for me to make, and in my opinion made it such a good LS/DS dilemma. Do I agree with the confines of what the Republic stands for and allow him to represent his people as he sees fit and let the people decide if he is right or wrong or do I think there is an inherent danger in allowing that kind of thinking to go unchecked and possibly bring about something worse then what has already happened? Right or left? Yin or yang? Up or down? Inside or out?


Not surprisingly the other "moral" dilemma in this regards is nearly a mirror image, do I allow someone who is honestly trying to do good and be a good person get away with using less than legal means or do I blow the lid on it and let the people decide what is going to happen to her? In that sense Bioware actually created a great juxtaposition and really did make you stop and think for a minute (or more for some people, myself included).

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Two quests that had me bewildered on DS/LS:


On Belsavis, inquisitor has the choice to free Mother (who cures you of the bodily deterioration of forcewalking illness) or force her to cure you without freeing her. Freeing her is dark side. Forcing her to cure you without freeing her is light side. Go figure.


Sith warrior teams up with a Jedi to go after Baras' sister on Belsavis. She's a real doozy too, killing the apprentice sent to free her just because she feels like it. Anyway, after you defeat her, your choice is to imprison her forever or kill her. Killing her is darkside and imprisoning her forever is light.


Neither of those made much sense to me. Imprisonment for thousands of years instead of a quick death?


I didn't think that the quest implied she would survive for thousands of years longer than her normal lifespan in the prison.

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Sith warrior teams up with a Jedi to go after Baras' sister on Belsavis. She's a real doozy too, killing the apprentice sent to free her just because she feels like it. Anyway, after you defeat her, your choice is to imprison her forever or kill her. Killing her is darkside and imprisoning her forever is light.


Neither of those made much sense to me. Imprisonment for thousands of years instead of a quick death?


I believe it's LS because killing her forces you to fight the Jedi.

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Black Talon.


Kill the general. Darkside points.

Capture him knowing that the rest of his life will be spent being tortured. Lightside.


Always bothered me as well.. Sith torture isn't that fun when you're on the receiving end.



In this game ANY smart tactical designs leads to the dark side, I have no idea how the jedi ever win any wars.


I'd say it's the opposite playing an imperial. Want to use people, conserve resources or make any tactical choice? Lightside. Darkside mainly goes towards "RAARGH! PAIN! KILL!"

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I believe it's LS because killing her forces you to fight the Jedi.


It doesn't force you to fight him. That decision is seperate and comes later.


That quest was kind of weird though. Killing her immediately gets darkside points, but gloating and then killing her a few seconds later despite TImnns' protests gets you none.

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Nar Shadaa Bonus Series. I could (should) have let that Republic civilian transport fleeing the planet go (full of military families)....but I chose to have it blown outta the sky.


That one haunted me for a while. Some apprentice also gave me crap for it at the spaceport. Khem Val was delighted tho.

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It doesn't force you to fight him. That decision is seperate and comes later.


That quest was kind of weird though. Killing her immediately gets darkside points, but gloating and then killing her a few seconds later despite TImnns' protests gets you none.


Actually, there's a third option which if I recall correctly didn't change your alignment (my memory is a bit hazy) and that was to basically force Timmns to kill her for you, so he would take the dark side hit. I quite liked that one, it might have awards DS points but in this particular case it made sense.

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That isn't true. In some cases, it is true, in other cases it is false. For example, in the Bounty Hunter storyline you are given a last minute choice: bring the target alive to the Hutts (DS) or kill them on the spot (LS). The reasons are obvious: let him live and be tortured by the Hutts (DS) or kill in quickly and cleanly (LS). The difference isn't in whether someone lives or dies, but why and how.


There are 2 quests like this and both in BH line. One is endless torturing with a death at the end and another is greatest dishonor possible for trandotian. Afaik - the only 2 quests in the game where death of some NP gives you light points. The rest is simple - leave NPC alive and get LP, kill - and get DP.



But the most ridiculous still with Mother Machine on Belsavis for SI. Why on earth enslaving her was DS is beyond my understanding.

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A DS choice that confused me was the SW Balmorra dialogue before the boss battle:

Option 1: Kill the Republic Commander. (DS points) Option 2: Tell Baras' spy to kill the Republic Commander. (DS Points). Option 3: Tell Baras' spy to reveal himself to the Republic Commander. (No alignment points)

It's been about a month since I was at that part, so it may have not been exactly that.


I was very confused after that, the 3rd option seems much darker to me then the other 2.

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But the most ridiculous still with Mother Machine on Belsavis for SI. Why on earth enslaving her was DS is beyond my understanding.


I get what they were going for with this one, but it was communicated very poorly(as many things in the SI storyline were). The idea is supposed to be that the the DS choice is seeking more power without concern for what the consequences of your actions are(because the Mother machine promises to make you more powerful if you release her so she can go on her genocidal rampage). The lightside choice is to just gett what you need without unleashing a horrible monster onto the galaxy. However the dialogue does a very poor job of conveying the implications of the decision and the way the choices are set up doesn't help(I think one of the LS options was either "No" or "*insert key*").



Side note, the Mother Machine is simply crazy, as we know from the Dawn of the Jedi comic series that at least some of the races that she supposedly created existed prior to the decline of the Infinite Empire(which is when the Rakata started to use her). So who knows what she does if she is released from the controls the Rakata put in her programming.


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