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Sentinel/Marauder - The Problem is NOT DPS.


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best offensive with the best defensive cooldowns. thats the problem

I agree that this is the problem.


The FIX: Make it so that they lose 50% of there damage when they pop defensive cooldowns.

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Marauders and Juggs are the only two classes that need to be within melee range of opponents to deal 99.9% of their damage. Sins and powertechs are not nullified by range. Sins have perma stealth and strong defensive CDs, powertechs have weak defensive CDs with heavy armor but are compensated with absurd burst damage.
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If you're saying that Pyro PT's have good mobility then you're wrong. We are a MELEE class but we have no leaps and no speed boosts. Yes we can engage at range but we have to waste time to actually run up to you so we can Rocket Punch and Flame Burst. We also have no way of getting out of a fight. Maras/Sents can pop stealth and run but when we get into combat its a fight to the death and the only way to live is to actually kill the person.


Just because your two abilities reset the CD on rail shot does not make you a melee class. You can sacrifice that damage to sit at range for added survivability. Sit at 30m and just shoot people with your other skills. I don't have that enjoyment.


And are you kidding me? You have just as good of mobility as a marauder. You can pull people to me.


You have a 30m range on pretty much all your abilities, a pull, heavy armor, stupid burst, guard, taunt, a single target cc, an AOE cc, ability to spec for the best interrupt potential in the game (Yes you can do it even better than marauders), and you're complaining about some other class. Seriously c'mon now, work with what you're given.


PT's are fine.

Marauders are fine.

Assassins are fine.


This game is fine.



Not entirely true. That fight is CD dependent and very close. You could easily lose to a Mara if deflect and/or shroud is down. Or if the mara bubbles and gets healed.



Assassins are like a 50-50 fight against a marauder. You have nothing to complain about when going up against them. Your Or point is pretty retarded btw.

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If you take away there defensive cool downs they need pushes and more CC.


They get good defensive cool downs because their control is garbage and their positioning is garbage, They have to be in melee range to do anything

Edited by Lt_Latency
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I'd still argue Force Shroud is greater than Undying Rage any day of the week. Although their other cooldowns trump what Sins have as a whole :D


Then you're silly. Force Shroud protects you from Force/Tech attacks but my melee abilities can still hit you. UDR reduces ALL damage by 99% for 5 seconds.

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Healers have the best self healing, unless we are really trying to compare the 10-30k a Marauder can self heal to the 500k a healer can drop. Marauders have the best on demand survivablility, because melee dps has the most demand i.e. they have to be in range of their attackers to attack, and no heavy armor. Best single target damage is a limitation, when compared to best overall damage, and they only have that BECAUSE of their defensive CD's. These are not separate, you cut a Marauder's survival in half, their DPS is also cut in half, and you have a "pure damage" class putting up the same damage totals as a healer. Everything else you mentioned is not specific to Marauders or Sentinels.


In that post you quote i said "One DPS Class" as in one of out all the DPS classes. Of course healers can heal better, THEY ARE HEALERS. Sentinels do INSANE damage, I have played 4 classes in 50 PvP(DPS Sage, DPS Vanguard, Guardian, Sentinel) and I have never been able to rip a person to shreds as fast as I can as a Sentinel. Throw that in with the fact that I also have more tools to survive than any other class I've played and you get unbalance. Glass Cannon is a balanced concept, Diamond Cannon is not. And yeah, other classes have the abilities I listed, but they also dont have unstoppable damage and unflappable cool downs with them. And seriously, Leg Slash and two gap closers...if you have problems staying In then we have nothing more to discuss.



Why cant I equate self heals to a healing class? You just said a few posts ago they had the best healing. You also equate them to a stealth class, which is not true... They do not do the BEST DPS, thats been disproven... The dont have the best defenses also disproven and many other way over blown statements... If anhilation/watchmens got to 100K healing it was a long drawn out fight and those kind of numbers are the exception and besides when I see those numbers the healing classes have 800K+ healing (most I seen was 929K so far)


You might know some of the math, but you defiantely dont play the class... You are lumping all those talents under one tree, the infamous 31/31/x build...You have made gross exagerated statements... You make it sound like they can spam all thse abilties at will, like their group buffs... One of which is on a FIVE min cool down and regardless you cant just get Fury at will to spam the group buff...the instant fury button is on a 3 min cool down so again not spammable...


AS far as Stealth, it DOES break early if you dish out damage, not if you take it, you can still be rooted, stunned, take damage from attacks (god knows I been killed in stealth enough) attacks, and ONE tree can spec it for 6 seconds... Depending on the map and the players its about useful as a hole in a head...most of the time its a brief time out and hope for the best...


You are like every other whiney QQ here, come in with WELL overblown exagerations, with some key critical components left out to create a vacuum of information to incite paranoid noobs in to a panic which furthers the panic of something being OP... Let me guess you are a 9/11 Truther too and think the Govt staged the attacks?


Not everyone follows the "rules" and plays something because they have too... AKA not everyone plays Anhilation/Watchmen specced Mara/Sents.... and as such those that dont and for the nerfs people are asking for,, would pretty much force every Mara Sent to ONLY play Anhilation/Watchman trees..


I already explained the healing thing up there so let's continue on from there. I don't equate them to a stealth class, I said they have a stealth, that just behaves differently from traditional stealth in good and bad ways. As a fresh 50 i out dps'd Rakata geared Gunslingers and Commandos, and solo'd/embarrassed War Hero's while in recruit gear, because of their insane damage and cool downs, your "proof" that they aren't the "best" will not persuade me otherwise. I do have a 50 Sentinel, and I only ever said that Watchman was over powered. I never said anything was spam-able...and everything else you say I can only describe as "decorated idiocy." I mean 9/11...really...


Before 1.2 they were all forced to play Watchman... they had to buff every other spec BECAUSE OF THAT.



And the dude says he has captured objectives while stealthed, you actually can't interact with objectives while force camo'd.


Apparently clicking off a buff is a little over your skill cap.

Edited by SuperSair
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best offensive with the best defensive cooldowns. thats the problem


This. DPS should be... well damage focused, and takes have the defense.


Leave tanks as they are and lower the defensive abilities of the DPS. It's that simple.

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Power Techs are Glass Cannons – when my Marauder hit 50 and started to PVP with it a new term was born “Rock Cannon” Only thing I miss is grappling people into acid but my longevity in pvp makes up for that. Edited by Serpieri
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Not all, just the 95% of people who don't understand how Sentinels and Marauders work. The 5% who do understand can deal with them pretty easily. Which, as you correctly pointed out, does not include you at this point in time. They're just annoying and require a bit more attention than most other classes, that's all.


Here's a tip for you: if you see half of their health disappear from your mediocre attack, don't get excited and blow your best attack right after that, mezz them for 5 sec instead. This simple trick will negate 90% of sent/maras out there.


And here's another tip for you: most of the MMOs die because of catering to nerf whiners too much. Be careful what you wish for.



Here is something to you. Explain to the rest of the ignorant 95%, but first read this:

Quote: Originally Posted by Varicite View Post

Yeah, you see this a lot:


"The SECRET to beating a Marauder. CC them when they use their defensive CD."


1) Okay, so you CC them during their defensive CD. That's 5 seconds.


2) Then CC them when they use their next defensive CD (unless you like doing 20% less damage for the next 30 seconds). That's another 6 seconds.


3) Then just run around trying to find them before they open on you again w/ their third defensive CD.


4) I hope you're not a Powertech or a class that depends on a weapon damage attack, because you'd better have another CC ready for their 4th defensive CD. That's yet another 6 seconds.


5) And of course, you just power through their 5th defensive CD, but you'll be doing 25% less damage or missing half the time for another 6 seconds while they do full damage.


6) While CC'ing them during all of these CDs, make sure to continue to do damage to them to outdamage the bleeds that are critting you and healing the Marauder.


So as you can see, it's really quite easy to beat a Marauder. You just need to be able to CC them for a total of 16 seconds w/out filling their Resolve bar, and do full damage to them the entire time so that you aren't killed during that time.

Edited by alcek
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Another fool who understands nothing of the class. Next time your in a WZ, at the end why don't you check out the death count of all those marauders that are so un-destructible. Unless he had a pocket healer the entire game, his deaths are gonna be on par with the rest of his team. Marauders go down very fast if you know how to deal with them. You obviously don't know how to deal with them so to the forums you go crying.

His deaths will be on par because whenever my team sees a marauder, he is focus fired to his death. Guess why. People do not want the op stuff killing them in 10 seconds to fiddle around.

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We all know the Sentinel/Marauder are massively overpowered, but the problem could easily be fixed by reducing their defence/armour/HPs (I don't know what it is, but they don't die quickly enough).


Saaaaaaaaaaay whaaaaaaaaaaaaat????


Marauders are not OP. We are 3rd on the food chain, not first. Stop confusing good play and good target selection with OP.


You want to kill us, learn to counter our buffs with timing and good attack selection.

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We all know the Sentinel/Marauder are massively overpowered, but the problem could easily be fixed by reducing their defence/armour/HPs (I don't know what it is, but they don't die quickly enough).


But they really aren't.


Btw, what server do you play on? It's not clear in your sig.



best offensive with the best defensive cooldowns. thats the problem


Again. Not really. One Marauder defensive cd is pretty epic, but that can be easily negated with CC or just by kiting. The others are only comparable to what other dps classes have. So nothing really major there.


It's amazing how many players just stand there and let my Marauder beat on them. He doesn't even have to blow his defensive cds. So bad.

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Here is something to you. Explain to the rest of the ignorant 95%, but first read this:


20% reduction is nothing when you're wearing medium armor. Punch thru it, you won't even notice most of the time. And "the third", while having a better reduction, lasts 6 seconds. So basically, they get 11 seconds on you at t he cost of 25-50% of their health. Oh, and the HAVE TO burn ALL their defensive CD if they want to stand any chance of survival, being a glass cannon.


Oh and BTW the guy who posted that wall of text talks about "good maras", which makes you think that he's "good" himself, but if that's the way he deals with maras, I'll bid him my adieu real fast.



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Then you're silly. Force Shroud protects you from Force/Tech attacks but my melee abilities can still hit you. UDR reduces ALL damage by 99% for 5 seconds.


Force shroud also makes you immune to all cc in the game, and since it doesnt cost you half your life it can be used whenever the assassin wants.

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But they really aren't.


Btw, what server do you play on? It's not clear in your sig.





Again. Not really. One Marauder defensive cd is pretty epic, but that can be easily negated with CC or just by kiting. The others are only comparable to what other dps classes have. So nothing really major there.


It's amazing how many players just stand there and let my Marauder beat on them. He doesn't even have to blow his defensive cds. So bad.


Well, if knockback is on a CD, what else can they do?

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Another nerf thread. LOL.


The forums are a breeding ground of whiners, you will always see a nerf thread. It's an endless cycle of stupidity. Unfortunately, the terrible PVP development team buys into it hook, line and sinker.


The nerf" marauders/sents "need "is to cut their 99% immunity to 3 seconds instead of 5 and possibly lower the 20% dmg reduction to 15%. (Which isn't really necessary if you'd stop hitting them for 6 seconds.)


A well played dps sorc/sage can kite/kill a sentinel/marauder. A well played Assassin/shadow can easily kill a sentinel/marauder. A well played Sniper/Scoundrel (I think thats pub version) can absolutely -wreck- a marauder/sentinel.

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The forums are a breeding ground of whiners, you will always see a nerf thread. It's an endless cycle of stupidity. Unfortunately, the terrible PVP development team buys into it hook, line and sinker.


The nerf" marauders/sents "need "is to cut their 99% immunity to 3 seconds instead of 5 and possibly lower the 20% dmg reduction to 15%. (Which isn't really necessary if you'd stop hitting them for 6 seconds.)


A well played dps sorc/sage can kite/kill a sentinel/marauder. A well played Assassin/shadow can easily kill a sentinel/marauder. A well played Sniper/Scoundrel (I think thats pub version) can absolutely -wreck- a marauder/sentinel.


Marauder needs no nerfs. People just need to learn to play.

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