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How long will you wait?


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My servers are awesome. The only thing I really want is the LFG feature and I've got plenty to do until it hits. I'll be playing this for quite some time.



Also, you do realize that there's nothing wrong with taking a break, right? If the current setup isn't doing it for you and you're no longer having fun, why not quit for a few months and come back when the features you want are in place?



Also, as far as BW giving you a reason to stay... well, they already told you that transfers and LFG was coming. If that's not enough for you, there's really nothing else they can do. Or do you really want them to slop in some features that aren't ready, likely breaking the game?



The state of your server is worthless information. The OP simply states that HIS server is lacking, and without the ability to get off it, and onto a server like yours, he will not continue paying. All you @sshats continually saying that people like the OP are wrong, simply because you were lucky enough to get a server with more than 50 people playing, are hurting this game. Your zeal to defend whats dead is admirable, but at the end of the day, sticking your head so far up SWTORs *** so as not to be able to see whats going on around you is rediculous

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The state of your server is worthless information. The OP simply states that HIS server is lacking, and without the ability to get off it, and onto a server like yours, he will not continue paying. All you @sshats continually saying that people like the OP are wrong, simply because you were lucky enough to get a server with more than 50 people playing, are hurting this game. Your zeal to defend whats dead is admirable, but at the end of the day, sticking your head so far up SWTORs *** so as not to be able to see whats going on around you is rediculous


LOVE THIS POST.. ty, for telling it like it is!! another dead server loses another die hard star wars player each day.... I wish BIOWARE good luck hopefully somewhere down the road I will decide to give it a try again. Till then I will read till my sub runs out.

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LOVE THIS POST.. ty, for telling it like it is!! another dead server loses another die hard star wars player each day.... I wish BIOWARE good luck hopefully somewhere down the road I will decide to give it a try again. Till then I will read till my sub runs out.


Ya sorry if it comes across as a tad direct. I loved this game, and was ready to shell out to play for the next 5-6 years. I thought i had found my wow replacement and i love the IP. It kills me that people, in their zealotry to defend the game, end up hurting the title i loved due to their inability to accept that something needs to be done desperately. I know it may sound corny, but its the equivalent of watching some rando beat my wife and just turn my head and say everything is fine

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When my 30 days its up I'm gone. They have until then to impress me and get back my subscription. Early summer will not be soon enough, and that's the general consensus in my guild. We're pretty much all gone by the end of May.
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For all of you guys defending the current state of your server and waving the flag of cheer for Bioware and EA simply because your server happens to be good you are helping to kill the game. As long as people sit their making the devs believe that all is well and that it is just a few people who are upset then the game will continue to die. And you too, will complain and leave when your server dies too.


For every one of us that leaves the game, the faster this game dies. It's a permanent thing and it will affect the game you love and defend right now. I love the game too, but I will leave it soon if I don't have people to game with.


For those of you who claim that end game is rerolling a new toon and taking it to 50 you're losing it. I can play a single player game and do that. This is a MMO, or at least that what it says on the box when you buy it.


It is amazing to me that every single MMO that has come out to try and maintain a customer base fails to realize what every single serious MMO player is looking for END GAME CONTENT. If you want to keep your paying customers for years, then earn the money.


As long as there is not enough end game content, which means raids, pvp, dailies, crafting, world events, etc., every single MMO will fail. People are going to level their toons fast and then say, "ok, now what?" if the answer is, "ooh, we didn't think you'd all level so fast so we have nothing for you." Then you deserve to fail and lose the 250 million dollars you invested in your game, rather than make hundreds of millions in the future.

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And to add one other thing, for those of you who state that WoW didn't have a lot of end game when it started, ToR is not competing with vanilla WoW, it is competing with the current WoW that focuses on end game content and has been for years and realized early on that to keep their customers they had to keep adding more things for their players to do once they leveled up.
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This is an attitude you see more and more with people that started playing MMOs with WoW and made the progression to whatever was supposed to be the next big MMO. In the old days there were very few MMOs and they all took years to get anywhere in so people got used to playing on the same server grinding away for the joy of the game. People built communities because that was where every planned on staying. These games didn't have 1/100th of the features of todays MMOs and with things like losing gear if you get killed, or losing XP if you get killed and having to retrieve your body today's whiny MMO generation would all quit within a week looking for a new game to fix their void.


Truth is if your looking for your joy in an MMO based on features, patches and what the newest trend in gaming is then you will never be happy and you will always be moving from game to game to game. People demanded EZ mode MMOs so now they are all EZ mode, people demanded fast leveling so now people are at max level within a week of an MMO launching, people demand demand demand then they get mad that everything they demanded made the genre pretty weak. Instead of getting back to actual gaming people look to blame developers for everything.


At the end of the day the old MMOs were 100X harder, took 100X longer, had none of the features and a lot of things in them to make them a real pain to play and everyone that played them LOVED them to death. In 2012 we have whiny kids demanding EZ mode MMOs that you can see all the content in a month then rush to forums to cry that they are bored or that there is no one to play with. Well at the end of the day when you make demands on a company or you will quit (essentially exactly what the OP is saying) you end up with games with empty servers a six months after they launch because you and people like you demanded it.


Hit the nail on the head and drove it right through the board. Even if the features were in at launch they'd still complain. People aren't just leaving because of lack of features. People are leaving because they've seen these whines before and seen how the dev's succumb to the QQ and dumb the games down. Bioware is an RPG comapny first and an MMO company after.

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It is amazing to me that every single MMO that has come out to try and maintain a customer base fails to realize what every single serious MMO player is looking for END GAME CONTENT. If you want to keep your paying customers for years, then earn the money.


Every serious MMO player burns through the content, whines. Leaves until the new conent is added. Returns, burns throught it again, whines. See the pattern?

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You could be right. Burn through the content, whine, hop over to the next big thing, burn through content whine, hop over to the next big thing.....


The problem with these kinds of fanboy replies is it's those of us complaining about issues that are trying to get the game fixed for all of us, this includes you too, to stay and enjoy the game for a long time to come. If we only wanted to leave we would just do that, instead we are trying to get the devs to take the issues serious, which they aren't.


We'll see how you, and the others of you who are putting us down for wanting quicker responses to serious issues, feel when there's nobody to game with. Will you still be sticking to your empty game? Or will you just walk away to see if the grass is greener elsewhere? Or will you too, suddenly decide to ask for the devs to look at the problems and fix them before you leave?


Believe it or not, we all who are in the forums want the same thing. To enjoy this game for a long time to come.

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And to add one other thing, for those of you who state that WoW didn't have a lot of end game when it started, ToR is not competing with vanilla WoW, it is competing with the current WoW that focuses on end game content and has been for years and realized early on that to keep their customers they had to keep adding more things for their players to do once they leveled up.


this exactly,im sick of people talking about vanila WoW..bioware had 5 years of devolpement to be close to what WoW is now...they wasted to much time on voice acting,which by this point is just a spacebar exercise. less voices...more content please.

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this exactly,im sick of people talking about vanila WoW..bioware had 5 years of devolpement to be close to what WoW is now...they wasted to much time on voice acting,which by this point is just a spacebar exercise. less voices...more content please.


Sorry, not going to happen. One of the major selling points of this game is the tremendous voice acting. If you don't like it, then perhaps there are some other MMOs you should look into?

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Sorry, not going to happen. One of the major selling points of this game is the tremendous voice acting. If you don't like it, then perhaps there are some other MMOs you should look into?


It makes for a great story line experence while you are leveling and should of course stay in the game. But it is not a feature which will keep players playing for the long term.

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It makes for a great story line experence while you are leveling and should of course stay in the game. But it is not a feature which will keep players playing for the long term.


It has kept me on and I have been playing since December 13th and yet I still have plans to create more characters....

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I'm to the point that I hope they don't change anything for at least six months, that way all of the whiners will have moved on to cursing the GW2 forums and the Tera forums and the next FOTM MMO forum and we can stay here and make this a better game.


Because Warhammer is getting tons of new development to make it a better game, what with all the money it's generating from all the non-"whiners" that are left playing it while people with a brain moved on to better-handled products.

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LOL you think people are leaving mostly for end game content? the game is broke, people dont like to pay for broke things. Get serious no world pvp just a bunch of instances make it seem like well shall i say it diablow (i do mean diablow) without the chance for a upgrade in gear. A ship for what to go to 4 loading screens to get someplace? Cant even play game you have to either pvp (which is a joke) or stay in fleet to get groups. Classes are all too similar or shall i say the same. The force is for what to throw rocks at people? THE FORCE is used to throw rocks at people.
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