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How long will you wait?


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Wrong. They've gone from saying "this isn't a big priority for us" to saying "this is our number one priority because it's what the community demands". That sounds to me like they're taking you seriously. How would you handle a crowd that will burn you alive if you tell them your deadline and then don't meet it, when you're in a career where one unforseen snag can turn a 1-day task into a 3-day one?


Frankly, it's remarkable to me that they were so unprepared to deal with this. This issue is not new or uncommon in gaming (especially MMO's). That they need months and months to initiate something that A- Everyone agrees is necessary and B- They should have a process in place.... is quite revealing to me.

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Wrong. They've gone from saying "this isn't a big priority for us" to saying "this is our number one priority because it's what the community demands". That sounds to me like they're taking you seriously. How would you handle a crowd that will burn you alive if you tell them your deadline and then don't meet it, when you're in a career where one unforseen snag can turn a 1-day task into a 3-day one?


Doing what the community demands is the single fastest way to sink an MMO. I know it doesn't seem like it on the surface but it is. It is the MMO equivalent to a CEO seriously damage a companies long term growth for short term stock gains to appease stock holders and geta bonus. It seems like it makes a lot of sense in the short run when people are screaming, but the screaming people are going to leave regardless so why cater to them?

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I'm to the point that I hope they don't change anything for at least six months, that way all of the whiners will have moved on to cursing the GW2 forums and the Tera forums and the next FOTM MMO forum and we can stay here and make this a better game.
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I'm on the most populated European server atm. Very Heavy each night. Yet i can understand the pain of people stuck on the single player servers. I see that many people don't care that others are having a hard time in the game. Great community, what can I say? Have fun.


Ahhh, I never said I didn't care, I am 100% for server transfers/mergers. I was just pointing out, in a round about way, that it seems anytime anyone posts anything positive about SWTOR, either about the game or about their server, they immediately get attacked or are called fanboy just because they are enjoying themselves in the game. It is actually a pretty pathetic sign of where the world is going and, deep down, I weep for the future generation of people/countries everywhere ;)

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I'm on the most populated European server atm. Very Heavy each night. Yet i can understand the pain of people stuck on the single player servers. I see that many people don't care that others are having a hard time in the game. Great community, what can I say? Have fun.



I have no sympathy for people that sit back and expect others to fix all of their problems. And at this point, even Bioware has said that they're going to implement a fix. But once again, like most things, that's not good enough for people here. They want the fix now, they want it to be perfect and they'll quit if their demands aren't met. These are the same people that will be complaining a month later because they don't like their currently heavy pop server, because there are too many people and it's hard to get quests done. I don't think some people are happy unless they're complaining.

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Doing what the community demands is the single fastest way to sink an MMO. I know it doesn't seem like it on the surface but it is. It is the MMO equivalent to a CEO seriously damage a companies long term growth for short term stock gains to appease stock holders and geta bonus. It seems like it makes a lot of sense in the short run when people are screaming, but the screaming people are going to leave regardless so why cater to them?


In more than one way I agree with you on this one. But the problem is, the first big mistake they did was listen to all the demands to open a lot of servers back at launch, and that started a snow ball effect that we still see now. They, the developers, started this whole thing from day one. Going to be very very hard for them to recover, if at all possible. The number of actual subs after the actual free month expires and accounts get locked = that's when reality will settle in.

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People keep making the claim that free subs count as subs .. where are you getting that info from? If that is true does that mean that since WoW is free to play till 20 that all of those free trials are subs also, because if that is the case then WoWs 10 mil subs are really not very impressive. You start a free WoW account and play till 19 and never cancel since it was free and you are a subscriber for life?
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My server used to be 2nd highest EU pop server, now it's down to like 10th. It's still pretty good, but not as lively as it was couple of months ago. When 1.2 hit there was a good 250+ on fleet at peak time, and it was awesome (comapred to the usual 150ish max pre 1.2). But now naturally it's dropped to that same kinda level.


So yeha I'm willing to wait ages, but I'm luckily on a decent server. Having said that :) cant wait till people do start transferring, hopefully to my server :p I want it to be busy again.


Until then, I've joined a really active multi-gaming guild. And although many members have quit, the guild is going strong with no chance of going down. We've evn started over-recruiting and absorbing other dying guilds, even if it means people having to sit out a raid - or ideally running a 16man and 8man simultaneously ^^.

By the end, Legions of Lettow wont be a server - it'll just be one massive guild :p

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In more than one way I agree with you on this one. But the problem is, the first big mistake they did was listen to all the demands to open a lot of servers back at launch, and that started a snow ball effect that we still see now. They, the developers, started this whole thing from day one. Going to be very very hard for them to recover, if at all possible. The number of actual subs after the actual free month expires and accounts get locked = that's when reality will settle in.



Well, it was either have massive queue times for several weeks at launch, to the point that there would be many people that would be lucky to even be able to play the game for the first few weeks or more, or create more servers.


Because when the game was launched, they had to create more servers, they released the game during a major holiday break, where massive amount of people had no school and no work for 2-4+ weeks. Launching during the holiday break as the worse idea ever, they should have waited till Mid January, then there wouldn't be anywhere near as many people having massive amount of free time to play the game, and it would have been fine to have massive queue times for the first few days, not several weeks because of holiday break.


It would have been unreasonable to expect many players to not be able to play the game because of massive queue times for several weeks if they didn't open up more servers. I know I couldn't play the game for more then 30 minutes each day on the first server I picked because of the massive queue times on that server and my time window of play.


The player cannot be blamed for the dead servers at all, this is 100% on EA/Bioware


Mistakes they made:

1- Releasing the game during a major holiday break

2- Opening up more servers then needed during non holiday break for a new MMO, with zero plans of merging servers when the population goes to normal playing times

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People keep making the claim that free subs count as subs .. where are you getting that info from? If that is true does that mean that since WoW is free to play till 20 that all of those free trials are subs also, because if that is the case then WoWs 10 mil subs are really not very impressive. You start a free WoW account and play till 19 and never cancel since it was free and you are a subscriber for life?


they are talking about the 30 days given to level 50s/legacy level 6 for anybody who have had their account closed between Aprill 25th to April 30th. They are also talking about people who are still in their first 30 days from buying the game. Both of those are vastly different then the Level to 20 for free that WoW has, and Blizzard doesn't count those people who are just doing the level 20 trial.

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I have 68 days left, bought a 6 month sub at launch, and my 6 months ends July 21st (didn't get the free 30 day extension). At the end of the 68 days, if they have not done the server transfers, I will not resubscribe. I also will not come back unless they give me free time and still have the ability to move my characters for free if they already did the transfers. I will not pay to find out if things have changed population wise, Bioware has to prove that to me by giving me free time and free transfer at the same time.


If they do the free transfer before the end of 68 days, then I will play the game to see if where I was transferred to is good enough for an MMO experience.


TLDR: They have 68 days. After 68 days they will have to give me free time and free transfers at the same time for me to give them another try.

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I do know this, from every game I've played in the past, WoW, Aion, Conan, Rift, etc., when I left I never went back to them. If I leave this I will lose interest and won't be back, and I'm sure this is the same for many people who have left already, or will be also leaving soon.


Same here.


If i leave this game it will be for good, no *********** way im going back....i rather wait for Vampire the Masquerade MMO from CCP.


Im trying really hard to endure some of the BS they threw at us (like not having transfers since the launch day), but it is as u said: u cant queue for warzones, u cant do Operations, u cant even do flashpoints or heroic quests on the planets to help your leveling, because the server is more like a ghost town.


This is not something for MAYBE the early summer, this is something that needs to be done RIGHT NOW, its urgent, its vital, its really pissing a lot of subscribers who are not on the Fatman and dont want to trash everything they got so far to do a reroll.


The worst part is Bioware making silence and not saying a *********** word about the transfer system, not even what they have in mind for it, nothing, just silence.


I feel like reading one of those "keep calm and move along" signs.


Im really, really sorry, but i cant take too much more of this.

Edited by EduardoJN
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Beacause as the OP was explainging himself he said exactly what the problem was. He is one of the "jump to the newest MMO guys" as you can plainly see by the path of MMOs he jumped to. Not to be a jerk but time to wake up and smell the coffee, people that jump to the newest MMO because of this feature or that feature ARE THE REASON THE SERVERS ARE LOW. So now where is he, here on the forum of the next MMO in the line of MMOs to jump to on a forum saying if this doesn't change I'll jump to the next MMO.


Wow, not getting the point here at all, learn to read. I do not jump from MMO to MMO. I have years of game invested in those games and left for various reasons, not because the next great MMO was coming out. WoW I had years in, Conan around 10 months with the last few of it dead, didn't care for Aion and it's lagfest in battles, Rift was all about keybinding macros to narrow your fights down to 3 buttons. Of all those I would have loved to stay in Conan. And while it supposedly improved, as I stated at the beginning, I don't go back once I leave, my interest is over.


As I also stated, I love this game. But I'm not going to reroll to another server which will likely die too if things aren't fixed. I will be here for a long time if it becomes one thing...a MMO (massive multiplayer online) not NAO (never anyone online). When I rolled on my server is was highly populated, now it is death itself.


As a paying customer who wants to keep playing the game I think my question was reasonable. If the devs want to keep their customer base, and I"m not just talking me, they better respond soon. Because this is the fastest sinking MMO ship I've been in.


And if you look at all the posts in this forum about mergers and transfers, it is most servers having this issue. My honest guess, they've probably got less than 20% of the original people still paying to play, and many of them will be on their way out soon if it's not fixed.


If you are on one of the very few still populated servers you're getting what the rest of us want. If we all roll to your server, you will have very excessive queues which you'll be whining about BW to fix. Again, I don't want to leave, and I think those of us still hanging on in anticipation don't want to leave. But we will, and you will be left alone. So enjoy your pompous better than everyone else's attitude when the game you love is a wasteland.

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@ Seek: haha


I have been unsubscribed and I'm on my 30 day free thingy. I play(ed) on candarous ordo (high populated server but now only standard I believe). I haven't logged in for 7 weeks or so. I loved the leveling as far as class stories, anything beyond that I didn't enjoy. I did raid (nightmare modes) because friends needed a healer but I burned out enough finally and I couldn't stay even for them. Most of them left too anyhow.


I couldn't do alts much because I had to do the same fed ex quests interweaved with the new class quest and I generally don't alt much in any case.


Would I resub? Probably, once they add more class storyline stuff.

Edited by Barleigh
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My good man, really, get off your high horse please: if YOUR server is fine, that does not mean everyone is happy. Seriously, could you sound more selfish?


Also read this from the OP:


I'm guessing he wants something more concrete in regards to these transfers, as in more info: a date, not "it's coming", "soon" ... See the point?


Asking for an exact date this early is ridiculous. They won't tell us until it's a week or 2 away tops. Giving an exact date too soon only leaves waay too much room for error.


If they told us today that 1.3 was coming June 21st and it ended up being delayed (which it will), the nerd-ragers and SWTOR haters would bombard the forums even more with cries of "Lies! BioWare is lying to us!"

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The OP asked a question, instead of pondering the real reason for this post, i will choose to just answer his question, after outlining my own details.


I am on the lesser populated of the three Asia Pacific (Sydney located) servers, My bad.

I am by nature a PvPer,/Rper. My 2 lvl 50s are now only played sat/sun when the 50 warzones pop faster.

I have an additional 6 chars 17-20 in lvl and am enjoying the fast pop 10-49 PvP Warzones.


OP, i will likely wait until I have 1-2 more lvl 50s, if the lvl 50 warzones still do not pop faster than one every 20-40mins, I will go take a look at GW2.


Good luck all.

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LFG tool is server-only. It will do nothing to help people on woefully underpopulated servers.


Please stop using the LFG tool as any kind of logical counter to the "My server is dead, please fix this" argument.

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WHats stopping you guys from re-rolling on a high pop server


5 lvl 50 toons, all well equiped (pve an pvp), money, legacy levels, crew skills at maximum, unique itens, etc.


Not gonna trash everything i got so far to "reroll" from zero; i really dont have the mood or the time.

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WHats stopping you guys from re-rolling on a high pop server

The games new 5 months old starting over Ina new server with a high pop seems like the logical thing to do IMO


Sheer boredom - I've rerolled about 10 times already and I literally cannot stomach doing the first 5 planets AGAIN.... besides, there is so much more wrong than just lack of population, that's just the biggest slap in your face.

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