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Subs down 25%


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Honestly, it doesn't matter what the numbers are in WoW. Their X-server technology is so far ahead of other MMOs that every server feels full.


Every server also feels the same, there is no sense of community in it any more as everyone is annonymous and you will most likely never see them again.

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Cross-server PvPing/Raids

Team/Guild raids - if it hasn't already, I'm not in a Guild to now.

Better character customisation options - a dye option.

A proper auction house (one I do like about STO is it's auction system)

Server transfers

Graphics/Texture update. .


1. Cross Server PVP? No. The devs have wasted far too much time on PVP. The majority of MMO gamers want more PVE content and more endgame content that is casual friendly and not dailies.


2 Team/Guild raids. More raids would be good, but you need hooks for players to allow for more fun endgame things to do that aren't timesinks or grinds.


3. Customization is a big need. Unity is a good start. They need to revamp the crafting system. It's a tragedy currently.


4,5,6 - are all triflings. Graphics are good. AH needs to be tuned. Server transfers are coming. What they need are more people. They can get more people by making the game more fun. Stop nerfing. Add things to classes. Add other entertaining things to do.


It's sad but the moment they decided to balance the game around PVP and install different systems and gears they took way too much from WOW and really irked a good chunk of their casual gamers.


Why no Public Quests? Why not try three faction RvR? Why no large sandbox zones? Those three things are a far better start than the devs in Austin continuing to copy the Blizzard/SOE design document from years past.

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1. Cross Server PVP? No. The devs have wasted far too much time on PVP. The majority of MMO gamers want more PVE content and more endgame content that is casual friendly and not dailies.


/boggle Err...what?! They haven't spent NEAR enough time on it as they should have, that's the whole problem. Sure WZs are great and all, but open-world needs some TLC. And X-server PvP queues has already been announced as coming.


2 Team/Guild raids. More raids would be good, but you need hooks for players to allow for more fun endgame things to do that aren't timesinks or grinds.


3. Customization is a big need. Unity is a good start. They need to revamp the crafting system. It's a tragedy currently.


4,5,6 - are all triflings. Graphics are good. AH needs to be tuned. Server transfers are coming. What they need are more people. They can get more people by making the game more fun. Stop nerfing. Add things to classes. Add other entertaining things to do.


It's sad but the moment they decided to balance the game around PVP and install different systems and gears they took way too much from WOW and really irked a good chunk of their casual gamers.


Balance the game around PvP? I'm sorry, but... this couldn't be further from the truth.


Why no Public Quests? Why not try three faction RvR? Why no large sandbox zones? Those three things are a far better start than the devs in Austin continuing to copy the Blizzard/SOE design document from years past.


Certainly interesting things, but definitely shouldn't be high priority at this point in time.

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I want to see a game that will actually go beyond just being a superficial WoW clone.


Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, Aion Oline, Rift, and SWTOR brought nothing new or exciting. =/


Thats a very superficial view, Warhammer Online did bring new and exciting things, its original premise was a massive integration of PvP and PvE creating a real living world with a monumental sense of realm pride. Sadly it was beyond their ability to deliver and was abandoned by EA shortly after launch. Income suffered when Mythic made the fatal error of killing the cash cow (pve players) by taking the cheap option of concentrating on PvP (they actually didnt do much of that either). Warhammer was originally envisioned as something beyond epic but sadly became an example of what could have been (even more than SWTOR)

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Every server also feels the same, there is no sense of community in it any more as everyone is annonymous and you will most likely never see them again.


Someone speculated in the comments of a Cross-Server Zones news post that in a year WoW won't have server shards at all, you'll just choose PVE, PVP, RP-PVE or RP-PVP server and log in.


In a year, TOR might have that same feature. I hope it's because they coded it in, not because they can't merge servers any further.


Also, I just received my D3 key, so see ya!

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A single player that will take a away a ton of players.


Yup, the same way the Super Bowl takes away a ton of players. It's temporary.


I'm sure every MMO will see a decline in population over the next week, but numbers will slowly trickle back and I highly doubt sub numbers will change a whole lot. Those who actually cancel their account to play D3 were likely looking for a reason to cancel their account anyway.


I've heard the doom and gloom over every single new game that launches during an MMO since 2000 while playing Everquest. It never happens though. Even WoW didn't kill EQ. That game is STILL going on and I think has (or had) more subs than EQ2. Sure, numbers decline over time, but that happens with or without new games popping up. People get bored.


I don't think, nor did I ever think that SWTOR was going to be a WoW-killer like some said. It's all hyperbole by people disgruntled with the game their playing because they think devs read it and say "Oh crap, ipwnu4life on our forums is going to leave the game, we better get cranking on new content!".

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24% is above the typical MMO curve. Put away your "hate" and look at it objectively. It's actually good news.[/QUO


This is silly. It's never a good thing to lose 6 million dollars in a quarter. I predict that number will grow and become 46% at the end of the next quarter unless they stop talking about what they should do and actually do something about it.


But what do I know. I'm just a casual player that doens't matter anyways.

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Thats a very superficial view, Warhammer Online did bring new and exciting things, its original premise was a massive integration of PvP and PvE creating a real living world with a monumental sense of realm pride. Sadly it was beyond their ability to deliver and was abandoned by EA shortly after launch. Income suffered when Mythic made the fatal error of killing the cash cow (pve players) by taking the cheap option of concentrating on PvP (they actually didnt do much of that either). Warhammer was originally envisioned as something beyond epic but sadly became an example of what could have been (even more than SWTOR)


Reason Im waiting Elder Scroll Online, its 3 faction PVP is really Warhammer on Steroids.

Edited by BlueFromMoon
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by warhammer on steroids u actually mean a reskinned DAoC...do ppl not see that all this has been done before? and to think that somehow a company is gonna revolutionize mmo gameplay by re using same ideas/mechanics in a new setting? and then well cry when NewGameX doesnt have the hand holding features of OldGameX



*side thought* how many of today's MMO players have actually BEEN thru a game launch...or are we mostly made up of ppl who have tried WoW and now think they somehow have unparalleled insight into the MMO genre...having played 10+ MMOs starting from EQ, i somehow have more patience for this, as ive seen this before

Edited by Ashalar
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by warhammer on steroids u actually mean a reskinned DAoC...do ppl not see that all this has been done before? and to think that somehow a company is gonna revolutionize mmo gameplay by re using same ideas/mechanics in a new setting? and then well cry when NewGameX doesnt have the hand holding features of OldGameX



See you say that like we get all the old stuff but simply made better when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. All the newer MMos are just shiny and bring little in terms of depth, tri factions were a no brainer since DAOC and Planetside and yet why is it only now that companies are actually planning in these ancient features?.


I also dont understand your statement of "and then well cry when NewGameX doesnt have the hand holding features of OldGameX" when the older games had no hand holding features when compared with the new idiot proof stuff thats coming out (seriously 1 main stat per class in SWTOR is rediculous)


Every time a MMO plans something "revolutionary" its pretty much a disaster, the cinematics of SWTOR was nice once but soon becomes a space bar mashfest and is wasted. Its beyond beleif that they do these things as opposed to just digging out all the awesome bits of past games and integrating them well.

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Every server also feels the same, there is no sense of community in it any more as everyone is annonymous and you will most likely never see them again.


My community on WoW is my Guild. Who cares about the server community? Why care for something you have no control over? Do you have control over this forum? - why care for it than? Guilds provide a haven where you can socialize with like minded people and if your current Guild doesn't share your views, go find another. Server Community is over-rated and old school. People don't socialize the same way we did 10 years ago IRL and in games.

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So my sub ran out last month (3 month sub initially). I chose not to renew for various reasons, but wanted to check occasionally on how things were going. I look today and I have 10 days left on my sub? Did I get the 30 free days even though my sub ran out a week before they awarded it? Did they count my sub in their quarterly numbers?


That right there is kinda deceitful in my book. I was not given any indication of having the free 30 days, no email or anything, but apparently they gave it to me and claim that I am active. (I don't even have the game on my PC any more)...



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So my sub ran out last month (3 month sub initially). I chose not to renew for various reasons, but wanted to check occasionally on how things were going. I look today and I have 10 days left on my sub? Did I get the 30 free days even though my sub ran out a week before they awarded it? Did they count my sub in their quarterly numbers?


That right there is kinda deceitful in my book. I was not given any indication of having the free 30 days, no email or anything, but apparently they gave it to me and claim that I am active. (I don't even have the game on my PC any more)...




:eek: seriously, you were already canceled, and they still gave you free 30 days. That makes things even worse, shows that their numbers were padded even more then originally though. Wonder how far back they went to give free 30 days?

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:eek: seriously, you were already canceled, and they still gave you free 30 days. That makes things even worse, shows that their numbers were padded even more then originally though. Wonder how far back they went to give free 30 days?






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:eek: seriously, you were already canceled, and they still gave you free 30 days. That makes things even worse, shows that their numbers were padded even more then originally though. Wonder how far back they went to give free 30 days?


I also got the free 30 days and i cancelled in february/march, same for all of my friends who cancelled with me.

I only logged in once since then trough :D

Edited by Myshella
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See you say that like we get all the old stuff but simply made better when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. All the newer MMos are just shiny and bring little in terms of depth, tri factions were a no brainer since DAOC and Planetside and yet why is it only now that companies are actually planning in these ancient features?.


I also dont understand your statement of "and then well cry when NewGameX doesnt have the hand holding features of OldGameX" when the older games had no hand holding features when compared with the new idiot proof stuff thats coming out (seriously 1 main stat per class in SWTOR is rediculous)


Every time a MMO plans something "revolutionary" its pretty much a disaster, the cinematics of SWTOR was nice once but soon becomes a space bar mashfest and is wasted. Its beyond beleif that they do these things as opposed to just digging out all the awesome bits of past games and integrating them well.




3 factions are deemed "too expensive" these days.


It's what happens when accountants develop games rather than developers. :(

Edited by Goretzu
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If BioWare was smart, they'd take this thread and make EVERY employee spend some time in it. Even the "MMO press" is coming around now to the problems with this game.




I actualy had a guy on my vent last night that said he "bought" a TOR collector's edition account with WoW gold. When he balked about the "price" the guy was asking, the person who "sold" the account just gave him log-in info, sec questions, and passwords and told him to play it and just give him what he thought it was worth. Hard fact to realise, is that "sold" account was better geared than my own.


I guess my, and my wife's, collector's edition just droped in value.

Edited by Esquire
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Lets not go that far.


Its going to maintain a steady playerbase, just much smaller then mostly everyone (EA included) predicted.


Which means it has, in essence, failed.


I'll go ahead and repeat it for him, since the die hard fannies have gone from arguing "the game is great" to arguing "the game is sustainable and thats all we ever wanted", the game is done.

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So my sub ran out last month (3 month sub initially). I chose not to renew for various reasons, but wanted to check occasionally on how things were going. I look today and I have 10 days left on my sub? Did I get the 30 free days even though my sub ran out a week before they awarded it? Did they count my sub in their quarterly numbers?


That right there is kinda deceitful in my book. I was not given any indication of having the free 30 days, no email or anything, but apparently they gave it to me and claim that I am active. (I don't even have the game on my PC any more)...




Wow is right. You're complaining because they gave you free time? Really? That's the best you could come up with? Wow!!! ....LMFAO :D

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So my sub ran out last month (3 month sub initially). I chose not to renew for various reasons, but wanted to check occasionally on how things were going. I look today and I have 10 days left on my sub? Did I get the 30 free days even though my sub ran out a week before they awarded it? Did they count my sub in their quarterly numbers?


That right there is kinda deceitful in my book. I was not given any indication of having the free 30 days, no email or anything, but apparently they gave it to me and claim that I am active. (I don't even have the game on my PC any more)...




There were two free 30 day giveaways as I recall - one was for anyone with a Level 50 that got plenty of people all up in arms, so they changed to be based on Legacy Level. The other was compensation for the day the servers were taken down due to the 1.2 rollback bug - that was for everyone who had an active sub at the time, so you and the others probably qualified under one or both of these instances.



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