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Subs down 25%


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EA just released their earnings and Star Wars subs are down 25% for the quarter. This can't be a good thing. Can we get server mergers ASAP?:rak_02:


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Mainly pvp players are leaving because of the bad pvp class balance and only few WZ maps. Free world pvp is dead.

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Yup just like players will drink up the hype for ESO, but scratch the surface and what do you find? Another somewhat generic fantasy RPG that hodge podges together ideas from other games (a la GW2). I'll bet that 4 months after launch, you will be able to cut and paste these forums into the ESO forums. Unless the game launches with GW2's no sub model or a F2P model, the setting (just like SW for here) will not be able to carry the game past the first year. At least with SW, you have a bigger IP to draw from.


Needless to say, ESO won't be threat here when it's released. Whatever fan base SWTOR will have by then will be established and ESO won't draw that much more from it. And if GW2 is released by the end of the year (which I suspect), very few will find they are willing to put up with another generic fantasy MMO that doesn't try to buck the mechanics trend. As much as I have no interest in GW2, it will be the one game that sets the bar for the genre in the years to come.




Its just way too early to say whether it fails or no, but everyone saw it coming with SWTOR.

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Its just way too early to say whether it fails or no, but everyone saw it coming with SWTOR.


Really? Seems like it came as quite the shock here if the forums are any indication, and it's still too early to tell where SWTOR will end up regardless. We won't know that until the end of the year, but it's not that far a stretch to figure what's going to happen to yet another generic Fantasy world based MMO, regardless of the name tagged on to it.


elder scrolls will be F2P don't fight it. Top analyst has said so. Looks like everyone is seeing it about ESO but you




There you go. That's going to be bad mojo for them. A lot of the early adopters are not going to like it going F2P. They are better off just doing it right out of the gate, but no surprise why they are - they want to launch without the stigma of F2P tied to the title. MasterOfSprites pretty much hits the nail on the head in the comments section - I forsee many people going in expecting Skyriim playability and exploration and are going to be very disappointed.



Edited by BJWyler
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You guys do realise that it's possible to play both the Elder Scrolls Online MMO and the Star Wars MMO, right? Not at the same time but you can subscribe to both. They may be the same game genres (MMO) but the actual genre of the gaming world's are different.


Fantasy as it is Star Wars is still Science based (fiction/fantasy) what with the space combat, lasers, droids etc. Elder Scrolls is more mythological fantasy elves, trolls, dragons etc. So I don't even see them as direct competition. If it was a Mass Effect MMO then yeah Star Wars should be looking over the shoulder. Elder Scrolls, I'd see aiming its sights at WoW and Rift players that haven't already bought into Elder Scrolls lore.


You also have to consider the fanbase. I think it is laughable that BlueFromMoon claims Elder Scrolls has a huge fanbase. I wasn't born when A New Hope came out and I'm a Father. Star Wars fanbase has to be arguably one of biggest going and there will be players so dedicated to the Fictional Universe they will continue to play this game come what may. It's the same with Star Trek Online (one of the worst - offset by it massive potential - MMO's I've experienced) and it will be the same for Elder Scrolls.


But no, I don't see Elder Scrolls being a direct competitor to this. Star Wars/Sci-Fi fans won't just become Fantasy fans because another game exists.


Also some facts about Elder Scrolls Online. It has been in production since about 2007 when Zenimax (the parent company that owns Bethesda created ZeniMax Online). The game will run on the HeroEngine (the same as this game). I was "aware" (told) that the game was in development late last year... but you probably won't believe me and no I don't work for them.


As for this game I think it's going well, additional features like customisation could be better but it has a solid foundation to be build upon and at this stage 6 months - that's all you really need. I liked how they launched 1.2 I like that they it didn't completely break the game like updates on other games have. Some hints on 1.3 update would be good.


I am however not sure why they have as many servers as they do and even if subs were down if things got that bad and they merged Euro and US servers that would be awesome.

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It is really simple folks. This is an MMO for people who like Star Wars if you prefer goblins, or pandas, or cat-peopple or knights etc. go play one of those games.


Err, what? Are you implying that all of the people that left don't or didn't like Star Wars?

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I just love the guys posting "Elder Scrolls Online will kill SWTOR!!!"


they're probably the same guys who said last year: "SWTOR will kill WoW!!!!!" 8-)


WOW is in the process of killing itself and has been for well over a year, so no need :) (lol pandas)


But anyway, Elder Scrolls online will most likely be an FPS (like every single other ES game). Not everyone who plays RPGs likes FPSs, so it won't really be a major competitor. If they make it like WOW it will be an automatic fail since the elder scrolls fans won't like it.

Edited by NasherUK
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You guys do realise that it's possible to play both the Elder Scrolls Online MMO and the Star Wars MMO, right? Not at the same time but you can subscribe to both. They may be the same game genres (MMO) but the actual genre of the gaming world's are different.


Fantasy as it is Star Wars is still Science based (fiction/fantasy) what with the space combat, lasers, droids etc. Elder Scrolls is more mythological fantasy elves, trolls, dragons etc. So I don't even see them as direct competition. If it was a Mass Effect MMO then yeah Star Wars should be looking over the shoulder. Elder Scrolls, I'd see aiming its sights at WoW and Rift players that haven't already bought into Elder Scrolls lore.


You also have to consider the fanbase. I think it is laughable that BlueFromMoon claims Elder Scrolls has a huge fanbase. I wasn't born when A New Hope came out and I'm a Father. Star Wars fanbase has to be arguably one of biggest going and there will be players so dedicated to the Fictional Universe they will continue to play this game come what may. It's the same with Star Trek Online (one of the worst - offset by it massive potential - MMO's I've experienced) and it will be the same for Elder Scrolls.


But no, I don't see Elder Scrolls being a direct competitor to this. Star Wars/Sci-Fi fans won't just become Fantasy fans because another game exists.


Also some facts about Elder Scrolls Online. It has been in production since about 2007 when Zenimax (the parent company that owns Bethesda created ZeniMax Online). The game will run on the HeroEngine (the same as this game). I was "aware" (told) that the game was in development late last year... but you probably won't believe me and no I don't work for them.


As for this game I think it's going well, additional features like customisation could be better but it has a solid foundation to be build upon and at this stage 6 months - that's all you really need. I liked how they launched 1.2 I like that they it didn't completely break the game like updates on other games have. Some hints on 1.3 update would be good.


I am however not sure why they have as many servers as they do and even if subs were down if things got that bad and they merged Euro and US servers that would be awesome.


You're pretty much quite right, here. I subbed to Vanguard, lifed in STO (I feel your pain), played GW1 religiously (and almost still do), and picked up SWTOR as my second sub game. All these games offer something different from each other and I still play each of them (Vanguard and STO to a much lesser extent just because of time issues), because of what each offers.


ESO will be no threat to any other MMO - those who like Sci-fi fantasy over D&D fantasy will not be drawn to it; those who have not yet been bored out of their minds with the generic D&D fantasies will still play WoW and GW2 - both playerbases will probably give ESO a try, but the WoWbois will rage as usual and go back to WoW and the GW2bois will just see another generic fantasy MMO and keep playing GW2. Ultimately, the only thing ESO has going for it is that the devs realize the Sub based model of MMO is waning (like Anet did in 2005 with GW1), so will have the mechanics already in motion for the move.



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WOW is in the process of killing itself and has been for well over a year, so no need :) (lol pandas)


But anyway, Elder Scrolls online will most likely be an FPS (like every single other ES game). So it won't be a major competitor just like Planetside 2 won't (also an MMOFPS).


Right....:p. The only thing which will kill WoW will be Blizzard when they release thier own next generation MMO, Titan. They didnot lose any subs the last quarter report or did you miss that news?

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Right....:p. The only thing which will kill WoW will be Blizzard when they release thier own next generation MMO, Titan. They didnot lose any subs the last quarter report or did you miss that news?


That was because they offered Diablo 3 for "free" with beta access for a year's wow subscription. That will keep those accounts active until the kung-fu panda expansion gets released, then it will nose dive.

Edited by NasherUK
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Right....:p. The only thing which will kill WoW will be Blizzard when they release thier own next generation MMO, Titan. They didnot lose any subs the last quarter report or did you miss that news?


Yea, stabilized itself just over 10million. They're gonna gain more subs with MoP too.


People just don't understand that a lot of people still enjoy playing WoW.

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From the way I read the release I'm actually counted as an active subscription even though I've canceled my account currently (I obviously still check the forums/site in hopes of finding something to make me resubscribe). I have to wonder how many other 6 month subscribers have quit for all intent and purpose yet are counted among those "active subscriptions". I know of myself and at least three others that went with the six month option and still have a large amount of play time left due to free gametime given out. 90+ days from now I'll still be counted as an "active subscriber" in the next quarterly report even though I'll only have a few days left on my account (unless Bioware convinces me to resubscribe).
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The problem with new MMOs is that WoW has basically made a lot of stuff mandatory. Server transfers, LFG system, cross realm PvPing, and some sort of competitive PvP system.


We didn't have any of this in Vanilla WoW. The game's classes were so horribly imbalanced. Every class had to spec. a specific spec. or they would never get invited to raids. Shadow Priests, Feral/Balance Druids, and Prot/Ret Paladins would get lol'd at and kicked out of raids.


Prot Warriors were your only tanks. Druids/Shamans/Priests/Paladins HAD to be healers for raids. Mages could only be frost because everything was fire immune. The talent trees were really bad -- I mean BAD. Paladins were much better than Shamans which caused a big faction imbalance (group buffs vs totems), but Paladins originally had 5 MINUTE BUFFS AND NO GROUP BUFFS. <- lol!


Healing was actually harder. You had to downrank your heals and use pots a lot. They were no spammable group heals and basically the best you had was a healing Priest using POH on their group.


The only PvP system you had was a horrible grind. You had to x amount of valor to x rank, but the catch was you "decayed" 25% of your current valor every week so you had to grind enough valor endlessly for months for Grand Marshal gear that was worse than PvE gear later.


Also, don't get me started on the 40 man raids. Trying to get 40 people on every night was hard and only the extremely good guilds could even touch AQ40 or Naxxramas.


No looking for group system. Dungeons gave horrible blue gear. Leveling system was terrible. You had to go to 3 different zones a level almost because of running out of quests.


The thing is -- without all the fancy stuff WoW has now -- the game was fun. Loads of fun.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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From the way I read the release I'm actually counted as an active subscription even though I've canceled my account currently (I obviously still check the forums/site in hopes of finding something to make me resubscribe). I have to wonder how many other 6 month subscribers have quit for all intent and purpose yet are counted among those "active subscriptions". I know of myself and at least three others that went with the six month option and still have a large amount of play time left due to free gametime given out. 90+ days from now I'll still be counted as an "active subscriber" in the next quarterly report even though I'll only have a few days left on my account (unless Bioware convinces me to resubscribe).


Oh for sure. When I first saw the 1.3 million number my first thought was "where are they than?" I'd be surprised if this game has more than a million active players as of now.

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That was because they offered Diablo 3 for "free" with beta access for a year's wow subscription. That will keep those accounts active until the kung-fu panda expansion gets released, then it will nose dive.


Excuses, excuses. That and speculation is what you hear from WoW haters/bashers. :rolleyes: Of the 10.2 million subs, 1.7 million took advantage of the free D3. D3 is extremely popular you know?

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Yea, stabilized itself just over 10million. They're gonna gain more subs with MoP too.


People just don't understand that a lot of people still enjoy playing WoW.


I agree with this too. in fact, (anecdotal evidence incoming) the reason why I and quite a few others I know left is because of the lack of updates to the game. If they developed content at a pace consistent with BC and Wrath I'd still be playing. Its just that now they wait 8 months to a year or more without adding new content or even making number tweaks.


Which is why when I left I told them this. Sorry, I'm paying for a game that is constantly evolving, not one that goes half a year to a year or more at a time without any kind of meaningful changes.

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Excuses, excuses. That and speculation is what you hear from WoW haters/bashers. :rolleyes: Of the 10.2 million subs, 1.7 million took advantage of the free D3. D3 is extremely popular you know?


I don't see the big hype behind D3. It's a single player game with co-op.


Then again when Left4Dead came out half my guild was playing it.

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I don't see the big hype behind D3. It's a single player game with co-op.


Then again when Left4Dead came out half my guild was playing it.


Ironically, I think TOR would be doing better if they advertised it as a single player game with co-op.

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I don't see the big hype behind D3. It's a single player game with co-op.


Then again when Left4Dead came out half my guild was playing it.


D3 has a huge following. 2 million alone did the open beta weekend when they held that. It also set preorder sales records for Blizzard. It will effect the number of players you will see playing on TOR servers and the next sub report is my prediction.

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D3 has a huge following. 2 million alone did the open beta weekend when they held that. It also set preorder sales records for Blizzard. It will effect the number of players you will see playing on TOR servers and the next sub report is my prediction.


Yeah, and they're going to hear it on vent if they can't log on to help me finish my daily tonight. :D

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Oh for sure. When I first saw the 1.3 million number my first thought was "where are they than?" I'd be surprised if this game has more than a million active players as of now.


Imo 1 million is too much, i don't there are more than 500k active players atm.

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Yeah, and they're going to hear it on vent if they can't log on to help me finish my daily tonight. :D


haha! Well some TOR guilds are still active and strong I guess. So you may be one of the few lucky ones who have friends and guildies who still play. :)

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