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If the Force should stay in balance...

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Why do the Jedi hate the Sith so much? Anytime a Sith says "Hello. My name is Darth Evilface", the Jedi either try to redeem him, or fight him (and kill him). If the Jedi really wanted balance, they'd leave the Sith be, or at least keep them away from their area (they get part of the galaxy, the Jedi get the other part). Perfect balance.


Throughout canon, whenever the Jedi win, they say the Force is in balance, when it isn't. In fact, it's far from it.

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Why do the Jedi hate the Sith so much? Anytime a Sith says "Hello. My name is Darth Evilface", the Jedi either try to redeem him, or fight him (and kill him). If the Jedi really wanted balance, they'd leave the Sith be, or at least keep them away from their area (they get part of the galaxy, the Jedi get the other part). Perfect balance.


Throughout canon, whenever the Jedi win, they say the Force is in balance, when it isn't. In fact, it's far from it.


The Darkside is corruptible, if you leave even one SIth alone using the Darkside eventually the Darkside will corrupt the balance and over power the Light.


Sidious for example on his own overpowered/clouded the Light so much the movie 15000+ Jedi have trouble using the force. Which Mace and Yoda mentioned a bunch of time in the movies.

Edited by AngelousWang
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Jedi believe their philosophy IS the way the force is in balance. Power paid for by personal sacrifice. Jedi live to serve and defend others, much like the idealized samurai of feudal Japan. They believe that the Force lives and grows with everything they do, and therefore that immense power must be tempered with patience and calm resolve.


Sith use the force as a weapon to obtain unchecked power and fulfill personal desires, regardless of how amitious of destructive those desires ultimately become. They bring no balance of responsibility, they only use the force to take from all life around them...hence no balance.


Also...hence the conflict between Jedi and Sith.

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they say the Force is in balance, when it isn't. In fact, it's far from it.


The existence of the Sith is what causes the Force to be out of balance. Balance doesn't mean a yin/yang type of equal parts dark/light. Balance is the absence of the Sith.


This isn't a mater of my opinion on it, this is what George Lucas has said.

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The existence of the Sith is what causes the Force to be out of balance. Balance doesn't mean a yin/yang type of equal parts dark/light. Balance is the absence of the Sith.


This isn't a mater of my opinion on it, this is what George Lucas has said.


There is only the lightside of the force, the darkside is a cancer of the force. The balancing thing, came from who knows where.


"The overriding philosophy in Episode I—and in all the Star Wars movies, for that matter—is the balance between good and evil."


-George Lucas, quoted in L. Bouzereau, Star Wars: The Making of Episode I, 1999


"In each of us we to have balance these emotions, and in the Star Wars saga the most important point is balance, balance between everything."


-George Lucas, Time Magazine article, 2002


"The idea of positive and negative, that there are two sides to an entity, a push and a pull, a yin and a yang, and the struggle between the two sides are issues of nature that I wanted to include in the film."


-George Lucas, quoted in L. Bouzereau, Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays


"The Force has two sides. It is not a malevolent or a benevolent thing. It has a bad side to it, involving hate and fear, and it has a good side, involving love, charity, fairness and hope."


-George Lucas, Times Magazine, 1980


"I wanted to have this mythological footing because I was basing the films on the idea that the Force has two sides, the good side, the evil side, and they both need to be there. Most religions are built on that, whether it's called yin and yang, God and the devil—everything is built on the push-pull tension created by two sides of the equation. Right from the very beginning, that was the key issue in 'Star Wars.'"


-George Lucas, Times Magazine, 2002


"The Light is positive. It is intimately bound with the essence of living things; it is peace, harmony and knowledge. The Light Side springs from the great pattern of existence. It draws strength from diversity and tolerance. It is also inherently communal in nature, thriving on cooperation. Those emotions that enhance the existence of the whole flow from it and tap into its great reserves of strength and peace. Patience, humility and self-sacrifice are paths to enlightenment. Above all, it seeks harmony and perfection.


The Dark Side, in comparison, is the force of entropy and destruction. Chaos and rage feed it and are its sources of power. The Dark Side is a part of nature — it is not inherently evil, but evil comes from its irrationality, its intolerance and its lack of control. ******* and predatory, domination is its goal. Mercilessly aggressive and unforgiving, its adherents are blinded by greed and lust for power over those weaker than themselves.


The Light and Dark Side manifest themselves in the way they are used; they are simply different interpretations of a single aspect of nature, and they exist in balance with themselves and the universe. Just as with any aspect of life and death, both the Dark Side and the Light Side are intertwined with each other, are necessary to each other and form a cosmic balance."


-The Dark Empire Sourcebook


Aaaand the Mortis arc uses this theme again.


Lucas may think the Dark Side is evil, (Which is a very subjective term.) but he doesn't think it's a corruption of the Force.

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Lucas may think the Dark Side is evil, (Which is a very subjective term.) but he doesn't think it's a corruption of the Force.


He also had said that the whole point behind the prophecy about how Anakin will bring balance to the force, is by the destruction of the Sith.

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He also had said that the whole point behind the prophecy about how Anakin will bring balance to the force, is by the destruction of the Sith.


Which were not destroyed.


Hell, you remember when the Emperor came back? Lucas argued for that in favor of an imposter Darth Vader.


Not even getting into all the other flavors of Sith alive in the galaxy.

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Why do the Jedi hate the Sith so much? Anytime a Sith says "Hello. My name is Darth Evilface", the Jedi either try to redeem him, or fight him (and kill him). If the Jedi really wanted balance, they'd leave the Sith be, or at least keep them away from their area (they get part of the galaxy, the Jedi get the other part). Perfect balance.


Throughout canon, whenever the Jedi win, they say the Force is in balance, when it isn't. In fact, it's far from it.


Would you say the same in RL. That we should balance it out and let some countries be ruled by Nazi's and leave them alone?


And wasn't that what the Jedi originally planned to do? They exiled the Dark Jedi who would become the Sith later. The Sith conquered their own Empire. They didn't need to attack the Republic during the Great Hyperspace War. Maybe if they would have listened to Ludo Kressh instead of Naga Sadow, Republic and Empire would co-exist peacefully.

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Anakin brought balance to the Force because the Sith had all but won. The Jedi were virtually destroyed and the galaxy was dominated by the Dark Side of the Force.


By killing the Emperor (and in the process killing himself), Anakin effectively set the equation back to 0.

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Which were not destroyed.


According to Lucas they were. He's made it quite clear that as far as he is concerned the EU stories that take place after Return of the Jedi simply have not happened. So according to his vision the Sith were in fact destroyed...


According to the EU they haven't. Sidious has come back, other sith have come back, Exar Kun came back, ect... But that doesn't really change what Lucas himself said when asked about the prophecy of bringing balance to the force.

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According to Lucas they were. He's made it quite clear that as far as he is concerned the EU stories that take place after Return of the Jedi simply have not happened. So according to his vision the Sith were in fact destroyed...


According to the EU they haven't. Sidious has come back, other sith have come back, Exar Kun came back, ect... But that doesn't really change what Lucas himself said when asked about the prophecy of bringing balance to the force.


This brings up the question as to why anyone really cares what he has to say.

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The Darkside is corruptible, if you leave even one SIth alone using the Darkside eventually the Darkside will corrupt the balance and over power the Light.


Sidious for example on his own overpowered/clouded the Light so much the movie 15000+ Jedi have trouble using the force. Which Mace and Yoda mentioned a bunch of time in the movies.


Refer to the first link in my sig for the first time they mention it.

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If the Jedi left the Sith alone to do what they do, the Sith would destroy everything. The Sith do not respect balance, they seek to rule all life and if they did take control they would destroy everything. That's why the Jedi can not stop watching. The PT era Jedi believed that the Sith were gone and thanks to that line of thinking, the galaxy experienced the darkest time in it's history.
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Considering a Sith's track record for screwing up the galaxy and the Republic the Jedi are sworn to protect, not to mention how often they have killed Jedi, I don't see why any would try to immediately befriend one.


Also I figure the Jedi see Sith as the black sheep of a family that need to be reeducated or otherwise put into special care. They feel its their responsibility to ensure they cannot hurt anyone.

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Anakin brought balance to the Force because the Sith had all but won. The Jedi were virtually destroyed and the galaxy was dominated by the Dark Side of the Force.


By killing the Emperor (and in the process killing himself), Anakin effectively set the equation back to 0.


Too bad the Empy comes back. Then the equation is off balance.

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Star Wars for me finished after the last film.


The EU is stupid.


i don't know. Some of it is good. Like the Thrawn trilogy/duology. This game ranks A-OK in my opinion

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Welcome to a game set in the Old Republic. Approximately 3650 years or so before the OT, which would put it firmly in the EXPANDED UNIVERSE!! :eek:


See this person you quoted makes the mistake of not clarifying what is stupid in EU. There are some things I find distasteful in EU but that doesn't mean I hate the EU. This game is great and a good portion of the books are great, but some really irk me. My biggest beef with the EU is the Emperor coming back, but that was when they didn't know where to take the EU so they say "We need a Sith to come back" and BAM! Empy's back.

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The first film starts with the last age of the Republic, which is it's getting tired, it's old, it's getting corrupt. There's the rise of the Sith, who are becoming a force, and in the backdrop of this we have Anakin Skywalker, a young boy who is destined to be a significant player in bringing balance back to the Force and to the Republic.


Then in the second film we get into more of that turmoil. It's the beginning of the Clone Wars, it's the beginning of the end of democracy in the Republic, sort of the beginning of the end of the Republic. And it's Anakin Skywalker beginning to deal with some of his more intense emotions of anger, hatred, sense of loss, possessiveness, jealousy, and the other things he has to cope with.


And then we will get to the 3rd film where he is seduced to the dark side.


Which brings us up to the films 4, 5, and 6, in which Anakin's offspring redeem him and allow him to fulfill the prophecy where he brings balance to the Force by doing away with the Sith and getting rid of evil in the universe.

George Lucas, from the intro to the ANH Special Edition VHS.


That's Lucas' definition. In the universe of the movies, which is the entirety of Star Wars according to Lucas, there is the Force and the Dark Side. The Force is the Force in its natural state--peaceful, harmonious, balanced. The Dark Side is the corruption of that. He likened it to cancer, where the Force itself was more of a symbiotic relationship. One is healthy; the other kills.


The EU definition, however, can be different. Dawn of the Jedi is a major example of this: The Je'daii believe that the Force is balanced by embracing both Light and Dark.

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The Jedi are no better than the Sith. They use the force to maintain their control over the Galaxy.



Peace is a lie.


^Somebody has read too many Sith holocrons


If the Jedi wanted control of the galaxy they would have taken control a long time ago. The Jedi are keepers of the peace. The Sith want to control the galaxy and destroy anything in their way.

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