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Fleet Dueling: Broadcast it, build community, entertain players.


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Fleet dueling needs to be in the game. The devs know it, players know it, it's just a technology and resources question. Here's an idea of how to do it:


First, auto-transport players to an area off the main fleet for the duel, that solves performance issues. The tech for this already exists with quick-travel, just tie the transport to accepting a duel.


Second, broadcast duels. It would be awesome to have a big visible board in Fleet that either showed a stream of duels going on, or snapshots, or even just results of recent duels. Then have an option for players to quick-travel to a viewing area for the duels, so they could watch. It gives active and passive players something to do on fleet between queues, and would instantly create a player-driven duel community that could be enjoyed by everyone. I think that for the amount of resources necessary to make it, this single feature would provide more hours of player-enjoyment and community-building for your investment than anything else.


To save coding resources:

Have the duel area quick-travel only by duelers and spectators.

Keep it simple, you could probably just dump some of the area design straight from Outlaw's Den, or the main floor of Voidstar.



Advanced ideas:

I can see an argument for dumping all duelers into a single arena, or instancing each on individually. It wouldn't be too much more beyond that to allow 2v2 or 3v3 dueling.


Make sure to have some sort of public broadcast of duel footage, screenshots, or results -- this is a huge attention grabber for the feature, and builds community. The type of people who are really interested in fleet dueling would probably appreciate having some sort of public record of what just happened.




It's far from an easy patch-in, but it would be easier than designing a warzone, and probably make people a lot happier. It would be easy to build out from that design into more organized dueling, or even embracing e-sport.

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There should be an elevator in the combat skills section of the fleet or a floor on the White Nova with a cage room or a pit (like in the dark temple in SWG), spectators can stand around the outside and watch. :p Edited by Sookster
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With the current class balance, this will be the biggest fail ever.


Its not like dueling is mandatory. Its just something that would be nice to pass the time, try out builds, or whatever.

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How about instead of cueing at the fleet, cue for your warzones in the outlaws den? There's three pvp vendors out there. Even a GTN kiosk and a mailbox.


Devs, can you put the PVP mission terminal out there? If that could be done the. Hanging out on the fleet would be almost obsolete.

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The whole point is it needs to be easy to do. The vast majority of players don't go to Tattooine because it takes way too long, and then you're away from GTN/Dailies/other people. If there was a viable way to do it on fleet, especially one that encouraged people to get involved, it would make another reason to be on fleet and be social.


Everyone wins.

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They Will add Dueling in the Fleet


They said they would...been asking that question for weeks now for the Q&A and finally got picked and they said it is something they want but are trying to find out how to do it without making the fleet as bad as ilum.

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The point is, putting a pvp mission terminal In the den is way easier than making a new zone in the fleet. No one on my server had a problem traveling to tattooine for the world event. Why would traveling there for pvp be any different? If everyone did their cuing in the den, then you wouldn't be away from other people and you'd have the open world pvp that every PVPer wants.


This idea will get slammed on though. People would rather complain about what's missing rather than taking advantage of what's there.

Edited by mrdert
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I'd really hate to be transported to a different section/instance of the fleet just to duel someone. I mean if I wanted I could take him to my ship and we could duel there.


I like the idea of giving the people in the fleet something to watch.


Someone on Gamebreaker.TV(i believe) mentioned having the bottom level Cantina area to allow duels. I think this would be GREAT. It gives people something entertaining to watch and a great viewing spot too.


edit - I think it's pretty sad that due to 'poor optimizations' we are forced into this 'dueling section' of the fleet to ignore it.


FIX the core issues first Bioware! Then spend resources on things like dueling on the fleet

Edited by FourTwent
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They said they would...been asking that question for weeks now for the Q&A and finally got picked and they said it is something they want but are trying to find out how to do it without making the fleet as bad as ilum.


^ hahah what?

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Best solution I can come up for BW and dueling on fleet is create an instanced area for dueling that way: Only those partied would be able to enter/duel, group limited like upto ops 16man cap, less interruption from other players doing there daily activities, less lag and performance issues all round so casual players don't get lagged out or have to sit there watching people blast the animations, effects and sounds of the games engine to it's limits.
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The point is, putting a pvp mission terminal In the den is way easier than making a new zone in the fleet. No one on my server had a problem traveling to tattooine for the world event. Why would traveling there for pvp be any different? If everyone did their cuing in the den, then you wouldn't be away from other people and you'd have the open world pvp that every PVPer wants.


This idea will get slammed on though. People would rather complain about what's missing rather than taking advantage of what's there.


Because loading Tat takes far far longer than loading fleet? That is why your idea is terrible. Why would anyone want to Q for WZs in a super long loading area? Plus you can't look for pve groups in Tat. While I'm Qed I'm spamming general for HMs that i want to do at the same time.

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this is such a good idea.


obviously it would take a lot and would have to be smoothed out but an in-game streaming of duels or arena would be pretty sweet.


remember back in KOTOR when you had the arena thing on taris? god i love the old kotors..

Edited by Motoeric
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I like how in KOTR we had "The Mysterious Stranger". The arena component was so fun, especially with the announcer. It would be nice to have Arena style matches. Though, I am not sure on a space station they make sense, it would be more reasonable to have it on some Hutt world.
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Game. Set. Match. You win the interwebs.


Frankly the Den doesn't solve any problem except that you can duel there, so I don't think the interwebs have been won nor even marginally improved. It's not about "complaining" it's about finding a design solution that actually works and produces the intended result.


For the most use of the dueling feature, you need a lot of people. To have a lot of people, you need a social hub. For a social hub, you need attractions (GTN, mission terminals, rest area, easy to get to/from).


Currently Outlaws Den has nothing but an area to duel. To get the people to make it good, they'd need all the attractions of the fleet. If they rebuilt a fleet in outlaw's den, and made it easy to get to, then yeah sure it could replace the fleet and we could duel at the Den, but that's as much if not more work than just adding an instanced duel ground to Fleet, which is already where everyone congregates. Broadcasting it and making it viewable would make it another good reason to be on fleet between activities, and thus build even more community.

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