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Give. Bioware. Time.


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It isn't as if they aren't fixing things, it is often what they are fixing, their prioritization if you will.


I tried to jump up a box (had done this before) on hoth to cut out part of the chain to of platfroming to get to a datacron. Apparently they had removed the edges from just that set of boxes, they had been there before, not anymore. Then I thought to myself, "they fixed this... really... HK has been bugged for how long now and they spent time and resources on this!?!?!?"


Needless to say, this is just one of many examples, and I am sure most people would agree, it seems the developers don't have their priorities straight. At the very least, not in line with what the community sees as important.

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Ok, here is reality check. At 1.3 million subs, they are still in the top 3 worldwide games. Most of the games out there don't even cross 1 million mark. The game has already paid for itself, and turned a profit, the rest is gravy. Despite what all the naysayers say, its not going down anytime soon.


As more content is realised, more subs will come, while others leave. The game will prolly stabilize in a year or so to core subs. Are server merges needed, prolly. Could more work be done, oh hell yeah. I do not think this game is the end all, and it was never billed as that. It needs work and polish, but its a great game for what it is. And despite 400k leaving, it still has 1.3 million that play it, and most of them could care less what these forums say.


It has? It is? For LucasArts that's true, but for EA/BioWare? If they spent the reasonably estimated 200 million dollars making the game they haven't recouped that yet. And that would be development costs, not servers and advertising.


The game has only been out for basically 4 billable months (first month to jan 13 free, free month), lets say 1.5 million at 15 dollars per month is 90 million dollars+ 2 million sales at 50 ish dollars a pop (losing a lot to retail sales but getting full value for online) so we'll generously say they've brought in 200 million dollars. But they're burning money for call centres (US, Galway, outsourced), + development staff, + servers + bandwidth monthly. I'd put their profitability point at closer to 1.5 million.


granted, we're talking about a relatively small launch territory, they will pick up a pile of subs by opening up to new areas.

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If you didn't know how to build an MMO, then don't build one. 6 years of development time require proof of the work and frankly the quality isn't here. This is 2012 and there are new MMOs launching with more quality. Bioware doesn't have the time and frankly without RIFT paced updates over the next couple of months the sub numbers are going to take a devastating fall again.
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100% retention no. Never suggested that nor have I ever seen it.


Point is the population is decreasing and it is compounding itself by affecting others who enjoy the game and can't because others have left and no new additions are replacing them .


Ea/Bio is aware of this and stubbornly , inadequately or are unable to,or for whatever reason are not offering transfers in a timely fashion.


You seem to know a thing or two about MMO's. How long do you think people will keep being put off by a company/ game until they feel they won't get what they are paying for and decide to go elsewhere.


That seems to be occurring at a faster pace now. Which was my original point


I'm glad your are one of the ones that is happy with your gaming experience here but what about all the others that (at no fault of their own) are not having the MMO experience they want because of the lack of service that they pay for


What lack of service? Surely there are people who can't log in and can't load the game for some reason.... they have a legitimate gripe for lack of service. But who are you talking about? Just because some feature is missing doesn't equate to a lack of service.


But whatever. Some people who don't like the game will just leave. Others who don't like the game will stop playing (or claim to) and just haunt the forums instead. And the rest will continue playing the game as they always do, while BioWare improves the game and adds more to it. And that will be that....

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I've given them ample time to at the very least prove to me that they are interested in making the best possible gaming experience. They have failed. Either that, or their idea of the best gaming experience is completely different from mine. If they at least seemed to be headed in the right direction I'd stick around and be patient They are clearly headed in the complete opposite direction. So I'm gone. There's pretty much nothing left they can do short of firing their entire staff that would prove to me otherwise.
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Launch: Be patient! Give Bioware time. The game is new!

1 Month in: Game is just a month old, let them get things fixed! Geez!

3 Months in: 1.2 is going to solve most of your problems guys, just simmer down.

4 Months in: Let them fix what gotten broken, okay? Seriously you guys just want it now.

5 Months in: 1.3 is going to have everything you're asking for. Good lord you guys complain.



6 Months in: .....?

8 Months in:....?



Bioware has no problem taking my money why shouldn't we hold them to a higher standard?


$15 a month is cheap entertainment assuming you actually log in and play the game.


This Saturday I went to see the Avenger's spent $20. I was entertained pretty well for about 3 hours.


Last Night was raid leading HM EC for 3 hours. Downed Toth and Zorn and nearly killed the tanks. After Raid I logged out, and spent 8 hours finishing the story-line for my Jedi Knight. If you can log in and enjoy playing the game. $15 a month is cheap.


People spend more money on Cigarettes.


You can't even get a bottle of good liquor for $15.

Edited by clintcasey
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Its 7pm est, and out of like 126 US servers you have 1 heavy, 17 standard and the rest light. What does that tell you?


Back in February you would have at least every server standard with 20+ heavy and now look?


It shows that people have had it with giving Bioware time and arent even logging on anymore.

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Except, of course, if you paint it with the truth. Pretty much all MMOs lose 50% if not more of their subscriptions in the few months after release. Sure, losing them is bad in and of itself, but not when compared to the industry standard.


Cry harder, doomsayer.


Denial is not just a river in Egypt....

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Time's up. They've proven their incompetence with this fail sauce of a game and now it needs to go F2P and not continuously insulting ppl with the utter gaul to ask for subs for a sub par game that doesn't even work properly or looks like it's from the early 90s. Hello ppl, we're in the 21st century and I EXPECT a great game in this day and age especially from an IP such as this. If every other game can come out and function and, at the very least, have nice graphics, then why can't this game as well???
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Time's up. They've proven their incompetence with this fail sauce of a game and now it needs to go F2P and not continuously insulting ppl with the utter gaul to ask for subs for a sub par game that doesn't even work properly or looks like it's from the early 90s. Hello ppl, we're in the 21st century and I EXPECT a great game in this day and age especially from an IP such as this. If every other game can come out and function and, at the very least, have nice graphics, then why can't this game as well???


And a great game is what they gave us. I guess our opinions are different, eh?


And that's probably a resounding no on the F2P model. Ya'll can wish until the cows come home, but I'm just not seeing that ever happen with this game.

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What some people need to understand that is some hold a standard to this game no mmo in history or in the future will be able to live up to.


You will never see a finished mmo being released. It doesnt exist so its pointless to ask about it. No matter how long somone polishes their mmo before they release it. It will be in reality the same reaction no matter what.


This game is improving and improving. So far of all the mmos Ive played BW has done the best job at fixing what the community asks for. Soon there will be server merges. And it will be around 100ish 150ish people on fleets if they do it correctly, and I think they will do. And you have the LFG finder tool which in theory will make no difference in terms of getting groups if there is 50 or 150 people on the fleet.


Someone in this thread asked for more content at level 50. I still dont understand how they can say that. No mmo in the entire history of mankind has released new content every month or 2. Its unrealistic, its never happened in the world of gaming and it will do.


So far BW has fixed every issue thats been adressed by the community, or at least a massively enough majority of them, if they continue doing that, its gonna be an awesome mmo in the end.


Personally I dont really care if there is 200 people on the server or 1000. As long as I can level my characters I am happy.

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what some people need to understand that is some hold a standard to this game no mmo in history or in the future will be able to live up to.


You will never see a finished mmo being released. It doesnt exist so its pointless to ask about it. No matter how long somone polishes their mmo before they release it. It will be in reality the same reaction no matter what.


This game is improving and improving. So far of all the mmos ive played bw has done the best job at fixing what the community asks for. Soon there will be server merges. And it will be around 100ish 150ish people on fleets if they do it correctly, and i think they will do. And you have the lfg finder tool which in theory will make no difference in terms of getting groups if there is 50 or 150 people on the fleet.


Someone in this thread asked for more content at level 50. I still dont understand how they can say that. No mmo in the entire history of mankind has released new content every month or 2. Its unrealistic, its never happened in the world of gaming and it will do.


So far bw has fixed every issue thats been adressed by the community, or at least a massively enough majority of them, if they continue doing that, its gonna be an awesome mmo in the end.


Personally i dont really care if there is 200 people on the server or 1000. As long as i can level my characters i am happy.


^qft! 10+

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