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Why don't I get credit in PvE for failing operations?


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I can get a full set of top tier PvP gear and never win a single match, but the same isn't true of PvE. If I never kill a single operation or flashpoint boss I don't get any loot at all. Why the difference?


Because in PVP you are fighting players. In PVE you are fighting AI that is predictable and scaled in power specifically to be able to be defeated by an "average" player. An "average player" you would likely know as a "baddie" because you can, for example, keyboard turn and icon click your way through hard modes and operations. It is far easier to "win" in PVE than it is in PVP.


Now, if you want to start playing like a computer AI and then if you want to gear yourself down so that an "average player" can beat you... Then we can start talking about forcing people to win.

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I can get a full set of top tier PvP gear and never win a single match, but the same isn't true of PvE. If I never kill a single operation or flashpoint boss I don't get any loot at all. Why the difference?


Technically, you get lots of "kills" on players, I tend to get around 30 kills a match. SO....maybe they should add more bosses to PvE, and if you don't clear it all in one sitting in under x amount of minutes. You only get half the rewards....



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PvP is a competition between players. Ultimately, you need a level playing field for that to work.



Besides, once rated warzones are here you can just work towards earning the max rank needed for ranked war hero gear. And since your rank can drop, that gear will actually mean something beyond "I played this game for a really long time!"

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I can get a full set of top tier PvP gear and never win a single match, but the same isn't true of PvE. If I never kill a single operation or flashpoint boss I don't get any loot at all. Why the difference?


You can get top tier pvp gear and never grab a daily ( or win a single match) either. So really, whats your point? You don't have to win to get comms. The changes to the daily really don't mean much given that I get more comms in one match then what I get from that daily.

Edited by Raansu
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I can get a full set of top tier PvP gear and never win a single match, but the same isn't true of PvE. If I never kill a single operation or flashpoint boss I don't get any loot at all. Why the difference?


In every pvp match, half the players lose and half of them win.


In pvp- you face off against WH geared players while you're in entry pvp gear- in pve, you have the choice of doing dungeons, then hardmodes, the operations, then hard ops, then NM ops- gearing up as you go along. Why do pvpers have to face WH geared players when pvers with no gear who simply joined the game late or levelled slower don't have to immediately start doing NM ops, huh? No, you have no answer for that do you.


Furthermore- while at first you might wipe a bit to ops- after a few weeks you'll get them, after that, you're pretty much guaranteed to get loot every single time you do it- in pvp, you'll be just as likely to win or lose when you start as you will twelve weeks later.


Also- pve is a much much much faster rate of acquisition for time spent for gear. I guarantee you if we look at the average time spent for the best players to get campaign gear per piece- compared to that of the best players to get WH gear per piece- the WH gear is coming massively slower.

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I can get a full set of top tier PvP gear and never win a single match, but the same isn't true of PvE. If I never kill a single operation or flashpoint boss I don't get any loot at all. Why the difference?



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In pvp- you face off against WH geared players while you're in entry pvp gear- in pve, you have the choice of doing dungeons, then hardmodes, the operations, then hard ops, then NM ops- gearing up as you go along. Why do pvpers have to face WH geared players when pvers with no gear who simply joined the game late or levelled slower don't have to immediately start doing NM ops, huh? No, you have no answer for that do you.


You're right, I should be able to get entry level PvE gear that is equivalent to Columi for credits

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You're right, I should be able to get entry level PvE gear that is equivalent to Columi for credits


Actually, recruit gear is not as good as champ gear- it has some more expertise, but the stat penalty you take is staggering. So, it would be more like getting gear that's between Columni and Tionese- if only there was gear like that that could be crafted with augments and sold.


Oh wait, there is- and you can buy it on the GTN for credits.


The more you know... even level 50 epic crafted with augments of your choice are as good as/better with itemization than Tionese. Not to mention you get good credits from pve- whereas you'll never get the credits for the recruit set from pvping- you have to pve to get it.

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Scrubs pay subs.


Having the losers fall further behind the 'winners' in a time=gear PvP system would eliminate players even faster than the current 'I died in PvP so I quit' quiters.


Which is what the current system tries to address and yet FAILS at miserably, as GEAR will never ever ever make up for a lack of skill.


And let's be honest here, most of the players in this game don't understand, HOW, WHEN and WHY to CC someone. So no matter what kind of UBER gear they have they will still be STOMPED by better coordinated teams all day every day.


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I can get a full set of top tier PvP gear and never win a single match, but the same isn't true of PvE. If I never kill a single operation or flashpoint boss I don't get any loot at all. Why the difference?


Because you dont get thrown into one at the losing end, with 1-2 minutes to go with a bunch of people you do not know.

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I can get a full set of top tier PvP gear and never win a single match, but the same isn't true of PvE. If I never kill a single operation or flashpoint boss I don't get any loot at all. Why the difference?


Can I buy a full set of "recruit" Columni please for 300k?

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You do get certain things in flashpoints and operations even if you don't complete. I've run operations with groups that couldn't quite complete content and I still walked away with Rakata gear. I don't get that when I run a WZ. I can lose a match and leave with a WH helmet. I, however, can do that with an op.


Besides, quest rewards for PvE are for significant progress and not completion..;)

Edited by AlyxDinas
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Another thing worth mentioning is that PvE and PvP aren't competing with each other. You can do both, and the gear from each is sub-par for the other. So even if all the PvP gear were free just for logging in, it wouldn't change the worth of PvE gear one little bit.


This is not an Us vs Them issue.

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Because in PVP you are fighting players. In PVE you are fighting AI that is predictable and scaled in power specifically to be able to be defeated by an "average" player. An "average player" you would likely know as a "baddie" because you can, for example, keyboard turn and icon click your way through hard modes and operations. It is far easier to "win" in PVE than it is in PVP.


Now, if you want to start playing like a computer AI and then if you want to gear yourself down so that an "average player" can beat you... Then we can start talking about forcing people to win.


Last I checked I could pug 7 people into a WZ and win most of my matches, yet need 7/15 of my guildies just to be able to make decent atttempts on operations.


Hmmm... yea PvP is os much harder than pve.

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lol funny point. PvP gear is just stupid anyways I think there should be just gear, expertise is the worst idea ever and pgear rogression through what - 4 WHOLE WARZONES omg what a league of Glory.


But ey poor Bioware the White Wine and shrimp is strong; I've not seen sunlight for 2 months make me feel awesome by giving me a 30% easier time to kick other peoples toon behutts.


Open up the AH stop limiting items so much make trade more free so everyone can buy whatever they want from PvE and go get it if they can't. I'm a pvper but like the idea of pve for items or else buying it from someone who did it,


So what this would probably create a monetary economy they may not want in the game, however it is lame I actually learned to craft for the first time in an MMO and ended up finding it pretty much useless because the gear comes from comms, You level too fast to bother with crafting items10-49 and post 50 its irrelevant.

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I can get a full set of top tier PvP gear and never win a single match, but the same isn't true of PvE. If I never kill a single operation or flashpoint boss I don't get any loot at all. Why the difference?


Probably because you'd have to be trying to solo the operation or asleep at your keyboard to not manage to kill a single operation or flashpoint boss.


Just saying.

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because there is no way to adjust difficulty in pvp. imagine an operation where it randomized which difficulty and boss you get. Some fresh 50s go into EV SM and suddenly toth and zorn hm jump out and wipe the raid in the span of 10 sec or so. This is the equivalent of some undergeared pugs fighting a premade. Said 50's would have no way of completing the op and should therefore get something or else they would never be able to improve.

however, in pve difficulty can be adjusted and most that attempt it can successfully complete it, at least on story mode.

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because there is no way to adjust difficulty in pvp. imagine an operation where it randomized which difficulty and boss you get. Some fresh 50s go into EV SM and suddenly toth and zorn hm jump out and wipe the raid in the span of 10 sec or so. This is the equivalent of some undergeared pugs fighting a premade. Said 50's would have no way of completing the op and should therefore get something or else they would never be able to improve.

however, in pve difficulty can be adjusted and most that attempt it can successfully complete it, at least on story mode.


exactly this, well put

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