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Population Estimates for the Top 20 US Servers


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13 Servers Standard or Above out of 213.


93% Light.


Light = Less than 350 people on both factions (350 is when it switches to Standard).


Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.


It's failing faster than Warhammer, it's an amazing thing to watch.

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Thats because of D3.


Hell at least 10/16 members of our raid core havent logged in all week because they are binging on D3. But guess what? They haven't unsubbed to SWTOR and have no intentions of doing so. They'll binge on D3, and only log in for raid nights for a week or two. Then they'll get bored with that new game and come back until the next new game comes out that they can binge on.


I suspect everyone is probably doing that at the moment.


Oh so that's why The Fatman had 1092 Imperials on at 1pm today, and my old server had just 52. Apparently, people on The Fatman don't like D3, but everyone else does.

Edited by Kourage
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Oh so that's why The Fatman had 1092 Imperials on at 1pm today, and my old server had just 52. Apparently, people on The Fatman don't like D3, but everyone else does.


So let me get this straight. You left Shadow Hand, despite there usually being at least 100 people online at all time (shocker people can actually be places other than the Imperial fleet!), with the exception of very late hours, simply because you thought it would die?


And yet every Tuesday there is at least 100 people in Denova. I can think of at least 3 guilds clearing 16m HM on Server. I can think of many more working through the instance as well. And despite being a PVE server, there are large PVP guilds on both sides.


Shadow Hand may not have the quantity you like, but the quality is pretty high if you ask me.


I'm really not going to argue this further since I suspect you will simply ignore any arguments. nitpick over semantics and continue with your doomsayer attitude.


Cheers from Shadow Hand

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Wow those numbers are even worse you would have expected an uptake from the free weekend.


Tarro blood is still listed 72 in pve but if you add in the pvp were listed as 79 or 80.


One would think the folks at ea/bioware would be having really bad heartburn by now. One has to wonder if they are even watching these threads and if they are trying to come up with some sort of plan, other than sticking their heads in the sand and ignoring what is clearly happening.

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Light = Less than 350 people on both factions (350 is when it switches to Standard).


Heeeeey Azumio... can you please link me to your data that shows that light -> standard is 350? I'd love to have more data.



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From OP: "Light is up to about 500"


Then they need to have a Low Light and Super Low Light status. :p

Last night..at prime time...on my server 22 Imp fleet side...25 repub.


The are really only 5 servers which have any type of healthy pop , no way near 20.

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The are really only 5 servers which have any type of healthy pop , no way near 20.


I'm not making a value judgement on whether or not the population is "healthy". That's too qualitative; a lot of people will have a lot of different opinions about what healthy means and they may all be right. I'm just saying that those are the 20 largest.


And, pop isn't everything. I'm on Sanctum of the Exalted, and we're way more fun that our mid-thirties worldwide/mid teens US rank. A lot of our players are very group-oriented. We have a lot of events going on that are open to everyone on the server. We have a bunch of guilds that are close knit and that also coordinate with other guilds.



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Excellent OP as usual. Your hard work definitely pulls back the veil that Bioware has drawn - intentionally or not - over population numbers. Definitely a contender in my mind for the notable threads blog, but somehow I doubt this will get in ;)


There is one criticism I have of your original math, regarding Light populaion values. As I understand it, Torstatus can only record a server as being Light or Off (weekly maintenance, e.g.). So you are never going to see a value lower than .98, which is basically just the uptime percentage of the server.


Basically this means that your are significantly over-estimating population for the bottom end of the list. The upshot: it's even worse than we thought. The other consequence: merging way down to just a few servers is more viable than we thought.

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There is one criticism I have of your original math, regarding Light populaion values. As I understand it, Torstatus can only record a server as being Light or Off (weekly maintenance, e.g.). So you are never going to see a value lower than .98, which is basically just the uptime percentage of the server.


Basically this means that your are significantly over-estimating population for the bottom end of the list. The upshot: it's even worse than we thought. The other consequence: merging way down to just a few servers is more viable than we thought.


You are 100% right; I completely agree with you. I think that somewhere in the guts of this thread, I did mention that. This reminds me that assumption should go in the first post, which I will edit now...


I'm using 250 as my value for light. That could be, in all reality, 4 lost people or 499 people who are logged in all the time. So if my estimate is 250, the likely range is from 0.10x to 2x that.


We have no way of knowing without going in and /who-ing the entire server population a bunch of times during peak hours, and that's a pain in the rear end and takes more time than folks are generally willing to give.



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5/21 numbers are just sad.


Any server with under 1000 concurrent at primetime is just too low.


Looks like we only need 40 servers total (NA and Europe), as it turns out now. Shrinking, too. This is what happens when you continually fail to resolve problems in a timely manner.


I wonder if Bioware can get refunds on their hardware, LOL

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Considering a server to be at full capacity at around 3,000 people seems a bit low.


Even The Fatman being the most populated only has half of the population a medium sized WoW server has. They are different games and have different engines, but even in the Beta Test Weekends we were seeing 500+ on the Fleets and 200-300 on the starter planets and the stability was fine with a maximum queue time of like 10-15 mins.


If even a handful of servers saw those kind of numbers again, it truely would breath new life into the game. In addition to transfers, they need to really up their server caps.

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