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Population Estimates for the Top 20 US Servers


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While the RP servers could be said to have 'high' population, let's keep some perspective. They're still less than half of the only truly well populated server in the entire game: Fatman.


Relativity can easily cloud one's conclusions.


I play on AP, and we have a hard time hitting 100 people on Fleet these days, and I've seen it as low as 12. Prior to 1.2, we always had 150+, and I certainly never saw it remotely close to 12.


So, I'd hardly consider AP (a RP-PVP) server, 'high' population, just because it happens to be in the top portion of that list.


All the list really tells us is there's only one healthy server, and a looooooooooooooooooooot of unhealthy ones, and even Fatman is a shell of what it was pre-1.2. It used to have multiple fleet instances, with 300+ people on fleet. I can't recall the last time I saw that many on Fleet there. Looking at the history graphs, you'll see that the trend has been a big population decline-game wide-after 1.2 hit.


If that's not a damning acclimation on how pointless that Legacy patch was, I don't know what is.


The Ebon Hawk server has also had trouble breaking 90 players on the fleet since 1.2, and now since Diablo III launch the Empire side is lower pop at peak times than Pubs.... Go figure.

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The Ebon Hawk server has also had trouble breaking 90 players on the fleet since 1.2, and now since Diablo III launch the Empire side is lower pop at peak times than Pubs.... Go figure.


Even I been off playing Diablo III its at least is fun. Beets standing around the fleet trying to find an ops run or even god forbid a hm run of some sort. Not to mention how empty the black hole area is, it really fits that name. The entire patch that gave us that content was used up in under a couple of hours, just more dailies to do, and for what. Nobody is playing. I logged in last night 10:30 eastern there was 56 empire 25 republic on the fleets. I went to the various planets I counted about 180 folks total playing.


ea/bioware needs to first admit they have a problem right now its like oh were working on transfers, well by the time they get here you not going to have much of a player base left.


1 healthy sever, 8 servers that are sick, the rest are ghost towns. Not good, it is like aoc and war-hammer happening all over again.

Edited by erictlewis
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lol, oh dear ! none of the servers, I am on even list in that top 20.. yeah I guess that's not good for me then !! :p


Depends on what you expect from the game. If they added a cross server LFG tool, some would be willing to stay on a low pop server no matter how small thier pop server got down to. :cool:

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....and as a side not, Paige. I'll not be participating any further as some child found it necessary to report my original post to the empire, demonstrating once again, the level of intellect present in these type of threads.


You were actually refreshing to read. ;p

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....and as a side not, Paige. I'll not be participating any further as some child found it necessary to report my original post to the empire, demonstrating once again, the level of intellect present in these type of threads.


You were actually refreshing to read. ;p


I wouldn't worry about it. Their bans and warnings are meaningless. The subscription decline is the only thing that matters.

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Am no math expert but assuming the average numbers we are talking on most servers are averaging somewhere between 700 and alot less on many servers , its definitely not a good thing. Just thinking of those players logged in..


X amount are already grouped in dungeons or raids on any given level and in different parts of the SWTOR universe like Fleet , hutta, illum etc.


X amount are doing pvp warzones according to their levels 1-50


X amount are questing and doing dailies according to their levels 1-50


X amount are focused at the GTN and credit gaining


There is no global chat to link all these players lest they have alts etc to do more group stuff


X amount playing SWTOR as a single player or a couples game


X amount still are logged in and afk doing rl stuff


X amount arnt afk but they are sort of. ie being told off by partners or playing with the kids or answering phones


All of these kinds of variables make the world seem thinner even if there are some kind of numbers that say otherwise (not that these numbers are grand to begin with...


No wonder people cant find others to play with ... add to this the problem of server caps and other things


(In overall kind of numbers that are actually subbed I will be curious as to what happens to the numbers once people like my self are excluded from the math altogether . The official is 25% but we know it is much higher with the dishonest unsubbed being included. )


In answer to your question about the RP community.. In this game i didnt go RP server but i did in the last one. Generally people stick around for eachother on RP servers for mostly alternate aspects of the game, this is not to say there is no competitiveness rather the opposite , but in a different sort of way.


I wonder however how long it will be before the Rpers guiltily give up their friends on SWTOR in favor for another game. Honestly this game does not hold too much for an RPer. There is nothing much to collect or RP in this game, toons and companions basically look the same, the back stories of the toons and companions and their legacy are weak and linear at best. The promised epicness simply is not there.


I know it sounds like I am bashing but I dont mean to, I keep comming back hoping for change. I admire the RP community. If not for them then much fluff would not exist in many games leading to a flow on affect of happiness for many f the rest of us. SWTOR. Woulda shoulda coulda been awesome. It was released too early, problems dealt with too late, Old engines used, quick buck sought and no community ever designed to help support the player base. The RP community is master in most games of helping create community through similar interest. The rest of us need a community framework implemented to a degree. Given a couple of months I suspect even the RP community will give up. Afterall despite their own creative awesomeness there a=s only so much they can do. And there are other titles on the horizon which will promise and no doubt deliver more then what SWTOR has

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Thank you OP so much for making this. This makes so much sense for SERVER MERGES to happen. If every server had the population of the Fatman (where my alt is), It would be amazing. All my stuff on the GTN sells, groups are easy easy easy to find, OPS are easy to find, heroics are easy to find.


If they dont do server merges, some servers will end up with only like 50 people on at a time.

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I am on one of the top 20 servers (500 people average, comical right) and it sucks to see how dead it is. I really like this game, but the server population is killing it right now. I don't want to reroll as I would lose all the things I worked for in my legacy. It should be interesting to see how things play out.
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my server ,talos restoration project is third from the bottom.ive been playing on a dead server for far too long,and un subbed yesterday.i still have 30 days time,and if they get transfers up in those 30 days,i may resub.
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Shadow Hand is in the top 20 US. It's getting to be way too light. I can't see BioWare choosing it to receive transfers. People are going to pay to transfer off of it. It's going to die.


I thought the same on my prerelease server. No queue at all.

Edited by Puppup
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Well i was at first on kai-kan(EU) that server died then rerolled on the 2nd most populated pvp server , fearing the que etc , Legion of Lettow(EU) now i dont know why maybe is just a temporary d3 effect but pop as decreased alot so i decided to reroll and lvl an alt on tomb of freedom nard(EU) and the pop is ok , just like it was when i first rolled on LoL(EU) but really BW is leting the game die not doing merges, manually transfers, or w/e they need to do just do it , i have 30 days left and im not gona resub unless we get , merges and lfg tool on that time and i think im not the only 1 .
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Heh, okay, I did this math for all servers already... check this out...



Look to the right side, and you'll see the population breakdown.


As of this morning, I estimate that the 24 hr average number of characters logged into all the servers together is 83,194 characters. Obviously, that's not the whole population. We don't have any real data on what percent of the population is active at any one time. Some folks have suggested 10%, but I just don't know.


If we've got 83,000 people playing at any one time... and if you think that's 10% of the population... then that's 800,000 subscriptions.



Knew it was dropping and I expected around 1 Million of players but this is trend is even worse than I thought.


The boat isn't leaking it's sinking and seems the lack of new content in 1.3 might hurt even more.

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Shadow Hand isn't Fatman, but it is by no means dead.


It's getting there. The activity is getting lower & lower. You can't tell me people aren't going to pay to transfer off of it when they can. Then what?

Edited by Kourage
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Heh, okay, I did this math for all servers already... check this out...



Look to the right side, and you'll see the population breakdown.


As of this morning, I estimate that the 24 hr average number of characters logged into all the servers together is 83,194 characters. Obviously, that's not the whole population. We don't have any real data on what percent of the population is active at any one time. Some folks have suggested 10%, but I just don't know.


If we've got 83,000 people playing at any one time... and if you think that's 10% of the population... then that's 800,000 subscriptions.




~800,000 actively played accounts wouldn't surprise me atm. :(

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It's getting there. The activity is getting lower & lower. You can't tell me people aren't going to pay to transfer off of it when they can. Then what?


Thats because of D3.


Hell at least 10/16 members of our raid core havent logged in all week because they are binging on D3. But guess what? They haven't unsubbed to SWTOR and have no intentions of doing so. They'll binge on D3, and only log in for raid nights for a week or two. Then they'll get bored with that new game and come back until the next new game comes out that they can binge on.


I suspect everyone is probably doing that at the moment.

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Thats because of D3.


Hell at least 10/16 members of our raid core havent logged in all week because they are binging on D3. But guess what? They haven't unsubbed to SWTOR and have no intentions of doing so. They'll binge on D3, and only log in for raid nights for a week or two. Then they'll get bored with that new game and come back until the next new game comes out that they can binge on.


I suspect everyone is probably doing that at the moment.


Why would you be so logical??? JK. Also for those that dont know, The serv transfers are going to Be esse tially mergers. This way they at least are giving people achance to play with friends on other servers. its going to be servers x y z will be able to choose from m n o and servers x y z will be closed. stop acting like they are going to leave servers with 30 people on them total. thats just plain moronic.

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