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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Population Estimates for the Top 20 US Servers


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I play on Tomb of Freedom Nadd and I would dispute the numbers as beeing far too low for the busiest Euro server. We get queues quite a lot, though less so in the last 2 weeks, so that indicates much higher numbers IMHO.


C22, the number is an estimate based on the 24 hour average over the last two weeks - it underestimates the peak population (and overestimates the off-peak population). If you're playing at 2:00 am, the number will seem high. If you're playing during peak hours, the number will seem low.


Do you actually have numbers for your population? Do you know what a status of light or heavy or standard means on your server in terms of concrete numbers from /whoing the population on both sides?


If you want to actually census how many people are on ToFN and record it publicly for everyone to see, you are welcome to do so. I have a google form set up for just that purpose. Go to http://www.thethirteenthlegion.torportal.com and click SURVEY on the top right of the nav bar. Instructions, form, and a link to the data repository are all there.


I'm on Sanctum, and our pop is estimated at 410. I know, from doing /whos of the population, that our peak population between 17:00 and 00:00 is about 600-1000 logged in characters. Link to graph here. Link to data here. Link to Level 50 analysis here. Maybe take the ToFN average pop and multiply it by 1.5 to 2.5 to get a guess of your peak hours population. That's really uncertain though, because it assumes that ToFN's average/peak ratio is the same as Sanctum's and that's an assumption that hasn't been tested.



Edited by Scorpienne
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Interesting. I first rolled on Jedi Covenant, had some rl mates roll on The Corsair, so I rerolled to The Corsair. In the last few weeks, I have played on every planet.. AND been on fleet, where I was the only person. Guess I should have stuck to Jedi Covenant, eh?


That way, I may actually be able to sell something on the GTN instead of attempting to compete with the four other people that still play on my server to sell to each other.

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I think most people are missing that these are 24 hour averages and thus will dramatically *under*state peak population and dramatically *over*state off-peak populations.


For example my server is Grand-Master Zym which has a 24 hour population average estimated at 420.


Currently on the Empire side there are a total of ~68 players online on Empire side and ~51 on the Republic side broken down as follows:


1-10 - 4 empire and 2 republic

11-20 - 17 empire and 7 republic

21-30 - 10 empire and 10 republic

31-40 - 17 empire and 9 republic

41-49 - 10 empire and 8 republic

50 - 10 empire and 15 republic


That's a total population of 119 which is barely 1/4 of our 24 hour average.


During peak time there's likely well more than 420 people online (perhaps upwards of 1000).

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Something is seriously wrong with your method. There is way more than 2005 people on Fatman alone.


Where's your data to support this claim?


Let's say all the servers had the same population. Let's use your 2005 from Fatman. So what is there 170 servers? so 2005 x 170 = 340850. So you are saying there is less than 340K subs right now. BS


No, that isn't what she's saying at all.


The act of having an active subscription does not imply that you will be constantly or even consistently logged-in utilizing said subscription. A great many players have other obligations that place demands on their time - things such as work, school, family, art, creating spreadsheets, sleeping, trolling around in their parents' basement, or even baseless whining on forums - all of these activities are typically done to the exclusion of logging in to play this game.


What she's saying is that based on the data available, there is an average number of players on each given server. That average is based on estimates. So what she's saying is that there are an estimated average number of players online on each of the servers and provides you with a breakdown.


Where are the other almost 1 Million subs?


Let's make this easy.




At noon today, 1500 people will be logged into Fatman.

At 11:59 PM today, 2000 OTHER people (read: completely different) people will be logged into Fatman.


If you AVERAGE those two data points, you'd come up with 1750 people logged into Fatman.


But were there only 1750 subscriptions? No. In fact, there were 3500 subscribers logged in.


That make sense?


Let's use the 1.3 million sub number. (I know it's probably less now but I don't have a better number).


So the average server has about 7647 subs on it. That's not counting the multiple characters or subs on multiple accounts. That easy math I did proves, you don't know what hell you are doing. Not even one of your calculated server totals is any where near my average calculation. Your numbers are complete crap.


Actually, you're entirely and utterly incorrect. Your "easy math" proves only that your calculator works but completely and utterly fails to support your conclusions. At no point was it ever stated that the numbers Paige provided were 100% accurate head counts - they're estimates based on observation, data from Torstatus, and a little guesswork regarding certain functionality used on the SWTOR status pages. It was also never stated that the numbers she quoted were the number of players who played in a single day.


Had she come out and said "2005 on Fatman for 24-May-2012 for the entire 24-hour period" your math would hold up. But your interpretation doesn't align with her statement that, based on the reports from Torstatus, an AVERAGE of 2005 players was online. That's not the highest it went, it's not the lowest it went.


Armed with that average and the averages across all servers, she produced a number. That's the total number of players in a given day, on average. Now, stick with me here, this gets a little tricky:


Not everybody plays every single hour of every single day!


OMG! Really?! Say it isn't SO!


'Fraid so, Sparky. You could have different sets of people each and every day who combined give you those totals per day, but each of those had to have their own account (in most cases...let's not drag accounts used by siblings and what-not into this as it simply overcomplicates things and I wouldn't want your head to explode...yet).


In order to give an estimated number of total subscribers when you don't have access to the actual back-end data and metrics, you have to make some assumptions. One of the biggest assumptions of course is whether the base data, the total daily average, is in fact a viable figure. Then you need a reasonable ratio to factor that by.


What she's offered is reasonable, though I personally believe it to be a bit high. Remember, when they were doing those subscriber numbers, they were doing it for last quarter, and "active subscribers" included the weekend trial folks - most of whom are likely NOT now actively subscribing.


To her credit, she's also provided access to all of her data, given information regarding how certain elements were determined, how she came up with the ratio figures used to convert average daily players into total subscribers (not to prove number of subscribers but to further substantiate the average daily player figures themselves), and invited everyone to have a go at it if they have other ideas about how the data should be represented.


I think it's a fair effort, she's done a reasonable job of supporting her theories, the basis for her calculations is sound, and it's ultimately provided folks with some useful information. For those waiting for character transfers, it gives them an idea of which servers to look for in the transfer list. For those unwilling to wait any longer for character transfers who want to re-roll and go to it, it gives them an idea of which servers have the highest average populations so they know where to go to start over.


Now, if you think you can provide more accurate figures, by all means, be our guest. If all you've got is "your numbers are crap", and can't provide facts to support your statement, then you're welcome to go hang out over there in the corner.

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I think most people are missing that these are 24 hour averages and thus will dramatically *under*state peak population and dramatically *over*state off-peak populations.


The distinctions between subscriptions, average number of players, and peak number of players are lost on a large number of forum participants.

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That way, I may actually be able to sell something on the GTN instead of attempting to compete with the four other people that still play on my server to sell to each other.


LOL, ain't that the truth.

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I think most people are missing that these are 24 hour averages and thus will dramatically *under*state peak population and dramatically *over*state off-peak populations.


I have said that til I'm blue in the face. Well, typed it, but you know what I mean. The original post is big wall o' text that includes numbers. Hard to get folks to wade through it to actually see what I'm talking about.


For example my server is Grand-Master Zym which has a 24 hour population average estimated at 420. [snip] During peak time there's likely well more than 420 people online (perhaps upwards of 1000).


Yep, and that's a metric I don't have a good handle on because it requires a lotta work. There is a ratio of peak population/average population. We know the denominator, average population, fairly well at this point. Even if my numbers are dead wrong, it's okay, because we have the phi values from Torstatus.net and can use those if we need to.


The numerator is the killer. You basically have to go in and use /who to completely census your server mulitple times, both factions, during peak hours and you have to do it enough to have a number that you think is a good estimate of the peak hour population. That's a lot of work. If you feel like doing that work, I'd love to have a record of your numbers (google form to collect and warehouse data here).


If we had that number we could say that a phi of X = a peak population of Y, and we could really do some cool math. I could build a regression analysis, do the stats to see if it's significant, test to see if there's differences in different types or sizes of servers...



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At noon today, 1500 people will be logged into Fatman.

At 11:59 PM today, 2000 OTHER people (read: completely different) people will be logged into Fatman.


If you AVERAGE those two data points, you'd come up with 1750 people logged into Fatman.


But were there only 1750 subscriptions? No. In fact, there were 3500 subscribers logged in.


*Precisely*. I'd hoped that was clear in my original post, but apparently it wasn't as clear as I'd hoped. I added a bit about the "taking pictures of a busy highway" model and hope that will make it more clear in the future. I have no idea whatsoever how these numbers relate to subscriber numbers. Are they 5%, 10%, 50%, 90%? I have almost no data at all.



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I was on Darth Bandon, we had enough people to raid on a fairly consistent basis. Someone mentioned rerolling on The Fatman, and after some initial hesitation most of our people moved. Our group still has people playing D3 constantly (I played through once, meh...), but more often than not we're in vent, chatting and pvp'ing with a core group of people.


BTW, last night (5/24) our group of 3 or 4 queued for some wz's and never waited more than 3-5 minutes per queue for a good 8-9 matches. I think I looked at the fleet # once or twice (150+) but spent most of the evening on Balmora where there were 45+ people on.


If pvp is your thing, suck it up, reroll on a populated server, don't wait around for the mergers; plus 75% of the time 1-49 is more fun anyways. Unless there's an option to move both my characters from different servers to the same one, be it The Fatman or not, I highly doubt I will bother with the transfers. I'm happy on The Fatman, at least up through level 37; presumably things will need to change after 50, raiding, etc...


Keep up the good work on the server pop. estimates. Estimation on this scale is difficult, specially with the vague assumptions you have to make based on the data supplied.

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servers with less than 1000 people can be considered dead... oh wait that's almost all of them?


Servers with 1000 people left are not nearly dead. My server (Black Vulkars) had less than that for months and we never had problems getting groups and wz's were always insta-que. It wasn't until we were down below 200 players for the entire server that things became noticeably slower.


We're now sitting at approx 100 players for the entire server (both factions combined across all planets). Thought I'd never have to say it, but at this point I'd call it dead. :(

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Total Population ≈ 72,203


Total average theoretical population of people all logged in at the same time, on average, over the past two weeks including dead slack time as well as peak time (and the max might be 10x different than the min) and, which also is probably a fraction of the total number of subscribers.



Edited by Scorpienne
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I have said that til I'm blue in the face. Well, typed it, but you know what I mean. The original post is big wall o' text that includes numbers. Hard to get folks to wade through it to actually see what I'm talking about.




Yep, and that's a metric I don't have a good handle on because it requires a lotta work. There is a ratio of peak population/average population. We know the denominator, average population, fairly well at this point. Even if my numbers are dead wrong, it's okay, because we have the phi values from Torstatus.net and can use those if we need to.


The numerator is the killer. You basically have to go in and use /who to completely census your server mulitple times, both factions, during peak hours and you have to do it enough to have a number that you think is a good estimate of the peak hour population. That's a lot of work. If you feel like doing that work, I'd love to have a record of your numbers (google form to collect and warehouse data here).


If we had that number we could say that a phi of X = a peak population of Y, and we could really do some cool math. I could build a regression analysis, do the stats to see if it's significant, test to see if there's differences in different types or sizes of servers...




Entered for current data and bookmarked for the future. Great idea!

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Interesting. I first rolled on Jedi Covenant, had some rl mates roll on The Corsair, so I rerolled to The Corsair. In the last few weeks, I have played on every planet.. AND been on fleet, where I was the only person. Guess I should have stuck to Jedi Covenant, eh?


I rerolled to Jedi Covenant it seems to have a great balance of both sides. Although for pvp republic sucks from 10-49 but curbstomp at 50. My Imp is lucky to win 1/10 at 50.

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I'm on Rubat Crystal RP PVE. It's dead and it sucks.


A good number of RC RP guilds were assigned there for launch, my own included. We collectively dumped it for Lord Adraas (we love L.A.....duh duh duh, we love it!)


I re-read the comments about the "super servers" and worry that it sounds like they are starting new servers, and play to have us all transfer to one of them. Rather than merge smaller ones into existing larger populations. Maybe they'll take the top 25% of each type and copy the existing populations over to them, name them the same, and let the masses transfer into them. But it would be just stupid enough to believe, that they could start all-new hardware, and expect us to bail in mass.

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I just don't believe the idea they are getting new hardware. They just fired 200 folks. Do you really think that they did that, and now they are going to buy an entire new server farm just to move folks to super servers??? Right now they are looking for ways to cut cost not spend more money.


Honestly lets call it like it is, it is a server merge. They will be using existing hardware just like dcuo did.


Super servers looks a lot better to investors than server merge.

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UPDATED 5/25/2012


Top 20 US

The Fatman (PvP US East) Population ≈ 2005.625

Jedi Covenant (PvE US East) Population ≈ 1140

Drooga's Pleasure Barge (PvE US West) Population ≈ 860

The Harbinger (PvE US West) Population ≈ 840

Canderous Ordo (PvE US East) Population ≈ 690

The Swiftsure (PvP US West) Population ≈ 670

Lord Adraas (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 620

The Ebon Hawk (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 610

Ajunta Pall (RP PvP US West) Population ≈ 580

Jung Ma (RP PvP US East) Population ≈ 580

Mind Trick (PvE US East) Population ≈ 470

The Shadowlands (PvE US East) Population ≈ 440

Shadow Hand (PvE US East) Population ≈ 420

Zakkeg Beast (PvE US West) Population ≈ 420

Begeren Colony (RP PvE US West) Population ≈ 420

Krayt Dragon (PvE US East) Population ≈ 410

Sanctum of the Exalted (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 410

Kaas City (PvE US East) Population ≈ 400

Lord Ieldis (RP PvE US West) Population ≈ 400

Vrook Lamar (RP PvE US West) Population ≈ 390


Top 20 Worldwide

The Fatman (PvP US East) Population ≈ 2005.625

Jedi Covenant (PvE US East) Population ≈ 1140

Tomb of Freedon Nadd (PvP EUR English) Population ≈ 1070

The Jedi Tower (PvE EUR German) Population ≈ 960

Drooga's Pleasure Barge (PvE US West) Population ≈ 860

The Harbinger (PvE US West) Population ≈ 840

Dalborra (PvE APAC English) Population ≈ 830

Master Dar'Nala (PvP APAC English) Population ≈ 790

Gav Daragon (RP PvE APAC English) Population ≈ 790

The Red Eclipse (PvE EUR English) Population ≈ 770

Canderous Ordo (PvE US East) Population ≈ 690

The Swiftsure (PvP US West) Population ≈ 670

Huntmaster (RP PvP EUR French) Population ≈ 660

Lord Adraas (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 620

The Ebon Hawk (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 610

Mantle of the Force (PvE EUR French) Population ≈ 590

Dune Bantha (PvE EUR English) Population ≈ 590

Ajunta Pall (RP PvP US West) Population ≈ 580

Jung Ma (RP PvP US East) Population ≈ 580

Vanjervalis Chain (RP PvE EUR German) Population ≈ 560







My guild, and the guildleaders on my server, have been wondering what is going to happen when server transfers go live. How many people are on which servers? Where are they likely to go? Are we likely to have an increase or decrease in population? Should we move someplace else? I started doing some math at this problem in order to try to get more information so we could plan accordingly.


As you may already know, http://www.torstatus.net codes server status as


1 = Light

2 = Standard

3 = Heavy

4 = Very Heavy

5 = Full


It then checks server status on all the servers every hour and records that number. It calculates the average of all of those hourly recordings for the last 14 days and reports than number as "ø". (http://www.torstatus.net/about)


This guy went and did a *lot* of work. Basically, he wrote a program to tell him when a server changed status, and then he went and /whoed the population of the server to see what actual population number is associated with what status.




He estimates, with plenty of variability in the data, that:


Light is up to about 500

Standard is up to about 1,500

Heavy is up to about 2,250-2,500(?) (Let's call this 2375 for now...)

Very Heavy is up to about 3,000

Full is greater than about 3,000


If you look at his data, you can see that sometimes a heavy server has 2000 people on it and sometimes it has 2500 people on it. Same kind of range (or more) for the other server statuses. Part of this is because people log on and log off while he's /who-ing the population, and part of this is because different servers might have different population levels and/or Bioware may alter those population levels. (So standard might be 1,500 on one server and 1,000 on a different server, or 1,500 today and 1,000 a month ago - we don't know.)


I think you can then use the two to estimate server population.


If ø is greater than 0, add the % ø is greater than 0 x 250 (where 250 is the average of 0 and the top end of the "light" status.)


So for Whitebeam Run, where the ø is 0.98, you'd have (0.98 x 250) and come up with a theoretical average population of 245.


The low phi servers are the ones that this analysis is most uncertain for, I think. I'm using 250 as my value for light. That could be, in all reality, 4 lost people or 499 people who are logged in all the time. So if my estimate is 250, the likely range is from 0.10x to 2x that. I can't detect a population less than a phi of 1, so if a server is really deserted, I can't tell.



If ø is greater than 1, start with 250 plus the % ø is greater than 1 x 1000 (where 1000 is the average of the top end of light = 500, and the top end of standard = 1500).


So for Kath Hound, where the ø is 1.14, you'd add 250 plus (0.14 x 1000) and come up with a theoretical average population of 390.

If ø is greater than 2, then add 250 + 1000 + the % ø is greater than 2 x 1937.5 (where 1937.5 is the average of the top end of standard = 1500, and the average top end of heavy 2375).


So for The Fatman, where the ø is 2.48, you'd add 250 + 1000 + plus (0.48 x 1937.5) and come up with a theoretical average population of 2180.

By "theoretical average population" I mean the average population taken as the mean of hourly samples over the last 14 days, so that includes the peak hours and the off-peak hours. The theoretical average population UNDERESTIMATES the peak population and OVERESTIMATES the off-peak population.


Math is here - you're welcome to look at it yourself and see if you can find a better way to analyze this data. You'll also see tabs for previous analyses.



That means if you take Friday the 25th's ø numbers from Torstatus representing the average population over the last two weeks for the top 20 US and worldwide servers:


Top 20 US

The Fatman (PvP US East) Population ≈ 2005.625

Jedi Covenant (PvE US East) Population ≈ 1140

Drooga's Pleasure Barge (PvE US West) Population ≈ 860

The Harbinger (PvE US West) Population ≈ 840

Canderous Ordo (PvE US East) Population ≈ 690

The Swiftsure (PvP US West) Population ≈ 670

Lord Adraas (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 620

The Ebon Hawk (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 610

Ajunta Pall (RP PvP US West) Population ≈ 580

Jung Ma (RP PvP US East) Population ≈ 580

Mind Trick (PvE US East) Population ≈ 470

The Shadowlands (PvE US East) Population ≈ 440

Shadow Hand (PvE US East) Population ≈ 420

Zakkeg Beast (PvE US West) Population ≈ 420

Begeren Colony (RP PvE US West) Population ≈ 420

Krayt Dragon (PvE US East) Population ≈ 410

Sanctum of the Exalted (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 410

Kaas City (PvE US East) Population ≈ 400

Lord Ieldis (RP PvE US West) Population ≈ 400

Vrook Lamar (RP PvE US West) Population ≈ 390


Top 20 Worldwide

The Fatman (PvP US East) Population ≈ 2005.625

Jedi Covenant (PvE US East) Population ≈ 1140

Tomb of Freedon Nadd (PvP EUR English) Population ≈ 1070

The Jedi Tower (PvE EUR German) Population ≈ 960

Drooga's Pleasure Barge (PvE US West) Population ≈ 860

The Harbinger (PvE US West) Population ≈ 840

Dalborra (PvE APAC English) Population ≈ 830

Master Dar'Nala (PvP APAC English) Population ≈ 790

Gav Daragon (RP PvE APAC English) Population ≈ 790

The Red Eclipse (PvE EUR English) Population ≈ 770

Canderous Ordo (PvE US East) Population ≈ 690

The Swiftsure (PvP US West) Population ≈ 670

Huntmaster (RP PvP EUR French) Population ≈ 660

Lord Adraas (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 620

The Ebon Hawk (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 610

Mantle of the Force (PvE EUR French) Population ≈ 590

Dune Bantha (PvE EUR English) Population ≈ 590

Ajunta Pall (RP PvP US West) Population ≈ 580

Jung Ma (RP PvP US East) Population ≈ 580

Vanjervalis Chain (RP PvE EUR German) Population ≈ 560


So here are some summary statistics:

Total Estimated Worldwide Population of all servers (24 hr average over the last 2 weeks as of 5/25/2012).



Keep in mind this is the total number of average people logged in - it's probable that not every player is logged in all the time. If you think that 50% of the population is logged in all the time, double this number for the number of subscribers. If you think that 10% of the population is logged in all the time, then multiple this number by 10x for the number of subscribers.


For instance, I'm on Sanctum of the Exalted. I've been censusing our population by running /whos by level band in both factions for months. Link to data here. I've found out that there are about 600-1,000 people online during peak hours (I define peak as 17:00 to 00:00). Link to graph of population during peak hours here. That means that the ratio of peak population to average population is maybe between 1.5 to 2.5. I have no information if this ratio is valid for other servers.


Think of it like a really busy 16-lane interstate in a major city (for instance, I-75/85 in the middle of my beloved Atlanta). If you take a picture of that highway once an hour for 24 hours, you'll see that the number of cars in the frame might vary from just a few to several hundred. You might see the same pizza delivery guy fifteen times a day. You might see one stainless steel Delorean go through just once and never see it again. If you average the number of cars in every picture, you might decide that the average population of cars is something like a few hundred. If you drive through at 2 am, you're going to find far fewer cars than that average. If you drive through on a rainy Friday before Memorial day at 5:00 pm, you're going to find way more cars than that average. In actuality, thousands of cars go through there every day, but rarely more than several hundred at a time. Your snapshot can't account for the ebb and flow of people driving through it all the time, and when you start counting that pizza delivery guy multiple times, your numbers get really wonky. Having said that, you can use that snapshot to estimate an average population of cars, and compare that to busy highways all over town. That data can be used to help you decide if you want to dare the crowds on 75/85 or would rather take 285 to get home more quickly.



# of Servers

PvP 80

PvE 110

RP PvP 6

RP PvE 18

Total # Servers 214

There are actually 217 servers, but torstatus.net isn't reporting 3 small German PvP servers for some unknown reason. These servers are very lightly populated, and represent a small fraction of the population, so they do not change the final numbers by more than a few percent either way.


Total Population

PvP ≈ 23,666

PvE ≈ 37,728

RP PvP ≈ 2,730

RP PvE ≈ 8,080

Total Population ≈ 72,203



Average Population

Average Population

PvP ≈ 296

PvE ≈ 343

RP PvP ≈ 455

RP PvE ≈ 449




Thanks to you, I checked out the three avatars I made on Jedi Covenant when I first started playing. Spent all night last night having a BLAST on a server where one planet had more players than total for my usual server, let alone the fact I saw a triple digit on the fleet readout. Your work on this is greatly appreciated. Without it, I would never have known since I never pay attention to server load, even when it's sitting at the second spot on my server list.

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I rerolled to Jedi Covenant it seems to have a great balance of both sides. Although for pvp republic sucks from 10-49 but curbstomp at 50. My Imp is lucky to win 1/10 at 50.


I spent all last night while at work playing my characters on there. It sucks I have to abandon two level 50s, a 31, a 27, a 23, etc.. etc.. from my old server, but I now have a 23 SIth Warrior, a 16 Scoundrel, and an 11 Jedi Guardian on Jedi Covenant. Was a great experience last night. Reminded me of my second week in game (first on my old server).

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They should not have waited this long before doing server transfers/merges. It's already too late, once a server starts to die you lose everyone left on that server. I unsubbed, since my server has <10 people or less on the fleet at peak hours.


It's like treating a disease, you have to stop it from spreading before it's too late, otherwise there's no choice but to amputate it completely.

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Thanks to you, I checked out the three avatars I made on Jedi Covenant when I first started playing. Spent all night last night having a BLAST on a server where one planet had more players than total for my usual server, let alone the fact I saw a triple digit on the fleet readout. Your work on this is greatly appreciated. Without it, I would never have known since I never pay attention to server load, even when it's sitting at the second spot on my server list.


Wow! Thanks dude. :-) Glad to know it. Game on!



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I need to stop checking Torstatus, it's just making me sad now. Tomb of Freedon Nadd went down from 2.3 to just 1.77 now over the last 2/3 weeks and my old server Frostclaw stands at 1.08 :(
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With circa 2/3 of the servers at the lowest score i.e. 1.00 , the population estimate increasingly loses accuracy due to the wide potential variation at that level. That server is anywhere between 1 ad 500 people.
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