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SPOILERS!!! Darth jadus question


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As for the Jedi Knight the lv32 boss is a pure test on how well you know your class and how good are you at interupting. It was a cool challenge and took me a while to figure what I was supposed to do. Cant beleive I forgot his damn name but you Jedi Knights know exactly what Im talking about...not the ones that partied up and caked-walked thru the fight...but the ones that stood toe to toe with him.


look at my spoiler tag above for the name :)

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ok I've hit the point where I'm about ready to delete all my alts & cancel my account to TOR.


Got to the last mish in Chap 1 of the IA story line. & now I find out that 3(?) months after release the mish is STILL bugged! People have been ************ about this mish since beta & they haven't fixed it?


Try dropping into cover to start the fight.


*Cannot see target* Really? He's right there about 3 meters in front of me.


Stealth & sneak up RIGHT behind him & attempt to stab him.


*Cannot see target* REALLY? I'm so far up his *** that I can see the back of his throat, but I can't see him to stab him?! WTH?


Stealth & sneak up in front of him. attempt to shoot him.


*cannot see target* REALLY? well sadly he can sure as hell see me and just used my minion & me to mop & wax the floors.


Go to med bay. run back. Stealth & sneak up to him & try to stab him.


*cannot see target* WTH?! I can count the pimples on his face thru the holes in his frickin mask!


back up - still stealthed - .. try again. slightly different angle.


Don;t even get a chance to start fight. He suddenly goes all sorts of nuke crazy on us & kills us. (no light bulb over his head. no warning just NUKE. CC the minion. stun me. lather rinse repeat)


*visit med bay again*


Seriously.. 3mo after release & this major of a bug? I am enjoying my IA to no end but this.. this is killing the game for me. Of course after a few deaths I look on the boards to see if it's a known issue. of course there's a thread 18 pages long started DECEMBER 17th!!! not a 1 response from a dev/mod to be seen.


Yes I put a bug report in - just before I started this rant. I'm quite certain the response will be. a generic, we're sorry but try harder.

Edited by Evilrat
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ok I've hit the point where I'm about ready to delete all my alts & cancel my account to TOR.

-yada yada yada-----

Yes I put a bug report in - just before I started this rant. I'm quite certain the response will be. a generic, we're sorry but try harder.


Do yourself a favor and reset the quest and go back in and take his side, watcher 2 forgets about you throwing her under the bus . It doesn't change the story(much) and the alternative fight is a cakewalk and she deserves what she gets.

Even if it weren't bugged, it's stupid that you have to basically take his health down 3 times to beat him .

You picked a fight with the wrong DARTH anyway.

Darth Jadus is the MAN and the only NPC that made me afraid to talk back to him in the IA quest line.

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Do yourself a favor and reset the quest and go back in and take his side, watcher 2 forgets about you throwing her under the bus . It doesn't change the story(much) and the alternative fight is a cakewalk and she deserves what she gets.

Even if it weren't bugged, it's stupid that you have to basically take his health down 3 times to beat him .

You picked a fight with the wrong DARTH anyway.

Darth Jadus is the MAN and the only NPC that made me afraid to talk back to him in the IA quest line.


You don't have to join him.


You can talk him down and make him go into exile basically. It makes Watcher Two love you even more heh


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Dear Evilrat,


My response to your post does not qualify as a *spoiler* but as a true way to get this boss down if you decide to fight him. The lack of attention this has received from the development team is disturbing but I really think they have not come up with a valid solution so its up to us to figure out some of the bugs and help each other out.


I am level 31 and all my talent points are in the Medicine tree. Your first move is to have your companion (I used Vector) on Passive. Stand to the side of the boss and use Debilitate and run back towards the 3 small terminals on the right. This will stun him and give you time to reach the terminals. As he approaches throw your Fragmintation Grenade and start the "line of sight" dance around the 3 terminals. The boss will not go over them like he does the bigger terminals so these 3 small ones are the only way to keep the boss on his feet. After about 3-4 grenade throws put your pet on Attack mode. Keep running and staying out of the bosses line of sight. You should have enough aggro now to hold. Be very patient to not let the boss close to you or he will slam you to the floor and it hurts alot. The boss has a healing ability that does not have a cast bar above his head but you can tell when he is doing it when he raises his hands in the air and standing still. You need to interupt this asap. Use Flash Bang or Debilitate to interrupt this and you should have no problem staying safe and using your grenade at a distance between the terminals. Also, right after he stuns your companion run up to him and use Debilitate, Backstab, and then Shiv...then haul ***. Try to do this on the cool down on Debilitate and interupt his healing ability and you will be successful.


You have to fight him 3 times so patience is a virtue with this dude. I defeated him last night and used a combination of other strategies made on this thread. Thought I would tell you exactly how I defeated him at level 31 and as a healer. Hope this helps and hope Bioware can fix this fight so its not just another gimmick...hails

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Dear Evilrat,


My response to your post does not qualify as a *spoiler* but as a true way to get this boss down if you decide to fight him. The lack of attention this has received from the development team is disturbing but I really think they have not come up with a valid solution so its up to us to figure out some of the bugs and help each other out.


I am level 31 and all my talent points are in the Medicine tree. Your first move is to have your companion (I used Vector) on Passive. Stand to the side of the boss and use Debilitate and run back towards the 3 small terminals on the right. This will stun him and give you time to reach the terminals. As he approaches throw your Fragmintation Grenade and start the "line of sight" dance around the 3 terminals. The boss will not go over them like he does the bigger terminals so these 3 small ones are the only way to keep the boss on his feet. After about 3-4 grenade throws put your pet on Attack mode. Keep running and staying out of the bosses line of sight. You should have enough aggro now to hold. Be very patient to not let the boss close to you or he will slam you to the floor and it hurts alot. The boss has a healing ability that does not have a cast bar above his head but you can tell when he is doing it when he raises his hands in the air and standing still. You need to interupt this asap. Use Flash Bang or Debilitate to interrupt this and you should have no problem staying safe and using your grenade at a distance between the terminals. Also, right after he stuns your companion run up to him and use Debilitate, Backstab, and then Shiv...then haul ***. Try to do this on the cool down on Debilitate and interupt his healing ability and you will be successful.


You have to fight him 3 times so patience is a virtue with this dude. I defeated him last night and used a combination of other strategies made on this thread. Thought I would tell you exactly how I defeated him at level 31 and as a healer. Hope this helps and hope Bioware can fix this fight so its not just another gimmick...hails


Interrupt his attacks. Heal yourself. That's all that needed to be said. Even bugged, I destroyed him on my healing Op (level 32). It was laughably easy for a fight that's dreaded by so many in the community. Also, he's fixed in 1.2.

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i snipered the **** out of him. i had this ****ed up bug too. after every "phase" he was on top of the bridge and "no target". i ran into meele und BÄM - ***** hit me in the face. and again i could put my shells into his candy ***.

he got a whoopin' and i was the hero of the day :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dunno why people are tanking instead of having Kaliyo tank him, seems a little silly unless your gear happens to be better than hers. I mean, that's pretty much what Kaliyo's for. Also, the part where the tank gets CC'ed requires the non-tank to pay attention... a part better suited to the player IMO.


I did it as a healing spec, with Kaliyo tanking (because if Vector were geared enough at that point, I probably would've used him instead... I think it makes more sense to tank if you're using Vector, though if your healing is good enough, you could probably keep him healed and let him tank). From your lack of mention of the platform bug, I will assume you know how to deal with it. But for those who don't, you have to kite him off of the platform to the middle of the room in order to get rid of the 'Cannot see target' bug.


You mentioned that scary whirling lightning storm that CC's your companion. When that happens... RUN! He'll come after you and, and he hits HARD! Stun him right away. Also, I didn't think to do it during the fight, but a lot of people have mentioned hiding behind terminals. I would recommend hiding when your stuns have run out. Just stay away from him till Kaliyo gets out of the CC and gets aggro again. Oh, and I think the CC actually heals your companion slightly, or at least does minimal damage. So don't worry about your companion dying while you run like a little ****, they'll be fine.


To sum up:

1. Put your companion on passive and kite him off the platform.

2. When he's in the middle of the room, ATTACK! And don't forget to take your companion off of passive.

3. Keep attacking/healing.

4. Scary swirly lighting storm --> companion gets CC'ed

5. Stun him or hide until your companion gets un-CC'ed.

6. Go back to step 3 and repeat until either you or Jadus is dead. Preferably Jadus.

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just killed him as a 32 heal-spec and died twice due to the stupid 'you cannot see that target' crap....once i got him to chase kaliyo off his platform and CC/LOS his mega-spells he was quite simple...annoying and killable but takes some thought....his opening whirlwind can be annoying but just use the kiting/threat clear when he's chasing you once kaliyo is able to attack again and rinse/repeat


they really do need to fix the target bug on this though

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This may have just been my experience but ... I had the LoS issue and unsuccessfully tried kiting him around. I just couldn't heal my companion fast enough and also keep myself alive.


After several long and difficult attempts that ended in death and a large repair bill, I remembered reading a post that said you had to be right on top of him but you could hit him so I tried that route.


When I was on the platform with him and... pretty much inside him... so that I could hit him, I noticed how much health I *wasn't* losing. The LoS issue must have been screwing with him targeting me and my companion as well. In fact, all sections of the fight were a complete breeze - just keep his *** on the platform and stay right up against him.


Again - this may have been my own special little glitch (that I was truly thankful for receiving) but I thought I'd throw it out there in case someone is at their wtis end.

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just killed him as a 32 heal-spec and died twice due to the stupid 'you cannot see that target' crap....once i got him to chase kaliyo off his platform and CC/LOS his mega-spells he was quite simple...annoying and killable but takes some thought....his opening whirlwind can be annoying but just use the kiting/threat clear when he's chasing you once kaliyo is able to attack again and rinse/repeat


they really do need to fix the target bug on this though



Ditto all of this!

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  • 2 weeks later...

As a lvl 30 mm sniper this was the funnest fight yet.


Using los and disrupts made all the tools the sniper has worthwhile for this fight.


When I killed him the first time i ran up and expected him to grovel, he simply said that it wasn't over yet and I was like, you kidding me.

Round two comes and I drop him and I'm all aglow but he is back standing up on the bridge.

On round three I'm wondering if this is ever going to end and it did.


The extra bonus is that when I get back to base watcher two is my boss and being I boinked the boss before starting the mission I feel I have leverage going forward.

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This fight is soooo bugged. I tried to LoS him alot and would get him low but would finally die. What i finally ended up doing was stand next to him on the stage and just run around him in circles hitting on him trying to get him to attack Kaylio. Finally after several deaths i was able to figure the system out. Like i said the fight is totally bugged and youll be los on him on the stage so you have to run around him over and over just to get hits but that also works to your advantage.
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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the advice on here guys, I was just about to throw my PC out the window...


Seems really counter intuitive to me, every other elite I've fought it was easy to nuke them while my companion tanked, sometimes they would go down but they were left with nothing, him on the other hand, well the first time an all out nuke worked on the 5th or 6th try, but then 5 more times going down as he just mezzed my companion and ran at me, pausing just long enough to reapply the mez while they got one ot two hits in, I didn't even think about kiting with pretty much all the sniper skills requiring cover, and with no healer companion to keep you topped up.


There should be a warning sign on entry to the ship, warning, skill bump ahead :p

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Thanks for the advice on here guys, I was just about to throw my PC out the window...


Seems really counter intuitive to me, every other elite I've fought it was easy to nuke them while my companion tanked, sometimes they would go down but they were left with nothing, him on the other hand, well the first time an all out nuke worked on the 5th or 6th try, but then 5 more times going down as he just mezzed my companion and ran at me, pausing just long enough to reapply the mez while they got one ot two hits in, I didn't even think about kiting with pretty much all the sniper skills requiring cover, and with no healer companion to keep you topped up.


There should be a warning sign on entry to the ship, warning, skill bump ahead :p


You can also beat him through Diplomacy, no need to fight him at all if you choose the correct dialogue unless they've changed the mission Anyways I wish you good luck keep on sniping/shiving :)

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  • 9 months later...
Am I the only one who actually likes Jadus? It's his daughter that I want to kill.


I liked Zhorrid better, but u can't be sure if she won't kill u on the next meeting. Working with Jadus is much safer, because he likes people doing their job well.

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  • 1 year later...

Trying to beat him as we speak. Nothing works - 7 failed attempts as a sniper at lvl 32. This is the hardest fight so far for me in the entire game. The last character I played was the marauder and I felt so invincible playing her.


I send Kaliyo or Vector on him first but as soon as I join the fight, he goes right after me, I try to keep myself alive with some medpacks, throw the flash grenade on him or slow him down with leg shot, use entrench and shield probe but I still end up dead while my companion is almost full of health.


What am I doing wrong? :(

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