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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware why did u do this...?


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with the new daily win/lose thing is the dumbist thing u could have done. it encourages ppl even more to stand around in WZs. now it gets ppl more for nothing. u guys really need to learn how to use the PTR and actully use player feedback. the game has gone to crap in less than 6 months. thanks for stealing ppls money. i know that was the plan all along right? the game is made for money not the players. i already hit the unsub button a few days ago to bad i have 99 days left:mad: Edited by Fredder
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They did it because with the super low populations, premade teams were causing players to literally, not be able to get 3 wins in a day, even if they dedicated their entire day to it.


I don't necessarily agree, now we will have afking and not caring in warzones again, but at least poorly geared players on low pop servers can get their quest done in a reasonable amount of time.

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with the new daily win/lose thing is the dumbist thing u could have done. it encourages ppl even more to stand around in WZs. now it gets ppl more for nothing. u guys really need to learn how to use the PTR and actully use player feedback. the game has gone to crap in less than 6 months. thanks for stealing ppls money. i know that was the plan all along right? the game is made for money not the players. i already hit the unsub button a few days ago to bad i have 99 days left:mad:


I don't see what the big deal is. Bad people are bad. You either are going to have quitters or afkers. At least afkers you can vote out. This change to the daily really doesn't change anything other then the fact that some people will actually be able to complete their daily every day instead of once a week. It only gives 99 comms anyways so its really not THAT big of a deal. Most people who pvp are not doing it for the daily.


QQ more please, because no matter what BW does, you crybabies are going to QQ.

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I have to agree with this . This only encourages people to slack and dont give a damn. Instead of people trying to fight for their win now you will have people who just stand arround and do nothing


People do that anyways. Dailies arnt going to change anything.

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I have to agree with this . This only encourages people to slack and dont give a damn. Instead of people trying to fight for their win now you will have people who just stand arround and do nothing


yeah,so they can get there worthless what.how much credits and some other garbage


big deal,pvp dailys arent serious business anyway.at least they didnt further ruin pvp by doing some retarded crap like the medal change was

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They did it because with the super low populations, premade teams were causing players to literally, not be able to get 3 wins in a day, even if they dedicated their entire day to it.


I don't necessarily agree, now we will have afking and not caring in warzones again, but at least poorly geared players on low pop servers can get their quest done in a reasonable amount of time.


yeah,another epic win for the people who care about the gear right


this is a example of why sw tor is going down the toilet.they need to focus more on the people who do things for fun.not the whiney "I WANT MY LOOTZ"crowd


i mean,the medal change was just the start i guess,but at least gw2 seems to have some good pvp.it'll be nice to actually play an mmo with good pvp and not garbage like sw tor and wow

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I like it, it was a good idea. It rewards those of us who never get a good PUG and almost always lose. Did you know that I have 3 pieces of WH gear without completing a single pvp daily? I have to wait on average 45 min to get a WZ during prime time which makes getting 6 warzones completed difficult but more possible than actually winning three.


Please stop being an elitist.

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They did it because with the super low populations, premade teams were causing players to literally, not be able to get 3 wins in a day, even if they dedicated their entire day to it.


I don't necessarily agree, now we will have afking and not caring in warzones again, but at least poorly geared players on low pop servers can get their quest done in a reasonable amount of time.


its nice to know that the pvp devs are so imcompenent in this game they went from adjusting classes due to player complaints to actually changing stuff like dailys due to player complaints


i wonder where that guy is today that claimed sw tor was going to have the best pvp team.cuz i dont really believe anymore they hired in the best pvp team,id rather have blizzard then the failures they hired in

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They did it because with the super low populations, premade teams were causing players to literally, not be able to get 3 wins in a day, even if they dedicated their entire day to it.



TBH I qued on 3 different alts today and ran these dailies in the under 50 bracket. Not one person was afk. Most played really well to try and win so they didn't have to wait another 30+ min in que to get the 2 of 2 daily req done. Got mine all done. Even on my 50s I didn't spot anyone not performing.

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well im glad they at least thinking of the people who they have totally screwed over, neglecting population issues for so long.

but why do so many people leave wz at all?

because so many games are horribly balanced in terms of skill/gear and class composition. How many times during a really close match does someone leave group, very rare. Its the games where almost immediately ppl get steam rolled that ppl drop like flies.

Whatever factors (in any) that decide who goes onto which team in any given wz needs some serious attention from bioware.

Even if it could match teams based of something simple like valor (which even though a player can be horrible) at least indicates a better chance they are well geared etc...

setting up premades to go against each other is obvious, but pugging shouldn't be ignored as well for future updates and key to fun pugging experience is well balanced teams.


too many games where one team has 3 healer other team has none etc... surely a more complex system to populate wz cant be so hard

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It's a very ... special type of people who has a problem with a change that makes it so everyone gets more.


Can I ask the question that never gets asked? Why is that guy afking? I mean ... what's he get out of it? Now slow down, before you go HE GETS THE WIN YOU RETARD!! ... why dose he care about winning? Or gear? Or anything? He clearly doesn't enjoy PVP seeing he's not PVPing, he's afking. Seeing the only rewards he gets are to help him PVP ... why would anyone do that?


Under the OLD system, people had a lot on incentive to PVP, because there is no point in PVPing unless you can WIN and you can't WIN without gear, so just go afk until you have the gear you need to compete.


Also ... if people afk in your warzones, kick them. You're whinning about a problem that doesn't exist.

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with the new daily win/lose thing is the dumbist thing u could have done. it encourages ppl even more to stand around in WZs. now it gets ppl more for nothing. u guys really need to learn how to use the PTR and actully use player feedback. the game has gone to crap in less than 6 months. thanks for stealing ppls money. i know that was the plan all along right? the game is made for money not the players. i already hit the unsub button a few days ago to bad i have 99 days left:mad:


5-15 minute matches times six for 99 WH comms ruined it?

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most of the ppl on here dont get what this does to the game, this gives the ppl the choide to stand around get every thing for free(xp,credits,comms and valor) it takes away the compatsion in the game. atm and its been like this for some time now that pvp que up is simply the easy mode LFG. now with this put into the game ppl can lose and do nothing in the match at all and get every thing handed to them. its ruined the game further. but why would bioware care? they got our money already. its the casuel players that want everything for nothing that kills it for the serious players. gg bioware u lost another sub; :mad:
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with the new daily win/lose thing is the dumbist thing u could have done. it encourages ppl even more to stand around in WZs. now it gets ppl more for nothing. u guys really need to learn how to use the PTR and actully use player feedback. the game has gone to crap in less than 6 months. thanks for stealing ppls money. i know that was the plan all along right? the game is made for money not the players. i already hit the unsub button a few days ago to bad i have 99 days left:mad:


So would you rather people quit WZ's since they aren't gonna win then? Jeez can't make some people happy.

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WarHero gear must be granted not by WZ comms.. There must be more conditions to get it.. like medals count.. or WZ wins..


Thus you will be able to gear in BM gear simply doing nothing in Wzs, but for WH gear you have to actually play skilled.

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TBH I qued on 3 different alts today and ran these dailies in the under 50 bracket. Not one person was afk. Most played really well to try and win so they didn't have to wait another 30+ min in que to get the 2 of 2 daily req done. Got mine all done. Even on my 50s I didn't spot anyone not performing.


I fully agree with you


i q'd... i popped some warzones last night , i won some and lost some

yes i imagine some people will or wont try their best but i imagine the ones that wont put in the effort will

get pulled up a lot more by the members of their team that care.


This patch was needed for low pop server players (although i conceed this is a band aid patch)

the answer or alternative to this patch would be cross server queuing but thats not a option yet.

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I actually appreciate the change a lot, and in my humble opinion made pvp more fun.


Being a PVE player by definition, I started to explore Warzone PVP lately, and I still think I am a n00b at valor 56.

During the time I gained these valor level I usually met always the same players on my and the opposing side, until yesterday. I saw a lot 'new' characters on both sides, and it was refreshing not to loose against the same pre-made groups again, but have interesting fights in a more evenly matched environment.


And it no longer requires 2 evenings playing to finish the daily mission anymore.

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I like it, it was a good idea. It rewards those of us who never get a good PUG and almost always lose. Did you know that I have 3 pieces of WH gear without completing a single pvp daily? I have to wait on average 45 min to get a WZ during prime time which makes getting 6 warzones completed difficult but more possible than actually winning three.


Please stop being an elitist.


K how the hell you get wh without doing any pvp daily? i must e doing something wrong.

Edited by Narfirill
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Can I ask the question that never gets asked? Why is that guy afking? I mean ... what's he get out of it? Now slow down, before you go HE GETS THE WIN YOU RETARD!! ... why dose he care about winning? Or gear? Or anything? He clearly doesn't enjoy PVP seeing he's not PVPing, he's afking. Seeing the only rewards he gets are to help him PVP ... why would anyone do that?


Also ... if people afk in your warzones, kick them. You're whinning about a problem that doesn't exist.


My thoughts exactly. There is literally no reason to be upset about this change.


Those of us who log on just for a few hours a night to PvP will get their daily done quicker. Those of us who PvP for hours on end to grind the gear will still get the pieces at the same rate. Those of us who afk during matches for whatever reason will still get kicked.

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On my server this has turned out to be a great thing!


Some nights you just get tons of premades on imp side rolling us pubs. Before, people would simply quit the wz and then stop queuing altogether, resulting in less pvp. Now, I haven't seen anyone quit at all and more than that, people are trying harder so they get their 8 medals for maximum comms and thus quicker gear progression.


Anyone that just afk's in a warzone is still an idiot as the dailies are a slow way to get ranked wz comms, winning warzones and getting medals is still much quicker!

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