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The PvP Daily changes don't affect you, so zip it


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" so the two factions work in the hypothetical universe, but in reality the Empire side had defectors who were ex Jedi Masters all the time


I agree with your point but in reality there is no Star Wars. :)


Except in the OP's childish brain.

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The only reason why games have two factions is because WoW had two factions, never mind that every argument you see here about why this model sucks can be found in WoW itself too.


WoW was not the first MMO, there were many other games with 2 factions before that.


And the reason SWTOR has 2 faction is because star wars has 2 factions.

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The only reason why games have two factions is because WoW had two factions, never mind that every argument you see here about why this model sucks can be found in WoW itself too.


Well let's expand that idea. Remove factions and make every PvP server a free for all. Attack anyone anytime.


We have just saved PvP on SW:TOR.

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I agree with your point but in reality there is no Star Wars. :)


Except in the OP's childish brain.


The same analogy could work for any two factions that might exist in real life. For example Al Queda terrorist don't just reroll as the US Army because they're tired of losing. They can't even really defect because obviously they won't be trusted and probably get locked up in a cell somewhere. Basically WoW and all later games assumed that players are supposed to have some kind of attachment to their faction, except that attachment doesn't mean much compared to losing every game.


Note that going by the lore of SW, most likely if a Jedi tried to defect to the Empire they'd just let him walk into Drumoond Kass and then interrogate him for info and then kill him. If that was what happened to people who rerolled on Empire, people would think twice about rerolling too.

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The games where the awesome guys join your team to turn things around are pretty rare. I mean it happens but it's never something you can count on.


It's hard to get medals without accidentally doing something useful for the team effort except on Alderaan. Novare Coast actually forces the guy who try to slack off to fight because if you die, you don't get any Defender points and people sneak attack positions all the time on that map, unlike Alderran. Voidstar/Huttball are almost impossible for you to do anything that might net you a medal without doing something useful. Even if you're just deathmatching people in the middle of the Huttball arena, that still helps your team in some way.


Doesn't alway take anyone awesome to turn the tide - sometimes you alread have enough awesome players so gaining one player that actually bothers to try in place of a quitter's dead weight is all you need.


Most of the bad medal farmers who don't care about winning also happen to be cloakers. In void star they'll cloak, sit close enough to the door without bothering to defend it (room 1 doesn't work too well for them), and they'll usually kamikaze immediately once a bomb detonates for rooms 1 + 2 so that they can respawn and sit at a door while everyone else is delaying the attackers from extending bridge/removing barrier. In novare coast, they'll hide on the side of a building (again, near enough to milk defender medals) without actually bothering to defend it. The amount of time required for a kickvote to remove them is too long - they can easily run up hit one person, then combat cloak and fall back to their farming position. In huttball, they're not usually the ones in the middle (people in the middle are actually contributing a lot, actually) and they usually camp their defending zone (pretty much inviting anyone with a charge/leap to a free goal) - then they'll attack and attempt to kill that ball carrier (killing a ball carrier near the goal line will get you 7.5k defender points IIRC - which turns into 4 medals - if they don't succeed, killing enemies near the defending goal line gets you either 500 or 1000 defender points) and they'll also grab the hutt-ball and immediately pass it to an ally (+500 attacker pts) or an enemy (for defender points via contributing to the kills). So, yeah, there are methods of farming on every WZ (though I agree that it is harder in some WZ's than others).

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I've gone days, sometimes a week without being able to finish my frigging DAILY, now I can get 6 done and go do something else when you only get 3 hours a night of playtime between work and family and sleep.


Yeah yeah yeah I suck and it's not the 7 other players fault... :p

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Doesn't alway take anyone awesome to turn the tide - sometimes you alread have enough awesome players so gaining one player that actually bothers to try in place of a quitter's dead weight is all you need.


Most of the bad medal farmers who don't care about winning also happen to be cloakers. In void star they'll cloak, sit close enough to the door without bothering to defend it (room 1 doesn't work too well for them), and they'll usually kamikaze immediately once a bomb detonates for rooms 1 + 2 so that they can respawn and sit at a door while everyone else is delaying the attackers from extending bridge/removing barrier. In novare coast, they'll hide on the side of a building (again, near enough to milk defender medals) without actually bothering to defend it. The amount of time required for a kickvote to remove them is too long - they can easily run up hit one person, then combat cloak and fall back to their farming position. In huttball, they're not usually the ones in the middle (people in the middle are actually contributing a lot, actually) and they usually camp their defending zone (pretty much inviting anyone with a charge/leap to a free goal) - then they'll attack and attempt to kill that ball carrier (killing a ball carrier near the goal line will get you 7.5k defender points IIRC - which turns into 4 medals - if they don't succeed, killing enemies near the defending goal line gets you either 500 or 1000 defender points) and they'll also grab the hutt-ball and immediately pass it to an ally (+500 attacker pts) or an enemy (for defender points via contributing to the kills). So, yeah, there are methods of farming on every WZ (though I agree that it is harder in some WZ's than others).


Someone who is determined to help your team lose will be able to do more damage to your team with this change, yes, since he now has an incentive to stick around and sabotage your game as opposed to just leaving the game.


But I don't think you should worry about the headcases who seems to play only to lose. If one of them shows up, you're usually screwed 99% of the time anyway.

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My server says 'standard' last time I checked and I didn't have problem getting queues, so I can't comment on dead servers. I notice there are only like 10 Republic players left on my server but thankfully there's no shoartage of Empire FOTM rerollers to play against.


The game shall now be called "Imperials: The Civil War"

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In the 8 matches I have played today only one was where people did nothing to get medals. 3 of them were Imp on Imp but the rest of Pub v Imp and pretty good. I do agree there will be people taking advantage of the new system but all in all I think it's a good change. I wont have to wait 2 weeks to do one weekly and a week to do a daily. Those who just hit 50 will have a better shot at getting geared up which will help too. Anyone who is pissed that people will be able to get gear easily is most likely that type of person who uses gear as a crutch and is pissed they might have to learn how to play now.
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At what point can it be the loser's fault when something doesn't work out?


I know sometimes you're pitted against a nasty enemy team you have no chance against. However, reading the forums, you'd think 100% of warzones are 6-0 huttball games that end in 4 minutes and the act of entering the queue at any time is a preparation for pure pain and misery.


It's okay to talk to people and form a group. I can tell you most of my "premades" are just a group of 4 where we know the other people don't suck. Rarely even screw around with vent. The warzones in this game are simple enough that the correct response to a situation along with a simple "inc 3 e" in ops chat occasionally is sufficient. Note people that seem good and invite them to queue with you, you're probably just standing there in the fleet doing nothing between games anyway.


If you're not in a guild with lots of pvpers, just add people that seem decent to your friend list and send them a whisper if they're on. You won't win every game doing this, but you'll win enough to do just fine.

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At what point can it be the loser's fault when something doesn't work out?


I know sometimes you're pitted against a nasty enemy team you have no chance against. However, reading the forums, you'd think 100% of warzones are 6-0 huttball games that end in 4 minutes and the act of entering the queue at any time is a preparation for pure pain and misery.


It's okay to talk to people and form a group. I can tell you most of my "premades" are just a group of 4 where we know the other people don't suck. Rarely even screw around with vent. The warzones in this game are simple enough that the correct response to a situation along with a simple "inc 3 e" in ops chat occasionally is sufficient. Note people that seem good and invite them to queue with you, you're probably just standing there in the fleet doing nothing between games anyway.


If you're not in a guild with lots of pvpers, just add people that seem decent to your friend list and send them a whisper if they're on. You won't win every game doing this, but you'll win enough to do just fine.


Losing is generally a symptom of gear, not skill. Put 4 guys with WH gear that have never met together in a premade and don't let them talk to each other at all, and this group still has a far better than average chance of winning the average WZ.


In the end gear is still the overriding factor and premades usually have better gear (or they wouldn't have made a preamde). But, have you seen a premade with bad gear? They die just as horribly as a PUG. You won't see many of them, but they do exist.


There are about 10 Republic players left on my server, and they are all well geared since all the badly geared guys have quit or rerolled. It really doesn't matter if they're a premade or not. If you run into 8 guys in WH level gear, it's going to be a tough fight and that actually happens a lot in Emp versus Republic games. I don't actually see much teamwork from the Republic guy, but you don't need it when all the guys that still queue on your side are all WH geared.

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Half true. If you're going to PVP as soon as you hit 50, you buy recruit gear.


Agree you can learn to play your class but due to the 2000 com cap you can get perhaps 2 pieces of BM gear if you don't get a BM weapon which is 1550 coms gone right there.

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You are a n00b and a terribad, and if it isn't clear why then well... you're dense.


hahaha, yeah. Sure. I can't validate anything because there's no ranked pvp in SW:TOR, and you aren't from my server - but trust me, I'm one of the most feared Sorcerers and players on my server. As is my guild.


That being said - You already get enough from losing. People say they lose constantly and don't get the quest done - You're going to be losing even more, even though you're getting your quest. People are literally not going to care about wins, especially those with gear. It's going to encourage incessant farming in warzones by players who don't need the wins/care that much. A lot of us only play to get the dailies done at times to help with friends - that 99 comms and 99 ranked warzone comms isnt really that much. So, yes, everyone who loses a lot is going to get their quest done sooner; the adverse effect is going to be your net losses will either remain the same, or increase. Which to me would be more discouraging/less fun in pvp than having to play a few more warzones to win matches.


This issue with imbalance on servers is also arising because more solid "hardcore" MMO players/pvpers (no skill relation there, simply people who play a lot and have guilds) are the ones that are ruling their servers - Wound in the Force Republic groups are typicall people playing together, and they play together a lot. Our Empire population is in serious decline as well, but the groups are a lot of pugs and whatnot. The frequency of Republic wins vs Empire teams is up from what it was a few months ago (Most of us that Q empire have pretty much quit pvping/waiting on rateds) and it's becoming rather discouraging for anyone "pugging" on the Empire side. Yeah, sure, now those players get their daily done faster - but those players aren't going to be winning anymore warzones.


I guess I'm anti-implementations that do not promote winning warzones - you can call me a hypocrite but I don't really care if I win warzones at the moment because 1.) I've got plenty of gear, 2.) My friends dont play nearly as much so I'm pugging a lot. I personally don't care about this change - it does not effect me in the slightest. I win a lot of my warzones because I premade a lot - but I solo a lot too, and I already never cared if I lost or won for the most part while solo. I fear for players that enjoy winning - and I fear that people think seeing "1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6 - Completed 99 comms/99 ranked commz" is going to make their pvp experience any better. They're still going to get stomped in warzones for most part. If that is FUN for the community, than I'm even closer to done with this game than I ever was (unless ranked is a complete joke.) I really hope that the majority of people advocating this change haven't thought about that yet though - the adverse effect of less stress on winning.


I didn't really mean anyone was that dense, for the record. I was just pretty angry at this change - Not encouraging winning and playing well is never good for pvp in an MMO. This game just gets more carebear and carebear and that has a lot to do with why subs are leaving and players are quickly realizing they aren't getting more than a couple warzone Qs in a few hour span. With all the people that have been leaving based on dumb pvp decisions it's going to take even longer to get your dailies done when there's no one to warzone with. None of Biowares implementations have helped in the slightest since launch - why does anyone think think one that follows the same carebear trend would?



Edit: TL;DR - There is no increase in winning here, simply an arbitrary quest completion that doesn't net much more when you consider the fact you are still losing and not getting as many Comms as you would be while winning. It is not as beneficial as people think it is - It's artificial fun: fun being given by receiving pixels, instead of playing.

Edited by Kiyoma
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this change helps the ppl that are on some servers that are on the bigger end standard servers that come against premades over and over.. but the ppl on low end standard and light servers are still screwed since the que doesnt pop or takes over an hr to pop. Least it helps with one problem a bit tho..now for the main prob for the whole game..more ppl via merges/cross server ques/ free transfers whatever.
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My server had like 40 people on Imperial Fleet yesterday but I still get fairly constant WZ pops. I realize that's not saying much because sometimes you can see 80 people in fleet and the queue never pops, but it's a point of reference. Most of the games were Emp vs Emp, so I guess it'd suck if you're on Republic side. I think it'd be better to simply mix teams for PvP since a lot of the Empire players seem to be former Republic players anyway.
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