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Does huttball need to be removed?


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Huttball is great and the reason I think so is because (contrary to what some are trying to say here) every class has a strong unique role unlike the other warzones where your role is the basic DPS, Tank or Healer.


People think their class doesn't have a big role because they don't get to do anything flashy with the ball (pull, grapple, charge) but that just means they aren't a scoring role or a situational defense role like a PT grappling the Ball Carrier into the fire which needs perfect positioning, timing and a carrier that doesn't have full resolve. Still each class can have a very important role that may go unnoticed but can have a huge impact on the outcome.


The special roles would be...

Scorer/Ball Mover - Simple, you score and the ideal classes are those who can charge, have a speed boost, strong defensive abilities or a stealth. Ideal classes would be Warrior, Assassins, Tank Powertechs and Ops when stealth is strategically used.

Aid to Ball Carrier - Classes that can pull friendly targets, heal them, guard them or push any defender to the pit. Ideal would be Sorcs, healer Ops or BH, Tanksins, Tank Juggs or tank PTs

Carrier Bodyguard and Defender - Classes that can put out high DPS to protect friendly carrier or to prevent scoring by use of either direct damage or by pulling enemies into fire, stunning/snare/root over fire or knocking people off into the pit. Every class is viable.


The last role would be probably the most under appreciated and overlooked but maybe the most important...


Protector of Mid/Ball Spawn - By far the most overlooked. A team who holds mid and keeps it friendly territory will likely win almost every time. It ensures that your team always grabs the ball after scores and if you do this then you can hit a quick score since most likely your team will still have people positioned in a scoring formation. If you let the other team get the ball then that breaks any set line of teammates and gives the other team a chance to regroup. Most of us knock that if a team holds mid and starts rapid scoring then the other team will be in complete disarray and most likely half of them will be knocked into the pit or running from their spawn point after death. Most huttball blowouts happens because one team secured mid. Ideal classes for this would be mostly the ranged classes since they can throw out damage from above to anyone trying to get to the ball. Melee dps could do this but they are way less effective since hanging out in mid is certain death from above for melee. Ideal classes are Snipers, Bounty Hunters and sorcerers.



This is just why I love huttball, it's like a sport since each class has unique positions and it's more sandbox than the others where there are multiple ways to score but in the others there really is only one way to cap or defend a node (kill all around and click it). I maintain nothing beats a nail biting 6-5 huttball match.

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I hate huttball. Does anyone else?


Nope. I love huttball, and my main is an agent which is arguably the weakest class in huttball currently as we have no z-axis movement, pulls/pushes/knockbacks, etc which makes us completely negatable by every other class unless we stay in the middle on ground level. And it's still fun as hell because it's actually a TEAM GAME. Emphasis on GAME. Only thing I would like to see is some kind of movement utility added to agenst/smuggs (like a pulse grenade knockback using aoe targetting marker) but since they won't do anything except nerf this class it seems more feasible to ask for another 2-3 huttball maps that don't entirely rely on movement abilities (especially z-axis ones) along with pulls/pushes/knockbacks.

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Non force users should always quit his map due to the utility disadvantage. Make a petition for removal please.


I'll remember that when I get pulled into a fire pit and instantly cryogrenaded by a trooper.

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I think there is nothing wronge with hutball itself, but poeple will have preferences and I think you should be able to pic your que.


Example: I really only enjoy my mercenary in hut ball, but I love my operative for The Voidstar and I don't like Alderaan Civil War or Novare Coast much. I would add NPC fodder that jet-packs in or something to Novare Coast to make it less like Alderaan Civil War. I think having two BGs so much a like is a waste and a disappointment.

Edited by Harcagnel
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No but we should be able to choose which war zones to play and if huttball is up and you don't want to play it should pass over the player and onto the next player. If this causes a problem in that no huttball matches are played, so be it. The players who like huttball can que for only huttball and cause no war zones to start.


I can only stand about 2 huttball matches a day then I quit playing huttball because if it pops, I have something better to do in real life that does not make me sick.

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I hate huttball. Does anyone else? i think it should be in its own queue. that way the people who dont want to play that idiotic, lousy excuse for a warzone, can not worry and just play the other awesome warzones!


But Huttball is the perfect warzone for you.


You: like to fight on roads.

Huttball: all roads


It's a match made in heaven!

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Hutball is a fun game and relies a lot more on tactics, positioning, passing when to kill or not to kill, defence, offence.


Most people to seem to hate Hutball hate it because they simply have trouble carrying/passing the ball effectively and/or having the ball and a target marker on their head.


The only downside in Huttball is class balance, because some classes have an easier time with the game than others but that happens mostly when the team is playing deathmatch over co-ordination.

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I hate huttball. Does anyone else? i think it should be in its own queue. that way the people who dont want to play that idiotic, lousy excuse for a warzone, can not worry and just play the other awesome warzones!


.. Normally id say I want what your on.. but in this case I don't. Your nuts Hutball is the best PVP arena ive played in any MMO. I piss off my wife everytime i get into Hutt ball. I shout out YEA HUTT BALL because its just that fun!

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Do you guys ever think to yourself pugging sucks...wait a second where do all these "competent" people come from when I group? Think about yourself solo pugging, why do we all have the experience, but no one else in the room rarely knows what to do? I can't imagine every game has fresh pvpers entering it. If you've played a wz more than 5-6 times you should get the gist of it. So why are so many people failures when it comes to pugging? I don't know if i should blame the water, or if 90% of the gaming population is retarded............
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I absolutely love Huttball, so no it shouldn't be removed if you ask me.


That being said, I usually PuG Huttball. From what I can tell the key to making a PuG work in Huttball is good and positive communication. Politely point out before the match starts that getting lured into a fight-out is generally bad, unless you can distract like 2+ people. Also pointing out how positioning (of both yourself and the opponent) and passing is important. Last of all, I always ask if people have the "Pass Huttball" ability quick-slotted and have maximum camera distance enabled, no matter how long I've been playing. :)


In the end it's just that this game is maybe even more dependent on teamwork then the other WZs. And ask yourself this; would you rather play with a positive or a grumpy person? Would you rather play with someone who communicates or someone who stays silent ? Regardless of the obvious answers, you cannot expect people to be like that without you yourself being like that, so being positive and communicating is a must. This way you'll lead or direct by example.


Of course you can't always be cheerful, positive or willing to communicate all the time, we all have our lesser moments. Usually this is a good time to take a time-out from PvP though, and start doing something else (not necessarily SWTOR even. :p)

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I play five different classes (shadow, juggernaut, scoundrel, sorc, vanguard) and I love huttball with all of them.

I partially agree with people saying there is an imbalance.

Compare a huttball team to a soccer team. It needs defenders, midfielders and strikers. On a soccer team the strikers always earn the most money because - yeah they are striking. Everybody loves strikers, everybody WANTS TO BE a striker. From my opinion most people complaining about their class not beeing valuable for huttball are actually complaining about their class not beeing valuable as a striker.

I get that point. I do like playing my scoundrel on huttball but I would never try to be a striker with her. Its definitely more fun to log onto shadow/sorc and not only be valuable but also be a striker!

So the imbalance is less about team value but more about fun value from my opinion.

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Huttball is fun!! So it's staying.


I am guildless and PUG it all the time. I enjoy not having people watch my back. It allows me to better my situational awareness. Having a pocket healer and backup at the push of a button is.. boring. On the switch side, you will become a better player but you will not be as effective as a premade group.


Edit: There is a role for all classes in this WZ. Whether it's mid control, stealth ball stealing to pass off, ramp control or moving the ball there is something for every class. It's about finding your niche. Find it and love the wz.

Edited by ATango
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I think huttball is amazing. My favorite warzone. Idk about making huttball a seperate queue. ANY mmo u play will have a wz/bg/whatever that you dont like. In the grand scheme of design, ur opinion doesnt matter OP =/


I think it would def turn ppl around to have more huttball maps? mix it up a bit. Its also not much fun when certain pugs just try to fight the other team....then they get the ball and continue fighting....

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