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Investor conference call


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EDIT: Recording of the stream can be found here


Well the EA investor call was interesting. It was streamed, I'm sure some gaming sites have/will be putting up the recording. Needless to say a bit curious what direction TOR will be going.


Here's a brief takedown of notes that stood out to me.


some general EA cliffnotes of call:


Wanting incorporate microtransactions to all EA titles, with shifting importance to making many of them Free to Play.


Facebook is one of our most important partners


FIFA and Battlefield carried the lead for EA.


E3 will be an eye opener




Some TOR cliffnotes of call:


SWTOR profits for EA is in the top 10 but not top 5


More Free to Play weekends coming


When discussing the importance of TOR, put upcoming SimCity title ahead in importance


Casual players have unsubscribed


High demand from players to put in achievements

Edited by Maxil
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Did I see somewhere a mention of two new content packs?


Yeah, I love how EA was even taking the STOCK MARKET to task for not downplaying TOR enough!!!

In a conference call with analysts, EA chief executive John Riccitiello said that Star Wars is an important title, but not as important as EA’s top five properties, which include Medal of Honor, SimCity, The Sims, Battlefield, and Madden NFL Football. He said the Star Wars title is more important to revenues than Tiger Woods PGA Golf. Riccitiello said that investors have been very focused on Star Wars.
Edited by jgelling
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When discussing the importance of TOR, put upcoming SimCity title ahead in importance


with shifting importance to making many of them Free to Play.


im kinda rethinking myself playing both swtor and gw2 when gw2 comes out now.i might just quit sw tor completly and play guild wars 2

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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SimCity a higher priority?? Casuals have unsubscribed?? EA certainly isn't feeling confident in TOR anymore, that's for sure.


The casual drop off is what really concerns me, as what really keeps the game funded is people coming as others go, the casual market. The hardcores come, do what they do until they have done it all/get bored of waiting for new items, then leave. They have little interest in coming back 'later' to make up ground. As much as I don't want to say it, I can see EA using microtransactions to make up for the lack of casual players. Stack of medpacks/stims 99c? I don't know, don't really want to think what EA might come up with.

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Specially when you make the game unfriendly to casual players. Put in Cross server LFG tools and you retain most of those customers.


im pretty sure this game was soley made for the casual playerbase.so i dont really get where your going with the game being unfriendly to casual players


and id put more a chance in seeing hell freeze over then this game ever getting a cross server looking for group tool.but hey,thats just another thing you can blame the world of warcraft community for ruining

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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Well, lack of accessibility is what killed the game for casuals. Why would ANYONE that is casual choose this game over one that has one click to run dungeon or raid. And have that feature being cross-server for quicker queue times. Sad, but true. Edited by Merex
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Well the writing is on the wall. They want to increase micro transactions since they are making a KILLING on them in other areas. They want to make more of their games F2p...


Not hard to predict the future of SWTOR.

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Well the writing is on the wall. They want to increase micro transactions since they are making a KILLING on them in other areas. They want to make more of their games F2p...


Not hard to predict the future of SWTOR.

Yep. I don't see the subscription model lasting more than two quarters if the trend continues.

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Well the writing is on the wall. They want to increase micro transactions since they are making a KILLING on them in other areas. They want to make more of their games F2p...


Not hard to predict the future of SWTOR.

Its a sad future

Edited by pogmahone
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Well the writing is on the wall. They want to increase micro transactions since they are making a KILLING on them in other areas. They want to make more of their games F2p...


Not hard to predict the future of SWTOR.


this games communitys already pretty bad


id hate to see what it looked like when it went free to play

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Casual players have unsubscribed


who told them this?

or maybe the casuals just pay month to month?


if this game goes f2p ill be quitting. they always end up putting too many restrictions on games when theyre f2p trying to force you to spend more money...


no thank you...

Edited by Anathar
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They need to keep the subscription model. Let those who subscribe get access to everything like they normally would.


Add a F2P model which allows people to not pay a subscription fee, but in order to access certain things, certain content, they need to fork over money to do so.

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They need to keep the subscription model. Let those who subscribe get access to everything like they normally would.


Add a F2P model which allows people to not pay a subscription fee, but in order to access certain things, certain content, they need to fork over money to do so.


yeah this is how they ruined DCUO..they want you to fork over money for completely ****ed up things like ingame access to the money you collected beyond $2000


like i said..too many restrictions when they go f2p...ill be one of the first to quit if this game goes f2p...thats one thing i will NOT stand for.


subscription base may be something THEY dont like but last i checked games are for people that play them not for the people that made them.

Edited by Anathar
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They need to keep the subscription model. Let those who subscribe get access to everything like they normally would.


Add a F2P model which allows people to not pay a subscription fee, but in order to access certain things, certain content, they need to fork over money to do so.

Subscription + microtransaction hybrid doesn't work. Examples: DCUO and EQ2

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Microtransactions + Free 2play TOR= Done with Tor forever.


I have never. Ever. Found a free 2 play game that was worth the time or drive space it took.


Thats starting to change now, a few titles look interesting - tribes ascend, blacklight retribution, mechwarrior online, hawken.


Although I agree with you, I still think subscription games are better and cheaper in the long run.

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Thats starting to change now, a few titles look interesting - tribes ascend, blacklight retribution, mechwarrior online, hawken.


Although I agree with you, I still think subscription games are better and cheaper in the long run.


Dont get me wrong, if someone could actually make one that didnt devolve into pay to win, Id consider it. But the truth is, free 2 play is a lie. Take LOTRO for instance. You have to subscribe to be able to carry gold, get a full inventory, use the AH, etc. Then on top of that, you wind up having to buy crap through the MT just to stay competitive.


Like I said. Love to see a f2p game that was worth playing... tried original GW. It was horrid. So essentially... if this game dies, probably wont be eager to try any new mmos that come out in the future. Not worth bothering with if Im gonna wind up on dead servers, playing with myself... >.>

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