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Dun lie ur dat guy


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A beautiful post


I completely agree with that sentiment. You're quite right -- I remember when I first crawled into the 50 PvP bracket. That was pretty terrifying -- I had no idea what I was doing or what all these "pros" were gonna do. The last thing I wanted to do was make an *** out of myself and get yelled at, so "That Guy" was the greatest thing ever. And so now I am "That Guy" and proud to be "That Guy".


Anyways, that was a glorious post! Well said. :D

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Ops Leader is SUPPOSED to be "that guy."


I especially tend to be that guy in voidstar and alderaan, since the best strategy is not what so many tend to think it is. Like telling a stealther to go to the other door, for example. Stealther should only go to the other door, if your initial rush (of the entire team, including all stealthers), fails to secure a door.


Or in alderaan, the notion that a stealther or two should go for the right turret.


Granted, I only am "that guy" when I am Ops Leader, since that's the way it should be. The only exception is if the Ops Leader is silent, and we are losing because people are not going for the right objectives.

Edited by MobiusZero
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I think the take-away here is that brats don't want to be told what to do no matter how much they suck and how much guidance they need. As I mentioned earlier, these types of people can be rather good at dueling but know nothing when it comes to actually winning a match.


^Don't be THAT guy

Take some initiative

Work as a team


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To my mind, anyone who places importance on any stat other than objective points (and maybe guard/healing arguably) is a bad player. It's not difficult to rack up 20-30 kills with few deaths and do a ******** of damage if you're free of worrying about objectives.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a Civil War match yesterday, where we got our left turret and the republics managed to get the middle turret and their left turret.

At 480 vs 370 2 "experienced professional" players left the match.

Their spot got filled by 2 newer players in half Recruit half BM gear ( I checked their gear while defending our side turret).

One of them was an assassin tank as me.

I told that assassin to come and take my place while I started coordinating my team into a counterattack.

I told our Marauder to go harrass mid, which was defended by 3 reps. At the same time the 6 of us attacked their side turret.

The reps fell for it and sent 2 more ppl from the west turret to the middle to kill the marauder while we charged them at west. Before they could react we had taken both sides and won the match.

That marauder got my MVP vote:)


That's why I am dat guy:)

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I'm that guys that's says 3 times in a row "Take the far side speeders down" when we hold left and right turrets while a bunch of idiots still circle in above mid taking 10 seconds to get far away from both points. I'm that guys that screams "MID" when 6 chaps chase one at a side turret. Also the one that says "watch the doors" when i see people wondering off just to see the bomb planted 10 seconds later. I'm the one that says "FFS move ahead of me so I can throw a damn pass" after i died with the ball or had to throw it away because people are more busy skirmishing than winning in Hutt-ball.

OP I bet you are the hero type that goes to the third turret when we can barely hold two :cool:. Good job, m8, good job.

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Telling that idiot to go left and stay near that weird looking thing with a symbol over it that is near a big fat cannon can still help :)

Sometimes I'm really amazed that some people actually listen. Most people are "I know what I'm doing" people who are immune to well meant suggestions.


Heh, if you told me that minus the idiot part, you'd have me following your every word for the whole WZ.

A little humor can go a long way.


"That guy" that flames his teammate on the other hand, he makes me wish I could grapple my teammates into the fire:rak_01:


And I also don't like "that guy" who tells people to eff off if the don't have what he considers good enough gear.

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I'm that guys that's says 3 times in a row "Take the far side speeders down" when we hold left and right turrets while a bunch of idiots still circle in above mid taking 10 seconds to get far away from both points. I'm that guys that screams "MID" when 6 chaps chase one at a side turret. Also the one that says "watch the doors" when i see people wondering off just to see the bomb planted 10 seconds later. I'm the one that says "FFS move ahead of me so I can throw a damn pass" after i died with the ball or had to throw it away because people are more busy skirmishing than winning in Hutt-ball.

OP I bet you are the hero type that goes to the third turret when we can barely hold two :cool:. Good job, m8, good job.


Ya, that's me, too.


Two things most PvPers don't seem to realize:

1) A win with just a few medals gives more valor and xp than a loss with tons of medals.

2) Warzones are team oriented. Getting caught up in duels=fail.


I was in a Voidstar PUG once that made it to the datacore with nearly 5 left minutes on the clock. It was the most flawless game I've ever been in (besides a 600-0 Civil War). Sages were burst running through hallways to cap the next node while others stayed behind and slowed down the other team. Healers kept everyone alive. We barely even attacked the other team, just enough to get get the job done. It was brilliant play by everyone. The whole time, direction was being given by the ops leader...and players actually listened.


Point being, there should be that guy. The strategies for winning on all of the wz maps are pretty much the same. It's the lack of coordination above anything else that causes teams to lose. Sometimes you're just outmatched and outgeared, no matter what you do. It happens. But more often than not, if players would just check their egos and play as a team for once, they'd win more often.

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Idiots are idiots because they dont know there idiots telling someone there an idiot when there an idiot on further confuses them.


and there is one kind of idiot that is worst than a true idiot...is the idiot with leadership and ideas

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Exactly I prefer "that guy" who knows what he is doing and organizing the team rather than "Pro WOW Arena 2k+ go go go kill kill kill" guys who end up with 60 kills and make us lose the wz. I've been on wz where our team had like 5 or 6 times the number of kills and managed to lose the wz just because these so called "Pro's" were just focused on killing killing and killing...


It's so rewarding to be on "that guy" team and win the wz against these pro's, when they've killed us 6 times over and still loose.

It's rewarding to know that we've earned more valor than these idiots who are at the top of the scoreboard but have no clue on what tactics are.

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In a memorable Huttball once had a well known guild player on our server solo pugging it. Start of the match he is typing all kinds of stuff in chat "I'm the ball carrier, Sorc sprint left at start and pull me up we will score easy". I'm the only sorc on team, I type in "roger" or "nps" or something. Match starts he is still typing crap to everyone else as to what they need to do. .


So force field comes down, I sprint up over the first ramp and firepit on left at our end zone and he is still typing. I wait for him to come out of spawn and as soon as he gets within range I pull him up ;)


Was funny at the time, even he saw the funny side. Guess you had to be there.


I don't mind people who talk a lot in chat and try to co-ordinate, if there are good players on the team it works. Idiots focused on how much damage they do or kills they get will never listen though. Personally I like to PM players and it really annoys a lot of people. But I'd rather PM someone to say "look, don't chase the guy back to their spawn and leave the door defenceless just for a kill" than call someone an idiot in global chat.

Edited by Ntranced
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Lol? are you serious? OP "That guy" is the best thing to happen to a WZ, I do it often, because who needs 5 people to cap friendly side in Novare coast? or When people forget to keep an eye on the door they are "guarding" on Voidstar, amount of times I've seen people go "Oh **** I didn't see him" is Ridonkulous.


Last thing you wanna do is provoke a flame war mid-game, you might as well just farm some medals, because if you/they are typing they are just dead weight.

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A team that listens to strategy is a team that wins. Let me give you an example.


Yesterday, Civil War. We got left, they got mid and right. Our team is piling on to mid. I took the initiative. I went to attack right. I told my team in general chat to attack mid no matter what and if you die just keep going back to mid because it'll give me enough time to clear the cap.


Now normally 9 out of 10 times people don't listen. Mid will wipe and they will just zerg the next point being attacked and completely screw up my strategy.


The team listened. They were dying at mid but keep throwing themselves in the fire. I cleared out right and capped. I was surprised.


We won in the end.

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I like "That Guy". No, correction, I love "That Guy". Know why? I just started PVPing (ever) a week ago. I barely know what on earth I'm doing. Sure, I understand what we should do to reach the objective in a theoretical sense, but in practice, I have almost no experience (remember, this is my first week PVPing ever). I get really frustrated when I see folks start saying the group sucks. Or even worse, when we're playing against their guildies, and they start lamenting how they wish they were are their team. Seriously? Wow. Thanks dude.


Here's the thing, I suck. I KNOW I suck. Because I'm new. But I also am willing and able to learn. I don't know all of the ins and outs of each Warzone. Not perfectly. Not the way pro's want me to. That's why I LOVE "That Guy". Because "That Guy" is slowly teaching me what to do. I can read forums and crap all I want all day, but that doesn't compare to getting in there and trying things out.


In fact, the hardest part of all is overcoming this tendency to freeze when a whole lot of stuff is going on at once. This is why I've temporarily started telling people in Hutball to never give me the ball. Because if you give me the ball, I'll just stand there trying to find a friendly to throw it to. Then fail to throw it before I die, or WORSE (this happens more often), MISS the target because the person that was there is suddenly not there. They moved and ran off somewhere else and I failed to lead my target.


I can't help it. I can barely make sense of all the flashing crap and names cluttering my screen. I can't seem to turn my camera fast enough or get lined up right. I'm getting stunned and rooted and knocked out all over the place. Quite often I have to deal with this feeling of utter helplessness. I WANT to help, but I feel hampered and confused about what's going on. I'm learning, slowly, to simply watch what's going on and not follow the zerg, but then, we're losing because I'm not reacting fast enough.


So yeah, I like "That Guy". I need "That Guy's" help. I don't need to be spoonfed, but seriously, do you people have any idea how intimidating PVP is to someone totally new? Have you forgotten what it's like? Newbies do need SOME direction. Some direction is better than NO direction. That's why newbies develop very bad habits and end up having problems in Warzones. Newbies can quickly become "baddies" if they aren't at least gently guided.


...That's why one day, I aspire to be "That Guy". I will take these confused people and I will lead them to victory! :jawa_evil:


If you are in need of a guild I will invite you in a heart beat on Jung Ma Server, you are exactly the type of new player i like to see, someone willing to learn and able to take constructive criticism.

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"That Guy" isn't someone that I find annoying. To me its more like when I'm at work. Of course I know everything that I have to get done that day because I do it every day, but my boss comes over anyway & says... "Alright team we're going to do X then Y then Z."


I don't find that offensive or belittling. I just shrug my shoulders & get it done in the order presented because I know that now my whole group is on the same page. Then I just move on with my life. :eek:

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"That Guy" isn't someone that I find annoying. To me its more like when I'm at work. Of course I know everything that I have to get done that day because I do it every day, but my boss comes over anyway & says... "Alright team we're going to do X then Y then Z."


I don't find that offensive or belittling. I just shrug my shoulders & get it done in the order presented because I know that now my whole group is on the same page. Then I just move on with my life. :eek:


Excellent example, I agree 100%

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Idiots are idiots because they dont know there idiots telling someone there an idiot when there an idiot on further confuses them.


Even most idiots know the difference of there and they're.

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Keep your strategy short and simple and people will listen. No one wants to memorize a paragraph long strategy for a 15 minute game. Stuff like "2 left Rest mid" or "Four Left Four Right Forget Mid" is far superior. (I've actually won several games with the latter. Works better than you might think. Mid is a waste of time.)
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I refer to that one guy in WZ that has to state the obvious such as 2 left rest mid, stay at doors, pass the ball. Then proceeds to spew wz tactics to everyone. As if anyone was actually listening if it was the case my server would win more. Instead of typing you could be capping or healing or dpsing and my personal favorite when losing dancing. Just sayin dont be that guy.


Just an incomprehensible thread. How is it not beneficial for someone to speak out and get everyone on the same page? Players like you will lose it for everyone. If you can't be a leader then be a follower.

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Just an incomprehensible thread. How is it not beneficial for someone to speak out and get everyone on the same page? Players like you will lose it for everyone. If you can't be a leader then be a follower.


There are only three kinds of players in any given WZ:


1. Leaders


3. Liabilities


If you aren't giving commands or following commands, guess which group you fall into?

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There are only three kinds of players in any given WZ:


1. Leaders


3. Liabilities


If you aren't giving commands or following commands, guess which group you fall into?


Exactly. Which group do you think the OP falls in to?

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