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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Disable Error Text


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I really regret that have resubed in the game..I thought after so months and so many major patches it will be at least playable now...


I was one of the major wow bashers but you guys made me realize that Blizzard is ages in front of you...

5 months!5 months and still no option to turn the biospamm off? the worst troll in the MMO's would have stopped spamming players after 5 months.... Jesus Christ


EDIT: for all of you the clever and very professional players that talked about the noobs that using macros. have you ever tried to use keybinds?or you are still clickers??have you ever bound a spell to the mouse wheel? when some spells do the same thing and have cooldown yes I spamm them! I spam Zealous strike and strike when I want to gain focus and then I spam my cauterize, overlord saber too!

Edited by Ampalaea
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Is that really so hard to add this 1 option? Turn on/off error text messages? I'm really disappointed :/ I understand that you have some problems as when I stuck in a tree on novare cost or in the wall on the voidstar. I even can understand that you didn't give me medals for fast winning match as rest of my team - sh...t happens. But this problem isn't something what happen from time to time and not only to 1 player/customer. So please add this 1 small option :/
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Sadly SWTOR will go the way Galaxies did. The play base is walking away, Subs are dropping every month and on Sept 26 another death blow will land. (Yes I know sad but face it I bet there's more than just a few that will go play Pandas) Wake up Bioware and Lucas Arts. Fix the game before your left with a product no one is willing to play anymore.
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  • 3 months later...

I'm really sorry but... the inability to handle something as simple as this is one of the big reasons for me giving up this game. In no other MMO I've played I have been forced to endure spam like this.


How hard would it be to add an option to allow us to get this info in the chatbox instead? How hard would it be to allow us to move the position this text gets spammed away from the middle of the screen? How hard would it be to add a some options under flytext to allow us getting rid of the "Not ready yet" messages?

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  • 5 weeks later...

The sad thing is that you can already affect the error text size. If you turn down the global UI size, the error text shrinks. So they already have the option we want built in to the game and they will not go to the trouble of letting us access it.


For now, I recommend turning down the global UI size as low as you can and then manually turning up the size of the other individual components. It makes it a bit more bearable.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Asphen: Can we get an option to turn off the combat error text in the center of my screen?


Damion (Principal Lead Systems Designer): We will be looking at adding the ability to move and/or turn off banner text and error text (the two kinds of text that appear in the middle of your screen) as part of the GUI customization system in a future patch. This isn't a trivial issue, however - in some cases, fairly vital information is given to the player here, and we'd need to be sure that in these cases the text gets rerouted someplace for a player to review. So short form, yeah, we're thinking about it, but no ETA for you at this time.

from: http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-friday-march-30th-2012-game-update-1.2-special


Dear Bioware:


If any of that information flashing red on my screen was important, then I must be missing a lot, because I can never read it anyway. In wow, I scale the error frame down and move it up and to the side, so if I need to read it, I know where it is, but it isn't blocking my view when I already know what it's saying.


I also have about 5 years coding experience in Java, C++, C#, C, and various scripting languages, and I've worked on games before. If it's really this hard for you to add the option to move the error frame to the already existing ui modification system, then your coders have not been following best practices (maybe that's also why the game hogs so many resources with not a lot to show for it).


Please just give the player control, you can leave the default right where it is for new players to see the "fairly vital information".


Thanks for reading,


Ted Kent

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I been having head aches looking at your **** bag REd error text, since im a new subscription player I thought i might be missing the option to move it in the options or even turn it off......I came across 2 years of posts of people complaining about this and still no DISABLE RED TEXT OPTION!


Is this a sick Joke.....Im actually tempted to not re subscribe just for the simple fact i dont support idiot game companies :rak_02:


2 years and you guys cant fix this...hahah pathetic you should be ashamed. 1/10 , Poor form bioware and EA. But hey arnt all EA game made by lazy developers. Take simcity as an example.








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The continuous string of bugs and the inability to disable the error text are the primary reasons I cancelled my subscription. Waiting for Guild Wars 2 to go live now.


100% i Also have quit and canceled Sub till they fix this. I will be taking to twitter and youtube and blogs to get my message across!

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  • 2 weeks later...

we shall spam you as you have been spamming us bioware

we shall spam you as you have been spamming us bioware

we shall spam you as you have been spamming us bioware

we shall spam you as you have been spamming us bioware

we shall spam you as you have been spamming us bioware

we shall spam you as you have been spamming us bioware

we shall spam you as you have been spamming us bioware

we shall spam you as you have been spamming us bioware

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The best one, actually the only one that affects me is when I try to get on my Sorc's ship on Makeb, everytime I get a red message:




Funny thing is that any door I go to lets me on my ship, and they all give me the same message, and none of my other characters get that message.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guys. What, 13 pages asking for a feature? Take a look around. Where are you? New Player Help, right? A forum so new players can get some help in playing and understanding the game. This is NOT a forum to ask for new features or report bugs. No one from Bioware is EVER going to answer you here (as the many months passing by with no answer should tell you), no matter how big or what vibrant color you make your text, because you are asking in the wrong place.
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