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Recruit gear is still crap. You'll get beaten around silly by people in augmented wh.


This Just In::

Entry level gear =/= end game gear! Join us tomorrow while we try and run nightmare mode operations in Tioniese gear.

Edited by RJChief
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OP has gotten too used to WoW's system of "Welcome to the game...here is your prebuilt lvl 85, with full pvp gear...and here is your battleground full of patsy's to beat upon."



Whhhhaaattt? Did you see the thread here that has a team of people playing totally naked in Huttball and completely owning the other team?

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I have an assassin in recruit gear and it is BRUTAL whether you are specced dps or tank. You just get steamrolled while doing pitiful dps. This is compared to my full BM merc and a sentinel in half recruit/half BM. Edited by Mrip
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Assassins and Shadows often top the damage charts....of course they are the ones that know what they are doing.


How many times can you say 'Im not having fun' in a thread. I'm suspicious that you are fully trolling.


Thirdly, you don't like how in the lower pvp bracket people are somewhat equalised. Why? Because it's about skill and not gear? This would suggest that you are not very good at pvp and rely on out gearing people to win....also why you like WOW. This and the fact that you can't do well as an Assassin only leads me to believe you expect the game to compensate for your ineptness.

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shot. Then the most powerful DPS classes stealth crit for 2500k max. Keep in mind the healthbar is 15k or so. The Sith Assassin is visably ALWAYS clustered at the bottom of the charts after a match and Bioware refuses to do anything about this when it's VERY CLEAR the class is useless (not underpowered, I'm talking USELESS as the class does nothing of use.. no healing, no dps.)



Stopped reading here.


This thread is so bad I almost reported it.

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I disagree with a lot of people that say gear shouldn't have anything to do with it. The people that put the time and effort into it should have better rewards.


True but those rewards shouldn't create imbalance in the game by giving those players a competitive advantage. They could be better looking armors, titles or exclusive emotes. What would happen on the Pro-Tennis circuit if players were only allowed to use wooden rackets until they had won a Grand Slam?

Edited by PizzaRollDeluxe
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Wait what? You are an assassin and your at the bottom of the charts??? LOL I play an infiltration shadow (the most squishiest DPS class out there) and I am 90% at the time top 1 in the charts! What are you doing wrong??


I've never said this before to anyone because I don't like it, but seriously l2p.


Guess you're going to make me take screen shots. I'll be back tonight with screenshots showing proof. Something that everyone already knows.


You guys mis-understood my post:


-I was one of the original Star Wars Galaxies players from way back (best game in history).

-I was a WoW player during the 'golden age' (up to level 60, people everywhere, world PVP so bad you couldn't quest. SO many LOL moments I can't count them all).

-I spent YEARS waiting for SWTOR

-I spent day in and out grinding the best gear I could get from 1 to 50. I had more melee dps than anyone I inspected.

-I come to find no opposite faction to test my gear against or hone my skills with while questing (maybe a few times.. and yes I'm on Fatman do don't use that as an excuse). Isn't this supposed to be an MMORPG?

-Nothing sells at the auction. At all. The game is socialist and gives away too many freebies during leveling. Why buy stim/health when you can just pick one up from a drop. Oh well there goes the game economy and crafting. The whole MMORPG experience just dropped another 5 notches.

-After realizing there is no MMORPG PVP at all (even cruising Tatooine on Fatman in prime time), I decide to finally enter Warzones

-My jaw dropped. All my effort of gear went to waste and could not be used.

-I find myself getting beat by level 15's when I'm at level 40. The game is communist/socialist - it makes everyone's health and dps the same regardless of level (with the Marauder as the exception - that's the OP class of this game. Don't listen to what anyone else here says trust me roll a Marauder) .

- I find Warzone gameplay itself to be very poor. Its NOT FUN. It's just one large mosh pit. The game forces you to cluster together and mash buttons. The whole time you have some gunner shooting at your from VERY far away for 2k damage while you are in the mosh pit. If you don't play like this, you won't get enough points or get kicked from PVP. Again it's socialist. They allow others to kick your from the game if you don't follow the mosh pit. (I finished consistently #1 out of 40 people in WoW because I could use my gear and skill. I spent countless hours on grinding gear and setting up my macros. In SWTOR it goes to waste. You'll never be able to test the gear you worked towards)

-I then ding 50 and am told that the buff 'communism' goes away so I give the game the benefit of the doubt.

-Sure enough I enter and AGAIN the game is playing with everyone's stats. My largest crits do nothing. Everyone's gear is the same. The same 4 classes, with the same 4 outfits.

-And sure enough, all the SIth Inquisiters at the BOTTOM of the list at the end of PVP. Absolutely nothing changed.


All the gear I worked towards, all of it went to waste. If I do gear up, it won't matter because the Warzone chart shows all the Inquisitor classes stacked together at the BOTTOM. The DPS my class puts out is NOT sufficient to be able to play the style I like (Rogue/Feral Druid). That's what I do best and is what is *FUN* for me. But my DPS on my biggest hits maybe drains 15% of the health bar at best. I should be draining almost ALL of the health bar on a full combo.


The game just isn't fun. Play Rock, Scissors, Paper and have fun.


Play Rock, Rock, Rock and it's not fun. It's futile.


I guess that's the word I'm looking for. This game is 'futile'. It's pointless in almost every way. From World PVP encounters, to the auctions, to the gear.. it's all just futile and pointless if you can't use everything you worked for.


-Spend a year working hard

-Buy a car

-You find the doors are locked and you can't drive it

-So instead of asking the dealership for the right keys so you can drive, you guys are too busy saying 'shine it up and look at it. It makes me feel better so it should make you feel better too. Don't bother the dealership. The fact that you don't like the car is your problem'.

-A *normal* consumer will return the car for a refund. Only the small few will keep the car that they can't drive because they love cars so much in general.


If the game is losing subs and getting bad word of mouth, I'm just trying to tell you why. I just bought a car that I can't drive and feel my time working has been wasted. I feel like asking for my grind time back. I certainly would NOT recommend this game to other people. As far as MMORPG addicts, well they'll always be happy with anything they play and should NOT be considered as legitimate feedback. I'm a mainstream guy telling you why I don't like it.

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I disagree with a lot of people that say gear shouldn't have anything to do with it. The people that put the time and effort into it should have better rewards.


I agree. MMORPGS can not be socialist. That's what sunk WoW and lost them all the subs. The Deathnight was the death of WoW.


You need to take an approach that if you put in the work for gear, you get rewarded for your work. But in this modern day and age of socialism maybe peoples minds are skewed and everyone wants free stuff for nothing. They want everyone to be the same.


Those who work for the gear should be the power house of the PVP charts. Regardless of class. A class should not be completely OP or completely under. There should be MANY choices of how to stack gear to your liking. There shouldn't be literally one single set that everyone is using. It was rare in WoW to get the best sets. In this game everyone has them.


Also ranged attacks IS indeed a problem. Only the hunter had ranged attacks. A single class. He had a weak hit, and had a slow shoot. He could put bleeds on you and slow you down. But he wasn't some kind of crit machine.


The PVP is not fun. At the end of the day it's not fun going into a mosh pit and then being shot at a long range from 'who knows where' being shot for 2.5k crits and 700 white damage. There's also no capture the flag. Everyone loves capture the flag so why not put it in. I have never once seen an LOL moment or positive vibes in chat. Never once. Compared to WoW capture the flag 'GO GO GO' sort of thing everyone having fun. So many LOL moments and funny things happened. Overall the vibe is very NEGATIVE on PVP chat window. Low moral. People not having fun. Only playing because of the time investment or there is nothing else to play.

Edited by gutb
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LOL at this thread and the misinformation and incorrectness. Max range of any class is 35m. Assasins are PROBABLY the best class.


Don't worry I'll take some screenshots tonight and we'll see who's spreading the misinformation. You bring opinion, I bring numerical proof.

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Unlike WoW where they matched you up to your ability


Where the hell did you get this notion? My fresh 85s had to go up against full tier 2 pvp geared people and got curb stomped.

Edited by Dabrixmgp
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It was rare in WoW to get the best sets


Stop trolling it takes a single AV weekend to be in full current season epic pvp gear. Thats 2-3 days. If you want the tier 2 set it doesnt take much more effort. Just pay someone to carry you and you will have a full set a lot faster than in this game.

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Get in line and grind your gear like the rest of us

I hit 50 to once I didnt come crying to the forums

get you recruit gear and work towards bm and wh

This is the game


You don't get it.


Grinding gear is futile and pointless in this game. That's like asking me to 'shine the care more' to enjoy a car I'll never be able to drive.

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I stopped reading when he said assassins are useless. One of the best classes atm is useless :rolleyes:


Screenshots coming tonight. I offer proof, you offer opinion.

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