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Care and feeding of the Noobs!

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I remember when I first joined WoW and made a frost mage.


A) I didn't know you could jump.

B) I put my talent points into all three trees at random from the very beginning.


Admitting this makes me want to cry.


I was level 20 something before I realized there was an auction house.....


As for SWTOR. I was on Tatooine on my Lvl25 gunslinger and this guy needed help he was a level29 jedi. So I offer to tag along. We go into this group phase that he thought was pretty hard and I realized I'd done it the day before on my gunslinger alone. I didn't have time to really talk to him about playing but I didn't grief him either. People shouldn't assume or expect certain knowledge or experience with folks in the game. Like a youngster I knew who had to use a seriously laid out mouse because his other hand was pretty much useless. I go by the old rule I'd rather hang with someone who doesn't know it all with a great heart than a "genius" who doesn't give a crap.

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I have to agree with the OP that a lot of players are rude. This just shows how terrible the community is in this particular MMO over all. A poor community makes for a poor game. Granted I feel the poor community also comes from poor developers who do not listen to the community added with the effect of poor customer support. So a lot of anguish is being taken out on one another.


However, the other side of the issue are players who are unable to take the time to READ what they should do next or where to go. If people actually paid attention to what they were doing they would not have to keep asking so many minuscule questions that are easily answered by simply READING. You also have to keep in mind some people might be asking simply to troll and get a rise out of other players and are rather happy about doing so.

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Every time I see a legitimate question or query answered with "L2P" or "Google it"

I just feel like shaking some-one very hard. If you don't wan't to answer, why take the

effort to make a pointless retort? Some people aren't community minded, but that's

no a reason to be ignorant is it? Grrrrr!

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While I agree there is no cause to be rude to these folks, people who can't be bothered to do a quick Google search or do some basic research about their class has always been a pet peeve of mine. One of the first things I always do is research my intended class when joining an MMO. Otherwise, when I don't know where something is or how to do something, I'll research that as well. Asking random people in general chat is always a last resort.



While I get what you're saying, I do have to disagree with using that as a reason to have a pet peeve attack.


You have to realize that not everyone is a battle hardened MMO'er, like yourself. I have been involved in MMO's since 1997 and in that time have gained knowledge of places of interest on the internet. When I first started I had no knowledge of them.

Remember when you were new to MMOs? Did you already know everything and where to get information? Im going to have to assume, no. Maybe you could show or tell these people where the information is that you found, believe it or not some people don't have the tools to find that information. Perfect example, Im in IT and I had to show someone the other day what GOOGLE was, and how useful it was. Did I break out my SNL Computer Guy rude act? Nope, I pointed the browser to GOOGLE and showed them how to do it.


Btw, I really am not trying to flame you. I just think your post is kind of the antithesis of what the OP was stating, about how people may/may not get fed up with giving advice to new players when they seem to ask to many questions. Be patient

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I have to agree with the OP that a lot of players are rude. This just shows how terrible the community is in this particular MMO over all. A poor community makes for a poor game. Granted I feel the poor community also comes from poor developers who do not listen to the community added with the effect of poor customer support. So a lot of anguish is being taken out on one another.


However, the other side of the issue are players who are unable to take the time to READ what they should do next or where to go. If people actually paid attention to what they were doing they would not have to keep asking so many minuscule questions that are easily answered by simply READING. You also have to keep in mind some people might be asking simply to troll and get a rise out of other players and are rather happy about doing so.



People are no more rude in this game's community than they are in any other MMO out there. In the server I'm on, people are generally helpful with a few jerks thrown in. The server I played DDO on had a lot of rude players with few helpful ones. A few bad experiences shouldn't color how one looks at everyone.


On the other hand, I do agree with you about people needing to be more self-sufficient. I don't mind helping people who are obviously new to the game, but at the same time it can get frustrating holding someone's hand through something that seems totally obvious to me.

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I was level 20 something before I realized there was an auction house.....


As for SWTOR. I was on Tatooine on my Lvl25 gunslinger and this guy needed help he was a level29 jedi. So I offer to tag along. We go into this group phase that he thought was pretty hard and I realized I'd done it the day before on my gunslinger alone. I didn't have time to really talk to him about playing but I didn't grief him either. People shouldn't assume or expect certain knowledge or experience with folks in the game. Like a youngster I knew who had to use a seriously laid out mouse because his other hand was pretty much useless. I go by the old rule I'd rather hang with someone who doesn't know it all with a great heart than a "genius" who doesn't give a crap.


As would I.

High levels don't always = knowledge of the class or game. What players who have the "L2P Noob!" mentality seem to forget: 1] We were all newbies at one point (and still have 'noob' moments) and 2] There are people behind the toons we see running around, to state the obvious :o. We don't know who they are or what their story is. How do we know they don't have some sort of physical handicap, temporary or otherwise, that only allows them limited motor movement, but they play because they don't want that to get in the way of something they enjoy doing. Same goes for those who have mental handicaps or an illness of some sort that is slowing their cognitive processes. Or are just having a really off day and needed a quick reminder of some aspect of the game.


Hats off to those who do help people regardless. And, to those who are quick to give grief, stop and think for a moment... I'd better end there or I'll say something not nice. :p



I have to agree with the OP that a lot of players are rude. This just shows how terrible the community is in this particular MMO over all. A poor community makes for a poor game. Granted I feel the poor community also comes from poor developers who do not listen to the community added with the effect of poor customer support. So a lot of anguish is being taken out on one another.


However, the other side of the issue are players who are unable to take the time to READ what they should do next or where to go. If people actually paid attention to what they were doing they would not have to keep asking so many minuscule questions that are easily answered by simply READING. You also have to keep in mind some people might be asking simply to troll and get a rise out of other players and are rather happy about doing so.


And whose problem is that? Not mine. Why should I let some internet bully discourage me from helping others? If they want laugh at me for answering their question. Fine. At least they are laughing.

Edited by LadyNightArrow
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While I agree there is no cause to be rude to these folks, people who can't be bothered to do a quick Google search or do some basic research about their class has always been a pet peeve of mine. One of the first things I always do is research my intended class when joining an MMO. Otherwise, when I don't know where something is or how to do something, I'll research that as well. Asking random people in general chat is always a last resort.


Congratulations... But this completely destroys the idea of a helpful supportive massive MULTIPLAYER game. Showing new people (being new doesnt make someone a noob! It just means they are NEW). It is this type of elitest attitude of do everything yourself first before asking a simple question that i am to elite to answer/to good to help you/to lazy to answer (yet i have enough energy to rudely send you to google).


Helping people doesnt cost you anything. It makes you look awesome to the community and you receive the gratitude of a person who was truely bewilded if just for a moment. Telling someone to go to google says i dont care about you or the community.

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A couple of people of intimated that because most people im the community are helpful or at the most indifferent the the new folks that they should be fine. I am reminded however of the old saying "ine bad apple spoils the bunch" or how about we as a group dont get the second chance to make a first impression. The first real interaction most Noobs have is when they reach the fleet and there are all these other players running around seemingly with a purpose. I maintain that with out a concerted effort to help or at least ne nice rhe dew that are jerks to them will be tje example in their minds of the community as a whole.
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The more we help new players, the more we grow and prosper in the game.


I love helping new players, and giving them crafted medpacks and colour crystals, it just makes me feel so good inside! :jawa_biggrin:

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People are no more rude in this game's community than they are in any other MMO out there. ...


I hope that's not intended to be some sort of reason/excuse for bad behavior...


...it can get frustrating holding someone's hand through something that seems totally obvious to me.


Really ??? SERIOUSLY ??? I'd bet any money you like that there are things that are obvious to others that are confusing. or even incomprehensible, to you. I hate to say it, but, "do unto others..."

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I try to help anyone that has a question though for the most part I will do it in a whisper as sometimes the answer gets lost in all the talk in general.


And like someone says if you are in a guild being rude to a person asking a question can reflect bad on the guild.


My guild has a few rules but there are two very important ones that can reflect on helping people.


Guild members are always to positively represent the guild. Professional behavior reflects well on the guild, poor behavior reflects badly, and a bad reputation spreads faster and farther than a good one.


. Be courteous to all players, regardless if they are fellow guild members, allies, or enemies. Insulting other players (guild member or otherwise) reflects poorly upon the guild as a whole and will not be tolerated in any form. Respect is earned, and courtesy must be given in order to maintain a friendly guild



Helping others learn things and answering questions can reflect on the community as a whole. My questiion to myself daily is do I want to reflect a positive attitude of the server/guild I am on or a negative one. If we reflect a positive attitude by helping people we stand the chance of keeping people on our servers where if we are rude we can chase them off to another server.

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And whose problem is that? Not mine. Why should I let some internet bully discourage me from helping others? If they want laugh at me for answering their question. Fine. At least they are laughing.


I think you miss understood what i was saying on my last sentence. I was referring to the players who ask the simple questions may simply be doing so to annoy others. Either way I never said let it be a problem or to discourage. Rather I meant don't let such things discourage you.

Edited by Kamor
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+ 1 to the OP.

I have a Level 50 and I'm still being taught stuff by more advanced players. I go out of my way to pass that on.

- Arcada

Same here. I also have more compassion for new folks because this is my guy's very first MMO. He is very intellegent and has a technical job. I know he isn't an idiot and to see how overwhlemed he was the first week was definitely an eye opener.

To those of you annyoyed the person doesn't alt tab out of the MMO to look it up elsewhere (big sigh) please just don't type anything. That is all you need to do, just ignore and let the nice person next to you handle it. That alone is better!

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