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Everything posted by Tautha

  1. The OP's post got me wondering - I never usually look at the installation footprint of my games. My SWTOR dir. weighs in at only 20gb. Never been trimmed and is fully patched. I wonder what your extra bagage actualy is? Incidentaly, that 20gb is way under the footprint for WOW and LOTRO.
  2. I won't be happy until I can put a slave costume on a #4 body male Twi' lek
  3. If I even suspected someone of wanting to access my account for mischief, I wouldn't leave it unattended and switched on - let alone logged in. And even if you had that additional security, a person THAT determined to do you mischief, could just delete the game instead - or even format the hard drive. Security is good, vigilance is better. In any case, it's a moot point as Bioware already have a policy in the Terms of Service that you already agreed to.
  4. Yep, loot ninja's are right up there with Trolls and corpse-campers - hate them all, may they burn in gamer hell. But I don't think it's an issue you can hold Bioware responsible for. It is a random element found in any MMO -it's called free will. I can only guess about this players motivation, but it doesn't really matter - you didn't think it was fair. But wouldn't it defeat the object of having a community MMO if they were to try and programme out every scenario that could be potentially 'abused' by players? ... wouldn't be very realistic would it?
  5. I'm an Imp, but the same thing applies to Bounty hunters. I have a body type 1 Pyrotech. Armour makes him look a kid in his dads suit. Defo regretted choice. I have a body type 3 Mercenary - he looks very cool - like Vin Diesel and Iron Man rolled into one. Defo the way to go with heavy armour chars.
  6. Wow killer. Not knowing where that was originally coined, I can only assume it was the utterance of an over zealous wishful thinker. Not really understanding the motivation behind it, I can only assume it was in the naive belief that any one game of the same genre as wow could supersede it it terms of gameplay, and/or popularity to the point of replacing it. Not wishing to appear naive, unrealistic or misguided, it is a phrase I would carefully avoid using - in relation to ANY game - let alone one of the most popular MMO's in gaming history* . *to date at least.
  7. World English Dictionary barrel roll — n 1. a flight manoeuvre in which an aircraft rolls about its longitudinal axis while following a spiral course in line with the direction of flight — vb 2. ( intr ) (of an aircraft) to perform a barrel roll Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition 2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins ... you mean that one?
  8. I concede your point as valid, but this ability can (and has been) easily misused. When this was introduced in certain other MMO's, it caused a considerable community rift and resulted in a form of 'elitist' exclusion.
  9. Had a quick look, but couldn't see this anywhere else. Would it be possible to include a system for 'trading up' commendations? I'm frequently leaving planets with anything between 20 - 50 commendations that are redundant. The mods for that planet are too low by the time I move on, and my alts manufacture better parts anyway. It's not like you can purchase stuff to kick back to lower chars either because 'specialty goods' etc are BOP. Couldn't we have something like maybe a 5 - 1 rate - say 5 Balmorra comms for 1 Nar Shaddaa or something. would free up an awful lot of commerce I'm thinking.
  10. I've yet to buy a motherboard without a CMOS battery - let alone a full desktop rig. As to the possibility of it refering to it not having a PSU, the only time you are likely to encounter that is if you are buying a PC case only. Sounds to me like the specs were put together by someone who doesn't know much about computers... Would put me off a bit to be honest.
  11. The occasional class quest maybe, but throughout the whole game? Nah. Besides, as has already been pointed out, it would give a gross advantage over all other classes, and would destabilize the game - not to mention the class population. You'd end up with 90% of players rolling Operatives. Mind you, it might make warzones interesting... a bit like blind mans bluff lol
  12. I think the only one with what you could class as an overwhelming advantage is the Operative - simply because if you choose to, you can travel everywhere stealthed On a more serious note, Operatives tend to come out of up close and personal combat better because that's the way they're meant to fight. But in the end, it all comes down to circumstance and tactics - there are no absolutes.
  13. Grrr - don't get me started on Firefly. Axed after only one superb season? What the hell were Fox thinking?! And thanks to Joss Whedon's whimsical sense of humour, it looks like Shepherd Book is taking his secrets with him...
  14. While I am very fond of SWtOR, I find my interests are drawn more and more to these forums. Makes me pine for the days of the File Front UT/ Quake forum flame wars at the end of the last century. These days of course we take things much more serious... maybe TOO serious.
  15. Some good suggestions there. It has always pee'd me off that none of the Imp classes can use Cannons. Surely a BH should would be just as capable of wielding this as a Trooper?
  16. I'd totally forgotten about Pazzak - was a great mini game in KotOR. It would be great to add this. Imagine players drunk and broke, begging and offering 'favours' for credits for "just one more hand". Exemplary RP right there
  17. Every time I see a legitimate question or query answered with "L2P" or "Google it" I just feel like shaking some-one very hard. If you don't wan't to answer, why take the effort to make a pointless retort? Some people aren't community minded, but that's no a reason to be ignorant is it? Grrrrr!
  18. My agent collected and explored all of Korriban, and I can confirm there is a bug that prevents the academy registering even though there's a screen flash saying you have discovered it, so no, at the moment you can't get 100%. As to the Datacrons however, it is possible to collect all of them regardless of class.
  19. Gamorrean. purely for the humourous aspect or squealing and grunting my way around the galaxy.
  20. They are kinda a pain at first until you get used to moving around them (My agent ship had me cussing), but aside from that they're ok. But why, when there are so many cabins and compartments, do the crew all stand either on the bridge and/or in the corridors? Anyways - far more annoying is the cut scenes everytime I board the damn thing. Why does it have to take off? Especially if you aren't going anywhere!
  21. It would certainly be nice to have the option. The music score for SWTOR is exceptional. Generates atmosphere very effectively. Hell, you can always turn it off if it gets too much.
  22. P&P, shipping, handling charges, admin costs... All used regularly to bump profit, and usually far in excess of any real expense incurred.
  23. Yet another prime example of "If it ain't broke..." Take heed Bioware, the Empire demands the return of the Giggle!!!
  24. Thank goodness it's not just me. I've rerolled more times that I can remember because the name didn't feel right. I try to go with something original, but sometimes I' ll slip something in like 'Sleuth' (for my Imp agent) for the novelty. I customise my character, look at the finished 'person' and try to get a name that suits.
  25. Just to clarify Above the console interface you will see the following. Either; IMPERIAL GALACTIC TRADE NETWORK (e.g. Drommund Kass) or more often GALACTIC TRADE NETWORK (e.g. Nar Shaddaa) I know when you hover your cursor over the console it says something different. but GTN has been generally accepted as the understood definition. Hey, it's SWtoR - you didn't expect conformity did you?
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