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Powertechs need an urget nerf


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**EDIT - Anyone who says differently is a Sent / Marauder trying to deflect attention away from themselves, to try and prevent nerfs in their dirrection.


I have a sent/mara, don't play a powertech, and agree with you on everything except this.


Please don't make me dislike powertech people too, you guys seemed cool. :(



To the OP, they don't need a nerf, they already got the one they needed.

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Not true..


To each his own though


Given how damage mechanics work, I would definitely argue that there's significantly less incentive to wear pure tank armor in PvP at the moment than not. The minor variation of base stats even outside of things like Shield and Absorb does seem to make any appreciable difference in uptime.

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depends if they crit.


when rail shot crits i lose half my hp in 1 go and i have 19400 hp and 1200 expertise


I hear they have pet bears that shoot lazerbeams out of their eyes, and fart sonic booms, and are ninja's... immortal ninja's.....immortal ninja wizards... with machine guns.


all 100% true facts.

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Well you actually can get HiB to do +8k dmg. You just have to time it with your Assault Plastique.


Anyway they are glass cannons. Focus fire and they die in seconds.


Well thats no exactly saying a HiB does 8k that 2 skills taking 2 globals when they are used. Plastique is just like a dot that does all its dame at the end.

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Anyway they are glass cannons. Focus fire and they die in seconds.


So, same as any other class? How does this classify as class weakness?


If you want to see glass cannon, look @ madness sorcs.... only its all glass no cannon, they die before their 1st dot rotation runs out.

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Well thats no exactly saying a HiB does 8k that 2 skills taking 2 globals when they are used. Plastique is just like a dot that does all its dame at the end.


Yeah, I know. But I'm sure this happens to some ppl and they think it's one ability.

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my facts stands that powetechs/vanguards are overpowerd


Your facts are still numbers you are making up. It has been said in countless threads now, that you will never ever be hit for 10k by hip/rs. Not even if you are naked. So maybe, just maybe you should consider that you are wrong and all the countless people who say that your numbers are made up are right.


Yes PTs can put out the hurt, they need - as well as a melee- to be in range for it though. 10m for our mainhitter rs/hip.

They have one pull that is on a long CD that doesn't even work when you are full resolved.

Compare that to the charges of melees.

Than add the fact that they have one 2 min def CD with 25% reduction.


So what you have is an oppinion. You don't have a single fact.

And please stop opening the same thread every second day with the same made up numbers, completely lacking any arguments or contents. Thanks.

Edited by Twor
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Its not so much that their damage is so high its that their damage type is tech. So both your armor and defense dont affect them.


Tech only circumvents Defense and Shield, not Armor. Internal/Elemental circumvents armor.


In this case, however, Powertechs do circumvent all of the above, as nearly all their tech attacks are elemental. Rail Shot is Weapon damage, however.

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powertechs/vanguards have got to be nerfed urgently



they are either full dps killing war hero geared players in 3 to 6 seconds depending how geared they are.




tank specced in dps gear which is basicly someone with the defense of a tank and the damage of a pure dps class.



something has got to be done because they cant stay how they are right now they are just far to powerfull to be kept like this.

ive noticed alot of people rerrolling to either vanguard/powertech because of it and its just rediculous.



So you died to a PT,


and now you came on the forums crying.

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Just because I want to add a little fuel to the fire...





It's pretty simple how I did that though. None of those numbers were particularly large. It just happened that they all hit at exactly the same time, causing the in game UI to just "group them up". So instead of seeing a 4k railshot + a 3k Thermal + 2 fire dot ticks, you get one big 8328 number on the end scoreboard.


I can just see the furious nerf threads now. haha. However, this hit represents the pinnacle of what our "burst" can do. It is not repeatable again for another 15 seconds, so the OP's argument that we can some how sustain our burst to burn up 19k HP is ridiculous. If you want to know how to survive burst, get more HP. Their is a point where you can have more HP then any incoming burst, at which point it becomes your turn to dish out the can of whoop ***.


That said, my railshots regularly hit heavy armor targets for 5k when I use my relic's + an expertise adrenal. But seriously, if you want to know how to counter a Powertech, try attacking it. We are surprisingly squishy.

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depends if they crit.


when rail shot crits i lose half my hp in 1 go and i have 19400 hp and 1200 expertise


I call total and utter BS. Max railshot crit will be lucky to hit 6k flat (I have never seen 6k, but imagine if everything was best case scenario, 6k could be achievable) with full buffs/cooldowns and WH gear on a 0 exp new lvl 50 scrub.....

Edited by NyteSabre
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Its not so much that their damage is so high its that their damage type is tech. So both your armor and defense dont affect them.


This would be wrong on 2 accounts.


1. Armor does mitigate tech damage.

2. Vanguard/Powertech's biggest hitter is High Impact Bolt / Rail shot. A ranged attack, not tech.

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This would be wrong on 2 accounts.


1. Armor does mitigate tech damage.

2. Vanguard/Powertech's biggest hitter is High Impact Bolt / Rail shot. A ranged attack, not tech.


Espescially for 2.

Nothing is more frustrating than popping relic, stim and cd and than having the hip deflected by a lightsaber wielder :D

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As a pvp healer PT/VG dps are comparatively manageable compared to a lot of the other ACs. Their burst is highly predictable now post 1.2 and they have a long cool down in between spurts of big burst. A main component of their setup and dmg, the dots, are easily dispelled by the other tech ACs.

They also die quickly, And that is their biggest weakness, their survivability is possibly the worst in the game in terms of cool-downs and o**** buttons. Its an all out offence glass cannon play style.


A skilled PT/VG is none the less a dangerous opponent, but so is any skilled player regardless of the AC.


I do not see anything particularly op about them. Now sents/maras on the other hand....

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powertechs/vanguards have got to be nerfed urgently



they are either full dps killing war hero geared players in 3 to 6 seconds depending how geared they are.




tank specced in dps gear which is basicly someone with the defense of a tank and the damage of a pure dps class.



something has got to be done because they cant stay how they are right now they are just far to powerfull to be kept like this.

ive noticed alot of people rerrolling to either vanguard/powertech because of it and its just rediculous.


Combat log or it didn't happen.


Oh, and looking through your post history it might be easier if you just told everyone what you thought wasn't OP, it would probably take less time.

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cleanse termal thats like 3-4k less dmg you will take that leave a 4k dmg rail shot hit (rail is weapon dmg so its migrated by armor/dodge/shield)


way to beat a pt cleanse cleanse cleanse if they keep having to reapply the dot on you to use rail they overheat and will go back to auto firing our draw out due to not having any defence but a 25% dmg shield every 2mins so they need there burst to stay up. there whole heat managment comes from those rail shot procs

Edited by mamosh
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