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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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1. empty servers - need I say more ? MMO= community and currently my server has none.

2. lack of LFG tools - this could have been overcome had #1 not been such a problem.

3. space combat or lack thereof - Hopefully this was just t teaser for what will come later on. But as it stands now, this "on rails" approach is horrible and needs to go. It does not do Star Wars any justice whatsoever

4. lifeless planets - dated graphics, no day / nite cycle, everything seems so static and stationery

5. too much voice acting. Not needed on side quests. Just keep it to main storyline and major quest chains


Closing comments : With the overwhelming feedback for my reason #1, I am really surprised this has not been addressed sooner. this issue would help solve / band-aid a majority of the problems following after that. Now some of you say to just reroll on a higher pop server but that doesn't solve the issue and this is why. First, obvious reason is the time commitment to the first character rolled. We should not have to abandon a character that we have grown somewhat attached to which is the main immersion feeling you should be getting from aq game like this. The 2nd issue is and because of the lack of LFG tools, the problem of missing most of the "grouping" content still stands. I would love to re-reroll right now, but I have no incentive to do so because I do not want to once again, be skipping 2 mans and flashpoints. that is not what this game was intended for.

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I'm fairly new to the game. My free 30 days will be up in 4 days. I just unsubbed because:


1. Although I really enjoyed my time in this game, I'm bored. One reason is crafting is so awkward. You can only create 5 items at a time until you get more companions. I don't like that the crafting is so dependent on companions. Fine for the gathering I guess, but the actual crafting, its weird. Maybe I just needed more time to get used to it.


2. There is no lfg tool. This is one of the reasons I'm bored. I haven't done any instances. I don't know anybody, planets are empty and making friends is not that easy when you don't come across many people. This makes getting into groups and doing group missions or instances hard for newbies.


3. No real cosmetic gear. There is no reason to run around looking like clones in this day and age.


4. No barbershop. I can't believe games are being shipped without this mechanic.


5. Where is the communication with the community? I see post after post of the same issues and I don't see any response from development/bioware employees. I don't see any reason for so much silence. It just makes you look bad from a customer service standpoint.


Maybe I'll be back if things change. At any rate, I wish the developers luck. You've got a good start I think, just need some tweaking.

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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?
My enthusiasm for SWTOR has waned, but I'm sticking around for now because I want the game to succeed and I love the IP. I've played TERA all weekend, though, and love it so far. GW2 was interesting, and since there's no sub I'll probably play. The Secret World looks cool.


SWTOR---I'll have to take a hard look when it's time to renew. I really hope there will be exciting reasons to stick around by then (6 month sub comes due in July.)

Edited by RolyartNala
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you mean before buying this game during launch, i should've played beta first?


going with the way you think, you must live a life full of compromises for things you pay.


oh well. too bad BW is in the MMO business and needs to please paying customers to stay afloat.


and why not ?

i wasn't going to buy it until i had tried the beta, and i asked guild mates and friends who were in the beta before me for info.


its not complicated ;)


and if you really think EA are going to struggle to, as you put it, "stay afloat", you're living in cloud cuckoo land :)


my point is:


are there probs? yes

are some people not happy ? yes

is that BWs fault ? no, its 50/50

some of it is BWs fault, but not all of it by a long stretch

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For me personally there were a few things.


1. UI and lack of addons/macros. With 1.2 the UI is alot better and really close but its there yet for me. Theres a few things its lacking for me. One being healing frames with click healing.


2. Group tools. I don't enjoy spamming chat to find groups. Also I'm not a fan of having to schedule around a game anymore. I want to play on my own terms. I typically play at off peak times because of my work schedule. So its hard to find a guild that does things around the time I would play.


Most of the things that I don't like are being addressed and once those do theres a good chance I'll continue my subscription.

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I'm fairly new to the game. My free 30 days will be up in 4 days. I just unsubbed because:


1. Although I really enjoyed my time in this game, I'm bored. One reason is crafting is so awkward. You can only create 5 items at a time until you get more companions. I don't like that the crafting is so dependent on companions. Fine for the gathering I guess, but the actual crafting, its weird. Maybe I just needed more time to get used to it.


2. There is no lfg tool. This is one of the reasons I'm bored. I haven't done any instances. I don't know anybody, planets are empty and making friends is not that easy when you don't come across many people. This makes getting into groups and doing group missions or instances hard for newbies.


3. No real cosmetic gear. There is no reason to run around looking like clones in this day and age.


4. No barbershop. I can't believe games are being shipped without this mechanic.


5. Where is the communication with the community? I see post after post of the same issues and I don't see any response from development/bioware employees. I don't see any reason for so much silence. It just makes you look bad from a customer service standpoint.


Maybe I'll be back if things change. At any rate, I wish the developers luck. You've got a good start I think, just need some tweaking.


I think many people feel exactly the same way as you do. I know I do. Especially items 2 and 5.

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my point is:


are there probs? yes

are some people not happy ? yes

is that BWs fault ? no, its 50/50

some of it is BWs fault, but not all of it by a long stretch


I'm confused how the problems with this game aren't 100% BW's fault? Did some other developer help make this game?

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I'll preface by saying; I was a beta tester and have played regularly since. I'm also a veteran MMO player and have pretty much seen it all.


I'd have to agree with most things already said. Low server pops, difficulty getting groups, etc. and as I'm mainly a PvP'r, the lack of any real open world PvP was a real let down. Now most these things can be fixed and I was willing to give BW the benefit of the doubt. Basically as long as I can have a certain amount of return on investment, meaning as long as I'm having fun playing I would stick around.


But what was really the straw that broke the camels back for me was Friday night playing WZ's all evening and I think I actually had 2 games that evening that wasn't completely dominated by Hackers. It was mainly the same guild & group, and premades vs pugs is one thing, but when they are so blatently hacking it really points to a problem.


Now I have reported hackers prior to this and BW seems to be quite aware and jumps on it quickly. However, it seems to be getting worse lately. When I have such a difficult time finding some PvP WITHOUT hacks going on, it totally destroys any fun in the game for me.


Seriously, I just don't get it, where is the fun of using hacks in a MMO PvP? Your are not good, or skilled, it's just the hacks. Where is the satisfaction from gearing up and learning to play well? Anyway I won't waste my time and/or money playing against a plethora of hackers.


My 2 cents.

Edited by Aziano
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- broken gfx engine

- broken SOUND engine - BW, really?

- no chat bubbles, no support for roleplaying

- no incentive for open world pvp

- no open world pvp during leveling


This game is neither MMO nor RP. Demanding monthly fee for it is a mockery.



- expertise, different sets of gear for pvp and pve. Its dividing the playerbase. Hate it

Edited by Satanski
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  • 1. Dead Server - Ie no community no MMO just a single player RPG
    2. Bored from Repetitiveness - Heroic Modes have sadly become a staple for MMO's thanks to WoW. And Now every week I kill the same boss twice with little to no changes. im crossing my fingers that Nightmare Mode brings something different ,but most likely Zorn and Toth will just hit a little harder and have a little more hp.
    3. uncompetitive PVP - self explanitory, basically its just a grind to get gear and no rankings or tiered games for different skill levels. If I'm look for competitive combat I just log onto other games : (
    4.Dead Server- Seriously I'll say it again because it bears repeating, a lot of things about this game our good ,but even if I enjoy (PvP,Operations, RP) I can't find other players to do them with because there is literally 1/10th of the numbers signing on since december.



Why am I still here?

I payed for a 6month sub like a derp.


Active subscription = Check

Active Player = Blank

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About time someone created this, and it should be sticky like on the AoC forum, everyone who feels the need to say good bye, does it on the "good bye thread sticky".


Why most MMO's don't do this is because all they would say is "This game suck's" and that's it. no real feedback is really ever given. Some people do but 99% well not.

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Swtor doenst feel like an MMO ... it feels more like Diablo or some other single player game. You're leveling through diffrent planets and its always the same string. You've got no choice to change the way to level 50 and also the stories and stuff are getting very boring not later than you've got your first level 50. After you reached level 50 you're camping at the fleets. You don't really need to visit the planets again. You can get your crafting mats from crew-missions and everything what you need is on the fleet. Now you can do a few hardmodes until you notice, that you just have to do like 3-4 operations to get your full pve gear. PvP is absolutly boring ... same 3 (now 4) battlegrounds over and over again. Open world pvp is hardly missing. I did a lot of pvp to get my battlemaster gear (pre pvp for 2 lvl 50 charakters) and now you can get it for next to nothing. But you have to grind like mad for the new warhero set ... even if you're a warhero with rang 73 already. Now after PvP grind and the 4 bg's bores me, I started to level another twink to level 50 ... stopped at level 36 cause it was a total agony. No freedom, no choice, no players, no fun.


Legacy is a joke. You have to play days and hours to raise your legacy level and after that they want you to pay 5 million for a market on your ship?! I'am on the fleet the all the time!!! Why should I pay 5 million for something which is right beside me ... I don't even need to go onto my ship.

Or 500k for a mailbox? Fleet!

Or 6 million for a rocket pack ... you will need to play 4 hours a day, grinding daylies for about 2-3 weeks to get the money for it. In the same time you can level 2 charakters to level 25 and buy them a glider.

Everything is so stupid and feels like they are putting big obstacles in your way to keep you playing. But they overdo ... its to much.


The complete planetary desgin is a big fail. They should've build bigger planets with larger leveling range ... maybe 20-30, 30-40 and so on ... or should have implemented different areas on the planets, where you can level from 20-30 and in another area from 40-45. Then they wouldn't be so empty. You don't really feel to be connected to the community in this game. Sure ... on some servers there are 500 ppl playing ... but you hardly can see them cause everything is split up. The planets (one planet for every 3-4 levels), the operations, the hardmodes, the battlegrounds ... everything in this game is split up and is splitting the community in small groups and the only place where everyone sometimes needs to go is this tiny ugly thing which is called the imperial/republic fleet.


Diablo 3 is coming ... and Guild Wars 2 too ... so I unsubbed. Don't think they ever can correct the many mistakes in the planetary and game design.

Edited by Raeken
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I just unsubbed about a week ago i still have well over 60 days worth of play time.


1. Population simply put it killed the game, not enough people at any level to group meaningfully. Personally i belive the level of content is there ( well its enough for the moment ) but its just mostly inacessible wether thats PvP or PvE.


2. Lack of Cross Server LFG / Biowares stance. I cant be bothered to find the post but i belive one of the main developers said they have no plans for a "Cross server tool". for me personally this is just plain stupid and the lack of even considering this means im sorry ill just look elsewhere for another game.


3. 1.2 PvP I surpose many people will disagree with me on this but since 1.2 its pretty much just a Maruader/Sentinel pisssing contest to see who can Masterstrike/ravage me first sorry not fun. Expertise does nothing but help them kill you faster.


4. Extreme Moderation. I get there will always be posts that are way to much however there have been many Great posts all over this forum that have simply just been deleted with no response. You should really try to read some of these or at the very least just admit you acknoledge the the problems with the game.


5. Wookies/Ewoks/Voss/Everyones a human. This is a Star wars game and yet in some areas it feels nothing like star wars. Everyone is a Human in some way shape or form and yet there are no wookies or Ewoks two of the most iconic races in star wars universe and yet planets like Voss which to my knowledge have piss all to do with star wars get through, maybe im crazy but thats just plain wrong in my eyes.

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Unsubbed today with about 40 days left to play. I will play Diablo 3 starting next week and looking forward perhaps GW2 or The Secret World. I will continue to keep an eye on SWTOR as I really want the game to be awesome, but at the moment it just isn't.

Here are my main gripes.


1 The world feel lifeless. Populated by mannequins.


2 Too much instancing and loading.


3 Low player population makes finding a group a chore.


4 The game runs like garbage on my 3 year old comp.


5 No open world PVP. There's no Tarren Mill in SWTOR.


They just seemed to design this game for people who want to solo. I want a more sandboxy MMO with lots of world pvp. Bioware, please go back and look at all the good things about SWG (Crafting, non-combat classes, large open worlds) and incorporate then into SWTOR. I promise people will come back if you do.

Edited by Rotny
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I haven't unsubbed yet, but then I haven't played since early January...though I played 2 sessions this past week.


Bioware really had this game right back in the earlier closed betas, but they made huge changes for the bad the last couple of months of it.


I'll likely unsub because of what they changed, and the fact that my character's appearance matters to me.


What the game used to have, which made it better. Now that they're gone, or changed, is why I will unsub.


1. Starting mid teens, world drop/quest reward blue gear was fully moddable. There were many dozens of styles to choose from, many of which aren't even in the game anymore. Flashpoint drops were moddable, and had some VERY nice looking stuff that was unique to that flashpoint.


2. There was no expertise in the game until a very small group of testers moaned about the lack of a pvp stat, and a few builds later we get expertise. PVP stats are horrible IMO, and I just won't deal with it. I won't play level 50 pvp again, ever. 10-49 is ok.


3. Every planet had a GTN, and it was great. I don't care for having to travel to the fleet to trade, or shop.


4. There was no fleet until nearly the end of beta. They just HAD to add a Dalaran to swtor for some odd reason. It just kills traffic on the planets.


5. You could trade commendations from one tier planet to the next at a 2 to 1 ratio. No, you couldn't farm comms on Coruscant, and trade them in at Correllia. Trades could only happen from one questing tier planet to the next, so if you wanted to follow the chain all the way through, and farm low level comms to trade up through the chain, it would take 64 coruscant comms to get 1 correllia comm. Not worth it. Removing the comm trade really ticks me off.


6. This has always been in the game, but it sure grinds my gears after carrying 13 characters to 40-50. Boring, generic, time consuming world quests every time you level a character. They did change many of the rewards, however, and much of it was for the worse. The planets are also sickningly linear.


7. Never had any of this in game, but the lack of it is killing me. No real space combat, no mini games, no player housing, no real achievement system.


8. I forgot to add that the combining of stats was a bad idea, and has led to OP classes that stack main stat for all abilities. At one time in beta, you actually had different stats for ranged/tech, melee/force, and heals had its own stat. They need to reintroduce Aim for ranged, cunning for tech, strength for melee, willpower for force, and presence for heals.

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I have about 30 days left now, unsubbed over a week ago though once the extra 30 days were added.


I really want SWTOR to do well but it has game destorying issues...


  1. My server is dead
  2. Its hard / impossible to group for content
  3. Due to low population PvP queues are looong
  4. Crafting is non existant
  5. Im bored now I got to 50, and due to dead server I CBA to level an alt


Server transfers / migrations etc would fix most of my problems, shame it all happened too late. As others have said I wil check on how it goes for SWTOR as I can always fire up the account again. However with Tera, Diablo and GW2 all out / out in the next few months it looks bad :(

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I haven't unsubbed yet, but then I haven't played since early January...though I played 2 sessions this past week.


Bioware really had this game right back in the earlier closed betas, but they made huge changes for the bad the last couple of months of it.


I'll likely unsub because of what they changed, and the fact that my character's appearance matters to me.


What the game used to have, which made it better. Now that they're gone, or changed, is why I will unsub.


1. Starting mid teens, world drop/quest reward blue gear was fully moddable. There were many dozens of styles to choose from, many of which aren't even in the game anymore. Flashpoint drops were moddable, and had some VERY nice looking stuff that was unique to that flashpoint.


2. There was no expertise in the game until a very small group of testers moaned about the lack of a pvp stat, and a few builds later we get expertise. PVP stats are horrible IMO, and I just won't deal with it. I won't play level 50 pvp again, ever. 10-49 is ok.


3. Every planet had a GTN, and it was great. I don't care for having to travel to the fleet to trade, or shop.


4. There was no fleet until nearly the end of beta. They just HAD to add a Dalaran to swtor for some odd reason. It just kills traffic on the planets.


5. You could trade commendations from one tier planet to the next at a 2 to 1 ratio. No, you couldn't farm comms on Coruscant, and trade them in at Correllia. Trades could only happen from one questing tier planet to the next, so if you wanted to follow the chain all the way through, and farm low level comms to trade up through the chain, it would take 64 coruscant comms to get 1 correllia comm. Not worth it. Removing the comm trade really ticks me off.


6. This has always been in the game, but it sure grinds my gears after carrying 13 characters to 40-50. Boring, generic, time consuming world quests every time you level a character. They did change many of the rewards, however, and much of it was for the worse. The planets are also sickningly linear.


7. Never had any of this in game, but the lack of it is killing me. No real space combat, no mini games, no player housing, no real achievement system.


All very valid points !

Yeah i remember, was way better. Also one could have items on the GTN for 5 days.

But bioware has this inzane idee that removing those systems would make players actually use fail fleet more, so sad.Capitol planet should have been the main hub to be, not some space station were there is not even a nice view to the system around.

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I'm on the free days and sub is already canceled.


1. Lack of ANY continuity of difficulty, in leveling quests and end game. Your doing fine and all at once you get a boss with 70K hitpoints and 1 hit kills. Every time I reach 1 of these, I just log out out due to frustration, delete the quest, and are made "more glad" I hit that magical cancel button. All of these quest bosses that there are countless threads about need to be re-balanced.


2. Totally Linear in progression. Leveling and end-game. Go here with this gear but don't try that. Programed to die development for nothing more than a credit sink for repairs. I simply do not like turning my healing over to a scripted pet. Get rid of the pet and add class heals or leave the pet and make more than just 1 a viable alternative for JK. Provide some means of player choice and/or playstyles instead of just 1 small path for progression. Get rid of interupts in their entirity.


3. Crafting is absolutly worthless. Most of these devs came from a game that was touted as the best crafting game in MMO history but they chose the WoWified route there (like just about everything else) and killed crafting in favor of loot drops and gear grinds. Crafting need is further deleted via all the loot drops, quests to get this that or the other. It is simply not needed in any way, shape, or form. So basicly, there goes the only avenue for any non-combat related content. EVERYTHING is combat! You guys know what to do here, redesign and do it.


4. Entire worlds are made totaly useless. Once your done with them, you're done. Don't even bother going back, there's nothing for you here now. Not even ANY re-use of existing content. Add content and/or systems that ask the player to go back and re-use existing content. You may even have less threads of "there's nothing to do".


5. This all but worthless game engine. Delays in firing specials, misfires a plenty, targeting system that is absoluty the worst I think I've ever played. Got 5 mobs on you? Then your tookbar goes completly greyed out for 1-3 secs waiting on the system to re-target something. In a game with difficulty this tuned, missing 1 to 2 shots can make all the difference. Optimise the engine or get rid of about 1/2 of the "coolness" factor junk you've added in the engine doing this or that as it is overloading the functionality of your own game and the players experience.


It may be that BW can re-design enough of this to get my sub back as the IP is a draw for me. However, IP without substance and functionality is not enough. I'll ck back from time to time and try to keep up with patch notes.


Dallas, you've finaly got your total NGE. How you like it so far? Is it even a factor that threads like this get so much community attention or is it "let em leave, we'll get more via marketing", again, just like the SOE Austin thinking of before? The main problems with this game seem to be all out of developer mindset. I'm just not so sure the problems can be fixed with the existing developers and/or leads in development. Maybe it is time for an NGE, just with Bioware Austin personel instead of a game.

Edited by Esquire
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I am leaving as soon as my sub runs out

I already posted this elsewhere:



This game had the potential to knock all other games out of the water but instead of taking the commonplace features that most gamers expect and building up from there, it just left them out. I have played since December and still there is no method other than spamming the fleet for hours, to find a group. If you do then you have to wait for everyone to get there and that can take a while for some players who insist on finishing what they are doing.

I find that I have to just do quests to make better use of my time and so I am missing out on a part of gaming that I enjoy.. grouping for instances.

Another problem is complicated traveling between planets. I have one pass per day to reach the fleet to take/turn in my pvp win otherwise I have to find my way back to the spaceport and then to my ship and reverse the process to get back to my questing area. I have played all most all games and all have a means to hearth or port back to the 'home town'. (in this case, our ship)

After 5 months of this, I have decided it is not worth it, time wise. I love the game itself but cannot understand why these basic features of convenience have not been added, so will be cancelling soon. Not everyone is a single guy with hours to waste in looking for groups/traveling


I also agree with other posters.. more character slots are needed due to their legacy system.

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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


I unsubbed...uuh.. at least a couple of months ago, it was before the 1.15 patch hit. As i had faith in Bioware prior to launch however, i got a 6 month sub, so i still have like 90 days left or something (with the free month, etc).


So i stopped playing alltogether for over a month, never logged in.. then i decided to come back 3 or so days prior to 1.2 hit, mostly in order to do a little personal population cencus on the various servers. But after 2 weeks of that, i thought sod it (20 servers x 2 factions gets rather annoying after a while, hehe).


While the server i was on (Frostclaw) was one of the "fortunate" ones, meaning it still actually has a population, sort of... i couldnt be bothered to continue on that. I have 8 chars there, 2 50's, another 5 in the mid 40's, all crew skills maxed, mats galore, filthy rich, etc etc... I thought i'd start "fresh".. and try the legacy stuff properly, meaning i'd need 4 of each faction. I'll keep working on that until my sub runs out anyway.. but on to my "complaints" :


Im not going to write it bulletpoint style, as much as an "essay", sorry to the TLDR people :)


The very short reason of why i unsubbed is for a host of reasons, but most important being the population leaving, persistant bugs (since beta no less...), utter lack of anything to do once your class story is over, the engine being a gigantic unoptimized mess (gotten a lot better in 1.2 with the exception of load times), etc.


Bioware has basically failed with a lot of their statements, ranging from "crafting will be useful", to "ranked warzones will be in 1.2". There is absolutely no communication whatsoever, until they mess something up so bad that one of the Doctors has to come in to try to salvage the situation. Thats amateurish on a rather epic scale..


The lack of planning is also something i find quite staggering.. i mean.. these are supposed to be professionals, right ? Take the legacy system... its a perfect example.


Its released with patch 1.2, some 4 months or something after game release (i dont remember exactly), and is basically just a gigantic hint to "play alts".

Yet they still only have 8 character slots per server... after 4+ months, people who play a lot will already have 8 characters of high level (if i hadnt stopped playing alltogether, i'd easily have had 8 level 50's a long time before 1.2, but i might perhaps play more than what is "normal").

And to top it all off, the XP bonuses and companion affection modifiers in the legacy are still "to come". Who is going to need that whenever they release it unless you are a new subscriber ?


It halfway seems to me that they've shipped off anyone with the ability to use a computer to some other EA project, and left Steve the coffee guy / janitor in charge of everything.

Edited by PlacidDragon
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Pvp on my server no longer exists, only reason to go on is to do a raid (dalies are boring.)

Plus I had to get to BM and got my gear the long way before you got an automatic 5000 or w/e valor you get for 4 medals I remember begging for tokens for champion gear getting repeats over and over, then how long it took to get BM gear then saw how easy it was after the upates and stuff and people still Arnt even good with all the

expertise and made the BM and above titles worth no merit.

Then nerfing all my healing, making a decent hybrid spec usless and forcing to either put dots or standing there and spamming disturbance. After 1.2 I was extremly dissapointed in this game, legacy system isn't even good to begin with, no cross pvp, no ranked a lame new pvp zone and lies from bioware just killed the game for me.

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I unsubed and was forced to make a post on the forums for my reasons due to the fact that in the cancel sub thread post your reasons, it would not let me cancel and place a reason I did this 3 times before canceling with no reason which worked.


I later tried to place my reasons in game for cancelling by placing in a ticked but was AFK'ed out of the game, again statement lost. So I posted my reasons on the forums just to have the thread closed.


TY BioWare!

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