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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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Well, considering I'm not really subbing but playing off game time cards, I'm not sure 'unsubscribe' really applies. I'm just not planning to buy more time in the forseeable future. I've got through the end of next week.


Five reasons for not buying more time?


1. End of Story - well, more like Interlude, but yeah, I'm not really a motivated grinder, so at 50 ennui sets in. I play mostly for content and story, and the class story was my main motivation for moving through the game. Well, that and world stories, but those were something I got less enthusiastic about when rolling alts.


2. Freedom of choice ... or lack of it - again, class story has _some_, but really not a lot. Consequences? Other than the occasional mail, they seem non-existent. Beyond that, locking particular weapon types to class as a stylistic decision just makes me go -_-. Iconic looks are all well and good, but I at least would like to be able to put more of a personal spin on how my characters look and do business. The degree to which this is possible is extremely limited.


3. Why are we back here again? - there's literally no reason to revisit planets, other than pure fluff RP purposes, after you've wrapped them and their bonus series up. It's all like a very pretty set dressing that turns out to be made out of cardboard if you poke at it too hard. Pazaak or Sabbac would be nice. Any number of mini-games would be welcome. I mean, alright, I understand, it's supposed to be a theme park and all, but even theme parks have concession stands. And the occasional toilet.


4. Ships - why do you even have these? I mean, yes, it's nice to have your own ship, but it serves no purpose other than being an interaction hub with your companions and a mode of transportation. I'd say something about the space minigame at this point, but as I've found about one reason thus far to actually play it (PANTS) I don't think its existance is validated by that. We can't name them, can't really customize them, there's no reason whatsoever to show your ship off to anyone else. It just seems like a giant heap of wasted potential.


5. Let it rest - at this point, I have a few class stories left to complete, a number of characters to level, and a number of things I have yet to do in-game on my 50s. But I'm thinking, I'll put this aside for a while. Let it breathe a little, maybe regain some of the enthusiasm I had during Early Access through January for it. Hopefully when I come back in a few months the game will be more polished and have more plot for me to bite into.


EDIT: .... and there would have been 6 reasons, had I seen the Shadow/Assassin tank changes of 1.3. So thanks, devs, for taking away whatever hesitation I had about this away.

Edited by Rieverre
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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.


I unsubbed, or rather I disabled the auto-renewal on my subscription that runs out in August. I did this weeks ago. And no, I didn't create an "I'm leaving" or "unsubbed" thread. :)


Reasons (in order of importance to me)...


1.) Just bored with the game. Not really Bioware's fault. Plenty to do, but tired of it.


2.) Diablo III is out, enjoying that, and plans to play Mechwarrior Online at launch.


3.) They killed off Illum area PvP. Neutered it slowly over time until dead in 1.2


4.) Server population is way down, my server still in top ten for US, but not very active. That means pugs for ops is near impossible. My guild had to get with two other guilds to get just barely enough people to do 8-mans, and forget about 16-mans. Last 16 man we did was before 1.1.4.


5.) And now server transfer fiasco. Granted, this is a reason after I unsubbed. If it was before, I'd have to say art direction with gear from 1.2. Absolutely FUGLY!

Edited by cipher_nemo
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Well, considering I'm not really subbing but playing off game time cards, I'm not sure 'unsubscribe' really applies. I'm just not planning to buy more time in the forseeable future. I've got through the end of next week.


Five reasons for not buying more time?


1. End of Story - well, more like Interlude, but yeah, I'm not really a motivated grinder, so at 50 ennui sets in. I play mostly for content and story, and the class story was my main motivation for moving through the game. Well, that and world stories, but those were something I got less enthusiastic about when rolling alts.


2. Freedom of choice ... or lack of it - again, class story has _some_, but really not a lot. Consequences? Other than the occasional mail, they seem non-existent. Beyond that, locking particular weapon types to class as a stylistic decision just makes me go -_-. Iconic looks are all well and good, but I at least would like to be able to put more of a personal spin on how my characters look and do business. The degree to which this is possible is extremely limited.


3. Why are we back here again? - there's literally no reason to revisit planets, other than pure fluff RP purposes, after you've wrapped them and their bonus series up. It's all like a very pretty set dressing that turns out to be made out of cardboard if you poke at it too hard. Pazaak or Sabbac would be nice. Any number of mini-games would be welcome. I mean, alright, I understand, it's supposed to be a theme park and all, but even theme parks have concession stands. And the occasional toilet.


4. Ships - why do you even have these? I mean, yes, it's nice to have your own ship, but it serves no purpose other than being an interaction hub with your companions and a mode of transportation. I'd say something about the space minigame at this point, but as I've found about one reason thus far to actually play it (PANTS) I don't think its existance is validated by that. We can't name them, can't really customize them, there's no reason whatsoever to show your ship off to anyone else. It just seems like a giant heap of wasted potential.


5. Let it rest - at this point, I have a few class stories left to complete, a number of characters to level, and a number of things I have yet to do in-game on my 50s. But I'm thinking, I'll put this aside for a while. Let it breathe a little, maybe regain some of the enthusiasm I had during Early Access through January for it. Hopefully when I come back in a few months the game will be more polished and have more plot for me to bite into.


EDIT: .... and there would have been 6 reasons, had I seen the Shadow/Assassin tank changes of 1.3. So thanks, devs, for taking away whatever hesitation I had about this away.


Paying by time cards is basically the same thing. It counts as a sub. Only difference is..with a credit card you have to cancel your sub to stop them from charging the monthly fee to your card. I agree with a lot of your points for leaving however.

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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


  1. Bugs and lack of bug fixes, or extremely slow response time (months long).
  2. PvP system sucks, lack of outdoor PvP.
  3. Client sucks and loading times suck even worse.
  4. End-game content or lack-thereof, sucks. Nothing to do after gearing PvE and raidlocked.
  5. Little to no customer support at all.


Why do I stick around? Because I put a lot of time into this game and was very thorough about everything I did. I played high-end and I was in a really good guild with many other motivated and skilled players. I led an incredibly efficient and fun 8-man raid, but as we each admitted that the game was still in an unacceptable state, we quit. I wish there were reasons to return, so I check the forum while my account runs out of time, and complain because I have a right and a reason to complain.

Edited by Lenny
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I have cancelled the renewing of my subscription.


I cant quite put my finger on what it is exactly that's wrong, but something doesn't gel right with me.


I'm not a star wars fan at all. I liked the movies a lot but never really understood the hype.


But I love a good MMO and the way this game was talked up almost everywhere was that it would be a good MMO.


Legend of Mir was my first proper MMO experience followed by EQ2 and then Lotro for many years. When I started Lotro I wasn't any more a Tolkien fan than I was a Star Wars fan when I started SWTOR , I had seen the films, read the books years ago but that was that.


During the course of my time in Lotro, the law behind the game, book quests etc drew me in and I now am an extremely big Tolkien fan. My point being, me not being a Star wars fan shouldn't have anything to do with how much I liked the game, if it was a good game, the Star Wars side of it if anything should make me want to read/watch Star wars stuff more.


In a way I'm what could be called a hardcore player in that I put a lot of hours into a game. But I also like to do a variety of things.


My biggest gripe for years in Lorto was their housing hook system, meaning I couldn't decorate my house how I wanted and was very limited in what i could place where. I loved the housing in EQ2.


So we get our own spaceship, when I first got it, I went aboard and thought "wow". But it wasn't long before I realised there's very little you can actually do while in your spaceship. I cant move things around, customise the interior to make it mine at all.


On Lotro, while I had a few characters, my main character was a level 75 Burglar. I played this character for a few years. I slowly levelled up other characters at the same time, but often I would go 2 or 3 weeks or more just logging into my top level burg and enjoying myself.


Levelling up my Sith Assassin to level 50 was great fun, I enjoyed it a lot, although in my personal opinion it was far far far to easy to reach level 50. There was just 1 point during the whole 50 levels that I actually needed to call on one of my guild members to help me out. That was doing quests at my level in a game I had never played before.


I didn't rush to level 50 as I'd had a few real life health issues hence didn't have the playtime I usually put into an mmo. But I soon got there all the same.


So what then, I logged in and did my dailies. The voice acting is pointless after you've done them once or twice.


In Lotro, I would raid usually twice a week in kin (guild) organised events. I would still log in every day I wasn't raiding and I was never bored. Some days I would simply spend a few leisurely hours collecting craft mats, sell some on the AH, save others for crafting.


Some days I would log in and spend a few hours crafting and I enjoyed it. One of my alts was a cook, my main was a scholar, I made the kin potions and food, plus I could sell extras and make a good profit, enough to buy other craft mats for my other alts.


At this point I should add that I spent months logging in every day for hours on my main before I even thought of possibly creating an alt (many of my kinnies made loads to begin with, we're all different)


Sure some people don't like crafting, but that is what funds the people that do, those that don't, buy from the AH.


With swtor, it seems this whole crafting experience has been taken away. people simply click on their companions and off they go and craft for them.


So I log in for the 13th day in a row and grind my dailies, can do it blindfolded by this point, once I've finished them, what now? What can I do when I have 30 odd mins to pass before dinner? My companions are all out crafting, can I go and craft myself? No.


And as each day went by, I found it more and more getting to the point of "must log into SWTOR and grind my dailies at some point" before logging off again.


Then there's the chat channels, from day one these were virtually empty, in Lotro, some things always being said. Kind of makes me feel I'm playing a solo game.


I haven't spent time on the forums until I started to get very bored. In a way I wish it was just me, but it saddens me to see many other people are feeling the same way..


Almost our entire Lotro kin came over to SWTOR, the leader is a star .wars fanatic, went on about the game for years, pre-ordered the collectors edition etc the sec it was released.


I ended up posting on my kin/guilds web site a post similar to the above. also adding that the past few weeks when I've logged on, I see less and less people on and how that the last time I logged on there were just 11 people in the fleet, 76 people on the whole server, just 19 of them at level 50


And I also said that while there's a lot about the direction Lotro went that I wasn't keen on, I still loved playing itt, there's something about the community and the game as a whole. And how I am seriously contemplating returning there (after many years of playing).


And I said., compare that with playing SWTOR for just a few months. Sure getting to level 50 was great fun (but a little easy, and I'm not that good a player either)and after logging in, doing the dailies, then finding little else to do logging out again, I have little enthusiasm to actually log in, and most times I do I'm the only one on, well I hope you understand how I feel.


If I'm honest, I was expecting a backlash from my guild, people saying I'm not being fair etc but I was shocked when my guild leader (guy whose been waiting for this game for years) starts his reply with


"I empathise how you feel"


And went on to say that he's cancelled his subscription and doubts he'll be returning.


Before he wrote his reply, I said to my wife that I've found SWTOR so disheartening, that currently I no longer feel like playing any MMO, (it's sort of drained me of MMO energy).


My Guild leader said in his reply


"Overall I've become a little disillusioned with MMOs, to be honest....." and explains himself in a similar way to the way SWTOR has made me feel. In just a few short months it has put me off of all MMOs for a while.


I actually think that my guild leader and I am so disappointed with how SWTOR ended up that we sort of feel let down in a way that we've let get to us. I'm sure that after a few weeks both of us will be back playing Lotro or something else.


Changes are on the way but I feel it's too little too late.


Raising the level cap is fine after the current level cap has been around for a good while, but doing it so soon after launch, means that those people that have spent ages grinding for their gear, almost as soon as many people get it, it will become useless, and that in' it's self is a bit of a kick in the teeth and had I been one of them, I would not be happy at all.


Don't know if that answers the Ops question at all, all I can say is that I've never got bored of an MMO as quickly as this one, in fact, I don't think I've ever really got so bored of another mmo that I don't feel like logging in, I could go back to EQ2 or Lotro today and I know both would give me huge enjoyment. Even the ones I dipped in and out of from time to time in the past that weren't really my cup of tea, such as priston tales, I never got bored of logging in.


It's sad that it's not just me who hasn't gelled with this game, from reading the forums it feels like many many others have similar issues/feelings.


Trouble is in this day and age, as soon as something doesn't perform as well as it should have, rather than invest more time and money in making it right, most modern businesses simply make huge cuts and get the best return they can of what's left (such as laying off the SWTOR staff)t Meanwhile new MMOs seem to be coming out every other week now hence there's a huge variety to choose from. Often, even if a game ends up good, when there's a lot of bad press investors/owners are reluctant to heavily invest and people are reluctant to return,

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I left SWTOR back in January after playing since pre-launch. The following made the game boring for me:


• Level 50 is (was?) the same mmo hamster wheel. Instead of feeling like an epic hero, each instance felt like the same gear grind I had experienced in other mmo's. I really wanted the end game to be more dynamic than what I had seen from other games over the years, a bit more story and a bit less chasing stats.


• Rakghouls, aka another zombie horde. The mindless monster horde based on the staple zombie story seems to be what every game developer falls back on when they've run out of creativity. When Blizzard did it years back I was already sick of it and was floored that BioWare had cheapened something they'd worked so hard on with something so terrible. They might as well have put vampires into the game for all it mattered, it was a terrible choice for our first galactic threat.


• Lack of personal story. One of the great things about leveling was the story. It lays the foundation for moving the character forward, and I fully expected the story to continue, at least the class stories, with every few game updates. It didn't make sense to me to lay out this great personal story line as a cornerstone of the game, then to forget about it, but continue to focus on standard mmo content. It seems some things were so unfinished at launch BioWare didn't really have a choice but to focus their resources on the basics.


Anyhow, I'm back. I still love Star Wars (fanboi for 35 years) and SWTOR has the basics of a really good game. For the time being I'm focusing on the other class stories, something I probably should have done back in January, hopefully giving BioWare the time to bring together the other elements I'm looking for in a long term mmo.

Edited by Razyr
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im gone again( re-subbed to give it a chance), im not paying monthly to stand on the fleet waiting for pvp to pop or someone needing a tank for a HM, the only thing the transfers will fix are the pvp que times.

the HM wont change as people are allready geared and can pretty much get all the gear they need from one EV run with thier guild.

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A SWTOR Fan-Boyz that was NOT leaving the game suggested I should post why I was leaving, even though such posts had been locked or deleted in the past. So, ok. Here is my list :


1. Splitting every server into two mutally exclusive halves that really have no purpose and only serve to cut the population on each server in half. And reduce playable content by 50%.


2. Way to fast leveling curve to cap.


3. Failure to fix bugs.


4. Not setting SWTOR in the REAL Star Wars universe.


5. Not doing Server Merges when it became obvious to anyone playing the game that they were desperately needed.


6. SWTOR 'Space Combat'. C-64 Star Fox? Really?


7. Using an MMO engine, the 'Hero Engine' from a failed MMO "Hero's Journey", and not building their own.


8. Creating yet another WoW clone.


Mini #1 - SWTOR 'Customer Service'.

Mini #2 - SWTOR Fan-Boyz. Doing more harm than good.

Mini #3 - SWTOR Forum Moderators. Constantly closing, deleting, moving threads critical of SWTOR.



And to that same Fan-Boyz that said that GW2 would have no impact on any other MMO (as if it were another SWTOR WoW Clone knock-off)? Well, I have actually played GW2. And I can tell you all it IS a different animal altogether. Read up on its mechanics and systems. Watch the videos. Read the blogs. Find out for yourself.


See you all there. :)

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1) Hero Engine


2) Stupid long load times.


3) Very bad world designs (most planets feel like hallways)


4) Only 4 classes!!! (I know people will argue that there are 16 advanced classes

but I call shenanigans. There are only 4 classes with 6 skill trees each. They

do not play different enough to really be called "classes".)


5) Not enough "carrots" to keep you wanting to sign back in which brings me to my 6th point.....


6) Legacy. Legacy was a HUGE disappointment. I've always loved playing alts so I thought

the legacy system would be right up my alley but It's just a money sink with nothing good to



I had huge hopes for this game but alas my hopes have been dashed. I hope they can fix it but some of the problems are simply too much of the foundation of the game (such as the Hero Engine) to be fixable.

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A SWTOR Fan-Boyz that was NOT leaving the game suggested I should post why I was leaving, even though such posts had been locked or deleted in the past. So, ok. Here is my list :


1. Splitting every server into two mutally exclusive halves that really have no purpose and only serve to cut the population on each server in half. And reduce playable content by 50%.


2. Way to fast leveling curve to cap.


3. Failure to fix bugs.


4. Not setting SWTOR in the REAL Star Wars universe.


5. Not doing Server Merges when it became obvious to anyone playing the game that they were desperately needed.


6. SWTOR 'Space Combat'. C-64 Star Fox? Really?


7. Using an MMO engine, the 'Hero Engine' from a failed MMO "Hero's Journey", and not building their own.


8. Creating yet another WoW clone.


Mini #1 - SWTOR 'Customer Service'.

Mini #2 - SWTOR Fan-Boyz. Doing more harm than good.

Mini #3 - SWTOR Forum Moderators. Constantly closing, deleting, moving threads critical of SWTOR.



And to that same Fan-Boyz that said that GW2 would have no impact on any other MMO (as if it were another SWTOR WoW Clone knock-off)? Well, I have actually played GW2. And I can tell you all it IS a different animal altogether. Read up on its mechanics and systems. Watch the videos. Read the blogs. Find out for yourself.


See you all there. :)


playing the beta soon

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:(The real shame is that his wife actually loves the game but he cancelled her sub anyway:( What a meanie


Her highest level character was 23. She did not really enjoy the game from the beginning. It just never clicked for her and she has played MMOs for years spanning back to EverQuest.

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if/when i quit, it will be due to poor game designs/ideas and the lack of developer's understanding of MMO's.


this feels like the first MMO to ever come out at times. and there is no reason for that.


the armor designs, the lack of standard MMO options, poor selection of content, too much time/$$$ spent on VO for crap quests (class and main planet quests, sure...not the other garbage), etc.


everything everybody else is complaining about....

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There are many reasons why I decided to unsubscribe, but chief among them is the developer's failure to learn. Every major problem has been pointed out since before day 1, but EA failed to listen and instead continued to stack one bad decision on top of another. They alienated the players most loyal to them, and then they made changes to cater to the alienated players, which alienated most others. You know you have a good game when some people love it and some people hate it.


Another good example of EA's failure to learn is the unsubscribing survey itself. It's nearly impossible to actually tell them why you unsubscribed using their survey. The way the survey was designed accentuates the root cause of why so many people have left SWTOR.


The reason I check back every so often is because I still have hope that this game can one day fulfill its enormous potential (which is much larger than WoW ever had), but it never will until the right decisions start being made.

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For me it was the dead servers mainly. It was also the changing of valor, I worked my butt off to get to Battle Master and now anyone can get War Hero in a week it seems (if your server still has enough people for the queue to pop that is). Also, the new tier gear has the same set bonuses? Not that the set bonuses were bad, it is just nice to see new stuff when you upgrade your gear. Also, the Blackhole gear basically has the same stats as Campaign gear, besides the set bonuses, they just changed stats around, not the amount added to the stats. Legacy stuff costs way too much, most people don't have the credits to buy most of the perks let alone just one. They did lessen the costs of repairs but you still have to pay loads for spec changes because they don't offer a dual spec option. I like to pvp and pve, but certain specs are better for one or the other. In my guild we also had a few tanks, so if they all wanted to raid, some would have to pay for spec changes to dps. I know SWTOR is trying to be unique, as it should, but at least use one of the most successful MMOs out there as a basic blueprint for minor things.
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There are many reasons why I decided to unsubscribe, but chief among them is the developer's failure to learn. Every major problem has been pointed out since before day 1, but EA failed to listen and instead continued to stack one bad decision on top of another. They alienated the players most loyal to them, and then they made changes to cater to the alienated players, which alienated most others. You know you have a good game when some people love it and some people hate it.


Another good example of EA's failure to learn is the unsubscribing survey itself. It's nearly impossible to actually tell them why you unsubscribed using their survey. The way the survey was designed accentuates the root cause of why so many people have left SWTOR.


The reason I check back every so often is because I still have hope that this game can one day fulfill its enormous potential (which is much larger than WoW ever had), but it never will until the right decisions start being made.



like i said in my post...


if/when i quit... ...and what everybody else complains about...


this post is a perfect example...i completely agree.

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These are the Negatives i have with swtor. SInce this appears to be a copy of wow and with primitive arcade style space combat - I might as play the real deal ie WOW and RIFT until a proper hybrid starwars game or something else with a wealth of background strory to it via books and or films comes to an mmo (which contains sandbox and theme park ).

1) There is too much instancing to really classify it as an MMO.

2) I have seen more 1st shooters that have an online presence that handle more people

3) If its true then are waiting for more technology to allow open world pvp and worse still the management cant stand open pvp (no doubt because it would stress then lada like graphics engine performance to breaking point)

I see that as a pathetic excuse, when SWG (with a much older engine) , wow and warhammer and now RIFT could handle more players in one location for combat , for example i remember in swg over 7 years ago 50 players fighting an imba proper jedi in combat over a reasonable area. Or wow with its battles at crossroads. I find the BIOWARE Excuses disingenuous at best , and down right economical with the truth.


4) Why take on a theme such as starwars and have no proper design that involves any open world objectives or combat and where everything is instances. It seems to be starwars in name only imho.

5) In a 21st century MMO i can understand Phasing (thats being inventive) but not instancing.



The ground breaking element i see is the voice acting. But even that becomes repetive after a while when it seems the only plan for swtor is to level characters. Sadly i see nothing new or groundbreaking other then that.



Surely in the 21st century we can have both a sandbox/theme park game rather then another variant of wow.

Edited by WessexFox
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Allow me to add that I play on a very very Imp heavy PVP server, as a Repub. This is not necessarily BWs fault, but the problem could be do to inherent flaws in faction balance design.


- For the last 4 to 6 months, I'd say the Imps win 95% of Warzones at level 50 on average. Yes, 95%.

- Our Imp pop is healthy, they have over 100 on atm.

- Our Pub pop is dead, we have 20 on atm.

- Mass exodus by Pubs. I wonder why?


I ran in premades half the time and won most of them. But once the guilds dried up, it's pug only, and we get totally roflstomped constantly.


True story.


I'm on the fence about keeping my sub. If I can finally get a fricken transfer, I'll definately do another month. If it's another month of getting farmed....I'm out. If I wasn't a SW geek....I'd be gone already.


By the way, just had a queue pop. (It's a big deal on my server cuz they only happen a few times a week.) It was 4 Pubs vs 8 Imps. Sure was fun getting farmed. We didn't even get a kill. How on earth you guys operate like this is beyond me. /failsohard

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By the way, just had a queue pop. (It's a big deal on my server cuz they only happen a few times a week.) It was 4 Pubs vs 8 Imps. Sure was fun getting farmed. We didn't even get a kill. How on earth you guys operate like this is beyond me. /failsohard


Concerning this part here. When I had played earlier today, the Imps had 5 players and we had a full group. The 30 second timer appeared and it ended as a defeat for us. Second queue popped and this time the Imps had 6 players to our 8. Again, the 30 second timer appeared and it ended in our defeat. The third queue pooped. And again, 6 vs 8 and the timer popped. This time it was a win for us. The fourth and last queue was 5 vs 8, 30 second timer and a defeat for us.


Point I'm getting at? Every time I have ever played and we were out numbered 4, 5, or 6 vs a full imp group, the 30 second timer NEVER popped. The only time that timer has ever popped was when it was 3 vs 8. We had to sit there and take that *** whipping. But the Imps get outnumbered, and they get the 30 day leave timer? Not to mention the win also? Yeah. Go figure.

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Development on this game has been entirely too slow and unresponsive to what players want.


Promises about character customization have not been kept. Promises about continual events or additions to the story have not been kept.


The planets are terrible: static, useless NPCs, complete design on rails where you go from A to B to C to D with no room to explore.


Server mergers are being called transfers even though there's no real choice but to move to a designated server.


Game performance even on a brand new top of the line computer is totally unacceptable. The game is incapable of supporting an appropriate number of players in a crowded area.


The fleet as a central hub is a terrible design choice - breaking people into a series of tunnels in a cold, lifeless gathering point.


The game is lifeless in every way, and has none of the races or feel of the Star Wars universe. A new completely made-up planet is being added instead of places that players actually want to explore - not that there is exploration in this game.


This game for some reason really bothers me. With other games that've disappointed me I could imagine exactly why certain bad choices were made. Here it feels like bad choices were made even though they had all the money and talent in the world and one of the best intellectual property franchises to work with (Star Wars). The developers feel arrogant and not very honest about the development process.

Edited by jgelling
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Development on this game has been entirely too slow and unresponsive to what players want.


Promises about character customization have not been kept. Promises about continual events or additions to the story have not been kept.


The planets are terrible: static, useless NPCs, complete design on rails where you go from A to B to C to D with no room to explore.


Server mergers are being called transfers even though there's no real choice but to move to a designated server.


Game performance even on a brand new top of the line computer is totally unacceptable. The game is incapable of supporting an appropriate number of players in a crowded area.


The fleet as a central hub is a terrible design choice - breaking people into a series of tunnels in a cold, lifeless gathering point.


The game is lifeless in every way, and has none of the races or feel of the Star Wars universe. A new completely made-up planet is being added instead of places that players actually want to explore - not that there is exploration in this game.


This game for some reason really bothers me. With other games that've disappointed me I could imagine exactly why certain bad choices were made. Here it feels like bad choices were made even though they had all the money and talent in the world and one of the best intellectual property franchises to work with (Star Wars). The developers feel arrogant and not very honest about the development process.



I totally agree with you. They are also delusional, they think negative criticism = trolling, that's why mods delete a lot of posts and even threads every single day. Those who defend this game with a blind sight and or their insults are okay for mods since they are "defending the cause". Yet when it's the players who paid the same money and want the game to improve, therefore criticize are "bad" and their posts should be deleted according to them. I don't get this and they even dare to lie and say " hey we accept both positive and negative comments however we are going to continue being a failure and lock this thread because blabla.." Wth is this ? Can they even stand us using the forums ?


I've even seen someone insulting and openly typing racist insults in the general chat a week ago. I reported him and then started asking why. You know.. the player replied, he was simply wondering if any officer in the game would care to do something because he too quit the game and just wanted to see what he has been paying for. At the end my report was erased as if I have never reported him in the first place. Meaning they didn't care.


When it comes to WOW, I always disliked the community but didn't really care, but here community is trying to be mostly supportive but BW team doesn't care and even silences its customers.


this game is beyond bad for me because the team behind the game is actually the responsible for all this and the way they are trying to silence their customers by deleting their posts is UNACCEPTABLE.


They have no respect.

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Well, considering I'm not really subbing but playing off game time cards, I'm not sure 'unsubscribe' really applies. I'm just not planning to buy more time in the forseeable future. I've got through the end of next week.


Five reasons for not buying more time?


1. End of Story - well, more like Interlude, but yeah, I'm not really a motivated grinder, so at 50 ennui sets in. I play mostly for content and story, and the class story was my main motivation for moving through the game. Well, that and world stories, but those were something I got less enthusiastic about when rolling alts.


2. Freedom of choice ... or lack of it - again, class story has _some_, but really not a lot. Consequences? Other than the occasional mail, they seem non-existent. Beyond that, locking particular weapon types to class as a stylistic decision just makes me go -_-. Iconic looks are all well and good, but I at least would like to be able to put more of a personal spin on how my characters look and do business. The degree to which this is possible is extremely limited.


3. Why are we back here again? - there's literally no reason to revisit planets, other than pure fluff RP purposes, after you've wrapped them and their bonus series up. It's all like a very pretty set dressing that turns out to be made out of cardboard if you poke at it too hard. Pazaak or Sabbac would be nice. Any number of mini-games would be welcome. I mean, alright, I understand, it's supposed to be a theme park and all, but even theme parks have concession stands. And the occasional toilet.


4. Ships - why do you even have these? I mean, yes, it's nice to have your own ship, but it serves no purpose other than being an interaction hub with your companions and a mode of transportation. I'd say something about the space minigame at this point, but as I've found about one reason thus far to actually play it (PANTS) I don't think its existance is validated by that. We can't name them, can't really customize them, there's no reason whatsoever to show your ship off to anyone else. It just seems like a giant heap of wasted potential.


5. Let it rest - at this point, I have a few class stories left to complete, a number of characters to level, and a number of things I have yet to do in-game on my 50s. But I'm thinking, I'll put this aside for a while. Let it breathe a little, maybe regain some of the enthusiasm I had during Early Access through January for it. Hopefully when I come back in a few months the game will be more polished and have more plot for me to bite into.


EDIT: .... and there would have been 6 reasons, had I seen the Shadow/Assassin tank changes of 1.3. So thanks, devs, for taking away whatever hesitation I had about this away.


I'd throw in what 1.2 did to sage/sorcs, but yeah, overall this adds in a lot more I wanted to say. Unlike a lot of games, the more I play SWTOR the more the game just completely unravels for me. It's not just that it's boring and all, but the bad design starts becoming obvious.


And apparently I can still post while unsubbed? Was just curious - Huh.

Edited by jgelling
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