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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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I haven't played TOR in a little over a week. I went back and started leveling another character on STO. While the ground battles in STO are no match for STO, the space battles and ship customization is still a lot of fun. What a joy to be able to playing around with about 6 different weapon setups on my ThunderChild attack rift and not have to pay any $$$ to swap around slot items.


BioWare could make this game much more fun if they eliminated a good portion of the credit sinks in the game, but they won't, because they think they are genius.


21 days left on my sub. Not sure if the patch 1.2 free 30 days will kick in after. Guild is almost dead, which is why I haven't been playing. Just logging trying to sell/relist stuff on GTN.

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I just unsubscribed,


I will probably come back perhaps later Winter or so to see the new updates and such. However, the I felt the game was very linear. At first, I really enjoyed the story line and the fact that quests had voice overs. But then later in game play I couldn't do any heroics as soon as I passed Dromund Kaas, and flashpoints rendered unapproachable since you needed a tank/dps/healer setup. The space game was a joke and a huge let down. I was kinda hoping for the old SWG dogfights that they had. Population servers huge let down, have my 50 alone in that server. After going second time around with my alt in jedi covenant I felt the quests were too linear and used the method of using the space bar to skip every dialogue in the quest. I became bored. Plain and simple.


As said, I really wanted to like this MMORPG, but atm its not even an MMO. Its just a single player game with multiplayer fp and a decent pvp system.


Hope you work things out bioware,



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A friend got me this game back in mid April. My subscription ends sometime in the next week.

1- Primary reason I quit was because when I hit end game, I realized something: I had played this game before. You see, I rolled a Sith Inquisitor. I literally had the buttons bound to the EXACT same layout as I used in WoW. It hit me something fierce when I was mousing over someone's name hitting 2 in an attempt to PW:S them.

2- I did the first two hard modes, Karagga and that ice planet one. The group I was with cleared both in under 2 hours each. D3 came out and people left for that, but I suspect that the same would have happened for the harder difficulty as well. I'm sure someone will come along and say how much harder that third raid is, but I'd be doubtful of it.

3- Which leads to another point, due to being on a dead server, we couldn't recruit anyone to replace them with. Literally, we tried for hours. This point mostly has to due with BioWare not realizing the stages MMOs go through. The first stage is the initial rush, the second is the expansion of servers for the initial rush, the third is the shrinking where people don't want to play an MMO, the four is the trimming and condensation of servers -- even WoW went through this during their initial launch. It wouldn't be so bad to just reroll on a different server, but just to make sure you stick to one server, there's the Legacy system.

4- More for PvP, but that was a serious bit of delay in some abilities for no real reason that I could think of. The biggest offender being the Sorc's PvP aggro-shed ability, the knockback thingy, and its second+ delay between hitting the button and it going off. To use a parallel, the Tauren racial in WoW, Warstomp, has a cast time and does akin to the same thing. But that game says it has a cast time, .5s I believe, and doesn't try to hide is by saying "Instant" on it.

5- Frankly, the sheer attitude of the prelaunch developers and their lies. Specifically the one that's close to "a group fighting a single monster isn't heroic" and yet, the majority of the bosses are a group vs. 1 thing, as well as the refusal for the longest time to merge servers as if doing so it to admit failure.

Edited by Zimfier
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I am on the verge of Unsubing. I've been playing this game for a while before launch.


And I really cant take it anymore.


Even the story quests become boring. I find myself spacebaring through content I havent seen yet just because it sounds like another classes story or just has become boring.


And no one plays on the same server anymore. My server is dead. Almost literally. And hell if I switch to another server and loose my legacy title. That happens Im instantly quiting the game. No point in playing and wasting all my time. (One of the problems with the legacy system).


PVP, after 1.2, has become boring. At least before you had some sort of progression via the rank requirements on gear. Now it doesnt matter. Skill doesnt matter. Nothing matters in pvp.


I want to still be able to play this game, I just cant justify wasting $15/mo on something I dont use anymore.

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Unsubbed today.


I enjoyed the game but in the end a MMO is about playing with other people. The environment has to feel lived in and occupied. This only occurred on the Fleet,. Crafting was poor and no real in game economy developed. The classes and game play were fine, although it was so similar to WOW it was just WOW in space.


Without people it is hard to PvP and group up, and when that happens endgame is stale.Had the population been maintained things might be different but I cannot see that happening with GW2, TSW, Tera, MOP, and an Xpac for Rift all out there.


Less importantly I just couldnt take to the artwork and graphics. Ihave played a few mmo's and hoped this would be the new winner. It isnt.

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1. Game engine is horrible, feels like I'm playing a game from 2007 or 2008

2. Too quest driven "kill 10 of this and 15 of that for a bonus" doesn't make for an exciting experience.

3. No community There's only 10 people in fleet, and maybe 5-7 people on the planets on my server. "Where is everyone?"

4. Horrible forum monderation and customer service. I file a ticket with CSR about my server population, and they tell me to come here to post. When I do that, my post is locked and directed to a thread that has no official BW/LA employee posting in it.

5. No "Star Wars" feeling. SW is an awesome IP, but all that I can find in this game that's even remotely SW is the lightsabers. The rest is just a bad attempt at sci-fi.


Playing the EMU now, and after 6 months of playing this steaming pile, its good to be back home in a world that truly feels like Star Wars....

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I posted with detailed suggestions here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=460600


It was closed 30 minutes after creation.


The exit survey is severely lacking. Many of us really want this game to become excellent, which is why we post. I feel it's most useful to post personal opinion on the game, rather than opinions on other players. Live and let live.

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This is probably one of the most constructive threads I believe I've ever seen in MMO forums. Thank you OP for starting it. The real test is if BioWare reads it, listens to what the players/former players are saying, learns, and develops accordingly.


Wife and 1 friend from SWG went back to WoW. To be honest, I never liked WoW as I tried it back in 06 after NGE. But, they both stayed on me, as I wasn't playing anything really (after TOR) so I hit the free to 20 on WoW.


What I found was the feeling that I played that game before. I played it here with my main to 50, another to 26, and a couple to around 10. The only difference is, in WoW, most everything works, the balance with even NPCs is done well, there are no delays in firing specials or problems with the engine, etc etc etc. Paladin at 16 atm and with the heals the toon does feel powerful (same as my SWG Jedi in that game), the amount of attacks (at this level at least) is manageable (3 attacks so far along with auto). I have no idea if this will keep up but looking at what the trainer offers it doesn't seem like all that much more will be coming or at least it will not end up like it was here with 4 tookbars of stuff that never light up due to this or that had to happen 1st. I have to admit that I never liked playing a TOR jedi guard, it just felt gimped in every way, and it just flew all over me when I seen even trash mobs heal full well knowing that my TOR jedi couldn't.


Is there enough in WoW for a former 7 year player of SWG? I doubt it. No housing, crafting is no where near as complex, end game is raiding/PVP, etc. So I have no idea if I'll stay over there either. But, what Bliz has done is make a game that works well for what it is. I now see why the WoW clones do not survive and mostly suffer the same situation we see in TOR now. There is no sense in playing WoW with another skin when the original is out, has so much more content, more levels, larger worlds, and simply works so much better.

Edited by Esquire
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I guess I'm next to post here. I still have a couple weeks and I'll probably play them out, but my subscription has been canceled. I'm posting here because that really upsets me. For what it's worth, related to the OP, there are not 5 reasons I left; there's only one. I would have looked past all of the other shortcomings. So without further ado, here is my life story in SWTOR.


I started on Sedyn Kyne. I had a good guild that died because the guildmaster had to attend to real life. He neglected to hand his title over to someone else. I put that off for a while, but when it became a problem because noone could recruit new people I contacted customer service. It took 2 weeks for them to respond asking for more information. By that time everyone but about 4 people had either quit or moved to other guilds. That's fine though, guilds die and I can move past that. I joined another active guild. It was still very hard to get any groups for hardmode operations, but there was occasional pvp and that was fun. Eventually It came to the point where almost everyone level 50 on the server was in one guild (not mine), and pvp was pretty much always republic only huttball. So I left Sedyn Kyne, watched another guild die, left behind a few more people that I actually liked and moved to Thana Vesh maybe around 3 months ago.


I leveled up to around 45ish solo, because my experience so far had been that there really isn't any group content. At that point I got into a great guild with a lot of people I really liked to play with. Once I hit 50 I was actually able to participate in hardmodes, I killed a few world bosses, and even got to run through some of the first 8-man operations. I enjoyed this, and I really wish things could have just stayed this way. But no, the server died and most of my guild left to reroll on the fatman probably around a month ago.


I had a bit of an email conversation with customer service about consolidating my characters onto one server and how to access content if they can't do that. This is copied from the email from about a month ago (they also asked me to post to the suggestion box here, which of course got locked right away.):

We apologize that the said service is not yet available and we understand where you're coming from. As much as we would like to provide you other options, for now the best that we can advise you is to check out the website to find out which servers has the most population on the time you frequently play and start over.


This is where I'm at now, around level 35. It doesn't feel like I'm trying to accomplish anything anymore, because I've already done it all and I have nothing to show for it. So what if I get to level 50 again? My game experience is that you abandon everything you've worked for once you get high enough level. When I look at press releases or upcoming content I see all this legacy stuff. It was Bioware's suggestion that I abandon my legacy. It upsets me that they're prioritizing this over giving me access to what I've worked towards. It upsets me when people ask for hardmode groups now, I want to participate but Bioware told me it's best to abandon everything I worked towards. I can be patient with all of the other bugs and the ranked warzone delay and everything else, but for you to take away everything I've invested in this game and shrug it off because you don't give a **** is not acceptable.


Obviously, I know Bioware is going to do some sort of server transfer someday. I've been watching the forums and Dev tracker for the past couple months looking for some sign of hope that they are going to make some attempt at fixing this. They said this could happen in early summer, and Joveth said "We’ve just about finished up on the development side of things." However, I've spent months waiting for Soon to come, and there still has been no information clarifying how this is to be implemented. I'm not going to continue paying for a subscription based on Soon, which I no longer consider to be "truth," and hope that the implementation addresses my problem instead of being a micro-transaction scam.


I think Bioware honestly doesn't care if they lose my subscription, or anyone else's in this forum, since it's just one more of the thousand(s) that are going to quit today. Their priority is looking towards bringing in new people, and maybe hoping a few of them stay subbed for a month or two. The marketing and the new content in 1.3 is primarily set up to promote free trials and leveling. If they wanted to fix the problem, there should be a video on the front page saying "we'll let you start playing your abandoned characters again" instead of "look, we have augment tables." If they've given up on me, how can I not give up on them?


Sorry this is so long, I was just ranting and clarifying that this game is not a series of fun adventures. It's a series of screw-ups that Bioware has ignored since the game opened. At least for me, "abandonment" is the ongoing theme throughout my gameplay experience. I suspect Bioware assumes that's "working as intended."


tl;dr I want the progress I worked towards back. It's been several months, and I can't wait any longer for you to get your **** together.

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This is probably one of the most constructive threads I believe I've ever seen in MMO forums. Thank you OP for starting it. The real test is if BioWare reads it, listens to what the players/former players are saying, learns, and develops accordingly.


Wife and 1 friend from SWG went back to WoW. To be honest, I never liked WoW as I tried it back in 06 after NGE. But, they both stayed on me, as I wasn't playing anything really (after TOR) so I hit the free to 20 on WoW.


What I found was the feeling that I played that game before. I played it here with my main to 50, another to 26, and a couple to around 10. The only difference is, in WoW, most everything works, the balance with even NPCs is done well, there are no delays in firing specials or problems with the engine, etc etc etc. Paladin at 16 atm and with the heals the toon does feel powerful (same as my SWG Jedi in that game), the amount of attacks (at this level at least) is manageable (3 attacks so far along with auto). I have no idea if this will keep up but looking at what the trainer offers it doesn't seem like all that much more will be coming or at least it will not end up like it was here with 4 tookbars of stuff that never light up due to this or that had to happen 1st. I have to admit that I never liked playing a TOR jedi guard, it just felt gimped in every way, and it just flew all over me when I seen even trash mobs heal full well knowing that my TOR jedi couldn't.


Is there enough in WoW for a former 7 year player of SWG? I doubt it. No housing, crafting is no where near as complex, end game is raiding/PVP, etc. So I have no idea if I'll stay over there either. But, what Bliz has done is make a game that works well for what it is. I now see why the WoW clones do not survive and mostly suffer the same situation we see in TOR now. There is no sense in playing WoW with another skin when the original is out, has so much more content, more levels, larger worlds, and simply works so much better.


Your comparison of WoW, and its content and how swtor did not differentiate in playable content much from what WoW already has is the problem with swtor, and I do agree.


Adding player housing that incorporates open world pvp would not hurt the game but becomes something extra on the side. However, it seems BW played it too safe and that is the problem, but the thing is player housing and open world at a basic level would not hurt the game but add to it, which is strange that they did not offer something as significant as that to compete against the WoW formula with a very similar structured game which swtor turned out to be and be more of a unique game other than story, cinematics, and VO.


edit: Also player housing and open world pvp adds a lot of replaybility that once fully developed is easily expanded on which is different than story/PVE/raids which needs a lot of different work and levels of development to add more of. So, it as if the short comings of WoW would have given swtor a chance to offer something different but also really great as a feature for the devs to easily add content to, but has a lot of replaybility and makes the world feel much more alive as well, and can be incorporated to have long term goals like guild houses among other things to keep players interested for a long time.


BW devs underestimated the importance of gameplay/content in a social MMO to be compesated with the story. However, even in following the WoW formula they failed since open world is too segregated and areas are isolated zones/planets and feel very shallow at times. An example of something different and fun would be issuing bounties on other players and possibly toning it to meet a more social and less sand box appraoch to introducing bounties. Still having bounties would add a lot to the game and would be simple to add with an overall approach in having open pvp as a core function of the game.


The other thing is BW never mentioned in thier plan to introduce content that differentiated much from WoW, and that is the problem with the future of swtor being unclear especially as a pvper with little content at release with an unknown promise of open world pvp being developed.


We do have space pvp being developed and that is the only thing that seems to be looking good for swtor. However, a game with $15 in a competitive market can not afford so much time in developing game saving features such as mini games, open world pvp, space pvp, ranked pvp, and more content overall to sustain a high lvl development with a low and dropping subbing population.


I really hope space pvp is released soon. If so, then I will be impressed, because I was extremely dissapointed with ranked pvp in 1.2 not being released. So development feels very sluggish, and that is not reassuring as well, and something BW needs to redeem themselves as developers imo.

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I cancelled my account today. My reasons are the same as others. But my main gripes are listed below:


1. Lack of character customization with gear. The gear is seperated by faction and armor proficiencies. I don't mind that you have to be certified to wear a specific armor set. But all the armor sets I would want to wear (black, grey and purple) are all limited to the Empire side. I also don't undrerstand the reasoning of why SW/JK are the only AC's that don't share the same armor type. All the armor I would want to wear on my Mara/Sent ic blocked from me because it is heavy armor and we can only wear medium. Again, we are the only AC's that deal with this.


2. Lack of community. From 1-50, the levelling is solo-based. You have no reason to group up with anybody unless you are going to do FP's and certain Heroics. This foster a single player attitude that carries over to level 50.


3. Linear static worlds. This actually ties into my 2nd point. The world is closed off because of the invisible walls preventing you from doing any real exploration. Also the fact that bioware did everything they could to keep the Empire and the Republic seperate from each other, which leads into my next point....


4. Lack of OWPvP. In a game that is about a struggle an open war, this should be at the forefront of the game. As stated previously, the devs have done everything they could to keep us seperated from the opposite faction. Instead wanting us to battle it out in WZ's. I like WZ's, don't get me wrong, but OWPvP should have been the main focus for PvP.


5. Lack of non-instanced PvE factional battlegrounds. This is the other side of the coin to OWPvP. The war is raging in the galaxy, but I would never know it because there isn't any battles going on. Objectives that need to be taken. or cities being invaded out of the blue. for those that don't like to PvP, but want to participate in the war, these would have been perfect.


6. Crafting. The resource gathering for all the crafting professions is attrocious. The fact that if you are looking for a certain resource, you have to first hope that you get the proper gathering mission. And then you have to hope that you get the resource you are looking for. And then you have to hope that your companion even comes back with any resource at all. The resource gathering game shouldn't be a RNG Vegas slot machine. And add to the fact that everything that you can craft, can be ontained easier by using commendations. So really. What is even the point of having the crafting professions?


7. Server populations: I know this will be resolved soon, but it has seriously affected being able to do the content.


Those are my main issues with the game. I do love the game. I have been a loyal follower ever since the rumors of this game was being made. There are many things about the game that I do like. The combat system and PvP is awesome. I was never a real PvPer in a MMO before until I came to this game. Out of the 8 years I played SWG, my total PvP time is about 2 months. I have been PvPing in this game since I started at launch. So that should tell you something.


I also enjoy the stories and the Heroics and FP's. They are really fun when you can get a group together to play them. but even through all the good, I just can't justify paying for a game that feels more like a SPRPG instead of an MMO. I hope Bioware/EA realises the gold mine that they have and tap it to it's potential instead of trying to strip mine it to death. Until then, take care and good luck to the rest of ya'll that stick it out. Hopefully they'll implement the changes that will bring me back to the game.

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2 weeks left on sub. Leaving for bad game engine, lag, dead server, no ranked pvp, bad crafting system and a bad time period for a star wars game ( if only it was during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion ). But on the pluss side, it renewed my passion for wow. So thanks bw/ea.
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i have 15 days left on sub before it bills me.


I love this game , i want it to be "my" game...


at this moment in time i cannot justify my next £9, if i dont see something positive in the next 15 days , that being server merges NOT transfers, i will not be buying another month play time .


Transfers will not resolve this problem.


The ONLY fix is server merges.


The EA money guys are going to have heart failure when they see the sub payments come in this billing cycle as so so SOOOOOO many wont be paying this months subs.


Bioware , the only thing u should be working on right now is the server mergers , transfers dont cut it , if you dont merge the servers your jobs are toast , the EA money guys will have your balls this month guys.


I love this game Bioware , pls pls pls dont let us down. MERGE THE SERVERS !

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i have 15 days left on sub before it bills me.


I love this game , i want it to be "my" game...


at this moment in time i cannot justify my next £9, if i dont see something positive in the next 15 days , that being server merges NOT transfers, i will not be buying another month play time .


Transfers will not resolve this problem.


The ONLY fix is server merges.


The EA money guys are going to have heart failure when they see the sub payments come in this billing cycle as so so SOOOOOO many wont be paying this months subs.


Bioware , the only thing u should be working on right now is the server mergers , transfers dont cut it , if you dont merge the servers your jobs are toast , the EA money guys will have your balls this month guys.


I love this game Bioware , pls pls pls dont let us down. MERGE THE SERVERS !


You apparently don't know how transfers work. It's not like they will let people transfer freely to where ever they want. They will have players transfer to a bunch of select servers and once the main server that people have transfered from become empty, they close it. And they keep doing that until servers are full. That way they still have the old servers ready to go just in case they get a new influx of players and they can reopen them. Can't reopen a merged server.

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You apparently don't know how transfers work. It's not like they will let people transfer freely to where ever they want. They will have players transfer to a bunch of select servers and once the main server that people have transfered from become empty, they close it. And they keep doing that until servers are full. That way they still have the old servers ready to go just in case they get a new influx of players and they can reopen them. Can't reopen a merged server.


What if you are the only one left on a server...they going to "force" you to leave? :rolleyes:

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You apparently don't know how transfers work. It's not like they will let people transfer freely to where ever they want. They will have players transfer to a bunch of select servers and once the main server that people have transfered from become empty, they close it. And they keep doing that until servers are full. That way they still have the old servers ready to go just in case they get a new influx of players and they can reopen them. Can't reopen a merged server.


i know exactly how they work , i experienced it in Rift.


The only fix is merges , transfers will be a **** storm that will not help the game.


I want to keep playin merge the servers so i can !

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I've unsubbed.


I have had it with this game and the lack of care. They really only care about the brain child that is Legacy and could careless about our in game experience. You can tell me they are working on it but its beyond ridiculous. I have played since August and havent seen much of any development. Bioware really dropped the ball and most likely will see the tank hit bottom by July 31st.


In the mean time everyone on this forum should NOT entertain the thought of anything else until we see what this game needs now. If the devs post things about new "hilts, companions, crystals, ways to take your credits" give them one phrase back: "Server Transfers".


End this madness now! Its a joke that they post these Q & A's and people go ga ga over them. Just tell them one thing: Server Transfers. That will wake em' up.

Edited by Coxus
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Normally I would just unsub but I thought I'd be playing this game for years and wanted to write down my thoughts on this game. The biggest problem to me is this game lacks content from top to bottom.


Leveling in this game is far too fast and repetitive. The time it takes to get to 50 isn't much longer than the majority of single player games, and this is from a huge MMO with a ton of money invested, and requires a monthly fee. To make matters worse this game encourages you to play alts. The majority of the content is exactly the same, I feel like I play 90% of the same content to see 10% new content. I have 3 level 50's and one level 40 and even though the story was okay on my level 40 I couldn't force myself to do the same planets again to see a small amount of the story.


PvE content is severely lacking. Know before I write this I play on the second most populated server. Low level flashpoints are completely avoided because there are no groups. High level flash points I could find a group but I've been done with all of them for months. I've done them all at least a dozen times and though lost island was fun I already had my rakata chest from EV.


Operations are far too easy and offer little incentive to continue doing them. We ran EV/KP for months despite not needing a single piece of gear and having all the titles/mounts associated with the instances. When Denova came out we were excited but as soon as we cleared HM it was hard to get people to keep logging on. We had our mounts and the gear just wasn't enough to keep people interested. The majority of my guild went to another popular dungeon crawling game when it came out. Lack of challenge and lack of nightmare mode really killed it for us. Oh and denova only had FOUR bosses.


PvP was fun for a bit but the warzones are just a knock off of another popular MMO I played for years. The classes don't help PvP either as everyone tends to have similar abilities and lack of DR's can make it a stunfest. They also reward you the same way if you're the best player or the worst player. That's probably why they're so popular, you don't have to talk to anyone to do them and you don't have to be good. Playing the same people is really old by now as well. The only way to save PvP is to add cross server and ranked warzones.


I just find it so hard to believe this game offers so little. They had Biowares story, EA's money, the Star Wars title, and a lot of time to make this game. This game was pushed back from spring 2011 to to December.


They treated us like we were lucky to play this game. We were begging to beta test it for them. We begged for them to take our money for pre-orders. I feel like they thought we were going to play no matter what product they put out.


It reminds me so much of SWG in a lot of ways. This game didn't get to the sub amount they wanted and are bleeding subs. They started cleaning house with their development team and I don't like the direction this is going. This games going to see a major overhaul to get new subs and get old subs back, and there's a good chance this game will only get worse.

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1. lack of DUAL SPEC

2. server pop too low

3. huge pvp queues

4. general ops buggs (and game buggs)

5. COMPLETE lack of customer service ( a cs team should be solving ppls problems; out of a douzen tickets i made ... i dont remember if i got 2-3 of them solved)

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Having played my first subscribed MMORPG I realize why I cancelled my sub today.


MMO and RPG don't belong in the same gamespace. You can't do true "role" playing when the story line calls you the special person and everyone just happens to be just as special as you.





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