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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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1. PvP


• StarWars is NOT about battles within the confinements of a box, the PvP laid out in SWTOR is a smaller sub-par version of WoW 2005 + added a broken resolve mechanic.

• The fact that Ilum was all but given up on by the Devs shows the range of competence and future of War in StarWars.




World PvP even for PvE shards. Now before any PvE shards start ripping me a new one let me explain, let us use Ilum for example. For one bring it back and make traveling there more accessible, add SHARD wide faction buffs for the controlling faction, add multiple set times of the day when a battle would ensue and supported AI & human players area battle with a last man standing concept. Die once no respawn until the battle was over. Then resume the faction battle, kills=valor & XP (yes bolster low lvls so they may take part).


Now while you’re at it add this concept for a section of Coruscant & the Imperial mirror. Rewards are listed below under Skill>Gear rant.

For factions unbalanced (even though soon merge/transfers should be filling both sides) add PvE & PvP bonuses to the winning faction, for the side with less players add a AI element similar to what WoW did in early days of WoW AV, allow lower number faction to bring some Huge mech or BAM to fight alongside that faction that the higher number in some way must coordinate and bring down prior to the objective peeling them off the shortsided faction.


• Warzones as mentioned above are horrible by design, they are small in size, and time spent within the WZ is brief, and lacking any originality.



"Mallorik: What is your philosophy on cross server LFG tools? Are we getting a same server tool just to hold us over while you work on cross server tech or is this just a test to see if a same server tool will do the job?"


"Daniel: Although we’re certainly willing to entertain the idea of cross-server LFG tools if the need arises, it’s a last resort for us. We firmly believe for cooperative play it is important to have a community and social responsibility that you simply can’t have with players appearing and disappearing from your reality. Instead we are pushing hard on servers that are massive compared to the ones we launched with. Early tests show we’ll be able to raise the peak concurrent user cap above what it was at launch. Combining that with server transfers to enable players to move to these new servers and fill them to the brim, we should see some fantastic, vibrant communities develop where Group Finder will always be able to find someone for your content."


1. This recent post says it all, complete and utter failure to understand the majority of MMO players, what exactly are they expecting in "competitive" esport RWZ/WZ, "fantastic, vibrant communities" within the same community = trash talking and harassment by the "hardcore pvp's" and anyone else attempting to climb the ladder.


2. To add more to this quote "simply can’t have with players appearing and disappearing from your reality." is this not the same when facing the opposing faction in RWZ/WZ?


3. Another point I would like to make towards this quote, and how xrealm WZ/RWZ would benefit is the fact that you would be up against a wide array of different comps, not the grounded fotm of one shards community as it would vary shard to shard.


4. Without a doubt as time goes by and within the competitive market of MMO's and future MMO's it is realistic to think that population (even after mergers/transfers) will drop, extending que times...once again xrealm WZ/RWZ would eliminate this problem.


Gear>Skill based PvP is horrible, and outdated.


1. Discourages fresh level cap players

2. Discourages players new to the game

3. Encourages stat inflation

4. Over complicates class balancing

5. Eats resources better spent elsewhere

6. Gear>Skill says it all in itself taking the fun out of PvP and replacing it with Grind


What would be the benefit to Skill>Gear based PvP?


1. More PvP'rs!! Yes you would see many more players que in for WZ/RWZ

2. Smaller que times

3. The benefit would still hold true for the "Hardcore" PvP players, skill based pvp is exactly that, the players that have more experience playing their class would benefit still even w/o gear based pvp, they would have a better understanding on how to play their class and counter other classes, not to mention strategy on the battlefield.




Remove PvP gear as we know it now, and replace with one set per AC that could be visually augmented through a reward system. All sets would hold equal stats, and rewards would be offered in terms of

1. Mounts

2. titles

3. achievements

4. ship upgrades

5. Guild upgrades

6. Companion upgrades

7. Time duration buffs/bonuses

8. Unique collectible statless visual upgrades to add/augment an AC's one PvP set.


2. PvE


• Actually test your content, I have no problems wiping to our own fault in Ops, but failing due to bugged content is horribly discouraging.


• Stop being stubborn when it comes down to orbital stations etc…, loading 3x+ to get anywhere is plain annoying and breaks immersion.


• Make the other crafting worthy other than Biochem. Make schematics that drop in ops actually worth the time spent getting them, and further that point make them ALL BOE (the schematic itself & what you can craft) I would love to gear my guildys but so much of crafting once crafted is BOP, I have no use for this stuff when I ‘am already end game geared.


• Planets are so static and boring, yes the picture is pretty but playing within gets old, on a game that centers itself on replability. You know those World Bosses; make them move around the world! Have opposite faction NPC’s go in and actually attack your mission givers and hubs.


• Space, where? Look at the space in EVE, gorgeous…make it interactive and fun..it is StarWars right.


• Dynamic events, seen one not impressed, bunch of peeps waiting on a static respawn boss or sitting in a circle waiting to explode, instead let them run around hunting people down as a new hotbar would appear once effected…make it interactive!


3. Republic/Imperial fleet=boring



1. Allow fist fights only in cantinas, what was the point of those legacy perks anyhow?

2. PvP sections of the fleets allow dueling.

3. Lets see some battles, invasions done by opposing factions (non player so not to upset PvE shards), people on the fleets would have to band together take down ie: a Darth+troops


• A Global channel


• Area proximity completion of missions w/o grouping.


• Add xrealm LFG tool, it is not mandatory so people against it can use global channel.


• Similar to what DCUO or WoW did with being able to customize the way your character looks, being able to add a piece of gear in a secondary slot for visual aesthetics w/o adding its stats, customization is everything in a MMO.


• Drop the AC is a separate class argument once and for all and allow AC switching, clear as day same ships, same story, same loot distribution…not fooling anyone. Once again player freedom and customization is everything in a MMO.


• Add mini games


• Add mini games! Pazaak, droid matches, companion matches, racing etc…


• Add gear (maybe crafted) that could change your appearance to a droid/cyborg of sorts, for example said crafted gloves would give off the appearance of a mechanical limb.


• Get rid of VO here forth outside of class story, use those resources somewhere else, if I want a the story more in depth I will pick up SWTOR books or comics.


The lack of innovation and ideas to appeal to the community as a whole is why my sub will be running out in two weeks, this game is appealing to a small niche of the grand scale of MMO players, and is why I will not be resubbing. I do not expect any of these ideas to come alive or anything remotely to it.


Yes last night at 11:30 pm on The Jekk Jekk Jarr shard had a total of 8 players, we were the 8 when we entered the fleet after Denova, why was population not listed? It does not matter, no merge or transfer can “save” this game from the direction it is going, once transfers/merge happen yes SWTOR will retain some of its player base but will never be the success we (including myself) all hoped for. The success we imagined is the fuel and funds for future content and growth, w/o this the game will continue its decline as more appealing/successful MMO’s are released and updated.


Best of wishes, and do look forward to SWTOR next book.

Edited by Wetworks
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Basically what i see here is bunch of people stating problems, but not giving ideas on how to fix them. A bad example of a response to this thread:


"I quit becuase of the flashpoints. There's no reason to do the lower level ones anymore, BW fix it!"


And a good one:


"I quit becuase of the flashpoints. There's no reason to go to the lower level ones anymore. Why dont you give rewards such as a point system allowing you to purchase gear."


It isn't the player's job to come up with the ideas. That's what BW gets paid to do. There are MANY other mmos out there to draw inspiration from, and BW has missed the mark many times over.


IMHO, some developer needs to break the current mmo mold. The model that is now the "standard" is long of tooth and dying slowly.

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63 days remaining.

I've not logged in for over a month.


For the record, I love the game.

I hate your bugs, but I'm willing to overlook those for the amount of work you put in for your PVE aspect.


You fail however in

1. Addressing your server issues.

Low server pop, dead server, non server transfer, non server merge.

Large population pool = better MMO experience. By failing in which, to make server transfer AND server merge ASAP, you also fail to retain the pool of players that's in those servers dying day by day. That's a fact. Dont' give me BS about you not losing players when I see it happening day by day before I stop playing altogether.

2. PVP.

Your PVP is great. That's probably cause I play OPS. I hate to be on the other side of the other classes. Really I do. 'cept if you put Marauders into the equation. That just makes me sad. Pre 1.2, they're a joke, post 1.2 .. I mean REALLY now, what's up with your freaking tweaks?

3. PVE.

I'm in a medium server. I can't play PVE. I'm in Malaysia. I can't server transfer. I'm unwilling to re-roll like you want me to. So I'm on a limbo. In all honesty Sirs, I would give you guys the finger on this one. You created a whole big playground where I can only play with myself in it.


So yeah, have fun.

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TOR was my last (small) hope for the mmorpg genre. It failed. Maybe im getting to old for this, but the 100% Themepark withour ANY form of player creativity or input is nothing for me anymore. Not even a single side game made it into the game...

The goal was once to simulate a world, the genre had so much potential, now everything is streamlined to death.

Just mention the idea of a non combat class, like a pure crafter, with crafting a game of itself, to anyone who startet mmos in 2004 and you get a weird look because what else is there to do besides killing stuff?? With an open system of crafters, shop owners, mercenarys, builders, police force, doctors, entertainers where everybody provides something for another player socialising would be what it really is. Not something the game has to force on us. The fact that people today are against an LFG tool because the last form of communication is screaming "LFG!!!" is a sad joke...and if you think "lol noob. join a guild!" you don`t understand the root of the problem.

SWG was one of my favorite games before it changed for the worse. The course it took got cemented with wow and everything after that just copies. Like TOR.


Rant over :D

Byebye mmorpg, when you break your chains i will be back.

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1. Rift

2. Rift

3. Rift

4. Rift

5. GW2


Everything that SWTOR should be, Rift is. The world in Rift virtually lives & breathes and seems boundless. Everything is instanced, isolated, and empty in SWTOR; the world/s don't feel alive. Rift has an amazing stream of new, innovative content coming in on a regular, consistent basis- don't know when the devs sleep over there! SWTOR updates are crawling out with more hype than substance.


Rift is (imho) simply the most beautiful MMO there is, by leaps and bounds- both graphically and artistically. It's better looking than most single-player games too. SWTOR looks like the graphics update that WoW should have implemented with Cataclysm. Catering to casual players with eMachines is fine and kindly, but it wouldn't hurt to pander a little to the core audience- gamers. Many of us like to actually use our graphics cards from time to time.


Rift has more content in 1 year than most MMOs have after several years. SWTOR has about 3 months worth of content after... well, more than 3 months now. It sure doesn't help to know that a huge chunk of the BioWare team will now be greeting us at the front door of the Austin Walmart!


I like SWTOR but I feel like I beat the game without even trying. I've never felt like I finished an MMO before until now. I might play again, but I won't pay again... not for this one.


Now, speaking of playing and paying... I hear this Guild Wars 2 game has no subscription? Do tell me more!

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1) No ranked Warzones- This has been beaten down to death. While I respect Bioware's effort to help be transparent. I find it quizical that 48 hours before 1.2 they pulled the plug, and now have had months to fix it and not only do we not have it in 1.3, but no guarantees to have it in 1.4 or after. Which leads me to my next point....


2) Patch 1.2- The patch failed to add real depth to the game, but did manage to change PVP completely and not in the good way. Maybe 1.2 wouldn;t have been quite so bad if Bioware hadn;t totted it like it did. I guess they kinda had to, but they promised a lot and did not deliver much. UI was great. performance issues, great. But those could have been added in on any maintenance weekend. Legacy.... dropped the ball. Married to my companion and can't add her into the tree. You think sith pureblood jedi are amazing and going to add depth to the game? Guess you have the data and I do not, but I can;t help but think people not just on rp servers thought this was a foolish and frivolous thing. I mean being a miraluka bounty hunter I don't think was on everyones top 10 lists of things. Especially when there are other problems to address. Which leads me to my next point...


3) Bugs. Nothing says excitement from a locked up boss encounter. Where the necessary mechanic is bugged in place. Or spams nonstop missiles. Or the boss enrages after 30 seconds in the fight. The fights aren't that hard, its the bugs you have to defeat. And after you defeat them, the final bug you need to get past is the one that is tied to the loot chest.


4) Open world pvp. Bioware. I know you are restructuring. And I'm sure you laid off some very nice people. But I hope to God every single one on the pvp team was laid off. Or maybe just the ilum planet design team. You know when you look at something and you think... "Man that just sound stupid"? Well that's how I see Ilum's open world pvp. Stationary placements. No real point to taking the points other then valor which is now useless. Has a developer actually sat down and tried farming the armaments in the middle. Maybe he's on one of the many servers that have nobody on them, so it's just him everyday farming for it. You know, supplementing his hour long pvp queues. And whos real bright idea was it to put them all in one place. Lets have 5 points and have only one with items at it. This will really spur on that open world pvp. Or outlaws den... you know that place on a level 25 planet that takes 10 minutes to get to, to find that nobody is there, because the people on Ilum can at least do dailies while they look for people to attack. Good idea, Bad execution. Seriously, I think the pvp team really dropped the ball on this one.


5) Space missions. Space mission were cool. The first time. The second time. Maybe even the third time. But the 10th time? 20th time? You have 1, yes ONE, space mission at level 50 that's worth doing. And its the only one I have access to for over 150 days. Were you expecting me to run the same thing 150 times that doesn't change? Maybe you think I'm a tester that will willingly do the same thing ad naseum for days on end, and give you the thumbs up because you sign some checks. Testers and QA put up with crap because they get paid to. (probably pretty small too from what I hear), I however am the one paying you. The visuals are stunning, but the rail shooter is just bad. I don't even care that it's just considered a minigame, just make it something I'll want to play for than 10 times.

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I guess long PVP queues were discussed already, mostly canceled my sub because of this. But, pathetic customer support is close second.


Background: playing from Russia, experience moderate packet losses (<1%) between me and BW servers. Network code is sooo fragile, it does disconnect after 1-2 packets lost without even trying to reconnect. Most time client also hangs after that and need to be closed and restarted. Imagine how frustrating it is when you are in WZ and don't get back even if you reconnect in less than a minute.


Tried to report this as actual game issue. Several times I was asked to send bunch of information (dxdiag, traceroute etc). First of all, this is a game, not the ERP system. Users don't have to run various commands from command line, instead you have to have single button in game client - "Send all info". Second, nobody listens. I understand that my connection is not ideal and don't ask for fixing it, I'm trying to explain that network code is not robust enough. Either it need to be fixed, or kicking from WZ must be not immediate. When I finally made support person to understand I got amazing answer "works as intended". This is just plain wrong. If your customer is unhappy, you look into issue, don't say to f@ck off.


So, less than month of game time left, probably 1.3 will make me change my mind, but I doubt so. Important things are not being fixed (like a sniper class quest broken since very beginning), support is virtually nonexistent, my server is half dead.

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1)PVE Endgame:

Tons of bugs plaguing it for months, actually being reinforced with newer and bigger bugs rather than being fixed.

Hilariously easy bosses.

Hilariously hard bosses, where the only difficulty they could think of is doubling damage and hp instead of creating more moves and tricks (I won't even ask for bigger environments for the fights: my God, they managed to cram 4-5 different bugs in those minuscule boss rooms, think what they could do with a canyon or whatnot).

Unfinished operations.

Uninteresting loot: yawn, oh, look, the exact same token for the 100th time, and the usual useless BoP armormech/cybertech/synth schematic. The absence of any kind of juicy loot took away all the fun of raiding for "that shiny gizmo that drops from boss X with a 0.0001% probability". Denova is the worst offender, since it drops only a token that goes for every damn class. Yay. carebears fest.

Gear being handed out for free every X months to the casual players, so they won't go away. Look mommy, I have the same gear that raider got in 5 months! And I just got it in three days! I'm so good!. NO. I don't care if you want to release special gear every few months: I won't ever tolerate being *****slapped and virtually told that I'm just a ******* for skipping the casuals train and trying the hard way.

Tiny ops: In a matter of 2 months you can clear the ops just by raiding 2-3 nights every week (i.e.: casual raiding guild). Nightmare is useless since A) the drops don't change; B) black hole gear is often worse than rakata, so I have no need to farm if after those 2-3 important pieces.


2)Missing features:

no space combat/exploration (I call the game World of Fleet)

no trading at all (the skill are just plain bad, just stick to slicing and biochem and you'll be fine)

no events or funny time sinks

horribad planets'questing zones, either as small as an apple or bigger than a small moon

no dueling (I don't feel like going to Taral's entrance every time I want to duel with someone, thanks)

no world pvp (instanced quets zones, so the casual gamers won't unsub as soon as they are ganked on the pvp server they actually choose, after a precise warning).

no side games to keep you entertained (pazzak, anyone? just copy Kotor's and be done, is it that difficult?)

no balancing (randomly ****** classes is not considered balancing. Especially when you alreayd know that the Balance Hammer will fall on someone else in just a couple of patches)


3)Bioware's stubborness

Features entirely left out of the game due to BW's stance of "that game we hate did it before us, so we'll just recycle and old version of (insert feature) and use it. While it's broken. And claim it's not. Dear BW, when Kill Switch and subsequently Gears of War set the Cover System as a staple of modern Third-Person-Shooters, every develoepr in its right of mind used it in its own tps from then onwards. You still refuse to do the same with the most important MMO features. Too bad that they actually work. And people tend to expect them, now. Horribad AH, poorly remodeled months after the game release, while WoW has had a perfectly working one for years? Check. Weekly maintenance not taking into account the timezones? Check Broken pvp core system on pvp servers themselves, with WoW just around the corner sporting an excellent open world pvp mechanic? Check Shall I go on?



Yay. I'm at lvl 50. I have attained a full rakata set (big deal, any casual raiding guild could do so, even if they were forced to raid with 1-2 *******es every 6 normal players). I will NOT reroll, kthxbye. A) I don't feel like doing the same quests another time, thanks. Everyone knows that every level bracket has the same questzones. Also, I won't ever change sides: everyone knows Rep class quests suck, and the Emp ones are gorgeous. B) if I wanted so badly to check the other 7 storylines, I would have rolled my main on a RP Servers. I'm here for the PVE endgame that BW promised. If I wanted so badly to run around pretending that Darth Trallala is after my neck due to an old feud between my House and his cousin's one or gibberish like that, I would buy thirty fantasy ebooks for 10 dollars and spend the next six months pretending that Fantasy is the best genre in the world , vampires are so damn cool and thank God that meanie Asimov has died, I still have nightmares when I barely imagine the covers of the Foundation books. Fortunately enough, I still have my beloved positive and negative magic, sucks for you progress and inventions.


5)Tell me again why I was paying you

BW has broken so many promises I can't even count them anymore.

On the other hand, I'm torn between the unfinished bugged ops on release, the ranked WZ scam and the 30-free-days trick to inflate the active accounts'number, as the Worst Developers'Scam of the 2010s.

Congrats, BW, you set so many records I can't recall them all.


After long consideration and denial ("It'll surely come back with a roar, I just need to wait"), I finally had the courage to see what I didn't want to: this game is going nowhere. I've already finished Denova on HM, and the newest op will be given to us in what, 5 months? Sorry, but someone else, will take my money. In this case, EvE and D3. And they have already done so.


ps.: to all the dimwits crying that D3 is not an MMO. You are PERFECTLY RIGHT. However, to my dismay, a day has only 24 hours. Assuming I can only play for 3 hours every day, I have to choose between an amzinng, polished and entertainingly hard gem , and a broken, boring mess. Since I dont' 8contrary to popular belief!) receive 3 extra hours from God so I can play both, I'll just stick to D3 for now (something I'm already doing since the 15th). Again, for the slowest of you: D3 = single player experience with MP touches here and there. TOR = the same thing. Even if TOR had been a full fledged MMO, I STILL (that's incredible, I know) would have 3 hours to play at all. It seems that time doesn't take into account game genres. I'm sure that a formal complaint to The Universe, Time Management HQ will do something good. Try it and let me know.


so yo dawg, it's clear you play more than most, if you are unwilling to roll alts then well, alts are part of the end-game in TOR. People like you are the reason BW don't want to give hard release info, you take it personally if BW have to change their schedule as "lying", give me a break. Most of the complainers seem to be PvPers, funny that.


Now TOR certainly got some fixing to do, but D3 lol that "gem" will die off soon enough except for the hardcore, mind-numming clickfest gets old fast.

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1. Playing melee is not fun on the fingers. Not only do you have to spam alot more buttons compared to ranged, you also have to keep moving while doing so.

2. PvP victories heavily relies on your groups gear. A group of Recruit and some Champion players would not do well againts a group with even 1-2 War Hero's.

3. World PvP non-existent



1. Boss mechanics are boring. I've seen more interesting mechanics boss mechanics in WoW.

2. No LFG-Solved in 1.3

3. Bosses hates melee.



1. Class Story doesn't continue. Im not counting a cheap daily zone (black hole) as a next chapter for my characters story BioWare. You advertised the game with Story as a fourth pillar but all I see it as are stairs that ends when you hit 50 until next expansion.

2. Game ends up being another gear grindfest with only two path (PvP or Flashpoints->Operations).



1. Worlds are not dynamic and cannot be explored. BioWare created LEVELS not worlds. If you try to explore, you'll just pull alot of mobs and die.

SUGGESTION: For several famous planets (Coruscant,Tatooine,Dromund Kaas), add a small part that can be considered as a major social hub with dynamic day-night cycle and events going on. This area will be seperate from the leveling area.

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1. Boss mechanics are boring. I've seen more interesting mechanics boss mechanics in WoW.

2. No LFG-Solved in 1.3

3. Bosses hates melee.



This is a huge issue and major design flaw as far as I am concerned. Honestly why they hate melee is a mystery

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1: Numerous bugs, including sound, graphic artifacting, sticking points . . .


2: Storylines are trite, poorly scripted.


3: VO is dull and repetitive, overly time consuming, immersion-destroying.


4: Bioware Team is incompetent (and arrogant to boot), CSRs unresponsive, and direction of the game is personally disappointing


5: The lie that choices matter.


Finally, the game is plain and simple . . . boring. PVE is simple, uninspired, and ultimately the same across the entire breadth of the game. The character classes are precisely the same as those in WoW; no originality or even an attempt at it. Planets are quiet, enemies uniformly grouped into the same configurations, and everything is completely empty. Not a terrible game . . . just one that's been done ad nauseum and lacks the features of others that are doing the same thing.

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so yo dawg, it's clear you play more than most, if you are unwilling to roll alts then well, alts are part of the end-game in TOR. People like you are the reason BW don't want to give hard release info, you take it personally if BW have to change their schedule as "lying", give me a break. Most of the complainers seem to be PvPers, funny that.


Now TOR certainly got some fixing to do, but D3 lol that "gem" will die off soon enough except for the hardcore, mind-numming clickfest gets old fast.

He took the time to list genuine grievances, and you speak of complainers while adding nothing constructive to the discussion. Also calling "most of the complainers" PVPers is just ignorant especially when his first two complaints are about endgame PVE and features he would like to see implemented. Lastly rolling alts is not end-game content it is an alternative to end-game content. Some people like to roll alts others don't; and in this game after playing once to 50 on each side you have seen a majority of the story content which can be a deterrent to rolling alts.

Edited by USMCjv
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Un-subbed because my server Mandalore The Indomitable is dead, no more wz's, no more fps and Bioware's "soon" regarding 1.3 isn't soon enough for me. Gl with your game and your legacy content.
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Uninstalled yesterday for the following reasons:


1. No character customization in game


I can't change my hair style, make up, scars


2. loot based economy makes crafting worthless


I saw a purple rating 25 barrel on the GTN, looted item. Now, players can only make purple 22's.

I can get PvP gear, take battlemaster mods out and have 23's. Same goes for PvE gear. Black hole gear has 25's.

Not very encouraging for crafters.


3. Game is too linear

4. There are no real consequences when making decisions in the class story line


I can basically insult my master/General/Lord whatever it may be, they tell me off and then say that I did a great job and oh btw I now get a new mission!


5. colour palette for armour/clothes


It's ridiculous that I, as armormech, cannot change the colour of the gear I make.

What's so hard giving at least crafters some form of customisation?


6. Sound keeps cutting out


Fully voiced over game and I can only hear blocks of my story quests.

Same goes for WZ's and abilities.

I press full auto, quite often no sound + no animation and I have to look at my target in order to see whether the dmg numbers are popping up over their toon.

Just horrible.


7. Ambient sound/music


Not sure what happened there, but I can hardly hear it anymore.

Also, when I see a snow storm on Hoth, how about giving it some sound?

It's basic stuff ffs.


8. No chat bubbles after 6 months!


I want to rp but you know, looking constantly in my chat window and trying to figure out who said what is kinda frustrating.


9. Emotes are too basic and on a loop, and that after 6 months


Oh, and I cannot sit on a chair or bench.

I once watched rp'ers STAND on a bench because obivously, they couldn't sit on it.


10. 2-3 minute loading screens are a killer


11. class imbalance and the constant changes to them in terms of dmg output etc.


12. Expertise for PvP


10-49 I can do dmg just fine. As soon as I hit 50, guess what, time to grind for gear. And because your enemies have war hero gear, you'll die in no time and it will take you forever to get enough comms for war hero gear. And once you finally reached your goal of getting all the gear, they'll bring out a better set.

Just like WoW with its constant upgrades and endless grind for gear.


I'm sure I forgot a few, but that will do for now.

Edited by Medjay
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Moving my post here at the request of moderators. Adding some clarifications to the end as well:


Howdy everybody. I am thinking about canceling my Star Wars account, and thought I should communicate why because I think I'm not the only person who was looking for something in this game that didn't find it. I'm curious about what others think.


Before I begin I'd like to say that I understand what I'm about to describe, the game I hoped SW would be, is likely impossibly large / too grand to be implemented. This isn't a spoiled child saying "but I wanted a PONY" but rather my blue sky view of what something like this could be and a significant way to differentiate your game from WOW. None of what I'm about to say amounts to SW:TOR is broken because it doesn't do these things, TOR is very good at being what it wants to be... what I'm about to describe is a completely different game.


What I wanted in SW:TOR was the ability to inhabit a world in which space wizards exist. I wanted to be dropped into the world as an individual and build my own story. There should be some over-arching world plotline that grows and advances... that encourages me to interact with others, but there is something subtly broken in allowing people to inhabit the same world where they all played through the same story. I was a bounty hunter. Every other person who was a bounty hunter was in the same Great hunt, going after the same target, with the same Mako as a partner. If we REALLY were inhabiting the same world that's impossible. There aren't a million Mako clones for each of us to have. This means that I wasn't inhabiting the same world as other bounty hunters. It means I was inhabiting my own universe, and they were running through their own parallel one. We'd team up only when we needed bodies to throw at a particular mission.


This 'Breaking the story' thing happens when there are missions that can be run multiple times. How many times can I attack the same satellite? Why is it still there? Didn't I blow it up yesterday? There aren't any stakes in these missions. There can't be. When I complete them they're still there to be done again tomorrow. Nothing has changed by my success or failure at the mission.


It's about Global Continuity. Without this I argue that you've removed the RPG element completely.


"You just don't like MMORPGs" I hear you saying. Not so. I don't like this particular implementation of them. The implementation that sacrifices the RPG element completely. There's nothing in the words "Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game" that says that you have to have grind quests, that everybody has to have access to the same quests, that you have to dungeon crawl the same dungeons, clicking on bad guys until they die to collect X number of pelts to return to a quest giver for gold.


Back in the old MS-DOS days I used to play an RPG, I think it was an Ultima game, but I don't remember specifically, that didn't have individual player story lines. Instead it dropped you in a world where things weren't quite right. You started off a young person with nothing but some money. You had to find a town to call home. You had to decide what you wanted to be in this world by finding a guild of your choice to apprentice with. You built a reputation in this world by helping your guild. You could take new jobs, mundane or exciting. It was your choice whether you decided to become a hero questing in the world, setting out to right the world's wrongs with a sword that you bought (or was given to you by someone you befriended or saved), or just a merchant in your village... allowing the rule of the evil king to continue while you used your own influence to gain power within your city, perhaps to eventually overthrow him politically instead of physically. You chose the ladder you wanted to climb and you chose how to climb it.


That's what I wanted out of TOR, but instead of everybody else being a computer related NPC, I could do it with real people, in the Star Wars universe. Let's go back to my bounty hunter. Instead being dropped into the Great Hunt with the goal of getting revenge on Taro Blood I should be dropped.... on a planet. Some planet that makes sense for the particular race I chose. From there if I chose to become a bounty hunter I should fall into it by some logical means: Perhaps by going to the local authorities looking for criminals to bring to justice. I should then HEAR about the the great hunt. "Say you're pretty good. Ever think about the great hunt to REALLY make a name for yourself?" but if I DO enter the great hunt I should be up against OTHER player characters. We all inhabit the same world after all. Instead of the Great Hunt being something every one of us completes, it should be something that only one of us on the server (world) is able to win. Each of us may be given different targets, which means we could have different levels of success (This year in the Great Hunt I got 4 of my 6 targets before Bounty Hunter ABC won! I'm getting better) but it should be a global event. As I progress I could eventually buy or steal a ship to go off world and take bounties where I choose to find them. I should be able to make a name for myself in a unique way that other player characters care about. My reputation in the world should matter. Other players should be able to hire me to help them, not just with their missions, but with anything. "I really need to find item Y, but it is protected by this cartel. Let's hire a bounty hunter. Do you know a good one? Oh this guy is on all the time. He's twice as expensive as the others but you can count on him to deliver."


Player interaction and role playing on a massive scale. Troopers should be able to grow up to be Generals or pilots, even politicians and leaders. They could retire from the military and join local law enforcement. Wouldn't it be fun to be a backwater sheriff on Tattoine? Bounty Hunters could come in and bribe you to tell them about the local goings on to help them find their current targets. You'd be investigating smugglers like Han Solo, turning a blind eye to the Hutts as they bribe you/offer to keep a modicum of the peace. Or you could be the young buck who is determined to civilize this godforsaken rock and bring some justice to it, possibly making the Hutts nervous and anxious to hire a bounty hunter to assassinate you as you get more successful. In any event the decisions you make, the actions you take during the story you develop change the world around you and affect the characters and other players.


The possibilities are endless. A Republic Leader could decide "It's time to take Korriban back" and initiate an all out war for the planet. THAT'S how you do PVP. You don't have fights because fights are fun arena style (unless that arena fits thematically, such as placing one in Tattoine) The result of that war should have lasting consequences and shouldn't be predetermined. If the alliance wins, they gain control of the planet, and have to deal with occupation. Player characters who were generals in that battle could now become responsible for governing areas of the planet, keeping it under control and establishing / hiring law enforcement. Player characters who took a more 'merchant' path now have to figure out if they are Imperial men and subtly lead covert strikes against the occupiers, or decide to embrace their new republic overlords and sell to them instead.


Clearly lots of these kinds of things are impossibly large in scope but my goal here is to describe the kind of things that this KIND of game would aspire to... I'm trying to build a theme. We will never see these kind of elements in an MMO like this. That's not to say TOR is wrong. It never wanted to BE what I'm describing. I don't blame a cat for not being a dog. It's just that there are an awful lot of cats out there right now (WoW clones) and it's tough to tell them apart. It also turns out that there are some of us who are Dog people.




To clarify: I didn't expect SW:TOR to be everything that I described, but I had hoped that it had some of those sorts of those elements.


What I tried to describe is equivalent to when you see a company put out a "The kind of thing we COULD do with this" video, like the recent Google Project Glass video, or the Wii-U video. You know that they can't pull off that level of interaction, but that's the kind of inspiration they're pulling from to get what they can. In other words, I NEVER expect to play a game like the one I described, but I'd love to play a game that was built with that kind of thing in mind, and I don't think that's impossible.


All that said, I do not blame SW:TOR for not being like this. I'm not leaving because I think it's wrong for being what it is. I'm not leaving because I blame Bioware for advertising it as something it isn't (they never did that). I'm leaving because this game in't that fun FOR ME. It isn't that different. It's another cat. I'm not upset and I don't feel cheated. Bioware promised a cat, I thought I wanted a cat, but after owning a cat for several months it turns out what I really want is a dog. That's nobody's fault but mine. I just think that there is potential for something really special here if someone as solid as Bioware decided to take this in a different direction.


Meanwhile I think there is some positive discussion that can be had that DOES relate to SW:TOR: Quests without stakes are a Bad Thing. SW:TOR can certainly do a few things to increase it's RPG element which will vastly improve player investment and further differentiate itself from WoW.


People don't play you're type of game anymore thats th older crowed like myself, I still enjoy SWTOR though is a nice get away. Go back to playing paper and pen type games those are fun with geeky friends still.

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1. Playing melee is not fun on the fingers. Not only do you have to spam alot more buttons compared to ranged, you also have to keep moving while doing so.

2. PvP victories heavily relies on your groups gear. A group of Recruit and some Champion players would not do well againts a group with even 1-2 War Hero's.

3. World PvP non-existent



1. Boss mechanics are boring. I've seen more interesting mechanics boss mechanics in WoW.

2. No LFG-Solved in 1.3

3. Bosses hates melee.



1. Class Story doesn't continue. Im not counting a cheap daily zone (black hole) as a next chapter for my characters story BioWare. You advertised the game with Story as a fourth pillar but all I see it as are stairs that ends when you hit 50 until next expansion.

2. Game ends up being another gear grindfest with only two path (PvP or Flashpoints->Operations).



1. Worlds are not dynamic and cannot be explored. BioWare created LEVELS not worlds. If you try to explore, you'll just pull alot of mobs and die.

SUGGESTION: For several famous planets (Coruscant,Tatooine,Dromund Kaas), add a small part that can be considered as a major social hub with dynamic day-night cycle and events going on. This area will be seperate from the leveling area.


So basically yer bored of WoW too, is a damn themepark game not a lets go all willy nilly and do whatever the **** e want games. You get to 50 you have to earn the right to play with the big boy which means getting yer face beat on a couple matches or weeks. All of you expected an ultima online type game those games are dead. Most people want a fair advantge with everything, and we all have the same venues to get them in this game. Game should never be frustrating and thats what TOR is fun none frustrating game at least to all of us who are happy. Its got flaws but still a fun game to play no ones holding your hand and no one who plays cares whether or not your leaving. The sooner the better in fact so you can let us have our forums back for none QQ threads.

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1) Server Population: My wonderful, once-huge server is now a ghost town. My guild leader quit to return to WoW. We are losing 3-5 people every month in my guild alone. Why is this? Because Bioware did absolutely no research into what other MMO's learned from their baby years, and then failed to make SURE they did not repeat those mistakes. FAIL.

SWTOR promised us Death Star and gave us Jar Jar Binks, only with good dialogue.


2) PVP: Do I even need to say anything here? Clunky combat animation timing, clunky cooldown timing. Let me tell you something, Jack. In PVP, 3 seconds is AN ETERNITY. Think about that. You need to rethink combat flow. Did I mention clunky? Clunky as a bag of cans falling down stairs. You need to blend cast times with instant casts more smoothly, so that the transitions feel right, and flow off the fingertips. Even if its just an animation thing, it makes combat feel more like ballet and less like a 500 pound motocycle dyke in steel-toed boots doing slam-dance, which is what PVP is now. Sentinal/Marauders shouldn't be the only ones allowed to be awesome in PVP. Make healers awesome in PVP, just to be original. You read that story in the news about the guy who ate some other guys face off, and the cops had to shoot him? Yeah, that's what you did to healers, Bioware. CARDINAL RULE OF MMO: DON'T. NERF. HEALERS........EVER!!!! Make the boss harder, make the HPs lower, do whataver. DONT. NERF. HEALERS.


3) Development Team: Let me put this as simply as I can, and as devastatingly as I can: I don't trust you anymore. You made a fantastic RPG, with compelling story and fun little goodies that anybody with an X-Box or a PS3 can appreciate. This does not an MMO make. You really showed glaringly that you have no idea how to run an MMO. The TORtanic set sail for epic fail, hit the iceburg of Reality, and now you are trying to bail out the water with a thimble. Legacy Perks?? Rocket Boost that doesn't work in an area where you can't use a SPEEDER??? GET. GOOD. PEOPLE. You made a pretty RPG, now GET SOME MMO DEVELOPERS.

Or, let the poor thing die. Remember, when the expectation is not met, pennies turn into millions. ACT NOW.


4) BUGS and Lack of Optimization: Your game has more bugs than a bait store, to quote Tron. Good Jiminy H. Crickets is your game buggy. Here's another fun thing to spend 10 minutes of every hour doing: LOAD SCREEN, Orbital Station, LOAD SCREEN. Planet. LOAD SCREEN, Ship. LOAD SCREEN, Fleet Station. LOAD SCREEN, Ship again. LOAD SCREEN, Orbital Station. LOAD SCREEN, Planet. Sound fun? OMG is it fun. /end sarcasm. Here's another fun one: Alt+ Tab. Surf Internet to find that (*&$#(#$ datacron for your +2 to belly-button whistling. Alt + Tab back to game. BLACK SCREEN. Wait for it. Wait for it......Wait for it......load....load...pop pop pop. Resume play.


5) Overall feeling of Jinx: Aint no other way to say it. The Force is not with you guys. You've goofed so hard these first few months, you've alienated about 25% of your target audience. That is NOT a good thing. SIt down at the conference table, and TALK MMO: MASSIVE. MULTIPLAYER. ONLINE. What does that mean? Figure it out, and fast.

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So basically yer bored of WoW too, is a damn themepark game not a lets go all willy nilly and do whatever the **** e want games. You get to 50 you have to earn the right to play with the big boy which means getting yer face beat on a couple matches or weeks. All of you expected an ultima online type game those games are dead. Most people want a fair advantge with everything, and we all have the same venues to get them in this game. Game should never be frustrating and thats what TOR is fun none frustrating game at least to all of us who are happy. Its got flaws but still a fun game to play no ones holding your hand and no one who plays cares whether or not your leaving. The sooner the better in fact so you can let us have our forums back for none QQ threads.


this is an un-subscribers thread...so put your rose-tinted glasses back on and go back to your "im a huge fanboy,and love this game" thread.

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Just remembered another reason for why I quit:


I cannot play as Rodian, Wookiee, droid, Kel'dor etc.

It's a Sci-Fi MMO ffs, please let's all just play humans with a cloth over the eyes, humans with green skin, humans with blue skin and red eyes, oh ok Twi'lek .....humanoid looking species where I can't even change the lekku positioning, Sith.....humanoids with reddish skin and decent horns oh, and humans with implants.


There's a prof called cybertech, now wouldn't it be great if it could actually make visual cybertech parts for players, you know....the Cyborg species could use cybernetic eyes, arms/hands etc?

Makes too much sense, I know.

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People don't play you're type of game anymore thats th older crowed like myself, I still enjoy SWTOR though is a nice get away. Go back to playing paper and pen type games those are fun with geeky friends still.


Do you really need to quote an 8-page long post to add 2 lines of hot air?

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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really liked this game but with max 10ppl online in prime time on my server its imposible to do anything and as we cant migrate away from dead servers i had to close the account and change game might be back if they fix the unplayeble servers and let us migrate to high populated servers even pvp on my server dosnt come up been in que over 2 days without getting in do to low population so on my server you seriously cant play unless you wanna grind daily`s .
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I feel like I've answered this one before but just incase I haven't I'll provide an answer anyway.


Top 5 reasons why I left the game:


1. The lack of an open world feel. I felt like control was taken out of my hands. I like to move freely and explore, SWTOR felt too controlled and contained.

2. No real sense of war between player factions happening. The lines between factions are nonexistent. Lack of an imp vs. pub sensation.

3. Lackluster races to choose from. Very little variety. Too many clones of people. The game has more of a small town vibe than a universe vibe.

4. No real rewards. The ships and vehicles are nice rewards but to be honest they don't feel like rewards due to them lacking anything really special or unique about them. Would be nice to have a choice in ships. Vehicles are ridiculously slow even at 110%.

5. Inability to choose a voice for character. I will like a certain style of gameplay and how the character feels but the voice won't fit or will prevent me from being fully immersed into the game.



I come back only because I enjoy MMOs but, I won't be resubbing because SWTOR is not an enjoyable MMO for me. The game holds my hand way too much for me to feel immersed into the game. I love the freedom to choose whatever I want in MMOs, SWTOR doesn't provide that freedom for me. I want to shape my own journey, not have it planned out for me.

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