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10 Good
  1. Just came back 9 days ago to SWTOR and allready i cancled my Sub again everything is the same no support and daily downtime a *********** joke that they think ppl will pay for it !
  2. really liked this game but with max 10ppl online in prime time on my server its imposible to do anything and as we cant migrate away from dead servers i had to close the account and change game might be back if they fix the unplayeble servers and let us migrate to high populated servers even pvp on my server dosnt come up been in que over 2 days without getting in do to low population so on my server you seriously cant play unless you wanna grind daily`s .
  3. what a joke 2 time`s down time a week now since 1,2, no wonder ppl are fleeing for this game.
  4. soooo true just whent downhill from there
  5. nothing more then a cheap beta that they dare to take money for without refunds everytime they drop coffie in the servers and that seems to happen alot
  6. who is paying for the trafik of having to DL the game again ?
  7. no wonder the servers are dying with all the bugs and poor service in this game still wonders me that its not completly dead yet - i think its just a matter of time before more ppl finaly had enough of bugs not getting fix or CS just failing like non other lets face it service in this game is the worst ever in any mmo and the game it self is nothing more then a cheap beta !
  8. get a g510 and there`s no need to w8 for macro`s mate you simply add them your self ^^ i am useing that atm and its working fine no need for any macro system if you get a G510
  9. keep saying " its a new game " is a joke if you kwen abit about how and why this game is so fecked up i bet you wouldnt the reason is it`s a " new game " is because its only half done and ppl behinde the game know this but again $$$$$$$ over ppl and again this game was forced out even when Bio was told dont its not rdy ! i played mmo for 12 years and same never seen anything this bad i thought Lucas art was about good product not ripping off ppl boy was i wrong ^^
  10. get use to it dude its a beta game that was pushed put way to early to make $ do you really think anyone care`s about the players ? if so your wrong mate its all about the money ^^
  11. well i cant see when stuff gets off CD anymore im colour blinde and with the new changes i have to use the force to guess when i can use my ability`s
  12. your playing a beta guys and Bio knows this and dont give a .... its a matter of $ for them and since they are protected by U.s law they dont need to refund anything - and true wow had issues to 6 years ago but they still refunded all the extra down time i personaly made a ticked over 30 days ago asking if we get refunds for all the extra down time and Bio hasnt even answered it - but pvp issues gets fixed the sec its reported thats just wrong
  13. its not a matter of down time, its a matter of us paying for the down time, and not getting refunds, i for one have had enough and will close my acount since this game is only 30% done! futher more the surport is a joke, i had more info then the GM i talked to, not to mention that he spoke english like a 4 year old! i would be calm if we atleast got refunds for the down time we have every 3 days atm.
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