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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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Here are my top 5 desired features which might persuade me to un-cancel my subscription:


1) Multiple paths through the game--an element some have called sandbox but which I will call adding replay value.


2) Better space combat and movement.


3) Revised crafting system with crafted items being better than dropped ones.


4) Continued new interactions and quests with companions following end of the mainline story.


5) Player housing, shops, and space fleets.

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The only reason it has not failed completely is because it is Star Wars. If we were to judge the game on gameplay alone nobody would play we would all have already quit. This is the truth.


When u promise the world and build up the release for years it better be ready, and this game wasn't. We are just paying Beta test and that is why I quit last week. There is absolutely no stability at all and there can't be because they have to change so much still to make it work.


Thanks for wasting my time Bioware. Seriously.


Great voiceovers + awful content = a game that is seems good but is just frustrating to play

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Even the Fatman is dying now...no more queues even at prime time and 30 people in fleets at off peak. Noticeable decline in just a few weeks.


Fatman was our last hope :(


This why the server transfers/merges will not keep a lot of players from unsubbing.

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Even the Fatman is dying now...no more queues even at prime time and 30 people in fleets at off peak. Noticeable decline in just a few weeks.


Fatman was our last hope :(


We see the same on EU's biggest server. The Red Eclipse

Around 50 outside of prime time.

And still around 50, even though dailys just reset a few hours ago.

Thats really, really sad :(


I know its summer time here, and a lot of new games just released.

But still, around 125 and 150 at prime time is a huge drop from 250 to 300 when 1,2 came out and the event hit.


*Republic side

Edited by DecanAndersen
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We see the same on EU's biggest server. The Red Eclipse

Around 50 outside of prime time.

And still around 50, even though dailys just reset a few hours ago.

Thats really, really sad :(


I know its summer time here, and a lot of new games just released.

But still, around 125 and 150 at prime time is a huge drop from 250 to 300 when 1,2 came out and the event hit.


*Republic side


And it is going to get worse. No matter how much one dislikes GW2 or WoW,...when they bring out thier game/expansion this year. you will see even less playing TOR. There will be a small surge when 1.3 hits, but once most find out the same server LFG is not going to work in most cases..the drops will return in even greater numbers. And this is not what I want to happen, but it is a feeling I have and cannot shake. I hope I am wrong.

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The Reason i am going to unsub is:


1.3 Brings 0 content to the game. Did BioWare think 4 bosses in EC Ops was enough to keep people playing this game for months? What happend to every major patch will have a new Ops, Flashpoint and something PvP oriented?


There is no Ranked Warzone, I may add that it was supposed to come in 1.2 ( We all know that is a HUGE lie BioWare made up to try to get people to sub to the game again) - 1.3 Wont even bring Ranked.....


This game have 0 World PvP, Nothing at all, there is nothing else then the same 4 Warzones over and over again. I acctually think it would have been better to keep the daily on Ilum, atleast then you had something else todo.


I LOVE this game, but the amount of content BioWare puts out is makeing me look elsewhere for MMO's.

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I acctually think it would have been better to keep the daily on Ilum, atleast then you had something else todo.


agreed, there were some epic moments on ilum and it had great potential for serious fun. Unfortunately, players were earning valor too quickly and something had to be done to s-t-r-e-t-c-h out the top PvP gear progression. You used to be able to do in an hour or two what now takes you maybe a week of 2-3 hours of daily play.



Edited by ShadowAxx
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I was lucky and rolled my initial character on The Fatman server. Population was never a problem (apart from the occasional 45min queue to login).


I was insanely active, and having a blast, in this game. Then I hit level 50. Boy did I hit a wall. My 'game' experience immediately transformed. For hours on end I would drive my speeder around the boring fleet, avoid general chat discussion, and wait for the next warzone. I reached a valor level of 75 with my sniper and was nearing a complete WH set. I will not renew my subscription once renewal comes up (end of this month).


Reasons (MMO PvPer for 10+ years):


1) Cheating.

-Really..... people are crying for ranked warzones? All the while we have people cheating in warzones with third party applications! Are you serious?!? I refuse to invest quality time to receive rewards without value. Furthermore, the time I've invested offers me none of the benifit some risk-taking juvenille can achieve by simply downloading an app. Banning players is not a solution. Fix the exploits through hard code.


2) PvP objectives.

-Throwing the huttball was fun for a little while. Grinding to warhero gear while playing a silly game is not cool. I think BW was a little to creative for the warzone's. The fundamental's of the basic RPG system are what makes MMO successful. Continue the evolution of RPG rather than mutate it to something cute. Call me simple but, I like an arena like PvP experience that is based around combat and group composition; not class utility for holding a node.


3) Match making system.

Terrible. Absolutely terrible. Most often, I like to login and do some quick solo queues. I stopped this altogether and was required to go through great effort to comprise a group before daring to enter blindly. Don't put horrible players against seasoned veterans or even pair them on the same team of 8. This is an extremely painful grind to gear for someone who loves PvP; I quickly started to hate it.


4) Disconnected world

I have a beast for a PC. I work as a network and database administrator and do not lack the funds or knowledge to configure a suitable gaming rig. That said, load times are long and traveling is disconnected. I understand the world is a inter-galactic planetary system. Don't make travel feel like it. Take a note from Diablo 3. You can get in and out of action and objective in no time flat.


5) Misc

There is no clear direction for this game. I'm not sure who, or to what, they are targeting. It seems as though they have attempted to please everyone... we know how that usually ends.


SWTOR was definately the best time I've ever had leveling a character. This game has unbelievable potential. I was the first to defend the development of this game in infancy. I don't pay subscriptions to level toons to maximum level and then start a new one. There is no value-added after maximum level. My sole intent in MMO is end-game PvP. Cheating is unacceptable for a subscription based game that promises ranked systems.


The grind to fully equip warhero gear killed me. The warzones are bad with pug vs pug. The game can easily be decided before it begins. Very few of the games were won or lost based off of good play/decision. It was onslaught from the beginning and you were either the bug or the windshield in any given instance.

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Ive decided to stop my sub, i have 26 days of legacy time left, but i don't think ill be logging in any time soon




Worst game engine ive ever experienced ever in a game especially an MMORPG.


The game engine will never be able to handle world pvp with lots of characters on screen, Ilum proved this, even warzones struggle at times.


BW too slow in fixing bugs and releasing new content.


BW not communicating enough with there paying customers


BW releasing patches that also break other features of the game, this has happened countless times


Legacy system is overrated and far too expensive.


Customer service by far the worst ive experienced with a subscription based game

(Take note BW, Blizzard have just contacted me in game to resolve a problem, it took them less that 20 hrs to reply back to me! they also did not send any automated crap, or close my ticket!!!!)


Servers need to be merged, and why are transfers taking so long, you should have had a backup plan regarding transfers, but instead BW / EA were so arrogant they were positive the game would not be in its current state 6 months on, thats the truth.


No ranked WZs and not even in 1.3, what on earth is taking so long?


LFG tool coming in 1.3 is limited to server only? Why?


What really made my mind up was watching the 1.3 video, all of these features should have been in the game from the start, 1.3 is a very poor effort imo.

Edited by kmufc
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Really a lack of PVP features. Have no real wanting to do PVE content.

Legacy seemed like a great idea, if it was implemeneted at release. Prices on legacy items don't seem to make alot of sense.

Dead servers.


Too much EA seems to be involved with the game ( rushed release ) which is a turn off personally.

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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


1. Sound issues

2. Long WZ queue times

3. Dead server



Guess I only really have three main reasons, but they're pretty big.


I stick around to see if these three items get addressed.


I do like the game itself and really want it to succeed, but I don't want to continue playing as long as those items remain issues.

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1. Sound issues

2. Long WZ queue times

3. Dead server



Guess I only really have three main reasons, but they're pretty big.


I stick around to see if these three items get addressed.


I do like the game itself and really want it to succeed, but I don't want to continue playing as long as those items remain issues.


Forgot one:


4. Having my posts removed for bumping the Sound Issues thread from page 6 and watching the thread go back from page 1 to page 6.


Sorry for letting you know that we haven't forgotten about the sound issues and that they still exist.

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and Bethesda/Zenimax are going to try to use it for The Elder Scrolls Online. it is the number one reason I'm not excited for that game but expecting a train wreck that I can't look away from. Bethesda's buggy programming, Hero Engine after getting my tastes of it in TOR.. Choo Choo.


I understand your concern here but lets get something straight. HeroEngine is a completely separate 3rd party engine that is used by Bioware. In and of itself, HE is a fully functional MMO engine which is capable of much more than what Bioware has thrown at it. The PROBLEM is that they (TOR Devs) have gone in and modded and added their own code which IS NOT capable of handling things without being bugged. The engine in its native state is fine.

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I understand your concern here but lets get something straight. HeroEngine is a completely separate 3rd party engine that is used by Bioware. In and of itself, HE is a fully functional MMO engine which is capable of much more than what Bioware has thrown at it. The PROBLEM is that they (TOR Devs) have gone in and modded and added their own code which IS NOT capable of handling things without being bugged. The engine in its native state is fine.


Zenimax licensed the hero engine at roughly the same time Bioware did, IE they're getting the same unfinished engine and probably also heavily modified it. In Bioware's case that's janky animations and fps drops around a lot of people, in Bethesda's case that's CTD's.

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Please consolidate the servers or allow transfers. Star Wars is fun despite a few glitches during combat. Great, there no key stroke delay. Why are you making players drop out? You have a bazillion servers. But Trion Rift consolidated its' servers besides it's the best MMORPG's to exist to date. Rift's doing well. So, it doesn't have chatty partners, a great idea! Only sometimes, it does get a little distracting. I haven't unsub. I did delete my player chars. Having chatty partners does detract from the feeling of successfully defeating NPC's and completing a quest. It does for me. Or maybe, it just interrupts my concentration. I'm 66. I don't know if I'll create another char soon. But I have several chars 5 of which are lvl 50 plus in Telera. I played quests over and over again sometimes until it just got plain numbing in order to acquire a better mount and so forth. I just loved the atmosphere or whatever it is that Trion Rift created. The community is great also.
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The only reason it has not failed completely is because it is Star Wars. If we were to judge the game on gameplay alone nobody would play we would all have already quit. This is the truth.


When u promise the world and build up the release for years it better be ready, and this game wasn't. We are just paying Beta test and that is why I quit last week. There is absolutely no stability at all and there can't be because they have to change so much still to make it work.


Thanks for wasting my time Bioware. Seriously.


Great voiceovers + awful content = a game that is seems good but is just frustrating to play


Kudos to you my friend!! With one post, you made my decision for me. I posted about why I was considering unsubbing, and what I did like about the game, but I kept coming back to this thread. A lot of people felt as I do.


Then I read your post...truer words were never spoken. If this game didn't have the Star Wars name and the Star Wars trappings, I would've unsubbed long before this. And even at that, after looking at it critically, even the Star Wars "trappings" are just that...trappings. The heart and soul of the Star Wars universe just doesn't live in this game for me, so I got off the fence and unsubbed today.

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I like how server mergers was on the first page of this thread. Also, what Greenclaw said. If this game wasn't Star Wars - it would be completely awful. The name is what has kept it alive, and even that hasn't done much. Edited by wolverstreets
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1. PvE

Have games really not developed past the "puzzle dance" that PvE seems to be in any and all MMOs? Can we not get better than "oooo watch out now....for 30 seconds, this boss does a frontal cleave.....then at 50% health, he goes immune and you have to kill the floating orbs/adds.....then at 25% he does this stompy animation that is a AOE about 10 feet all around him...and then, if he says 'I'll get you', throw your interrupts"........seriously?!?!?! This is STILL fun to people?!?!


2. Crafting

In SWTOR, seems it was kind of half-thought-out.....like a "well, we have to do something, but let's not make it too hard....but let's not make it too easy...."....and now they have something that in the end, is just not very "anything" at all. I liked the idea of sending your companions off to do your work, but even that got old fast. Maybe I am spoiled by DAOC and it's VERY deep, complex and USEFUL crafting. Bet you never see craft guilds in SWTOR! haha


3. PvP

Where to begin?!?! I know it has all been said before but oh well....balance, for the most part is ok. However, I think more time should be put in to developing more of a rock-paper-scissors approach if anything. I liked in WAR how I knew what classes were easy, which ones would be a fight, and which ones to run from. With SWTOR, you don't get that. It can be whatever FOTM class there is and then everyone else....and that even depends on what nerf/buff BW has put in to try to work out other issues. Now past that.....as someone said earlier......4 warzones? Really?!?!? How hard is it to roll out new ones?.......and then there is the cheating....I got soooo sick of seeing cheating running rampant and reporting it. Instead of waiting on BW to take action (if ever), it is easier just to leave the game myself. PvP was NEVER a primary consideration of this game, and it clearly shows as time passes.


4. World PvP

What? Exactly!!!! Does not exist. (and don't tell me about how I can go kill players on Tatooine). I mean MEANINGFUL world PvP. Something with objectives, something with risk and rewards. Again, I think DAOC and WAR spoiled me on this. But I will also say, any ....ANY....game in this day and age that boasts about World/Open PvP better have more than just 2 "sides" or it is doomed to fail from the beginning. Much like my "PvE" section above, in this day and age of games, is this the best we can do?!?! Why not make it dynamic? Make it so guilds can form alliances with whoever and those alliances are versus everyone else. Is that hard? I know a LOT of this comes from "we don't want to do anything that makes PvE players feel forced to PvP or like they are missing out on content".....well, guess what....NOT playing the WHOLE game is their choice....don't punish the rest for it. The very fact that games so strictly separate PvE and PvP is again an "old" idea that need to be abandoned.


5. A stake in the world

SWTOR just does not feel alive at all. It feels like nothing my characters do matter very much. And now, I get rewarded for playing both sides, so where is the feeling of "us vs them" and the tension, pride, competition, etc, that comes from that?!?! Yes, you can play through and enjoy the story...even play through each class and get all the stories, but what then? Oh right....go play the space combat mini-game!!!!!! YEA!!!!


This game had sooooo much potential but seems they missed the mark on finding their market. They have tried to appeal to EVERYONE which just ends up with a watered down, disparate mess. Aside from having the Star Wars name on it, it does not "feel" like the Star Wars universe. It's just a bad MMO with a Star Wars "skin" on it. Bioware never promised to do anything revolutionary or even evolutionary with SWTOR. To that end, I say "job well done!" :)

Edited by SilencingMchine
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I just unsubbed moments ago. I was one of those people who signed up for this game's forum days after it was created.


To the point of the thread, I cancelled because as a customer who is continuing to pay for a product, I have expectations. I understand the do's and don'ts of communications. But, as a paying customer, I expect to have some ideas as to whether the product will have basic features within my next billing cylce (which starts(ed) tomorrow).


If/when the PVP side of the game becomes playable, I may reconsider.

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Wow, some people are really going into great detail about why they are leaving.


Myself, I leave and come back, then leave and come back. I paid for a bunch of time and I have a little over a month left.


I want to stay, but I am having a hard time really enjoying the game anymore. I know what to expect, how each mob zone is setup almost exactly the same for each world and how each world's population shrinks and shrinks.

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I can probably deal with most of the issues in this game such as pvp-pve balance, game bugs and glitches, and slightly long grinds for end-game pvp gear (that's only because I play casually so that's mainly my doing).


The population as it stands on the pvp server that I play on has diminished significantly. But I can put up with long warzone queues and participate in some pve contents (that is pretty limited as well).


But the biggest issue that I have is the random game crashes that started to occur after some subsequent 1.2 patches. This essentially makes playing the game impossible in what limited warzones that I do end up joining. Sure, I can reload the game if I was simply running pve contents, but that is just unacceptable at this point.

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