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  1. BW never said that SWTOR would be revolutionary or even evolutionary. To that end, job well done, BW!
  2. Never once had lag or game crash issues. I guess I was lucky that way. It was everything else that made the game unplayable for me. 102 days left on sub....doubt I log in at all.
  3. 1. PvE Have games really not developed past the "puzzle dance" that PvE seems to be in any and all MMOs? Can we not get better than "oooo watch out now....for 30 seconds, this boss does a frontal cleave.....then at 50% health, he goes immune and you have to kill the floating orbs/adds.....then at 25% he does this stompy animation that is a AOE about 10 feet all around him...and then, if he says 'I'll get you', throw your interrupts"........seriously?!?!?! This is STILL fun to people?!?! 2. Crafting In SWTOR, seems it was kind of half-thought-out.....like a "well, we have to do something, but let's not make it too hard....but let's not make it too easy...."....and now they have something that in the end, is just not very "anything" at all. I liked the idea of sending your companions off to do your work, but even that got old fast. Maybe I am spoiled by DAOC and it's VERY deep, complex and USEFUL crafting. Bet you never see craft guilds in SWTOR! haha 3. PvP Where to begin?!?! I know it has all been said before but oh well....balance, for the most part is ok. However, I think more time should be put in to developing more of a rock-paper-scissors approach if anything. I liked in WAR how I knew what classes were easy, which ones would be a fight, and which ones to run from. With SWTOR, you don't get that. It can be whatever FOTM class there is and then everyone else....and that even depends on what nerf/buff BW has put in to try to work out other issues. Now past that.....as someone said earlier......4 warzones? Really?!?!? How hard is it to roll out new ones?.......and then there is the cheating....I got soooo sick of seeing cheating running rampant and reporting it. Instead of waiting on BW to take action (if ever), it is easier just to leave the game myself. PvP was NEVER a primary consideration of this game, and it clearly shows as time passes. 4. World PvP What? Exactly!!!! Does not exist. (and don't tell me about how I can go kill players on Tatooine). I mean MEANINGFUL world PvP. Something with objectives, something with risk and rewards. Again, I think DAOC and WAR spoiled me on this. But I will also say, any ....ANY....game in this day and age that boasts about World/Open PvP better have more than just 2 "sides" or it is doomed to fail from the beginning. Much like my "PvE" section above, in this day and age of games, is this the best we can do?!?! Why not make it dynamic? Make it so guilds can form alliances with whoever and those alliances are versus everyone else. Is that hard? I know a LOT of this comes from "we don't want to do anything that makes PvE players feel forced to PvP or like they are missing out on content".....well, guess what....NOT playing the WHOLE game is their choice....don't punish the rest for it. The very fact that games so strictly separate PvE and PvP is again an "old" idea that need to be abandoned. 5. A stake in the world SWTOR just does not feel alive at all. It feels like nothing my characters do matter very much. And now, I get rewarded for playing both sides, so where is the feeling of "us vs them" and the tension, pride, competition, etc, that comes from that?!?! Yes, you can play through and enjoy the story...even play through each class and get all the stories, but what then? Oh right....go play the space combat mini-game!!!!!! YEA!!!! This game had sooooo much potential but seems they missed the mark on finding their market. They have tried to appeal to EVERYONE which just ends up with a watered down, disparate mess. Aside from having the Star Wars name on it, it does not "feel" like the Star Wars universe. It's just a bad MMO with a Star Wars "skin" on it. Bioware never promised to do anything revolutionary or even evolutionary with SWTOR. To that end, I say "job well done!"
  4. Already left. PvP in this game is an after thought. Even now, they are hyping rolling out ranked WZs which are known bad model and old idea. In the meantime, open world PvP, which in my opinion is what the Star Wars universe should be about, is almost completely non-existent. BW never promised SWTOR to be revolutionary or even evolutionary. To that end, they did a great job. On to the next game...
  5. I have reported and reported and reported in game till I just got tired of doing it and seing no results. I unsubbed. Much easier. I have 102 days left to play, but probably won't. PvP was, is and will always be an after thought in this game. In this day, any game with PvP (and moreso world/open PvP) designed with only 2 sides is doomed to fail.
  6. ...and yet, DOTs don't break stealth.....dumb.
  7. Wow! I think word has spread. I play on Naddist Reb server and just in this week, I have seen the "always crit" thing being abused more and more. What's funny is you can clearly SEE who is doing it....by combat logs and WZ score at end....the first being easiest to detect those trying to "slip under the radar " by sandbagging a bit. Several times today, I have been in WZs where a player(s) will have 2 to 2.5 times more damage than the next closest player (and it isn't class specific....as in "XYZ" class is just so OP since 1.2). I have seen several of these "suspicious" players with near 600k damage when the next closest player (good ones that I know how they play...ie know what they are doing) is around 250k. I am not new to warzones (valor 74) nor new to PvP/RvR games, so I do know when something looks "odd". This needs to be fixed pronto.....especially before ranked WZs.
  8. Actually no force issues....unless I am not dying in a WZ and have to seethe (haha). But yes, throw deathfield and follow with tab affiliction on everyone while moving around a lot.....throw Creeping if it is up too. (if I have time to sit and turret, I will throw Force Storm down and follow it with a DF towards end and start my dots....sometimes, I can sit and throw another storm after it.....I do this when I see the other team clumping a lot). I will stop when safe to throw out lots of FL to get Wrath up to throw a Crushing while moving (nice!)....and yes, I throw out shock (LS if wrath us up...again, nice instant) as needed too (ie if target is near death and dont need a dot to do it..ie. if instant will kill them). I move a LOT!....Many folks have learned to look for me, so I get chased around. haha
  9. After playing the cookie cutter 3/7/31 spec and getting frustrated (this is the best we have?!?!), I decided to play around with some other specs. Now, first off, I primarily PvP. I am valor rank 75 and come from a background of DAOC and WAR style PvP/RvR (so I do like to think of myself as fairly situationaly aware and skilled in run n' gun/kiting/etc). As I said, I toyed around with some other specs but tried a 7/3/31 spec......7 (SD/HP/FS), 3 (EI), 31 (normal Madness build...nothing in SD, OF, CF ). I have been VERY surprised with the results. I actually put out more dmg than the 3/7/31 build. Of course, this spec is all about constantly throwing out your AOE (due to FS) and in between that, I am constantly moving and tab dotting anyone nearby. It's a very mobile spec and what I would consider, very much a great damage support spec. Let's face it....we do not have a great 1v1 spec....unless you listen the people claiming "well if this star aligns with this star and ALL of your cooldowns are up and ready and your opponent got something in their eye, you might win 8 out of 10" who seem to think sorcs are still ungodly in 1v1 (denial). From this standpoint, I do not think about "what can I do 1v1", I look at what can I do against the ENTIRE other team and help our side win.....and it usually works well....top dmg, kills and medals. Anyways...just trying to throw out another one for folks to consider.
  10. I have seen the "always crit" and "uninterruptable" ones a LOT in the past 2 weeks or so. It's becoming annoying to the point of finding something else to do....and spend my monthly money on.
  11. I just can't get past laughing at the OPs sig...."#4 world #2 US"......hahahahaha
  12. Yeh....forgot the assassin one.....but I was seeing this happen regardless of class (saw Sorc do it, BH do it, Assassin do it, Marauder do it, etc).....and sitting in fire with no damage or taking no damage after the fact just seems still very "off". Ideas?
  13. First of all, I am not and won't be one to rush to the tried and true "HACKS!!!!" war cry when something looks or seems fishy. Now, that being said, this past weekend, I am seeing a LOT of "odd" things that I have not seen before and hoping someone can explain. Now, I am valor rank 63 and pretty much stick to PvP....the little computer vs players puzzle solvers can have their dance.....sooooo.....in this past weekend, I saw a LOT of this going on... 1. players (all classes) taking NO damage while being stunned in fire in Hutt Ball...no other friendlies around them...they just waited it out and went on through....what?!?!?! 2. Twice tonight I fought the same opponent who I NEVER see on (so I am pretty sure they are a lower valor rank and expertise but regardless).....I began to damage them, they suddenly jump to 100% health and then take NO damage after that from me (I am a Sorc so DOTs, lightening, etc...nothing)...after about 10sec, I just moved on....again, no other friendlies around them. 3. Players with EMPTY or near empty resolve not being affected by stun, whirlwind, knockback, etc. ***?!?! Again, this was not just one class but many. So what is going on here!?!?!? I only know of marauders/sents that have a ability to be immune but that's it...and even that does not explain ANY of this. Just curious. It seems odd that I have not seen any of this and then now it seems over a weekend (and posts I saw on the forum), I see it a lot. ps. No QQ here...I still collect my valor at the end...win or lose. haha Nice design,BW! Doh!
  14. 1. They never said this was a PvP-centric game. PvP is just kind of a "others have it, so we have it too" after thought (at the moment?) 2. ANY....ANY......ANY....game that still relies on only 2 sides will always be imbalanced. A game needs 3 (or more) "sides" to create a truly enjoyable PvP experience (this seems to be at least one lesson from DAOC that no game makers seem to grasp or acknowledge). Fix #2 will fix #1.
  15. A lot of the things you mentioned.... 1. guild perks/benefits...much like an ability tree where the guild can "spend" points...like WARhammer's banner system without the banner maybe. 2. guild badge/color/etc for armors 3. Again...like WAR...I would LOVE an "alliance" system in place for guilds to group together....and maybe "alliance perks" with that. 4. guild only/alliance only GTN (makes it much easier than keeping/admin of items in a vault....of course not the "points" system related items guilds give out based on participation and such). 5. of course, what everyone wants......guild capital ships!!!!....make them upgradable....make them usable in space combat (ie. a person on navigation, people on "turrets", people on missles, people on shields, etc......make it epic!!!!) I will keep it short for now.
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