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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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already unsubed, 1. server pop, 2. the time it takes to fix problems, 3. xfers/merges, 4. beimg forced to do dsilys to "Play" the game. 5. UNFUN anymore.

to bad i have 86 days worth of time left on the game.

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Unsubbed today... my reasons:


1) Low population..... the server barely breaks 70 people when I have been on


2) 1.2 changes to healing, expertise etc...


3) Lack of interesting in replay of content.... The individual stories are fantastic, however, the rest of the quests are exactly the same, there is only 1 path to follow outside of your class quests... this is a big huge yawner for me. Other "vanilla" games I played at least had 2 or 3 zones you could level in as options at most levels.


4) Lack of a functional LFG tool. Same server LFG tool will be useless on my server.... honestly with 10-18 level 50's online typically how that is supposed to make a FP happen is mind boggling to me.


5) Lack of wanting to be accountable by BW/EA. They can't even set a date to decide on when they will announce a feature implementation. This industry has a surprising amount of inability to commit and deliver. How hard is it to get your department heads together for a meeting, set goals, assign resources to meet those goals and then deliver? Project management isn't rocket science for pete's sake.

Edited by Drakkip
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I haven't unsubscribed yet but I most likely will with the game in it's current low populated state. I'm a huge Kotor fan which is why I wanted to try this game. So with that in mind these are some of the reasons Tor dissapointed.


1: Story


The stories were one of the aspects of Tor that I was looking forward to the most. And after playing a Jedi Knight, Bounty Hunter, Sorcerer and Imperial Agent I can safely say none of them come close to the epic story telling of other Bioware games. None of these characters have any real motive to take part in these adventures. There are practically no consequences for doing one thing over another. And at the end of the day they become so linear and predictable that if there was a twist to found, the only impact it made was my palm to my face.


As a Jedi Knight I hoped the story would be more about the presence of the Dark Side and the trials and tribulations to turn away from it and endure to become a hero. That's what made Kotor so special. In Tor you never struggle with the Force as choices are completely meaningless which in turn loses credibility to the story as a whole.


As a Sorcerer I figured the story might involve more of the political aspect of the world. Instead it had me blindly chase a Dark Council member around the galaxy. Although supposedly he was set to hunt me down? Again, where is that true Bioware motive that I can relate to. I'm clearly a slave, and it's the perfect opportunity to base a story around vengance. With motive being that they killed my family. Anything other that "Chase this guy because he wants you dead." And what's the twist? I failed to kill Thanaton. Luckily he didn't check to make sure I was dead, because you start to assume things when you're a Dark Council member and strong in the force. :rolleyes: Lets try killing him again! So we're stuck on a tangent that lasts far too long. And by the time everything is said and done why do I care about the Dark Council because I didn't learn anything about it.


2. Timing


This relates to the Story. I feel the timeline of each story is way to quick and too unknown. Who knows really how long each story takes in game time. It would've made more sense to me if we played more into the development stages of each character rather than wild goose chases.


3. Choices


There was so much effort spent on dialogue options but they dumbed down the system and story surrounding it so all there needed to be was a Dark Side points button and a Light Side points button. Would've saved tons of time and the end result would've been similar. Bioware choices were great because of consequence. When a choice only determines what type of letter you get in the mail from an NPC the dialogue system as a whole loses its integrity.


4. Living Planets


I suppose I was hoping this game would have a lot more to do than just fighting. Being a shop owner or Docking Station owner. Things that when we aren't fighting still contribute to the realism of the planet. No such luck. Not even Pod Racing. Staying Idle on the fleet waiting for a PvP pop is not my ideal of a society.


5. The Future of Tor


So we got the product and it is what it is. Where is Bioware's priority at this point? If there is any sense of urgancy I certainly don't feel it. Maybe they really are satisfied with the amount of players right now. But it's hard not to think this game is sinking as I look at a near empty server. Sure there may be fixes on the way such as x-server queues and server transfers. But at what cost? Once we finally get everyone together on a server we'll still run out of things to do. While I think the game will be here for a while I can't see the light at this point. There's tons of work to do yet and it'll take a long time to get things back up and running properly. Hopefully they don't lose more people than they can afford until that time comes.

Edited by WBTronix
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I will be unsubbing if the following isn't fixed entirely by the the time GW2 comes out:


1.) Low pop issues. I want to play with players. Not stand in the fleet waiting. I swear if I have to spend another half hour waiting for a queue to pop I am gone.

2.) A heavier focus on pvpers. We have 4 warzones and zero world pvp. Do something.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic is the second game I've ever subscribed to, I'm not used to paying monthly to play a game, it's all very unusual for me. The reason I subscribed to this game was simply due to how much I enjoyed the trial, it's a very good game.


The reason I unsubscribed (about a week ago) was not due to me disliking the game or parts of it, I just found myself playing other games more and this game had dropped down in the pecking order, to put it another way; it's not something the makers of the game can fix/change to bring me back to the game, and I'm not going to pay monthly for a game I play on and off. I do this with all my games (I kind of horde games), I'll never sell a game I've enjoyed because I'll end up coming back to it. The fault, however, does not lie with the game, it's just, for want of a better term, my hunger for the game has been sated. This is difficult for games you subscribe to though, because they want you to stay subscribed, but that's simply not going to happen at this moment in time.


In conclusion, I've unsubscribed now, but I will come back to the game some time in the future.

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I Play on an Australian/New Zealand server and i have had no trouble with server population on average there are around 90 players per planet and over 200 on fleet.


The game is not even six months old, if the game has celebrated an anniversary and the problems still persisted then i would be on board with you guys but this game is still teething so if you give up on something after 5 months then i feel sorry for you.


I think the point is that most players are still under rank 50 so Bioware see this as an opportunity for time as most people have not gotten through the current content yet.

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I Play on an Australian/New Zealand server and i have had no trouble with server population on average there are around 90 players per planet and over 200 on fleet.


The game is not even six months old, if the game has celebrated an anniversary and the problems still persisted then i would be on board with you guys but this game is still teething so if you give up on something after 5 months then i feel sorry for you.


I think the point is that most players are still under rank 50 so Bioware see this as an opportunity for time as most people have not gotten through the current content yet.


It is nice you are on a populated server and have no problems getting grps. But the majority of the players donot have that situation now. Do not look at the issue with rose colored glasses. What you are experencing now in the game...a ton are not on other servers.

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I unsubscribed this past Saturday, here are my reasons -


1. When I watched the initial previews for the game, I thought the pvp was going to be awesome. I mean the CGI scenes featured huge battles of Jedi vs Sith, I thought the pvp would reflect that epic scale. No such luck with 4, 8 vs 8 warzones.


2. Open world pvp is not rewarded or promoted in anyway. There are no open world dungeons, this means both teams sit and there fleets and q up. The game does not feel like war at all.


3. The gear sets are all the same, meaning that everyone runs around looking alike. Orange crafted in 1.2 changed little because the orange shells could only be created and set bonuses transferred on the new gear.


4. Repetitive endgame


5. Low server populations and no mergers in a timely fashion.


6. Lack of an overall vision for pvp, feels tacked on


Thats just off the top of my head

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Dear Bioware,


I'm quitting but I'm not just going to say I quit and ***** about it just to vent. There needs to be purpose to my words.


If you don't read ANY other posting you'll want to read this.


Fan boys need not even bother with this posting because you all would rave about it if they peed in a cup and patched it down to you so just move on.


I know you want to save money by trying to change and switch around elements of the game that are already in it, like considering making datacrons legacy items in which if one character gets them they all do. Things like this are generally fine but it is not going to bring back the customers you need if any at all. The changes needed for SWTOR are drastic and simply changing around a few variables isn't going to cut it.


This is how you save your game.


Put in sandbox areas, it will not kill you. Sorry, this is a recurring ***** that I've heard too many times so I'm addressing it. This game with all of its great linear content is still canned-in and limited. You argue why not to all day but here is what I know to be true. You have more than one dead server to use. We all know you already have textures and prefabbed pieces to use. With HeroEngines editing capabilities you could EASILY get this done. If you say it can't be done quickly or done at all then you are just not being honest with your customers. I have an indy HeroEngine account and I know full well that it could be done in a matter of days or a few weeks if your drag your feet. You could do this quickly even with a few small cities, towns and some mission terminals thrown in the works.


You need to think outside of the can. Has it ever occurred to any of your designers that you could, for just one example, re-create a planet like Endor and do something like have player houses that were tree houses, guild halls and player made shops? All a tree house theme that would blend in with the forest motiff (and yes, if you have worthwhile programmers you absolutely CAN do player housing, they had that in mind when they made HE.)


Hell, you could even do a little each week so there are always new areas coming into the game! It wouldn't even have to be a major patch and it just might be a start to retaining your shrinking player base.


Player creativity in SWTOR is almost non-existant. REALLY!?! Do you REALLY think that people just want to shoot (or hack) stuff all the time and not do anything else? Some people do and they are called "hardcore PvPers". While there is nothing wrong with being a PvPer at all, the overwhelming majority get tired of shoot-kill, shoot-kill, shoot-kill, shoot-kill and not much else. It gets old real fast just like your game.


SWTOR desparately needs an outlet for player creativity to break up the monotony. First, you need to have something like a level 50+ option for players to create their own instances that they can fight in themselves or bring a group into. Again, you already have the prefabs and everything needed to do this and all you would really need to do is set up some kind of editable grid which is so many units by so many units (preferably adjustable). If they want a ramp with an elite at the top to fight then they can put that in there. They should also be able to choose the theme with....(drum roll please)...game architecture you already have! I'll say this yet again because I know what can be done with HE, if your programmers tell you they can't do it then get rid of them as they are not worth the money you are paying them.


Another level 50+ perk should be the ability for players to design the shape of their own weapons. This doesn't have to be anything crazy or over-the-top. Just taking weapon parts and arranging them on a grid, not unlike designing the instances. You've already ventured into designing many various vibro sword shapes and styles so why not let players have their creativity displayed? Jedi could even design power crystal shapes to put into their hilts to make axes, short swords, hammers and hell, why not even a light sabre based shield? It's not like Consulars can kill anything besides puppies and kittens with their sabres anyway. The idea is that the shape of the crystal is the shape of the blade.


You need actual cafting player classes. This will take more time as it is new content and you can be forgiven for that but it needs to be done. Why don't you do something that has never been done before like having a separate crafting instance (but people can still see them work) where you actually follow directions on how to put something together in 3D? You know how you show the first light sabre for Jedi being constructed at the foundry? Why not make that an actual crafting machine? There is SO much that you could have crafters do in this game, indeed any failed game, that it makes my head spin but no, its an F-ing push button lottery in SWTOR.


Do great ideas have to come right up and slap you in the face and shake you nigh unto brain damage to get you to pay attention? Is having the money shook out of your pockets not enough?


Players need something else and things need to start changing very, very soon. If even one of these changes were made that I have mentioned then it would be enough to get me to come back for another month. If you don't do a half-assed job on it, I might just stay for a couple or at least until the next change. This is the way it works with nearly everybody and its how you keep your subs.


This is only the tip of the iceberg for the reasons concerning the game why I have unsubbed. So now the question remains...


Will you swallow your pride and do what it takes to save your game?


Or will SWTOR be yet another name on a long list of failed games?


-Ed War

Edited by Heart-of-a-Jedi
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I Play on an Australian/New Zealand server and i have had no trouble with server population on average there are around 90 players per planet and over 200 on fleet.


The game is not even six months old, if the game has celebrated an anniversary and the problems still persisted then i would be on board with you guys but this game is still teething so if you give up on something after 5 months then i feel sorry for you.


I think the point is that most players are still under rank 50 so Bioware see this as an opportunity for time as most people have not gotten through the current content yet.


I chose the RP asia -pacific server, we have 12-40 on fleet prime time, I am abandoning my 2 50s and starting over on both the PvE and PvP asia- pac server, hopefully the warzone pop rate will be better than 1-2 a session by the time i get back to 50.


I understand why people are leaving, my server is in the top 20 populations world wide and it was a no go for warzoners....

Edited by Elkirin
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Yeah, I unsubbed.


1: Got sick of nothing to do but PVP in the same WZs over and over, and hanging around in a glorified lobby in between matches.


2: crafting is a joke.


3: no housing, roleplay, or sandbox elements AT ALL. I never felt like I owned anything in the world, or had any place to call my own.


4: all those planets and nothing to do on them but quest, and then leave them behind. They are scenery, and nothing more....you view them on your way through, and then not again until you come through on your alt...along the exact same path.


5: constant changes to the game making hard work irrelevant. Figure out how things are going to work, set it in stone, and stop changing ****. ADD to what you have. Give people more content and more things to do instead of constantly re-inventing what is already there.


The game doesn't feel like a living galaxy....it feels like a single player game with some multiplayer bits tacked on at the end. Sorry...this kind of game doesn't do it for me. Had high hopes for the game, but I see now that catering to the "instant-gratification-must-have-combat-at-all-times" crowd is standard of this genre...until people look at this game and try to figure out what went wrong.


If you don't give people the tools to create their own content, then when YOUR content is used up they get bored and leave.


Thankfully, there's SWGemu.

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I Play on an Australian/New Zealand server and i have had no trouble with server population on average there are around 90 players per planet and over 200 on fleet.


The game is not even six months old, if the game has celebrated an anniversary and the problems still persisted then i would be on board with you guys but this game is still teething so if you give up on something after 5 months then i feel sorry for you.


I think the point is that most players are still under rank 50 so Bioware see this as an opportunity for time as most people have not gotten through the current content yet.


Please don't even say anything anymore ever about server population. You have 3 servers in the whole lot of Asia Pacific/Australia compared to 123 servers of North America. Actually don't even say anything at all if you don't know anything about the situation in the US servers.


Also most players are still under rank 50? Just ROFL...

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Well, today i changed my billing to monthly payment.

I have about 11 days to go, and i dont know how much longer ill stay.


There are no more classes that interests me, and darkside isnt really appealing to me.

I have 3 Alts at lvl 50, and i love my latest Shadow a lot.

But im about half WH with him now, and im starting to get really bored.

I try, i really do try keep my self busy in the game.

But flashpoints gives me no pleasure.

Ops are about the same.

Besides, i have to respec my hybrid to even play FPs and Ops.

The 4 warzone maps are getting old.

Did i say 4? I mean 3 and ½, Nova is the worst map ever.

Remove the turrets and call it a TDM map, that would make it fun.

Ilum PvP is dead, so in Outlaws Den.


With the 1,3 preview, i see nothing for me in there, at all.

Legacy? Yeah, they are all 50 now. So the new stuff is worthless to me.

Augment slot? Yeah, "really amazing".


Sound issue, oh god almighty.

I am sooooo tired of people and my self saying:

Brb, need a restart, sound bug again.

And being in a group with 4 to warzone, that happens too often. (Almost after each map)

Im sick of it!


Crafting, still useless.

Materials are worth more than finished products.

You get tons of stuff for free doing daily.

To many vendors setting the price on crafters products.


All and all, im getting very bored.

Im trying, i really am.

Everything is just, to little to late.


Wrong priorities BW, and you would know it if you started to listen to the community again.


Ill play my 11 days, and im pretty sure ill take another month after that.

But after that, i really dont think i can hold on any longer.


And no, after that i will not be back.

No matter what.

it might be a personal principle,

But ones i lost interest, i move on, and i keep moving on.



Edited by DecanAndersen
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Canned my sub today, basically I got 4 lvl 50s on a dead server, I have tried to re-roll on a busier server but in all honesty I dont think I have the energy to get to 50 again :eek:, so basically till there are transfers and/or mergers I am gona leave my account in limbo.


Anyways see ya all around someday, have fun :D

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1) Long loading on any planets, no wonder ppl stay mainly on the fleet

2) Crazy amount of bugs - during storylines, flashpoints and side quests

3) I love PVE but i cannot do that because there is around 20 ppl on the fleet during rush hours and tryind even for 1,5 hour won't help you find a group.

4) Unbalanced classes, not much to say, BW should just change the description of some classes e.g. Commando

5) What hurts me the most is the fact that I encouraged my friend to play this game even he doesn't fancy futuristic games or watched SW. That's really embarassing that after just few months of game we have to quit...

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1) Lack of content: There isn't really anything to do with lvl 50

2) Empty servers: My server has 20 people on the fleet during primetime and 1-5 people on the planets

3) Loading times: It takes forever to go from planet to planet

4) Repetitive gameplay: Every planet has the same progression: Go to questgiver, do a few fetch/kill/activate item quests, go to next area, rinse and repeat.

5) Bad customer service: My smuggler is bugged and stuck on a class quest and in 1 month and many tickets the problem still isn't fixed. The whole android ticket answer machine makes me angry.


I really tried to like it, but somehow it didn't work for me. :(

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I unsubbed a few days ago.


My 5 reasons.



No hood toggle, yes this might seem silly for many of you that this is my number 1 reason... But I am just so tired of looking identical to everyone else. When the first trailers and screenshots was shown for this game, my choice to make a Jedi Knight was because of how cool they looked. And when I started playing and got my first hood up robe I thought that of course they would include some robes with the hood up, to have some divercity... But after a few levels of not seeing a single robe with the hood down I realized that all the advertisment and marketing for the Jedi Knight are lies, and the bad thing is they still continue to show hood down JK on trailers and screenshots. And if they make a hood toggle and it just completly removes the hood and does not replace it with a hood down model, then it is just lazy and not good enough.



End game = raiding, 4 man flashpoints, PvP or daily quests.... For a game that I thought would focus on story, I hoped that they would make something cool for us casuals, a big solo or 2 man quest chain that would be much more challenging than normal quests, but still doable solo or with another player, with some great looking custom gear as reward, I am not looking for the best gear, I just want something unique looking stuff that is not just for raiders or PvP players... For those who likes to make alts they have given us the legacy system. which brings me to my next point.



Legacy system is crap, first of all the legacy tree is stupid, I can't add more than 1 sibling to my character, or 1 rival etc. It is not a family tree, more like a family log.... But the really bad part is that ones you get maybe legacy level 10 and can buy the first tier of legacy custom gear.... They cost so much that it feels like a punishment, and not an acomplishment. But the worst thing is that Bioware could not take their time to even design unique looking sets, no just rehashed textures of gear allready in the game.... The only set that is somewhat unique is the first set for JK.... But they manage to ruin that to, by placing some imensly ugly shoulder pads on one of the best normal robe model in game.... sigh....To me it seems that they really only care for raiders and PvP players in this game it seems.



PvP..... why is it that Illum is a barren wasteland... why does PvP always has to be focused on doing the same boring gimmicky PvP warzones over and over again.... Illum at least looks like a real battlefield, but apperantly it is not used at all, it is just a barren wasteland with nothing to do, at least on my server.



I could not think of a real good reason here, not one that made me quit at least. But one thing comes to mind that just bothers me... The speeders in the game should not be called speeders.... They are so slow it is insulting to the Star Wars brand....


Finaly words:

Ok this is my rant of things that annoys me greatly, and made me unsub. They might seem petty to some of you, but it is what it is. I might return some day when/if they start focusing on what I found the most important part of their game, story. But right now it just feels like any other MMO who focus mostly on PvP and raiding.

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There is no downtime today, which would normally make me ecstatic, but instead of playing the game I am reading through all these posts.


I don't have any immediate plans to unsub, but it pains me to see the game in it's current state. I waited years for this game, spent the months leading up to Early Access making lists and charts of all the things I planned to do. It was excessive, but I was pumped! I was preparing to spend the next several years of my life playing SWTOR. If someone had told me 6 months ago what the game would be like today, after catching my breath, I would have thanked them for the good laugh. This game was like the Titanic to me; it was unsinkable.


Back in November of last year, I finally canceled my WoW account after 5 years and deleted every character I had. There was no way I was going to go back after SWTOR. This would be the only game I would ever need. Wrong.


While I am still actively playing this game, I've gone back to keeping tabs on that "other game", something I was certain I would never do again. Let me just say that, pandas aren't looking too bad afterall.

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The bugs... god, Bioware, just fix the damn bugs and I'll be back in a heartbeat. Love the game, love you, but I can't play a game on the fritz. It's just... not professional. One of my main gripes about gaming companies today is their inability to FIX bugs before cramming more crap into the game, which inevitably creates more bugs, which then causes the bugs to pile up, which THEN creates an incredibly long and frustrating debugging process.


I mean... it's just baffling why people don't do this in their games. Do you guys really think we're not going to notice the horribly obnoxious bugs that you refuse to fix, 6 months - going on 7 - this far into launch? Sound bugs, animation/graphical glitches, game breaking item disappearing bugs, etc... the list goes on and on, and the bugs keep piling up.


The other thing I hate about this game is the poor optimization across different computer hardware specs. By rights, my computer should be able to handle this game no problem -- but due to it's poor optimization for my computer, it runs like utter crap. The lag is... dear God, it's horrible. And I can't even run shadows without my game exploding, which is odd -- since I can run shadows fine in nearly every other game I play. That's right! I've tested graphics settings on games with higher default graphic settings than TOR and they run better... /face_palm.


Just fix the damn game, Bioware. Seriously. Stop cramming SW:TOR's gullet with bug ridden content and work on the debugging process first.

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Then its my bad. I could have sworn thats what it said when I looked at it. Lesson to self - NEVER post anyting after a few beers until sober. lol.


Well the engine that they(RIFT) use is very good indeed. I dont think the Hero engine is cut out for MMO gaming. Its too clunky and the staple function of an MMO - is Massve Multiplayers and we all know that when theres around 20 people, the game stutters and lags up.


and Bethesda/Zenimax are going to try to use it for The Elder Scrolls Online. it is the number one reason I'm not excited for that game but expecting a train wreck that I can't look away from. Bethesda's buggy programming, Hero Engine after getting my tastes of it in TOR.. Choo Choo.

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Well I haven't played this game since a few days after 1.2, and before that i was unsubbed after the first two months. I just stopped by today cause d3 is down for maintenance and I am a star wars fan. There are plenty of reasons why i unsubbed, here are the top ones!


1. Game engine is crap! Really long load times that increased with every patch and horrible fps was the killer for me!


2. Unfinished product, when i came back for 1.2 i thought that the state of the game was what it almost should be at launch!


3. The development team! They seemed to care more about catering to "the pvp" types out there whining about everything under the sun. They made rash decisions and made the wrong ones in my eyes!


4. Lack of foresight! Besides the awesome coop story driven game that is SWTOR, there is not much else here to brag about! What a roller coaster space shooter? that was a joke and way repetitive! It was fun, but i think i would of put a quarter maybe two into that game and moved on. End game Pve? That was lack luster at best! might have been better if they would of chosen the game engine a little better. Not to mention, the bugs, rage timers, mechanics that my 5 yr old could figure out.....then there was the ccrafting, really one type of crafting was viable at end game....all in all it was a good coop space shooter game. a mmorpg i think not!


5. boredom! ok i played through the story, I am now level 50 so what to do? maybe end game raids....buggy, lack luster, and well not very exciting to me. maybe end game pvp? world pvp..non existant. warzones? by definition doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is insanity! not too mention an asinine amount of cc, and the "fad" of making dps classes more and more powerful. If i wanted to not control my character in a fight i watch someones stream on twitchtv and just think its mine and what i could have done. Ok i got it, I could play another class to 50 and enjoy its story. Well the game has been out 6months, and I can't remember a damn thing about any of the characters stories that i played. I can tell you about a lot of novels I have read in my lifetime, or movies I have watched. there are a ton of memorable moments. Swtor just didn't have any for me.


anyways just wanted to throw my reason in here! Being a star wars fan for most my life, I really wish this game would have been better. I did enjoy the first three weeks of course, but all in all the game was not anywhere near as good as the "hype", nor was it good as a mmorpg in general.

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I logged in yesterday, queued for a WZ and waited. Then, I looked up into the top left of my screen and there were 16 people on the fleet at PEAK TIME, so i logged out.


I play games to have fun. Its taken me 5 months to reach lvl 50 as a casual player, and now i cant enjoy it.


I am therefore forced to leave.


Its such a shame - I waited years for this game.

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Just unsubbed, played the game a lot since launch to level 30 legacy, my server died so i rerolled to fatman a few weeks ago and the game was fun again since there were people to play with and wz popped all the time. Took a break for a week and been playing diablo, got home tonight and diablo was down so logged into swtor... 20 people om fatman fleet, *** this is why i rerolled in the first place. Highest pop server is dead then whats the point in playing, i realize its off hours but im playing from hawaii on an east coast server just to have some sort of mmo feel, q'd up for a wz and waited 20 mins, get into civil map and my sound doesnt work, half way through i get perma-stunned by a flash bang that never breaks. Why am i paying for this garbage? /canceled
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The inability to interact with world objects and the end game grindfest for gear forces me to see how small the TOR world really is both literally and figuratively. I want something more than a pretty tapestry and a paper doll to play with.


Also, BW went too far with the balancing. Every character and class plays virtually the same. The story lines make it somewhat different and entertaining. But at level 50, ... see above...

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1) Lack of content: There isn't really anything to do with lvl 50

2) Empty servers: My server has 20 people on the fleet during primetime and 1-5 people on the planets

3) Loading times: It takes forever to go from planet to planet

4) Repetitive gameplay: Every planet has the same progression: Go to questgiver, do a few fetch/kill/activate item quests, go to next area, rinse and repeat.

5) Bad customer service: My smuggler is bugged and stuck on a class quest and in 1 month and many tickets the problem still isn't fixed. The whole android ticket answer machine makes me angry.


I really tried to like it, but somehow it didn't work for me. :(


Amen to this.

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