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Everything posted by Wharmaster

  1. SWG is far from "dead". In fact, if SOE brought back SWG servers, I would give them the big middle digit. I already play SWG, better than SOE's versions were, and I don't have to worry about it getting the wow-treatment.
  2. Yeah, I unsubbed. 1: Got sick of nothing to do but PVP in the same WZs over and over, and hanging around in a glorified lobby in between matches. 2: crafting is a joke. 3: no housing, roleplay, or sandbox elements AT ALL. I never felt like I owned anything in the world, or had any place to call my own. 4: all those planets and nothing to do on them but quest, and then leave them behind. They are scenery, and nothing more....you view them on your way through, and then not again until you come through on your alt...along the exact same path. 5: constant changes to the game making hard work irrelevant. Figure out how things are going to work, set it in stone, and stop changing ****. ADD to what you have. Give people more content and more things to do instead of constantly re-inventing what is already there. The game doesn't feel like a living galaxy....it feels like a single player game with some multiplayer bits tacked on at the end. Sorry...this kind of game doesn't do it for me. Had high hopes for the game, but I see now that catering to the "instant-gratification-must-have-combat-at-all-times" crowd is standard of this genre...until people look at this game and try to figure out what went wrong. If you don't give people the tools to create their own content, then when YOUR content is used up they get bored and leave. Thankfully, there's SWGemu.
  3. During the time period that the game took place, there were very few jedi, and they were in hiding. SWG wasn't meant to be about a bunch of kids running around with glow-bats. IMO, they never should have been added to the game in the first place.
  4. The "Next" SW MMO will be the last one, ALA SWGemu. Seriously....as much as I wanted to love SWTOR, and loved a lot about it....what I need from a game to keep me interested long-term simply isn't here. There's more content and things to do on SWGemu's Basilisk server....even in alpha.
  5. play SWGemu until Bioware gets a clue, I guess.
  6. It is a test server. they are making these things available for you to test. Do not make the mistake of assuming that everythig that is on a PTS server is going live. I take it you are new to testing??
  7. I'm not going anywhere for the forseeable future. But I love it when renewal time comes.....it thins the troll population out.
  8. Never tried to sell them, actually. I use them constantly in PVP...can barely supply my own demand.
  9. I was a closed beta tester. That said, I am sick to death of the side quests. These days I just do class quests, and other than that PVP. Yeah, it takes a little longer....but it's a lot more fun, better gear, and let's face it....already having valor level 50 when you're done leveling and enough comms to buy a few bags is a def plus. Just wish we had a couple more warzones.
  10. this is a pretty important hotfix. I honestly doubt that they would be patching at all if it weren't such a serious issue.
  11. this thread is crying for the sake of it. welcome to the world of new MMOs. Patches happen. The servers are down when people are typically sleeping, and not for anywhere near as long as many other games I've played. The irony is that people ***** when the servers come down for a patch, but then would ***** if things weren't getting fixed fast enough. There is no pleasing these people.
  12. Somehow, we were able to manage threat in other games for over a decade without a graphic indicator. I think we can probably manage now too. We were also able to sniff out slackers, leeches, and afk'ers.
  13. I like having a diverse toolset. Options are good. I've played MMOs with more abilities than this. 4 toolbars is not bad at all. I think some ppl around here just want to be able to macro 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3 and drool into their keyboards while talking about their genitals on ventrilo.
  14. Following the Dark Side is not about being "evil". The Sith care for personal gain, and power. Arrogance comes with the territory.
  15. Yes, I love it. It's not perfect, but it's getting better, and I'm in it for the long haul. Bioware has never disappointed me.
  16. I shoulda taken a freakin' screenshot of these forums during early access. Thread after thread of "Bioware open more servers pls!!!! Queue lengths are too long!! We need more servers!!!" etc.... Now, we have enough servers to handle the population, and their capacity has been increased to the point where there are no queues. And NOW people are spinning it to make "DOOM!!!!" threads. Hilarious.
  17. My log got clogged once. Some prune juice cleared that right up.
  18. I didn't rush either of my 50's. Took my time and enjoyed it. But I also enjoy the endgame. Especially the PVP, which is what I spend most of my time doing. I dunno...I can still find plenty of stuff to do, even when I get bored of crushing Republic scum.
  19. to hell with those damn 1/2'ers!!! I'll gank every one I see!!
  20. gratz!!! I just hit 50 on my second toon two days ago. I agree...this game is freakin' great
  21. Dailies on Bel and Ilum....crafting....exploration and datacrons....go back and check for quests that you missed. Start a speeder collection. Try to complete all your companion's quests. get a guild and RP. World PVP if you're on a PVP server. I kep finding things to do. You just have to think about it for a bit. Once you're 50, there's no more trail of bread crumbs to follow.
  22. before someone else says it.... your flying mount is in wow....over there ------>
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