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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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I love starwars, I should be the easiest person to cater to and have stuck around for now.


I am always on the fence though. Here is why.....


I am always just hanging out on FLEET all the time, I have no reason to travel to Koriban with my level 50 sith (i love that place).


Leaving fleet is a pain in the back side, the minute i see that clip of my ship undocking from fleet i regret even boarding the thing.


Just very rinse and repeat over and over and over and over, time sink after time sink..loading screens.


Space is played out, I am over that part.


I love starwars but i just have a twi'lek living on fleet all the time when i log in.

Edited by kirorx
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I love starwars, I should be the easiest person to cater to and have stuck around for now.


I am always on the fence though. Here is why.....


I am always just hanging out on FLEET all the time, I have no reason to travel to Koriban with my level 50 sith (i love that place).


Leaving fleet is a pain in the back side, the minute i see that clip of my ship undocking from fleet i regret even boarding the thing.


Just very rinse and repeat over and over and over and over, time sink after time sink..loading screens.


Space is played out, I am over that part.


I love starwars but i just have a twi'lek living on fleet all the time when i log in.


I know the feeling... pretty sure many people do or did. It is a shame really, was really looking forward to this game.

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I cant even browse forums here cuz they cut off my threads and block my responses. Ya'll have fun. To all u devs that made this game, worse failure ever.


Peace everyone. Do urseld a favor and quit until Elder Scrolls online is out next year. Same engine that will actually work unlike here in SWTOR.

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I cant even browse forums here cuz they cut off my threads and block my responses. Ya'll have fun. To all u devs that made this game, worse failure ever.


Peace everyone. Do urseld a favor and quit until Elder Scrolls online is out next year. Same engine that will actually work unlike here in SWTOR.


Have a good one. I really hope that's the last post I see from ya. Laterz. ;)

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Just unsubbed about 10 minutes ago, although I have 34 days left of play time.


1) My server is horid. 32 people on fleet right now, at 5:30 PDT. Granted it's a East Coast server, this is just silly. Game doesn't feel like MMO, can't group for ANYTHING.

2) Customer service is horrible. Every CSR I've spoken with speaks heavily broken english, with heavy accents, and I have to repeat litteraly every sentence a second, sometimes a third time. It adds to the frustration of already having to call a 800 number.

3) Bioware (or EA) dropping ball so many times at critical times. Not having a failsafe system to prevent dead servers ready months in advance...? 124 servers...It's just kind of sad, like I really do empathize for Bioware employee's that knew it was coming, wanted to do something, but for whatever reason were not allowed too.

4) Everybody I loved playing with through 6 months of the BETA and after launch quit because the Endgame is so boring and lackluster.

5) Feedback in BETA seemed like everyone wanted World PvP, and hated Illum, yet they still pumped out Ilum., failed, changed it, failed harder....they don't listen. Even though I know every game is about money, this is the first game EVER where I feel it to the core.

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I'm going to unsub because i've been patiently awaiting Bioware to make correct decisions and figure out what really needs to be prioritized.


I feel Bioware/EA whoever is making the decisions for this game is incompetent and should be fired. I would do a better job telling your dev's how to run this game and what priorities need to be made to make this game function.


Bioware/EA refuse to own up to the fact that providing as many servers as they did destroyed any chance this game had of being successful. Other than those of you playing on highly populated servers, the number one complaint is "MY SERVER IS DEAD"...this is the case with the server I started on, now have 2 50's decked out in columni or better, alt slots filled up, and WE ONLY LOG ON TO RAID ONCE OR TWICE A WEEK, because we pvp the same 8 people every night, because Imperial fleet at 9 pm EST on a thursday night only has 13 people and when i did a /who for the entire server the empire side only had 5 level 50's online including myself. I had a lot of respect for Bioware before playing this game, I had enough respect that I bit my tongue for months about how stupid they as a company are handling an MMO style game. It is readily apparent they didn't listen to their beta testers, and they don't listen to their paying customers. My server is dead, No I'm not going to be re-rolling any of my toons on a higher populated server as I don't really care to see the same storyline twice. I personally will never buy another game having anything to do with Electronic Arts or Bioware. You've had 6 months to correct your mistakes, and I had high hopes of you guys doing so. But server merges/transfers you've admitted to not being a priority. You want to add new content that many people can't even play because their servers are so dead it's hard to find 8 50's to play at once, you bring us new warzones that we can only play at certain times of the day, and it's always against the same group of people.


Bioware is a big bag of FAIL. End of story..I'd love this game, if they hired someone like me to tell them what they need to fix asap, but I've begun to see you BW/EA doesn't give a damn about it's customers and is more worried abuot maintaining self image by trying to present things as better than what they really are. As it is, my guild barely logs on to raid twice a week. I don't expect them to stay subbed, nor would I blame them, half of them are playing Tera now, and Diablo 3 just came out. Way to set your sights on the long term Bioware, by not doing anything to make sure your current subscribers can actually enjoy the time they've put into your fail of a game.

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I unsubbed some weeks ago.


1. Unable to progress or do any content other than PVP.

2. Crafting is pointless if you're not biochem.

3. PVP stat is ridiculous.

4. Legacy rewards are way too expensive and some are useless.

5. Light and dark side alignments have no meaning.

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Reasons for Unsubbing.


Dead Servers.


Unable to group for quests or flashpoints easily.


Obtuse crafting system.


Character creation system. I (feel about as unique as an Iphone)


The promise of adding new races even though ive already maxxed out every race and would have to move server to play these races.... unless you raise the character limit per server.


Broken companion affection system.


Family tree is... pointless.


Loading times on planets are really awful.


Questionable PvP mechanics that are a result of major flaws in the combat system.


Space Combat...


Empty planets.


Still no update to the CE Store :(


Legacy Rewards are too expensive and kits too rare.


And the lingering fear that EA wont let you spend money to fix things...

Thats all i can think of... it is 2am here.

Edited by Shrivenx
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I unsubscribed a few days ago. There are a few reasons I stopped playing. Before I list them I must state that I am a HUGE Star Wars fan...HUGE. I also really liked the game when I first started. The story aspect was intriguing, and I always love playing a Star Wars video game. For the record, I played a Sniper to lvl 50, in full BM gear and was almost at War Hero. I also had a lvl 37 Mercenary. But here are my main reasons for quitting


1) PvP- I chose a PvP server. I never saw open world PvP, and never ran into Republic players on other planets (until the Rakghoul event on Tatooine) while questing. This was ridiculous. There was never a random encounter. There was no ganking. There was no organized attacks on Republic or Imperial areas. There was no Player Vs. Player...AT ALL. What was there? War Zones. That's it. a few WZ's to play in. Timed, objective, mini-games, that were so blatantly lopsided sometimes that it was often lacking in fun. Or the WZ where half of your team quits, and then the WZ ends because of too few players.

I don't hate Warzones, but if Warzones are the only PvP offered on a PvP server...then yah...I have a HUGE problem. I honestly didn't even mind the grind too much for the PvP gear, but changing how PvP was done, and adding in recruit gear so early in the games life was absolutely horrible. I earned mine with sweat and tears...and wore my gear as a badge of honor. PvP was the #1 reason I left the game. It simply sucked.


2) Endgame-- When I hit lvl 50 I was so proud. I loved the ending to my story, and was looking forward to lvl 50 WZ's. I was looking forward to running some ops, and some instances. Well...I soon realized that I could never find a group a group to raid with, even in my own guild. I had no gear, and I was a sniper.I was a living deterrent. I went on a few with them, and got into an occasional PUG run, but it was extremely hard to get into a endgame group for PvE. So....I primarily did WZs to get my cool gear, and to do something. Then...I tried doing dailies. and doing dailies. and doing dailies....etc. etc. etc. That was simply NOT fun. It was in fact very horrible. I did not become the Empires greatest Imperial Agent, just to run dailies over and over and over again to get a Rakatta earpierce, etc. This killed my motivation to play. After the WZ burnout I had nothing left to do with my lvl 50.


3) The graphics engine- Don't get me wrong. Most of the game looked pretty good. But it ran like crap on many computers, even GOOD computers. The HERO engine is a piece of garbage (let's face it...it's true). I play TERA, which has MUCH better graphics, and it runs 100xs better than SWTOR, even with a large amount of people casting spells etc. No lag....no glitches.


4) It was too much of a WoW clone-- Seriously...I understand EA's desire to make profit probably had a lot to do with choosing a "safe" and tested version of an MMO....But WoW is it's own game. It's also an OLD game, that many other games have tried to mimic. They have ALL failed. I expected BioWare to create something original...something to challenge MMO gameplay and conventional standards for the genre. Nope....we got WOW in space. This is not what I was looking for.


5) General gameplay- The game was too easy for an MMO. It felt like I was playing the Force Unleashed or something. It also did not feel like an MMO. I have played MMO's since the original EverQuest, and have played through a large amount of them, sticking primarily to Dark Age of Camelot, SWG, and WOW. The gameplay of SWTOR was not complex. The PvE felt dumbed down. I could solo quest, watch TV, play with my cat, and have a conversation with my wife, and never die. The enemy tactics never changed. There was absolutely ZERO "AI". The game was too easy. Getting a group was very hard (and I was not on a barren server).


6) Released too early-- The game was still in beta upon release. Not what was expected of the most anticipated MMO in the past 8-10 years!! This seriously killed your player base. In MMO's....once you lose people they rarely come back. The Star Wars IP may help with this...but not 100%


7) No space combat-- Nuff said.


Anyway....that's why I quit. It wasn't worth my money anymore. I am currently playing TERA and D3. TERA is an amazing next generation MMO. It does "almost" everything right. If I just wanted to play a good, single player game, I would play SWTOR . If I want to play a good MMO....I'm gonna log into TERA. I hope SWTOR is a good game when it's finished. Right now, it feels 70% done.

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I unsubscribed a few days ago. There are a few reasons I stopped playing. Before I list them I must state that I am a HUGE Star Wars fan...HUGE. I also really liked the game when I first started. The story aspect was intriguing, and I always love playing a Star Wars video game. For the record, I played a Sniper to lvl 50, in full BM gear and was almost at War Hero. I also had a lvl 37 Mercenary. But here are my main reasons for quitting


1) PvP- I chose a PvP server. I never saw open world PvP, and never ran into Republic players on other planets (until the Rakghoul event on Tatooine) while questing. This was ridiculous. There was never a random encounter. There was no ganking. There was no organized attacks on Republic or Imperial areas. There was no Player Vs. Player...AT ALL. What was there? War Zones. That's it. a few WZ's to play in. Timed, objective, mini-games, that were so blatantly lopsided sometimes that it was often lacking in fun. Or the WZ where half of your team quits, and then the WZ ends because of too few players.

I don't hate Warzones, but if Warzones are the only PvP offered on a PvP server...then yah...I have a HUGE problem. I honestly didn't even mind the grind too much for the PvP gear, but changing how PvP was done, and adding in recruit gear so early in the games life was absolutely horrible. I earned mine with sweat and tears...and wore my gear as a badge of honor. PvP was the #1 reason I left the game. It simply sucked.


2) Endgame-- When I hit lvl 50 I was so proud. I loved the ending to my story, and was looking forward to lvl 50 WZ's. I was looking forward to running some ops, and some instances. Well...I soon realized that I could never find a group a group to raid with, even in my own guild. I had no gear, and I was a sniper.I was a living deterrent. I went on a few with them, and got into an occasional PUG run, but it was extremely hard to get into a endgame group for PvE. So....I primarily did WZs to get my cool gear, and to do something. Then...I tried doing dailies. and doing dailies. and doing dailies....etc. etc. etc. That was simply NOT fun. It was in fact very horrible. I did not become the Empires greatest Imperial Agent, just to run dailies over and over and over again to get a Rakatta earpierce, etc. This killed my motivation to play. After the WZ burnout I had nothing left to do with my lvl 50.


3) The graphics engine- Don't get me wrong. Most of the game looked pretty good. But it ran like crap on many computers, even GOOD computers. The HERO engine is a piece of garbage (let's face it...it's true). I play TERA, which has MUCH better graphics, and it runs 100xs better than SWTOR, even with a large amount of people casting spells etc. No lag....no glitches.


4) It was too much of a WoW clone-- Seriously...I understand EA's desire to make profit probably had a lot to do with choosing a "safe" and tested version of an MMO....But WoW is it's own game. It's also an OLD game, that many other games have tried to mimic. They have ALL failed. I expected BioWare to create something original...something to challenge MMO gameplay and conventional standards for the genre. Nope....we got WOW in space. This is not what I was looking for.


5) General gameplay- The game was too easy for an MMO. It felt like I was playing the Force Unleashed or something. It also did not feel like an MMO. I have played MMO's since the original EverQuest, and have played through a large amount of them, sticking primarily to Dark Age of Camelot, SWG, and WOW. The gameplay of SWTOR was not complex. The PvE felt dumbed down. I could solo quest, watch TV, play with my cat, and have a conversation with my wife, and never die. The enemy tactics never changed. There was absolutely ZERO "AI". The game was too easy. Getting a group was very hard (and I was not on a barren server).


6) Released too early-- The game was still in beta upon release. Not what was expected of the most anticipated MMO in the past 8-10 years!! This seriously killed your player base. In MMO's....once you lose people they rarely come back. The Star Wars IP may help with this...but not 100%


7) No space combat-- Nuff said.


Anyway....that's why I quit. It wasn't worth my money anymore. I am currently playing TERA and D3. TERA is an amazing next generation MMO. It does "almost" everything right. If I just wanted to play a good, single player game, I would play SWTOR . If I want to play a good MMO....I'm gonna log into TERA. I hope SWTOR is a good game when it's finished. Right now, it feels 70% done.


All of this.

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OK. That´s it for me. I quit. Although I already unsubscribed months ago, as of today I had 28 days of my free gametime remaining and kept playing to gear grind through the same ol´ static planets and four warzones over and over until Battlemaster and Warhero pixel armor.


Besides the game being repetetive and underpopulated it´s just way too grindy and time consuming. Don´t even know how I could spend that much time on a game. Even created a bunch of ALTs to craft items because the GTN is dead and no one is selling low level items or crafting mats for fast gearing up ALTs.


So, finally uninstalled the game today and now going back to some good old real life activity. Game´s should be entertaining and not a second job. Also no plan to end up as a freakin´ MMO addict.


Might be back if there ever will be a nice casual friendly space sim included, and a ship mailbox doesn´t make me grind for an effing million credits, otherwise, bye bye TOR, so long, and thanks for all the fish.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Still have about a month left, but deleted my credit card info so I cant be charged for another cycle.


Very patiently waiting for transfers for over 2 months...tried to reroll but dont have the time to put the effort into another 50 with full pvp gear.


The #1 complaint is no character transfers, yet they dont listen to their customers.

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Moving my post here at the request of moderators. Adding some clarifications to the end as well:


Howdy everybody. I am thinking about canceling my Star Wars account, and thought I should communicate why because I think I'm not the only person who was looking for something in this game that didn't find it. I'm curious about what others think.


Before I begin I'd like to say that I understand what I'm about to describe, the game I hoped SW would be, is likely impossibly large / too grand to be implemented. This isn't a spoiled child saying "but I wanted a PONY" but rather my blue sky view of what something like this could be and a significant way to differentiate your game from WOW. None of what I'm about to say amounts to SW:TOR is broken because it doesn't do these things, TOR is very good at being what it wants to be... what I'm about to describe is a completely different game.


What I wanted in SW:TOR was the ability to inhabit a world in which space wizards exist. I wanted to be dropped into the world as an individual and build my own story. There should be some over-arching world plotline that grows and advances... that encourages me to interact with others, but there is something subtly broken in allowing people to inhabit the same world where they all played through the same story. I was a bounty hunter. Every other person who was a bounty hunter was in the same Great hunt, going after the same target, with the same Mako as a partner. If we REALLY were inhabiting the same world that's impossible. There aren't a million Mako clones for each of us to have. This means that I wasn't inhabiting the same world as other bounty hunters. It means I was inhabiting my own universe, and they were running through their own parallel one. We'd team up only when we needed bodies to throw at a particular mission.


This 'Breaking the story' thing happens when there are missions that can be run multiple times. How many times can I attack the same satellite? Why is it still there? Didn't I blow it up yesterday? There aren't any stakes in these missions. There can't be. When I complete them they're still there to be done again tomorrow. Nothing has changed by my success or failure at the mission.


It's about Global Continuity. Without this I argue that you've removed the RPG element completely.


"You just don't like MMORPGs" I hear you saying. Not so. I don't like this particular implementation of them. The implementation that sacrifices the RPG element completely. There's nothing in the words "Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game" that says that you have to have grind quests, that everybody has to have access to the same quests, that you have to dungeon crawl the same dungeons, clicking on bad guys until they die to collect X number of pelts to return to a quest giver for gold.


Back in the old MS-DOS days I used to play an RPG, I think it was an Ultima game, but I don't remember specifically, that didn't have individual player story lines. Instead it dropped you in a world where things weren't quite right. You started off a young person with nothing but some money. You had to find a town to call home. You had to decide what you wanted to be in this world by finding a guild of your choice to apprentice with. You built a reputation in this world by helping your guild. You could take new jobs, mundane or exciting. It was your choice whether you decided to become a hero questing in the world, setting out to right the world's wrongs with a sword that you bought (or was given to you by someone you befriended or saved), or just a merchant in your village... allowing the rule of the evil king to continue while you used your own influence to gain power within your city, perhaps to eventually overthrow him politically instead of physically. You chose the ladder you wanted to climb and you chose how to climb it.


That's what I wanted out of TOR, but instead of everybody else being a computer related NPC, I could do it with real people, in the Star Wars universe. Let's go back to my bounty hunter. Instead being dropped into the Great Hunt with the goal of getting revenge on Taro Blood I should be dropped.... on a planet. Some planet that makes sense for the particular race I chose. From there if I chose to become a bounty hunter I should fall into it by some logical means: Perhaps by going to the local authorities looking for criminals to bring to justice. I should then HEAR about the the great hunt. "Say you're pretty good. Ever think about the great hunt to REALLY make a name for yourself?" but if I DO enter the great hunt I should be up against OTHER player characters. We all inhabit the same world after all. Instead of the Great Hunt being something every one of us completes, it should be something that only one of us on the server (world) is able to win. Each of us may be given different targets, which means we could have different levels of success (This year in the Great Hunt I got 4 of my 6 targets before Bounty Hunter ABC won! I'm getting better) but it should be a global event. As I progress I could eventually buy or steal a ship to go off world and take bounties where I choose to find them. I should be able to make a name for myself in a unique way that other player characters care about. My reputation in the world should matter. Other players should be able to hire me to help them, not just with their missions, but with anything. "I really need to find item Y, but it is protected by this cartel. Let's hire a bounty hunter. Do you know a good one? Oh this guy is on all the time. He's twice as expensive as the others but you can count on him to deliver."


Player interaction and role playing on a massive scale. Troopers should be able to grow up to be Generals or pilots, even politicians and leaders. They could retire from the military and join local law enforcement. Wouldn't it be fun to be a backwater sheriff on Tattoine? Bounty Hunters could come in and bribe you to tell them about the local goings on to help them find their current targets. You'd be investigating smugglers like Han Solo, turning a blind eye to the Hutts as they bribe you/offer to keep a modicum of the peace. Or you could be the young buck who is determined to civilize this godforsaken rock and bring some justice to it, possibly making the Hutts nervous and anxious to hire a bounty hunter to assassinate you as you get more successful. In any event the decisions you make, the actions you take during the story you develop change the world around you and affect the characters and other players.


The possibilities are endless. A Republic Leader could decide "It's time to take Korriban back" and initiate an all out war for the planet. THAT'S how you do PVP. You don't have fights because fights are fun arena style (unless that arena fits thematically, such as placing one in Tattoine) The result of that war should have lasting consequences and shouldn't be predetermined. If the alliance wins, they gain control of the planet, and have to deal with occupation. Player characters who were generals in that battle could now become responsible for governing areas of the planet, keeping it under control and establishing / hiring law enforcement. Player characters who took a more 'merchant' path now have to figure out if they are Imperial men and subtly lead covert strikes against the occupiers, or decide to embrace their new republic overlords and sell to them instead.


Clearly lots of these kinds of things are impossibly large in scope but my goal here is to describe the kind of things that this KIND of game would aspire to... I'm trying to build a theme. We will never see these kind of elements in an MMO like this. That's not to say TOR is wrong. It never wanted to BE what I'm describing. I don't blame a cat for not being a dog. It's just that there are an awful lot of cats out there right now (WoW clones) and it's tough to tell them apart. It also turns out that there are some of us who are Dog people.




To clarify: I didn't expect SW:TOR to be everything that I described, but I had hoped that it had some of those sorts of those elements.


What I tried to describe is equivalent to when you see a company put out a "The kind of thing we COULD do with this" video, like the recent Google Project Glass video, or the Wii-U video. You know that they can't pull off that level of interaction, but that's the kind of inspiration they're pulling from to get what they can. In other words, I NEVER expect to play a game like the one I described, but I'd love to play a game that was built with that kind of thing in mind, and I don't think that's impossible.


All that said, I do not blame SW:TOR for not being like this. I'm not leaving because I think it's wrong for being what it is. I'm not leaving because I blame Bioware for advertising it as something it isn't (they never did that). I'm leaving because this game in't that fun FOR ME. It isn't that different. It's another cat. I'm not upset and I don't feel cheated. Bioware promised a cat, I thought I wanted a cat, but after owning a cat for several months it turns out what I really want is a dog. That's nobody's fault but mine. I just think that there is potential for something really special here if someone as solid as Bioware decided to take this in a different direction.


Meanwhile I think there is some positive discussion that can be had that DOES relate to SW:TOR: Quests without stakes are a Bad Thing. SW:TOR can certainly do a few things to increase it's RPG element which will vastly improve player investment and further differentiate itself from WoW.

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Haven't played since February I guess. I stop by occasionally to see what BW are doing (seemingly nothing at all) and they gave me a bonus month for no reason other to pad out their "active subscriber" figures. Not looking great lads!


I left as PvP never happened, they killed off World PvP and honestly, the game isn't designed in a way that promotes it anyway. Warzones got boring after hitting 50 and spending a lot of time in there and frankly I got fed up of the same old PvP gear treadmill.


Leveling was fun, sure. Although I felt the story kind of fizzled out at the end and I found it odd that Malgus was a flashpoint boss which you kill with a grenade. After reading the Old Republic Books, watching all the trailers about Malgus... it was a total let down. There was no challenge and in no way epic like it should have been.


Raiding was ok, pretty interesting but the bugs got very frustrating to the point where I couldn't be bothered. I guess everything started to break down not long after hitting 50 and you realise the game has no soul. Having sampled other games now since I quit, I doubt I'll be coming back - the grass is most definitely greener.

Edited by Vanq
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I unsubscribed because my Parrot did not come with an eye patch. Arrrgggghhhh!




Seriously though, I unsubbed with patch 1.2 and see no reason to resub just yet. Counting the free 30 days, I have around 60 days of play time left. I'm hoping BW/EA can pull a rabbit out of their ***.


I won't waste reiterating the numerous reasons folks have given for their displeasure with the game except to say I share many of the same complaints/concerns.

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I unsubscribed because my Parrot did not come with an eye patch. Arrrgggghhhh!




Seriously though, I unsubbed with patch 1.2 and see no reason to resub just yet. Counting the free 30 days, I have around 60 days of play time left. I'm hoping BW/EA can pull a rabbit out of their ***.


I won't waste reiterating the numerous reasons folks have given for their displeasure with the game except to say I share many of the same complaints/concerns.


I wanted one of those Somethingkeets too... I agree though they should have had a eye patch for fun!

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Well, if they do finally offer an eye patch, an orange crit [augmented] version would be nice.


But wouldn't the keet be OP then??


I can just see the "Nerf the parrot eye patch nowwww!!!!" threads...

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Purchased game not long ago aswell...



So far was worst video game purchase ever.


1. Sound glitches that are nails on chalk board.

2. Random bugs i would encounter drove me off wall. Quest getting glitched Oh what fun when it took while to get group for said quest damn 4 mans -.-

3. PvP is fun and all but ALL MAPS are same minus huttball (basicly control node and wait is boring we need more flavor)

4. Worst tab target system in any game i have played...

5. FPS issues (have improved but the issue is still there).

6. Game just broken WoW with lightsabers and voice acting cut scenes, that is what this is. Sad but true.

7. even tho i rolled on fatman off the bat, devs need to merge those low pop servers fact that they wont only want transfers shows me bioware doesn't care for customer base. Devs don't give damn basicly all they want is sub fees and thats it. EA even admited this game isn't on it's top 5 and you know what that means plug maybe pulled.

8. LOAD TIMES BLOODY LOADTIMES! holy crap get better game engine WORST of any mmo...

Edited by Solitear
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t ill give it another month.

1.Dead servers.


2.Loading planets is crazy long.


3. World PVP, I leveled to 30 before I saw a republic character.


4.World is not an open world. Mountains are paintings on the screen.

5. Dead servers.

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Your subscription has been cancelled.


here are my top 3 reasons:


#1 sound bug not fixed after 5 weeks, devs will not address the issue

#2 community managers / mods censoring forum and doing damage control

#3 the huge lie about rated WZs


Stang! I forgot to list that sound BS when I took the exit survey.


I agree it is most lame and annoying that it is not fixed. A guildie submitted a ticket about the sound and was told it is not an issue and that his sound card is the issue. This despite the fact that BW stated they are aware of this issue in these forums.


Think I'm going to try out GW2.

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I've unsubbed because the game is TOO themepark. I knew it was a themepark going in to it, but this is ridiculous. It's more like a guided tour than a game. Choices are illusions at best and mean absolutely nothing in the long run.


There's no sense of community, regardless of server population. Everyone is tied up in to their own little instances with no real interaction. PVP is pointless. Raiding is just bleh for someone who has raided before in other more mature games. If you don't like Raiding or PVP, your options are reduced to near zero for things to do at endgame.


I hear people say to give them time, and I will give them time to improve, but I'm not going to give them any money while I'm waiting.

Edited by Bluerodian
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