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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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Well first of all , all my friends have left. I had dozens of friends who where excited to play this game at launch and every single freaking one of them has left. Second Im a co guild leader and our guild had good turn ours for raid days 2 months ago, now we are lucky to get one day in and usually we have to pug a few people, but most of the time it doesnt even happen. Ive asked every single guildless person on our server to join our guild so im pretty much done with the recruiting department, not that there is many people on the server to begin with we get about 50 or so during peak on the republic side. How is that an mmo? The main hub has less than 20 people for close to 90% of the day.


The gearing system also annoys me for PVE. That was always my main gripe when my server was more populated and i actually had friends playing. 1. The same gear drops from virtually every aspect of end game PVE. HM FP's have the same gear as commendation vendors and normal mode ops, hard mode ops share some of that gear as well. Even when they add a new flashpoint it still only drops the exact same gear thats already available. Lazy developers are lazy. The linearity of the gearing is appauling, I always enjoyed PVE because of the gear diversity it had when compared with PVP (one of the many reasons) . In swtor they made PVE gearing system like it is in PVP in other games, where you essentially just have 1 set of gear per season (raid). Its disheartening to me to know that there are no rare or unique items to get from raiding, just 1 set for my class per raid (if even usually the set is spread across multiple raids) and that is it. In a game where the only form of end game progression is through getting new gear i find the lack of variety demoralizing.


Sure there are orange items and mods now, but IMO that made it even worse in some ways , now epic drops from raids are simply containers for mods, nothing more you really dont have anything to actually show for when completing a raid now nothing to show your accomplishments. The mod system was fine when it didnt allow you to remove armorings, it allowed for customization without completely ruining what end game gear progression actually is. The only problem was that BW added so little gear to their end game that everyone looked the exact same so they where practically forced to implement the current orange gearing system, and that new system which was designed for crafters is now going to be made completely useless by the new system they are adding that allows you to add an augment slot to any piece of gear (sounds pretty silly imo)


To many bad development decisions aimed at casuals and then they up and blame the casuals for the 400k people that left. Why go develop a game aimed at casuals then turn around and blame them for your lack of subscribers. If its the hardcore players that remain, then shouldnt you be developing content aimed at the more hardcore player. I think im somewhere in the middle but for the most part I find this game far to casual in design, i dont even know if its meant to be designed like that or if it just feels that way because the developers where lazy / rushed to release the game /patches. I was astonished for instance when lost island came out, and all it dropped was columi gear, and a rakata piece at the end, new content that is completely useless for a good portion of your PVE playerbase is pretty bad, and like many casuals could complete that instance in hard mode anyways, the first reall boss is actually quite challenging.


Anyways ill stop the rant, but i am certainly leaving this game, if you look at my post history i was probably one of the biggest defenders of this game several months ago. Times have changed though. Im off to play some diablo 3 , good night.

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I had such high hopes for this game. I just cancelled my subscription I have 60 odd days left ( took 6 months)


First off the game world feels dead, I tried rolling on different servers and no matter what I travel from planet to planet and the population never goes about 10.

Even on a new PC the loading are way too long and too frequent. Travel is just a bore.

Spamming «*Tank LFG*» got old really fast. The voice acting is great but I am sure 90% of the time people skip it. The crafting system is just a waste of time and money with no real rewards.


The companions are a great idea on a paper but kill any sense of community since you can solo pretty much the entire game. This is first MMO where I haven’t met any playing buddies. I had little hand time with the space combat but the on rail flying made think I was playing Strarfox in the SW universe and had little incentive to level my ship.


I won’t even mention all the early down time when the game first came out feeling like I was paying for a beta version.


Oh, no /force emote? Really?

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I and a few other 'older' players have canceled our subs.

Most of us have played other MMO's (SWG and LOTRO) and one day we were chatting and someone said "I don't care about my character", that was the start of it as we all realized, none of us cared about our characters like we did in other MMO's.


For me it comes down to there not being enough Sandbox elements, things that allow you to leave your mark on the virtual galaxy, whether that be a house decorated the way you want it to be, a really good starship or a guild town with a thriving community which holds player events.


This game needs both the Theme Park and the sandbox, theme park to get people playing and Sandbox to keep them.

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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Top 5 reasons for leaving:

  1. The constant mismanagement of the game and failure to adhere to simple game design principles: Equity in play (two players of approximately equal play ability who choose different classes should not be inequally desired in PvP and PvE because one chose a class with a lightsaber and the developers decide to buff the crap out of it.) Flexibility of use (A class should have multiple viable "specs" rather than one or two, and if skill specs are all cookie-cutter then why even present them as a choice or "tree" in the first place? Just say "hi, you need to be annihilation and you will get this perk at this level and that's that.") approachability, (I should not need 4 full rows of keybinds which were genuinely inaccessible until recently just to run a daily quest) dependability (I should not dread logging in and hitting buttons after a patch for fear of what will happen next, nor should I experience frequent crashes and inability to log in, nor wait 5-7 minutes on a load screen that took 30 seconds to a minute last week.)
  2. Utterly horrid customer service, (and I feel as if I have just insulted people who genuinely do perform customer service by calling what BioWare has laughably provided me with as such.) Of two dozen tickets I have submitted, I have received exactly ONE response to: an automated message a week later. All of my issues were dismissed and my tickets closed without reply or consideration. Replies to community issues are nearly as inequitable as some of the gameplay, with certain classes being doted on while other forums receive (I kid you not) devs popping in to troll players in others. Seriously, who thinks that's professional in the least?!
  3. Terrible communication on changes. I'm sure that somewhere there is a list of actual changes that go into every patch--if for nothing else than payroll/departmental tracking. (Joe altered X multiplier on Y system) It's probably even already typed up to send to supervisors. Copy/Paste this into actual patch notes so you don't have five pages of threads spring up every tuesday that say "WAS X NINJA NERFED?! I THINK IT WAS. LETS WASTE 2 DAYS TRACKING THIS BECAUSE BIOWARE WON'T PUBLISH PATCH NOTES THAT INCLUDE ACTUAL CHANGES MADE."
  4. Poor adherence to stated design goals. I'm sure this sounds pretty harsh, (and likely you already think I've been overly harsh by this point anyhow, so why not?) but what design goals that you've shared with the community do you feel like you actually accomplished? So far, I think the only thing you can honestly check off is "launch game, collect payments." I don't even want to hear about how your game is "brand new and so it's expected we don't have a lot of features!" When I go and buy a new cell phone next month should I forgive them if it randomly won't power on, has no internet access, won't send or receive text messages and the sound quality is awful because it's "new?" No. Especially not if I shell out the same price for it that i did for my last fully featured smartphone and have to pay the exact same monthly upkeep for it. We're not talking about a "lack of content you didn't have five years to add like the other guys" we're talking about basic functionality that is expected from a modern game. There are days I actually pine for the punishment of playing Everquest (the first one) as opposed to dealing with parts of SW:TOR. Game design and theory has come a long way since the late 90s. Catch up.
  5. Cheap, lame, and annoying ways to "extend" content you're lacking. Interminable travel times, extended load screens despite having near-SOTA hardware, nonsensically complex travel methods, large EMPTY world devoid of features that seems to have been scaled up simply to make travel longer, lack of even smaller-scale but repeatable content, (mini-games that are enjoyable and not overly repetitive) rejection of an "appearance tab" option because making players grind for certain kinds of gear, grind for money to modify it, changing the way it's modified so it has to be ground again, etc, makes the players spend more time performing activities they DO NOT WANT TO DO for minimal benefit. Seriously, here's a protip: You can include hundreds of hours of 'grind' in your game, but if the players actually enjoy the activity they 'grind' on, you'll keep far more subscribers than you might otherwise imagine.


There's a host of other reasons, but that'll do for now.


So why did I stay?


I was blessed to find a good community of players. We happened to be on a server that's in rapid decline in population, but the friends I made were worth it. I overlooked issue after issue after issue because I just happened to meet the right people and and paying $15 a month for their company actually seemed like one hell of a deal.


A lot of them are gone now. Others play far less frequently. The stress of watching the guild fall apart is getting to others, and people who used to be incredibly pleasant are getting snippy and irritable. I am getting snippy and irritable. I'll find a way to keep in tough with these people out of game--maybe in another game provided by your competitors, but either way, in a less stressful environment for us than what your game has become for us.


I was taken in by your promises to provide content, fixes, and a genuinely enjoyable play experience, and I will admit to having accepted these blindly as I had previously enjoyed BioWare's games. I feel cheated and robbed of the money I spent on your game--a feeling I have never had before about any of the several other MMOs I have played in the past. I am ashamed I did not come to this decision before you renewed my billing cycle, and I assure you that I will not encourage any other potential buyers to try this game under any circumstances.


I am an unhappy customer. I will tell at least 15-20 people (and possibly many more) about my negative experience with this game and your company. I will not return. I will not reinvest. I feel betrayed, and you will not regain my trust or my monthly payments.

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I'm going to unsubscribe because of this general board. I get bored at work and I can't stop myself from reading through this wretched hive of scum and villainy. Just like most people's concerns over the game though, it's mostly my own fault, I realize.
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I get bored at work and I can't stop myself from reading through this wretched hive of scum and villainy.


Part of the problem was the LACK of scum and villainy since you only run into peeps from the same faction.


Pre-CU SWG (in spite of all its shortcomings) had both scum (Rebels) and villainy (Empire) :p


PvP for your faction was salient and mattered which made you feel you were part of the galaxy and not a spectator.

Edited by Monave
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SWTOR is like my local pub. Once upon a time it was a guarantee of raucous fun with randoms on a Friday night. Nowadays you go in there, and there's just 6 customers, one of which is a pet. So you walk straight out...
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well i only have 2 issues that i consider game breaking for me right now


PVP - i want to see more open world PVP, currently the 4 Warzones are ok, but eventually they will get boring


Server Transfers, i have 40 days to go on Sub although that includes 30 Free days and i just cancelled, BW/EA have until then to announce something regarding the transfers or it will be done until i can move

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I (as well as most of my guild) pre-purchased the game, because we were eager to get the guild back together to relive the SWG glory days. a lot of us played in beta, and ALL of us played in the early access (through the long queue, on Harbinger).


I had originally signed up on a 3 month reoccuring sub, and then canceled it when I realized (along with a ton of other people) that Bioware did not intend to provide server forums. after they reverted the position, and provided server cluster forums, I had renewed hope, and subbed for 6 months (my mistake).


1.2 patch notes killed the game for me.


anyways, my 5 reasons:


  1. The game is very anti-social : there's little to no interaction between the different factions. Everyone goes to their fleet, and there's no possible way for opposite faction to sneak onto the other side's fleet to cause havoc. the 2 sides might as well be playing different games.
  2. The devs lie to us and expect us to take it : I won't go into detail on this, suffice to say, if you are a healer, you know all about the GZ claim of "under the hood changes", and how it is completely debunked by the community, yet, no admission of BS.
  3. The game doesn't know how to deal with mudflation : WoW learned this through their development, but i guess Bioware is too good to take lessons from Blizzard. it's not just the small amount of content, but rather, how quickly the content becomes outdated. ALL of the launch day content is 100% obsolete by 1.2. Columi tokens are completely useless. there's zero value in doing any of the older content.
  4. Lack of customization : the UI customization from 1.2 was a "nice try, but you failed" result. it had all the "pretty" aspect of other games like WoW, but it lacked all function (except for ToT). it didn't allow any sort of debuff filter, debuff customization of raid frames, etc. there was a ton of feedback from the healers, and none of it made the cut.
  5. Lack of vision : this will be highly debatable by people, but it's my personal opinion, from reading the Q&A, that the devs don't actually have a clear vision of where they want the game to be in another 6 months, a year, or 2 years from now. they are so caught up in fixing what's wrong (and often failing at that), that they can't get ahead of the curve and really have a "big idea" aside from great story (while leveling), with fancy voice acting. those WERE great, except i'm not into leveling alts.

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  • The focus on alt-leveling.
    Don't take this the wrong way. I love the idea of leveling up alts and the legacy system. But having to go through exact same quest as you did on your previous characters is such a tedious bore. I only want to experience the class-based quests when I level up an alt, and that is not possible at the moment.
  • PvE inaccessibility
    There's just too many problems to find a group. A dungeon tool of sorts would be much appreciated.
  • Artificial game length
    Walk, walk, slaughter 50 mobs that are in the way, walk some more, arrive at the quest, complete the quest and then backtrack.
  • Grind
    If I wanted to grind I would be playing a Korean MMO. Learn from Guild Wars.
  • Bioware

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- Lack of a cross-server LFG tool that is also efficient at grouping players for general content, especially heroics

- The absence of server mergers. The game is designed with a very healthy local player population in mind. Even moderate population levels leads to most content simply being passed up because of the time requirement needed to find others


That's it for me. There are some other design decisions that annoy me, but they're forgivable and I don't mind waiting for them to be rectified (the existence of space ports, no swift travel to your ship, disappointing speeder movement rates, an anemic legacy system). So it looks like 1.3 will go a long way towards winning back my subscription once it is published. I just don't see the point of maintaining my subscription while Bioware finishes developing it.

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For now i enjoy this game, it could entertain me since december already.

Nevertheless i have 8 days left and this is my top 5 why's


1. Targeting

I know since weeks it is broken and most time it was compensable but then there was a single situation where i had everything else in target but what i wanted to target and it was important for me and it failed, fun became unfun.


2. Im a ReReReReRe-Roller

I only wanted to play a good Guardian and ended up with some kind of in-game identity crysis.

I have 5 Guardians now and not one is 50 due to Re-Rolling and i have no idea anymore, who i am in game.


3. Skill delay

The Skill delay has the roots either in a bad client server syncronization or just blantandly lag.

Its a Lego source concept, everyone can download the heroengine and this game feels like the modules dont work flawless, no idea, im a nabber, but i saw some other games already.


4. Population

When i saw World of Warcraft the first time and all its servers, i had to laught.

I could never imagine, we still have this same crap a technical decade later.


5. BioWare

My wife had a postcard recently, that showed about 15 Managers, Consultands, Advisors, Officials, all kind of people with amazing titles, doing plans and calculations. They stood around a hole in the earth and in that hole was Horst, shoveling the dirt out of it.

Got it ?

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I and a few other 'older' players have canceled our subs.

Most of us have played other MMO's (SWG and LOTRO) and one day we were chatting and someone said "I don't care about my character", that was the start of it as we all realized, none of us cared about our characters like we did in other MMO's.


For me it comes down to there not being enough Sandbox elements, things that allow you to leave your mark on the virtual galaxy, whether that be a house decorated the way you want it to be, a really good starship or a guild town with a thriving community which holds player events.


This game needs both the Theme Park and the sandbox, theme park to get people playing and Sandbox to keep them.



Funny thing is I realized a few days ago that I don’t view any of my characters (I have one of each class, both factions. Yes I am an altaholic) as “mine”. I feel like I am watching a movie as opposed to making my own story…I still like the game mind you, it just feels like BW is letting me play with their toys on the condition I play the way they want me to…ya’ know?


Not unsubing, just wanted to reply as your post “struck a chord” so to speak.

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Let me start by saying, I am a huge Star Wars fan, I have been since I watched Episode IV when I was no more than 5 years old. I have played MMOs for sometime now. Ultima Online, WoW, SWG, Warhammer, I've been there. Let me also say I have played every Star Wars game under the sun.. X-wing, TIE Fighter, X-wing vs TIE Fighter, Jedi Academy, Jedi Outcast, Shadows of the Empire, Pod Racer, Rogue Squadron, KOTOR, KOTOR 2, Jedi Power Battles, Episode 1, Episode 3, Battlefront, Battlefront 2, Force Commander, SW:Battlegrounds, Rebel Assault II.......I'll stop now, you get it. I have a decent frame of reference from an MMO standpoint, as well as the Star Wars standpoint. For reference, I have a War Hero Marauder and Battlemaster Sage.


1. Lag, Loading Screens, Ability Delay, Ability Unresponsiveness, Bugs. 8v8 in WZs = lag, Ilum = ridiculous lag. I built a brand new computer in December as well, knowing the quality of games coming to the PC in the future. SWTOR included, as well as D3 and a few others. Ability delay, although resolved now, was so frustrating for a time. Ability Unresponsiveness. I can't express to you how many times my Marauder "false casted" Ravage. Instead of doing damage for 3 seconds, it literally turned it into a 3 second stun, and PvP wise, that can really swing the advantage to your opponent(i.e. Getting out of melee range, DoT'ing you up, or just doing pure damage whilst you look like a goon) And as far as I know, the Ravage "false casting" (along with a few other abilities) still exists, although I haven't played in 3 weeks. Bugs galore, I don't need to say more, you've all experienced it.


2. PvP, PvP, PvP. I chose a PvP server for a reason, where I chose PvE servers in WoW. I wanted those open world battles. I wanted to feel like I was really in the SW universe. If a Sith sees a Jedi out on Alderaan, you can bet he's going to go for the kill, Jedi are the sworn enemy of the Sith. This never transpired into reality. I got into one open world battle on Belsavis around level 38-40 for a whole hour, and it was so much fun, I wanted to do it more often....... but that never happened again. Warzones.......oh my. Huttball is NOT PvP, wish as you may, it is not. Albeit, fun for a period of time, when I got to my breaking point with Huttball I was merely Valor Rank 45 (Marauder class, Empire side). It got boring fast. Voidstar.....it was just terrible execution, no other words. I did enjoy Civil War. Although, I might have played Civil War a total of 50 times or less. All I wanted was to have my choice of what WZ to play, and they could not do that, at least not yet.


3. GTN. Just bogus. Do you know how many hours it took me to figure out what specific category each item that I was looking for took? I'll say it was more time than I wanted to spend doing so. Had there just been the ability to do a standard search for your item like........oh what's that company called.........arggg for the life of me I can't remember it...........oh yeah, EBay! I realize that's an odd comparison, but how would you like it if Ebay made you go through a list of 3+ categories just to find what you are looking for, instead of having an input box to type exactly what you are looking for? It's as simple as an input box that allows to you input data from the keyboard, then queries the database for the correct item, or similar matches. That easy. EBay has executed this quite well for years now. Did Bioware/EA really think they had found a better way?? It's laughable, it really is.


4. Low Population on my server. I watched and noted Fleet populations since day 1. Really wish I would have taken screenshots now, but I didn't think it would come to this. In late December/early January on my server(Daragon Trail) there would typically be around 210-250 people on Fleet during peak hours. I watched that number dwindle down until about 4 weeks ago to somewhere around 40 at peak hours. And Bioware was still saying that populations were not dropping. They continued to make the excuse, or from what I read, that populations numbers were "fine" and the only reason Bioware said people thought it was dropping was because no ones server(besides Fatman) was at "Heavy" load anymore because they increased the server population capacity not long after launch. That is a flat out lie. In reality, I felt as though Bioware had called me stupid. Listen, make the server population cap and "heavy" load argument all you want, RAW NUMBERS DO NOT LIE. I am a man of math/science background and a keen observer of data, and to tell me that, while I watch those numbers go down every night is simply insulting. And look now, I don't want to be arrogant, but I have to say, I was right. Therein lies a huge problem. Either Bioware/EA did not have the people in place to take note of these changes and begin to come up with solutions for it(which is a massive oversight in itself) or Bioware/EA simply DID NOT CARE, and continued to ride their hubris to where we are today.


5. Customer Service. Where is it? All of my tickets go unanswered, no issues ever resolved, and no response besides that lame service droid saying "We will forward it to the right people! derp!" I bought the game ($60) and I paid for one 3 month subscription($44). I gave Bioware $104 of my money, small change in terms of the overall effect on my bank account, but the only other game I gave that much to was WoW(clearly due to subscription based fees). I love gaming, I have since about 1989 when I was 3, but even I hate to spend $60 on a brand new game. I remember when they were $40, then $50, although I wasn't paying for many of them during the $40 period. But to charge me $15/month and I can't even get in touch with someone that can/will resolve my issue is unacceptable. That kind of behavior would not be acceptable in ANY other form of business.



I still have free time until June 7, but I will not be logging on anymore, just as I have not logged on in about 3-4 weeks. Simply put, it's not worth it. It's not worth the hassle, it's not worth the frustration, it's not worth wondering what possesses them to make some of the decisions that they have, and not even worth the mere $15/month anymore. There are a ton of other new games out now, and even some older ones, that I get much more entertainment out of playing. Sorry for the long post, I continued to give Bioware/EA the benefit of the doubt for quite some time, I never came on the boards trolling or crying about anything. I had confidence it would be fixed and the game would be amazing, but I lost total confidence a month ago and I guess it finally all spilled out here. :D

Edited by SoBlue
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Before launch, they promised to "put the RPG back into MMORPG". I would contend that they absolutely did. Without a doubt, this game felt like a mid-2000s RPG complete with basic morality meter and disappointingly bland companion personalities (oh hey Corso Riggs, if Hitler was a woman would you still hold onto your metaphysical deontological Kantian position that it is always wrong to hurt women?). This game just didn't feel, to me, like what an MMO should be in 2012. Frankly, it lacks what many games have had for years, and hasn't done anything all that revolutionary to set itself apart, aside from full voice acting, which in the end will likely delay the arrival of new content....
i would go a step further, and say that they really put their weight behind the RPG, and forgot about the MMO portion.


this mistake is fairly visible throughout the game, from minute details, to design philosophy.

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Reasons I am leaving.


*Server population on my server makes it impossible to do any PvP, Raid or Ops (I am on Zaalbar). Most guilds on the server are dieing out, and mass unsubs across the server.


*Reason 2: Refusal to merge or offer immediate transfers for those of us on low pop servers (dont care if you play The Fatman I'm not re-rolling my marauder lvl50, assasin lvl32, Jedi guardian lvl11, or smuggler lvl17 put to much time into them to redo their story's as is).


*Reason 3: The fact that I am paying for my game time for what is pretty much a single player game on Zaalbar.


Reason 4: Innability to listen to the players who play the game, and give explanations, or in dept answers to questions (such as those about server merger's, Transfers, or dead servers)


I will get another subscription when transfers are allowed, or the population returns. I Love this game I really do. I really hope BioWare fixes this immediately, but now that I have pretty much no guild. None of my friends are sub'd anymore, and i can't even do Heroics, PvP, Raids, or Flashpoints so whats the point in that. When this game is once again an MMO for EVERYONE, and not just those on The Fatman I will come back

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Haven't unsubbed YET...but am considering it.


Besides the obvious, which is lack of a viable community with not enough people to play with, I'll try to sum up my top 5 reasons so far. Now, keep in mind I was a HUGE SW fanboy back in the day, and still am to some extent, so that's bias number 1 for me. Bias number 2 is, I am still a HUGE WoW fan boy and subscriber (I am not anti-Pandaren, anti Pet-Battles, etc.). So, I do have those biases built in to the reasons I am about to give:


1) Lack of open worlds. I played SWG briefly and while I won't fixate on it's pros and cons, I will mention that one thing it did very well was create a sense of space. Planets were huge...I had no idea when and where they'd end and what I might find over the next sand dune. In SWTOR, I open the map and can see where the planet "ends". All I have to do is fill in the map and bam, no more planet to explore. Some maps are "larger" than others, but still, the planets feel very "enclosed" to me.


2) Lack of environmental flavor. Outside of the voice overs, which are very well done, the environments just don't live and breathe for me. On Dromund Kaas for example, when the rain falls, I see it, but I don't hear it. The creatures make very little noise. My footfalls sound the same wherever I go. I can't sit down in a chair or lay down on a bed.


3) VERY on the rails storytelling. While I appreciate the care that went into creating the stories for the 8 classes, including the development of the companions and the voice over work, I don't like having to play an MMO to get a single story that once I complete, I have no reason really to repeat short of seeing the basic results of different dark side/light side choices. I admit to not even getting very far on the stories (I have no level 50s) because I've been afraid of what Ithose characters will be about once their stories are told. Unless I'm wrong and the dark side/light side choices actually have a SIGNIFICANT impact on the end of the stories other than a reward or some darkside/lightside points, I have no reason to replay a character once I get to the end of his/her story.


4) The fact that the game is set 3000 years in the past, taking Episode IV as Year Zero. This is a problem for me for two reasons. 1) I ultimately know what's going to happen. The Sith Empire is GOING to be defeated and driven underground and the Rule of 2 will be set into place. There doesn't seem to be any potential for "oh wow! This event that I'm a part of will have lasting ramifications for the galaxy's history when I'm done". 2) The technology seems awfully similar to what there is 3000 years later. Look at how far we've come in just 20 years. I find it hard to believe that the technological differences between the SWTOR universe and the film universe are essentially nil. Set a SW game 3000 years in the FUTURE from anything we know about the SW universe, with a corresponding leap in technology and where what we discover in game actually WILL be new to us, then you might have me.


5) Very little open world PvP. Granted, I haven't gotten all that far in the game, so I'm speaking from what I seem to be able to intuit from what I've played so far, and what I surmise by reading what others say...but because the Empire and Republic playerbase only have their respective fleets as gathering places, and those places are "safe" from enemy incursion, there is no rationale or location to attempt to get a group together and go wreak some genuine havoc. There is no place to bring each side's military might to bear in a meaningful way.


Those are my five things. I know I should wait to post them until I've at least gotten one class to 50, but the problems are there at the start of the game, and I can't honestly say I'm interested enought to put in the time to get to the end. If a game doesn't grab me at the start, it's unlikely it's going to hold my interest at the middle and the end.


*Edited for PS.*


PS. While scrolling through the forums, came across this reason too...so it's a bonus #6 reason. Outside of the open worlds, for me the BEST thing about SWG was the 3D space combat. On the rails space combat to look forward to? BIG meh.

Edited by SabaccPlayer
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32 days left and probably got 50 reasons why I'm leaving, but here is my top 5:


1) Lack of open space environment similar to SWG. The rollercoaster video game is a cheap element of the game to a game called 'star wars'. Having freedom to fly, space mining, bandit missions, escort missions, space dock building, capital guild ships, etc would have been best thing since sliced bread.


2) Load and travel times between planets. Orbital stations worst idea ever. Can't you just move the NPCs to the planet?


3) PVP imbalance. The fundamentals of PVP balance is completely backwards in this game. When you are a clothie, you are supposed to do highest damage because you are the most vulnerable. The glass cannon concept. Right now, medium/heavy armor do the best damage in battlegrounds a vast majority of time and sages rely on weak DoT's to embellish their damage totals.


4) Crafting is too boring. Again, have to cite SWG on the right way to make it diverse and exciting.


5) Legacy rewards are a joke and nothing more than a credit hole in the ground. Epic fail.


As I read several of these prior posts, this game is destined to be done in a year's time. Losing 300k subs a quarter and epic games are around the corner. Nice job EA, this wasn't the MMO we were looking for.

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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.





I've already unsubscribed and re-subscribed, and I think I proably will follow this pattern with the game. I want to like it more than I do like it. I do like it some (class and MQs are great, grouping is fun, when you can find a group). I want to experience all the class storylines eventually. But the game is claustrophobic and linear, and doesn't feel like a virtual world. The space element isn't integrated with the ground element very well (why the hell do I automatically take off whenever I enter my spaceship???? This is STILL not fixed, it's a real immersion killing niggle). Yada yada.


So the upshot is, I get into the game, get pissed off with it, get into it, get pissed off with it, etc., etc. I haven't yet felt that this could be my "home" as an MMORPG, and I was so wanting the big Star Wars MMORPG to be a potential "home" MMORPG for many people. Instead, I think it's just going to have this continual "churn".



Edited by gurugeorge
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I unsubbed the other night.


In the beginning I was a pretty big fan of the game, but I think what I ultimately came to realize is that it just lacked long term involvement. I was hoping it would have some elements of SWG, but just correct a lot of the wrongs that game had.


One thing that I didn't really want to accept in the beginning was that in a lot of ways the game played like WoW, but with some improvements. Eventually, I do have to acknowledge this, it is very similar in some ways, (gameplay wise), and I am completely sick of WoW.



There is no true feel of conflict between Empire and Republic outside of the warzones. Which was one nicer aspect of Galaxies, you could attack each other's bases etc. There is almost no interaction between Republic and Empire. I saw 1 Republic player on a planet (other than Ilum). Thats right, just 1, on Hoth.


The class quests while cool, did not make me feel any different outside of the original quest. I played a Bounty Hunter in SWG, and the way the entire class leveled was different from others. Granted the investigation tree was a giant PITA, it was an interesting concept, that if done right (And worked properly) would be very nice.


Space is an afterthought. It really seems to be, all you see of it, is mostly from the shuttling from one ship to the next, or in the optional missions, which really don't do much of anything. It just doesn't feel like STAR Wars, as we spend most of the time on planets, and oddly enough, in the wilderness.


I like Nar Shadaa a bit because of the inner city feel, but again, it was kind of disappointing that you are restricted to just some areas, and the whole game felt way too scripted. I had really high hopes for this game, and unfortunately, maybe it is the product of all the hype, and people's expectations, that it just failed to deliver on.

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I already posted above my "Top 5 reasons why I MIGHT unsub"...but besides that, the OP asked, "Why do you stick around?" In the interest of balance and to not just be a "negative Nancy", I will give the top five reasons I'm still subbed and that are keeping me here until the end of my initial 6 months and possibly beyond...


1) The individual class stories. These are well done and interesting. The voice overs help keep it immersive, the interactions with the companions, all that good stuff. I WANT to stick around to see how each of them ends. That said, like I said in my "anti" post, I'm draggng my feet to finish them because I fear that once I have, there won't be much to hold my interest.


2) The dark side/light side choices. Bioware did this expertly with KOTOR and it holds true here. As I level my characters, I love being able to make choices that have some meaning to my character and even how I look when I have "Show Sith corruption" active. When my Sith Sorcerer gained a level in her dark side points and her look changed so drastically, I had my first genuine "Wow ("wow" as in "cool", not "wow" as in "World of Warcraft") moment.


3) The Black Talon flashpoint. To have a dungeon instance that actually had story and choice baked in was a really neat trick. However, the next flashpoint I played (Hammer Station) had none of that, and I fear that was a one-time only thing with Black Talon to get me fired up for Flashpoints.


4) Hope. Because I love the IP and see such potential in the game, and because I recognize that it IS a new game, and because parts of it are very good, I want to stay subbed to see what BW might do to improve things. Every thing I posted in my "negatives" post (with the exception of setting the game 3000 years in the past from the films) is fixable with future content and patches, and if they are fixed, I would likely stay. And IF they were fixed, I could live with the personal problems I have with the setting.


5) The community, small as it is, on the servers I've played on, are for the most part, a friendly, positive bunch. There aren't many of them, but who there are are top notch people. This will go away if the population grows, but I'll sacrifice it for the sake of seeing more people.

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I looked forward to this game for years. I’m not one to buy the “Game of the month”, so I was really holding out for this one.


That said, I thoroughly enjoyed my main character to 50. The story was great, albeit once I realized that “choices” were an illusion, it killed a LOT of the excitement for me. Not to mention, in order to save money I noticed I started skewing my conversation choices to suit my companion. (DAMN YOU CEDRAX!)


Once I hit 50, I did some OPS and heroics, all of which were great, but then with 1.2, it came painfully obvious that this was just another chase the carrot MMO, my story was dead in the water and I was now chasing gear with repetitive tasks.


So I did what a lot of people did and joined the alt game. I’m an alt-o-holic in any other game, so I already had my class setup ready to go, maxed out my server. I started levelling alts, when it became painfully obvious to me that I would do such a minor amount of class story and then spend the rest of my evening doing the same thing I did previously, exactly. My evenings that I looked forward to went like this: Log in, travel to whatever location I was to head to from fleet to start questing, this would take about 15 mins to actually get in “the groove”. I’d do my class quest for that area, then realize I just had to grind through an hour of the same linear quests, get bored swap alts, realize I’d have to make my way there, get bored and log off.


For me, for some reason, even on my first character the game lacked that Vaccum factor that I’ve had with several other games. Combat was spot on and fun, the worlds were crafted beautifully, but I just didn’t care about anything I did, it all seemed so dormant and artificial. I was horrified on Tython about how linear the planet was, I felt like I was being ferried around on a shuttle and as an avid explorer, I HATED that feeling.


After several class affecting bugs were closed without resolution, and all my real life friends left due to boredom and sharing my unwillingness to daily grind, I’m unable to do anything, no world PVP (on a pvp server I pvp’d once in my whole journey to 50), no groups for flashpoints, or ops, to me, this is a single player game with co-op tacked on.


People have remarked about this game missing features and I have to agree, the problem with their counter argument is that XXX game didn’t have it either, to that I have to say, that’s because largely that game friggin’ invented that system. We played UO, before there were quests because we knew no better. We played WoW without a dungeon finder because it just wasn’t done, but once those games added the features that have helped define the genre, I feel that leaving many of them out was a HUGE mistake.


MMO’s may cater to the instant gratification crowd now and people may hate that, but the fact of the matter is many of us “older” gamers, you know the ones who helped define gaming, simply don’t have 8 hours a day to play, so when we do, we want to be, you know... PLAYING. Having fun, laughing with friends. Not logging on to our second job, not running around on Microsoft Run Simulator, trying to get to the “fun stuff”.


By any account, daily quests and repeatable content are a lazy way to increase playability. Penny arcade did a fantastic video on increasing playability through better means, but you can search for that yourself.


At this point it sounds like I’m burnt out on MMOs, but I’m not, I still play WoW and have fun mucking around with my daughter, I just got D3 and now feel vacuum sucked into it. BUUUUTT... I unsubbed yesterday because I felt like I was merely a passenger on a sinking ghost ship. Which actually made me extremely sad because I’d looked forward to this game years, more than a 5 year old looks forward to Christmas.


I stick around though, because I hope that this game picks up and becomes the game we all dreamed about, but fell just short of.

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I'm unsubbed now but I don't treat it like a divorce where I cannot possibly come back and thus does not make a big deal out of it. Largest issue is the massive number of "Light" servers and that I quite simply cannot PvP when I want to.


So character transfers and/or server merges will definitely play a big part in my decision to return to the game. More importantly, how they're handled.

Edited by nikthebeast
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I'm unsubbed now but I don't treat it like a divorce where I cannot possibly come back and thus does not make a big deal out of it. Largest issue is the massive number of "Light" servers and that I quite simply cannot PvP when I want to.


So character transfers and/or server merges will definitely play a big part in my decision to return to the game. More importantly, how they're handled.


A sane and rational person!


Kudos to you. :)

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