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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Boring Combat

No Exploration

Boring/Useless PvP/No World PvP

Crafting Boring/Menu Based/No Point Going to Planets

Horrible Character Customization

Boring, Easy PvE

No Point In Guilds

Population Issues (To many servers at launch. Servers way to low capacity)

Loading Screens

Performance Issues

Lack of Excitement

Extreme Disappointment of unfulfilled Hype

Lack of anything regarding Space

Way To Linear

Felt to Childish (No Blood. Heartfelt Moments become "Meh" moments because of this)

Dead, Lifeless Worlds with horrible painted / 2d backgrounds

Disconnect Between Player, Character, Universe/World


Basically, Bioware said this MMORPG operated on Four Pillars:


Progression, Combat, Story, Exploration.


Well, the Progression (To Easy and Fast, lacks Excitement), Combat (To boring and Bland, Lacks Innovation or excitement) and Exploration (Doesn't exist) Pillars collapsed at launch, and the Story (Stretched Thin, No Flow) pillar wasn't near strong enough to hold up the entirety of the weight of this game, and that too collapsed. That's the bottom-line, really.

Edited by Azumio
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I will give you my one reason why I have un-subbed. The PvP is a joke! its far from a PvP game. I have no problem with the class balance or the fell of pvp combat and stuff like that, thats all very good to me and imo really awesome. Its the fact that ALL the PvP you can do is 4 battlegrounds and now that Ilum has died, and dont get me started on how bad Ilum was, thats all that's available for pvp... 4 BGs!!! i mean *** not even a arena of some kind.. not to mention you still can only queue up in 4 man groups for in a 8v8 battleground. On top of all that if your on the fleets you have to find a place to duel outside the fleets.

But I do tell everyone that if BW works on the pvp side of the game in another year or so it could be amazing.

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Just cancelled my subscription:


-My server is dead. 5 people on imperial fleet prime time. Biggest problem for me since this is an MMO and I can't do any end-game without other players.


That's about it really. I don't like the fact that they introduce tons of bugs with every patch and they are extremely late in fixing them (if they fix them at all) but those are minor compared to the population problem.

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  1. 6 people on entire planets during prime time
  2. Less than 20 people in fleet during prime time (hour que for PvP)
  3. No PvP incentives yet (everything is grindable)
  4. Have to sit in fleet bored and *hope* to find a group (logged in but not playing)
  5. Monthly fee to 'not' play (can't experience content because nobody is on)

Edited by fanuvstarwars
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(Reposted from another thread. I apologize for not searching for this before I made the other thread. Thank you Qishari for redirecting me.)


I'm not trying to rage against SWTOR here, but I do not plan on continuing to play. What I'd like to do is outline what I feel is lacking in the game or a serious flaw that needs to be remedied. Feel free to criticize or enlighten me if I just don't understand how something works. I've dabbled in MMOs, but I haven't played as much as most people have.


1. Low server populations (merge the servers ASAP)


This needs to be fixed. With the release of D3 a lot of people, including me, are going to stop playing SWTOR for a while. I don't have the time to play more than 10-15 hours a week, and Diablo 3 is just more enjoyable (though I understand not everyone will have that opinion). Regardless of how many people Diablo 3 takes away from SWTOR, or how many people jump over to GW2 whenever that gets released, the servers need to be merged. I can't imagine the headache such an action would give the people who have to do the work to actually merge the servers, but their job is to maintain the game. I will not pick this game back up unless server populations increase.


2. Change the subscription fee, or improve the game


I don't mind paying $15 a month to play a game. I can afford it. But the current SWTOR is not worth $15. That is just my opinion, but it seems to be shared by many. SWTOR is not worth $15 a month because it is not polished and has not yet delivered on its promises (no weather, no day/night, severely underpopulated Market, lack of same-gender relationship possibilities, crappy space combat inferior to the Rebel Assault games... wasn't that the early 90s?, etc.). I understand getting the weather and day/night just right could really be a hassle (though after so many months, you'd think that could be solved), but the same-gender romance options? What's taking that so long? The bottom line is, SWTOR doesn't appear to be using the $15 a month very efficiently. It is bad to reward poor work. I don't mind paying $15, but I do mind paying more money than a game is worth, not because I feel like I'm getting ripped off, but because I feel bad about promoting inferior quality.


3. PvP


It doesn't exist outside the Warzones, from what I've heard. I think this would be solved in large part by server mergers, though perhaps it would be possible to allow (and even encourage) raiding on more planets. I don't know if there is any real difference between a PvP and a PvE server in SWTOR. There should be a more noticeable difference than there currently is. I don't think a lack of PvP would stop me from returning to SWTOR, but it would definitely give me added incentive to jump back in.


I feel that these three things are ordered from most easily implemented to most difficult to implement, as well as most important to least important (my opinion, of course). I think SWTOR is a fundamentally good game, and despite its many flaws has accomplished the bare minimum of what it hoped. But that is not enough to keep me playing when I have so many other games that are better at what they do. D3 is exactly what I want out of a dungeon crawler. Shogun 2 is exactly what I want out of a RTT. Touhou is exactly what I want out of a danmaku, When I get tired of Shogun 2, I put it down for a month or so. When I get pissed off at myself because I can't beat EoSD on Lunatic I put the game down and go play a game that's a little less stressful... like SWTOR (if the space battles were 2D clones of Touhou, I would play this game almost every day). Now I've found that SWTOR is no longer something I'll be playing very much in the coming month, or two, or maybe even three. And so I'll put it down, which in this case means a lost subscription for EA and Bioware. One subscription is insignificant. The game isn't dead, and it won't be for some time. But SWTOR will die if the people in charge of the game do not create sufficient appeal to attract year-long subscriptions. That is what SWTOR suffers from. Few players are willing to pay for a year's worth of subscriptions, because they know they won't be playing the game very frequently for months on end. Better to play a month here, a month there. But for me, I can't see a reason to continue playing until at least the servers are merged, and probably not until some of the other problems are fixed.


SWTOR is a great game and I have enjoyed about 90% of the time I've spent playing it. I think the story is amazingly well done at some points and overall very solid. I think the companions are all unique and interesting, and I think most planets have very individual environments. I think SWTOR is probably the only subscription MMO I would ever play. Unfortunately, I enjoyed it less than I have enjoyed other games, and I do not feel that the subscription fees are being put to good use. Even though I do not expect to play SWTOR very frequently, I would not be opposed to paying the subscription if I felt the game was improving/being maintained sufficiently. That said, I'm sure my measures of how a game improves are different from others'. Please don't take anything I wrote as anything more than an opinion, and please don't take it as a personal attack.

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My biggest gripe with SWTOR is really a huge design flaw and something they cannot reasonably change, unfortunately.


I hate being told that I'm playing in a galaxy with all these planets, but the combined game world feels smaller than Azeroth. I think they dropped the ball by limiting the planets to a very small, specific level range and only letting us explore a small portion of it. And I blame Bioware for this because the Mass Effect games suffer from the same problem. You somehow made something as vast and open as a galaxy feel more linear and small than your standard MMO which usually takes place on a couple continents. I wish they'd focused on a lot fewer planets, but made each so vast and diverse so that going to different part for later-level questing felt like a different world.


But for the love of god, if you're gonna keep all the planets, remove the amount of loading screen opportunities.

Edited by LexiCazam
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Is there a way to give back my 30 free days? I'd like to not be counted as "Active". I myself believe the 30 free days that are tacked onto your account AFTER you no longer are paying for it is just a way to skew the numbers so it doesn't look as bad as it really is.


I like SWTOR, I don't like how the lack of population is being handled. All it would take is someone to say go ahead with server transfers and a couple days later they'd be ready(depending on how much internal testing they do on it).


Isn't it odd that the free 30 days(you can't decline the extra days) came right after SWTOR lost nearly 25% of it's subscribers in about 1 month between March to April?

Edited by NastyPiggy
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Few Reasons :


- Combat system oh noez

- Sounds make my ear bleed

- Character Models seriously ***

- PvP

- PvP

- PvP

- 38477478278484788*10^9001 loading screens on literally every edge of a map.


Main Reason :


- Never intended to play long term, just a substitute for Diablo III to come out. Its out now, so theres no way im sticking around here.

Edited by Magisch
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Unsubbed as of today.


No pulling punches.


This game and the individuals responsible for developing it, publishing it, and paying reviewers under the table to help hype it, are all an epic embarrassment to AAA MMO gaming.


SWTOR is shoddy beyond belief for a game that cost as much as it did to get to this stage, and if I were to list all my issues with it, I would end up with one of these giant, laundry list posts that no one reads because they're intimidating as hell to get through.


I should have smelled the rotting fish during the EA Louse debacle, but I decided to give this game a shot, and I am immensely sorry that I did. From the lame design to the asinine story features that were somehow supposed to hold my attention forever but can't because it's all Mickey Mouse BS... it all just amounts to a giant pile of crap that was billed as something extraordinary.


It's a bit like being told you're going to the Super Bowl, and then arriving at a rank little deli in Brooklyn with the big game playing on an old Admiral television set from 1979 in the corner, and I refuse to part with one more red cent to have access to a dwindling Fleet, a population that would rather play alone with their standard Bioware NPC companions, and environments full of more walls and disappointment than a maze that ends with a bird feeder full of dog turds and sour milk.

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Unsubbed as of today.


No pulling punches.


This game and the individuals responsible for developing it, publishing it, and paying reviewers under the table to help hype it, are all an epic embarrassment to AAA MMO gaming.


SWTOR is shoddy beyond belief for a game that cost as much as it did to get to this stage, and if I were to list all my issues with it, I would end up with one of these giant, laundry list posts that no one reads because they're intimidating as hell to get through.


I should have smelled the rotting fish during the EA Louse debacle, but I decided to give this game a shot, and I am immensely sorry that I did. From the lame design to the asinine story features that were somehow supposed to hold my attention forever but can't because it's all Mickey Mouse BS... it all just amounts to a giant pile of crap that was billed as something extraordinary.


It's a bit like being told you're going to the Super Bowl, and then arriving at a rank little deli in Brooklyn with the big game playing on an old Admiral television set from 1979 in the corner, and I refuse to part with one more red cent to have access to a dwindling Fleet, a population that would rather play alone with their standard Bioware NPC companions, and environments full of more walls and disappointment than a maze that ends with a bird feeder full of dog turds and sour milk.


You give the game too much credit.

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Just un-subbed and here's why:


1) No pvp. The Warzones were fun for a while but they got old fast. I'm sure making them ranked will have the same affect. It will make it fun again for a week or two but then get burned out once more. Also, I don't like how gear-based it is. I don't want to have to get a whole set of armor/relics for pvp and another whole set for pve. It's not worth the hassle. Open world pvp is non-existent and that really bugs me because it's so easy to fix. People WANT to pvp, all you have to do is give them the opportunity and I have never seen another game that fails so miserably in this aspect.


2) Too much of a theme-park game. I feel like I'm always standing in line for a ride that isn't really that interesting to begin with. I want open-world. I want exploration. I want player housing and an economy that is worth the time it takes to get involved. Crafting in this game is a value-subtracting industry where the mats are worth more than the finished product. I want to take my smuggler into a town and actually interact with it, I want gunfights, mini games and npc missions. A console game like Fable or Red Dead Redemption offer FAR MORE to a player than this quarter-of-a-billion dollar monster does.


3) Space Combat. Rail-shooters are no fun. You play the mission once just to see it and then there's no reason to ever do it again. I know Bioware has said that they are going to improve this later, but SWG had ten open space regions SEVEN YEARS AGO. And actually the best system would be similar to the old Freelancer game that Mircrosoft made for pc back in 2003! There's no excuse for a Star Wars game released in the last days of 2011 having such a pathetic space combat system.


4) Tired of Loading Screens. Don't think this needs much elaboration.


5) Lack of Endgame Content. I put this issue last because part of the problem is Bioware, and part of it is me. I want something NEW. I don't want too many dungeons or WZs. I want pvp, I want space combat, but I also want to feel like my character actually lives in this galaxy. I want everything, and I know that's selfish. But I expected something new and great from this game. I expected this, because that's what Bioware told me it was making. For the money this game cost we could have had an actual Star Wars movie, but instead we're all disappointed. Right now I have a level 50 smuggler fully geared for any mission and now there's nothing to really do except re-roll an alt. So I did that. I've got a Jedi Knight to level 43 now, but I've lost interest. I know that once he reaches 50 and gets geared I will be just as bored as with the smuggler. Then I'll just have to re-roll again. That's all there is to do on this game... start a character, level up, get gear, re-roll... over and over again. It just get's boring and is certainly not worth $15 a month.


I just wanted to close by saying that I'm a huge Star Wars fan and really wanted to love this game. I paid a lot of money to get my computer up to a level that could run it. I was very excited and really did like the experience of leveling 1-50 (except the lack of pvp). Now I am just bored, even though I was one of the people lucky enough to find a big guild on a very large server. There still just isn't anything to do. I think the game has lots of potential and will def. come back if things are changed, but right now I really think it's unfair to charge people so much for this game. I'm installing Tera Online as I write this. It's pvp, guild v. guild combat and active political system have caught my interest. Maybe I'll just get disappointed again, but I'm giving it a shot. If it doesn't work, there will be Guild Wars 2 soon, but I'll keep looking back at SWTOR. It's the game I would prefer to be playing if it was actually capable of giving me a reason to log in everyday and I will be ready to sign back up in a heartbeat if Bioware starts getting serious about running a top of the line MMO.

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You give the game too much credit.

I do, don't I?


Well, I was feeling generous at the time I was writing that.


All jokes and mean-spirited reviews aside, of course I'll be back if things shape up. I'm just sick of playing SWTOR beta. I played beta, but thanks to Origin (grrrr) that account is no longer accessible since the game is locked on that network, so technically I've bought this game twice and I think that's enough of a cash injection until things shape up.

Edited by Blistrich
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Just un-subbed and here's why:


1) No pvp. The Warzones were fun for a while but they got old fast. I'm sure making them ranked will have the same affect. It will make it fun again for a week or two but then get burned out once more. Also, I don't like how gear-based it is. I don't want to have to get a whole set of armor/relics for pvp and another whole set for pve. It's not worth the hassle. Open world pvp is non-existent and that really bugs me because it's so easy to fix. People WANT to pvp, all you have to do is give them the opportunity and I have never seen another game that fails so miserably in this aspect.


2) Too much of a theme-park game. I feel like I'm always standing in line for a ride that isn't really that interesting to begin with. I want open-world. I want exploration. I want player housing and an economy that is worth the time it takes to get involved. Crafting in this game is a value-subtracting industry where the mats are worth more than the finished product. I want to take my smuggler into a town and actually interact with it, I want gunfights, mini games and npc missions. A console game like Fable or Red Dead Redemption offer FAR MORE to a player than this quarter-of-a-billion dollar monster does.


3) Space Combat. Rail-shooters are no fun. You play the mission once just to see it and then there's no reason to ever do it again. I know Bioware has said that they are going to improve this later, but SWG had ten open space regions SEVEN YEARS AGO. And actually the best system would be similar to the old Freelancer game that Mircrosoft made for pc back in 2003! There's no excuse for a Star Wars game released in the last days of 2011 having such a pathetic space combat system.


4) Tired of Loading Screens. Don't think this needs much elaboration.


5) Lack of Endgame Content. I put this issue last because part of the problem is Bioware, and part of it is me. I want something NEW. I don't want too many dungeons or WZs. I want pvp, I want space combat, but I also want to feel like my character actually lives in this galaxy. I want everything, and I know that's selfish. But I expected something new and great from this game. I expected this, because that's what Bioware told me it was making. For the money this game cost we could have had an actual Star Wars movie, but instead we're all disappointed. Right now I have a level 50 smuggler fully geared for any mission and now there's nothing to really do except re-roll an alt. So I did that. I've got a Jedi Knight to level 43 now, but I've lost interest. I know that once he reaches 50 and gets geared I will be just as bored as with the smuggler. Then I'll just have to re-roll again. That's all there is to do on this game... start a character, level up, get gear, re-roll... over and over again. It just get's boring and is certainly not worth $15 a month.


I just wanted to close by saying that I'm a huge Star Wars fan and really wanted to love this game. I paid a lot of money to get my computer up to a level that could run it. I was very excited and really did like the experience of leveling 1-50 (except the lack of pvp). Now I am just bored, even though I was one of the people lucky enough to find a big guild on a very large server. There still just isn't anything to do. I think the game has lots of potential and will def. come back if things are changed, but right now I really think it's unfair to charge people so much for this game. I'm installing Tera Online as I write this. It's pvp, guild v. guild combat and active political system have caught my interest. Maybe I'll just get disappointed again, but I'm giving it a shot. If it doesn't work, there will be Guild Wars 2 soon, but I'll keep looking back at SWTOR. It's the game I would prefer to be playing if it was actually capable of giving me a reason to log in everyday and I will be ready to sign back up in a heartbeat if Bioware starts getting serious about running a top of the line MMO.


Same reasons as me realy


My mains are on the Baslisk Droid server 4 reps and 4 imps 2 of my reps are 50 and for the life of me I just cant be botherd to lv the others up anymore when Im on a planet with 5 other people.

So I re-rolled onto the Tomb of Freedon Nad and have a rep and imp there got them to lv20 and boom Ive just lost all intrest in the game doing the same thing over and over.

So Im out untill some very vast changes take place :(

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My top 10 reasons for unsubbing:


  1. There is no cross-server lfd tool.
  2. Virtually no world pvp / skirmishes.
  3. The game runs poorly.
  4. Too many loading screens.
  5. Unnecessary walking from zones to zones (fleet and to your personal ship).
  6. No chat bubbles.
  7. PvP is just another boring gear grind and is unrewarding for people who is leveling up (xp nerf).
  8. Crafting is completely useless except for bio.
  9. There is no economy in the game.
  10. GTN is not working / lacks functionality.

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I cancelled 3 weeks ago I'm still on my free 30 days they gave everyone for the 1.2 patch thing as far as i know. I have not played in 3 weeks either and I really don't miss it.

Here's why I gave up SWTOR


1. Had to re-roll new characters on a different server! Why because at peak there was 100 on the fleet and maybe 5-15 on any given planet on the server I played on. I wanted to play a MMO that's what I signed up for anyway, thought that's what the box said.


2. After starting new characters then going back through the same planets and same quest over and over again I was bored. I understand that you have to have some repeatable quest across classes that's how it works. But really why do they all have to be exactly the same it could have been mixed up better in my opinion.


3. Seems like the game developers or people in charge or whatever just said to hell with them (the players) we are making money. We the players have been asking for what? Let me hear it SERVER MERGES! All we get is maybe the summer, not sure can't really talk about it. Way to run a business ignore the paying customer that's how I would do it. Also promise us content then take it out at the last minute and with barely any explanation, that is not cool at all. Plus I was in beta and content that was in beta is missing from the released product which is way lame.


4. This is just me ranting but here it is.

Dragon Age is my favorite game, Dragon Age 2 was a horrible piece of CRAP. SWTOR all hyped up over the years gonna be great, tons of money dumped into it. Be the hero of your own Star Wars saga, fully voiced story driven MMO. Except you hit level cap in a matter of about 4 weeks casual play, THE STORY ENDS THERE. There is no one to play with cause they have too many servers and everyone left. Also once you hit 50 all there is to do is pvp and it's not that great. Oh yeah and we charge $15 a month for a single player game basically, with less content then Skyrim. Mass Effect 1 and 2 awesome games, 3 on the other hand. All action up till the end then a fizzle that makes you wanna scream, and we as customers did.


So my point is 3 Bioware EA games in a row that could have been awesome some how got turned into 3 over hyped pieces of trash. Thanks for ruining what where great series all to make money and then telling us it's the customers fault for being picky. I'll never preorder another Bioware game that's for sure, and EA is the definition of Corporate. All about money to hell with every one as long as we get paid.

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While i have undsubbed from ToR, I do think its a decent game, here are my top reasons.


1) Healing, i really enjoy healing in mmo's but in ToR, i HATE it, it is soo clunky, aggro is out of control imho, and it's just NOT fun, it's not that it's hard, its just NOT fun, like at all.


2) companions- more annoying than pebble in my shoe, especially Kyzen Fees. I know that the companions are suppose to serve as an aid in your single-person playing, but i've found they are more of a hindrance than a help.


3) lack of access to multiplayer content- i campaign for almost ten lvls for someone to do the elite quest in the tatooine bonus series and was never able to do it. In fact the majority of elite quests in my log i usually end up deleting b/c I can never find anyone to do it with (and i'm not afraid to spam). Moreover, my most recent character, a jedi shadow, never was able to get into any of the dungeons beyond esseles and he's a tank. seriously there is never more than 8 people in the zone i'm in and usually < 20 on fleet, which is even more annoying b/c i have to go and leave my questing area to spam in fleet which wastes time. Moreover we could never find a healer for our group.


Anyways lol, srry didn't mean to go into a rant, but those were my big reason. I'm also burned out on mmo's which really has nothing to do w/ ToR itself, but i stil lthink its a good game, i'm not into bashing it. I do think it needs a lot of work, but I also think it has great potential, i wish the devs and the player base much success and many hours of enjoyable playtime and hey i may come back to visit for a month or so


cheers :_)



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Way too many servers, resulting in low pops.. I hope people get fired over the decision to open so many up at release. This wouldn't be as much of an issue if there was a cross-server dungeon finder, although the sheer number of world HEROICS quests would still be difficult to get groups for.
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I stopped logging into SWTOR about 6 and a half weeks ago. I don't miss it one bit. Reasons I left the game are these:

1. Didn't like the core group size of 4. I think this really screws up the ratio of tanks/healers vs. dps. Group size of 5 or 6 just makes more sense with regards to the player role ratio.

2. Didn't like 100% voice over. I think a balanced approach is better. I would've liked to see the class quests only voiced over, the rest be text only. Then maybe some of the development money wasted there would've been put to better use.

3. Ilum. Huge disappointment and anything but what they touted it to be. Also we're 5 months after release and it's still not fixed.

4. End game was boring and far too easy. Too easy to get gear and blow through the end game content.

5. Crafting and companions. Didn't care for the companion system. I would rather farm materials personally than send out companions and sit around and be bored. Then after waiting, they return without what you needed anyway. Companions, all useless except one that you use all the time seems like a waste to me but necessary because of the crafting system.

6. Classes. Not enough of them. Say what you want about ACs, they are still the base class with the exact same class quests.

There are more reasons but I'll stop there, this is too long already.


In short I really didn't care for most aspects of this game. I had high hopes for the game and was initially satisfied, until I reached level 50. After 2 weeks at level 50 I was geared enough to satisfy me, a mixture of Rakata and Columi. After that I was forced to create alts to keep interested, especially in low-level pvp which was the only reason I was playing. Now I"m told that patch 1.2 ruined low-level pvp (I have not played since before 1.2 so cannot confirm or deny) by friends who still play a small amount. I think they could have had a great game but instead were held back due to investing too much time and money to things that looked good on paper but the reality was quite underwhelming.

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Server population, pure and simple. That is the only reason I have unsubscribed. Rerolling to a higher pop server doesn't make it better for me as I have a lot of credits and the legacy items I have/would lose isn't worth it. Edited by Lynksys
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Unsubbed as of today.


No pulling punches.


This game and the individuals responsible for developing it, publishing it, and paying reviewers under the table to help hype it, are all an epic embarrassment to AAA MMO gaming.


SWTOR is shoddy beyond belief for a game that cost as much as it did to get to this stage, and if I were to list all my issues with it, I would end up with one of these giant, laundry list posts that no one reads because they're intimidating as hell to get through.


I should have smelled the rotting fish during the EA Louse debacle, but I decided to give this game a shot, and I am immensely sorry that I did. From the lame design to the asinine story features that were somehow supposed to hold my attention forever but can't because it's all Mickey Mouse BS... it all just amounts to a giant pile of crap that was billed as something extraordinary.


It's a bit like being told you're going to the Super Bowl, and then arriving at a rank little deli in Brooklyn with the big game playing on an old Admiral television set from 1979 in the corner, and I refuse to part with one more red cent to have access to a dwindling Fleet, a population that would rather play alone with their standard Bioware NPC companions, and environments full of more walls and disappointment than a maze that ends with a bird feeder full of dog turds and sour milk.


Sums it up..

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5 reasons?


1. PvP is boring - no arena either

2. Class balance is terrible

3. BW just seem too slow in dealing with issues and never answer the community

4. Ranked PvP being pulled at the last minute

5. Friends are beginning to lose interest


Though it hasn't affected me, the dead server issue is another reason I've decided to jump ship. People are dropping like flies because they have no one to play the game with so the situation snowballs. It seems ludicrous to leave it this late to do anything about server merging as it's a comparatively low hanging fruit compared to new content. It must be the best cost benefit move BW could make at the moment.

Edited by Diddley
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Wife and I unsubbed yesterday. She hadnt played in two weeks.


1.) Server's dead. With 3 50's, 1 46, and a couple in the 20s, leveling alts is godawful boring now, but it's the only thing left to do on Kinrath Spider (Empire)


2.) Leveling on a PVP server in WoW meant you grew up with your head on a swivel. You had to watch your *** constantly. I think I had all of three world PVP encounters while leveling those 3 50's, 1 46, and a couple 20s. There is virtually no difference between PVP and PVE servers here because there are few opportunities for opposite faction characters to meet.


3.) Crafting. Waste of time. And, boy, have I dumped days into leveling professions for nothing.


4.) Tried rerolling on Jedi Covenant. Was about to start cutting by the time I got to Dromund Kass. Levelling alts on my main server was bad enough, but starting with no legacy perks, credits, etc? Forget it. Blew off a little steam in /1 and got reported by somebody for unaccetable language. ***, filter on if you're a little *****, plskthx. A WoW GM would have said, "dont like grown up words? Use your filter." Complaint closed. Here its all playground, all the time.


5.) PVP is a waste of time. I work a real job teaching, have papers to grade, etc, so I didnt get to 50 fast enough to be in any premade group. My whole PVP experince has been; wait 30-40 minutes for a queue pop, get roflstomped by premade, collect loss, log out in disgust 20 minutes into the next queue.


Extra Bonus Gripe:


6.) Space missions were fun for about the first three times playing each. Then you get to know just where all the baddies are going to come from and you can snooze though it. They have all the replayability of a Zork text adventure. Wait, Zork was more replayable than these, as you could try to kill the thief with different weapons. (knife worked better than sword, better than axe, btw.)



Look, outside of never playing SW:G, I have more Star Wars geek cred than any two people playing fanboi in here. Aftre playing it for six years I was marking time in WoW for the last six months waiting for TOR. TOR isnt worth marking time for six more days in to find something else. In fact, it might well have cured our MMO addictions, so there is that. Thanks, Bioware for screwing up what most of us thought couldnt be screwed up. I mean you had enough money for Curt Schilling to put out a successful game, ffs. Should have spent more on focus groups and less on ex Warhammer devs.

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My reasons for unsub:

1) Audio bugs with the release of 1.2.

2) Low population. I am not very optimistic at how BW will handle the free server transfers.


That said, I still have 89 days left on my account. If things are fixed and population is healthy, I may resub. Depends on if GW2 is out or not by then.

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Wife and I unsubbed yesterday. She hadnt played in two weeks.


1.) Server's dead. With 3 50's, 1 46, and a couple in the 20s, leveling alts is godawful boring now, but it's the only thing left to do on Kinrath Spider (Empire)


2.) Leveling on a PVP server in WoW meant you grew up with your head on a swivel. You had to watch your *** constantly. I think I had all of three world PVP encounters while leveling those 3 50's, 1 46, and a couple 20s. There is virtually no difference between PVP and PVE servers here because there are few opportunities for opposite faction characters to meet.


3.) Crafting. Waste of time. And, boy, have I dumped days into leveling professions for nothing.


4.) Tried rerolling on Jedi Covenant. Was about to start cutting by the time I got to Dromund Kass. Levelling alts on my main server was bad enough, but starting with no legacy perks, credits, etc? Forget it. Blew off a little steam in /1 and got reported by somebody for unaccetable language. ***, filter on if you're a little *****, plskthx. A WoW GM would have said, "dont like grown up words? Use your filter." Complaint closed. Here its all playground, all the time.


5.) PVP is a waste of time. I work a real job teaching, have papers to grade, etc, so I didnt get to 50 fast enough to be in any premade group. My whole PVP experince has been; wait 30-40 minutes for a queue pop, get roflstomped by premade, collect loss, log out in disgust 20 minutes into the next queue.


Extra Bonus Gripe:


6.) Space missions were fun for about the first three times playing each. Then you get to know just where all the baddies are going to come from and you can snooze though it. They have all the replayability of a Zork text adventure. Wait, Zork was more replayable than these, as you could try to kill the thief with different weapons. (knife worked better than sword, better than axe, btw.)



Look, outside of never playing SW:G, I have more Star Wars geek cred than any two people playing fanboi in here. Aftre playing it for six years I was marking time in WoW for the last six months waiting for TOR. TOR isnt worth marking time for six more days in to find something else. In fact, it might well have cured our MMO addictions, so there is that. Thanks, Bioware for screwing up what most of us thought couldnt be screwed up. I mean you had enough money for Curt Schilling to put out a successful game, ffs. Should have spent more on focus groups and less on ex Warhammer devs.


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