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Marauders/Sentinels recomended pvp tree


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LOL no it's not. Annihilation is overall better.


Maybe, i dont play one. But the one Mara in my guild is Rage spec and over 80 valor so I usually trust his advice. Especially since he almost always tops dmg charts.


Rage is viable, i am sure annihilation is too.

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Maybe, i dont play one. But the one Mara in my guild is Rage spec and over 80 valor so I usually trust his advice. Especially since he almost always tops dmg charts.


Rage is viable, i am sure annihilation is too.


Valor rank does not equal skill



Sure Rage is viable but it's still not as good as annihilation. After 1.2 they're all viable tbh, just depends on what you want to do more.

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Valor rank does not equal skill



Sure Rage is viable but it's still not as good as annihilation. After 1.2 they're all viable tbh, just depends on what you want to do more.


QFE, self heals are a must unless u have a pocket healer.

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Annihilation is better for solo PUG play. Rage is better in organized team play. Although all the trees are viable and it probably depends more on your playstyle and what you want to do.


Anni is a lot easier to use but Rage is overall probably better. Just go back and forth a few times and try everything out. Respec costs drop every week, but the first 2 respecs each week don't even cost much anyway.

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I've played quite a bit of all three and they are all fun and viable in their own right. I suggest playing each one for a month or so then you can choose which one suits your style better. I just went back to combat after 1.2 and am having a pretty good time with it.
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I tried every spec and it just depends on your style of play.


And if you run with a group or just queue solo.


With the TTK being what it is, I choose to stay alive more than anything else. I cant kill **** when I am dead right.


And who knows if the healer is going to heal you, if you even have a healer on your team.

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I tried every spec and it just depends on your style of play.


And if you run with a group or just queue solo.


With the TTK being what it is, I choose to stay alive more than anything else. I cant kill **** when I am dead right.


And who knows if the healer is going to heal you, if you even have a healer on your team.


My healers heal me, or my healers will be solo queuing.

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main is a marauder, valor rank 66, I switch specs every few weeks to keep it fun. You should try playing each to see what you like. they are all viable but best usage can be situational.


Anni is pretty good 1v1 spec, the self heals are great when you don't have a healer. Having the snare spec is a 100% must though, otherwise your life will be difficult because it's the easiest spec to kite/run from. Not gonna say much else about it, I'm sure you've heard enough people wax poetic about the spec.


Rage is a great team fight spec. I actually used to have a really easy 1v1 rotation pre 1.2 with 9 sec cd smash but now that it's 12 sec, my rotation is messed up so it's been a little bit harder bursting people down (even though damage is buffed 20%). The smash crits rack up a huge amount of damage in team fights and the more people you catch with it, the easier it will be to rack up damage.


Carnage can be interesting and I can't really explain it that well because I think it's something better understood by getting a feel for it. Some simple examples of use though are the roots help a ton in huttball because they ignore resolve and you have 6 seconds of it to help your team down the ball carrier. Also, 1v1 situations against other melee heroes allows you to outplay your opponent; sometimes easily if you do it right. Play in-and-out with deadly saber to hold them there while you scream/vicious throw from afar.

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Carnage is trash. Annihilation isn't better because of "self-heals" (ROFL). It USED to be a combination of amazing burst, sustained, survivability, AND utility. Rage/Focus is where it's at now.


Rage is a joke. Always has been. Any spec that relies on AOE to do the majority of its damage is terrible.

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Why the hate on Carnage? Everything in that tree is awesome.


People can't adapt.


The speed bonus to Predation alone makes it amazing in Group play. The damage it can put out is impressive also. Not sure why they hate on it either. Our main guild Mara runs Carnage and destroys things.

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Maybe, i dont play one. But the one Mara in my guild is Rage spec and over 80 valor so I usually trust his advice. Especially since he almost always tops dmg charts.


Rage is viable, i am sure annihilation is too.


never played rage until last monday when i thought i would see how it did. First wz after i respeced 450k damage in a void star. we still lost the game. topping the damage chart with AOE damage doesn't mean a lot.

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Why the hate on Carnage? Everything in that tree is awesome.


It's just not as good compared to the other 2 for solo-queuing/unorganized pub-stomp premading which is what the majority of players do/care about. In a good and organized team it's got the most utility out of all specs due to higher control and mobility (and sick burst).

Edited by Swarna
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Carnage is trash. Annihilation isn't better because of "self-heals" (ROFL). It USED to be a combination of amazing burst, sustained, survivability, AND utility. Rage/Focus is where it's at now.


I guess you think your 400k damage is just owning everything. I


Carnage is awesome - the only reason i can think of for you to call it trash is that you arent topping the damage charts like you do in LOLRAGE.


Im not sure if annhilation is really better than carnage they each have great stuff in it.

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