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Everything posted by Pyldrvr

  1. Pretty cool! The background music's sound was choppy for me though.
  2. Everyone crying and crying about an empty fleet. Now it's too full...
  3. I've played quite a bit of all three and they are all fun and viable in their own right. I suggest playing each one for a month or so then you can choose which one suits your style better. I just went back to combat after 1.2 and am having a pretty good time with it.
  4. start by getting one of these. http://www.logitech.com/keyboards/keyboard/devices/5123
  5. more cat than human, if I had to guess.
  6. It's like arguing with a cat. You can't win.
  7. you can still look at your icons when you are using keybindings, the difference is, you don't HAVE to look.
  8. Yea, I'm not saying it doesn't work fine. Probably the majority of players are clickers. However the folks that are claiming it is just as effective and efficient as keybinding are only lying to themselves because there is no way they can actually believe it.
  9. I can't believe this argument has gone on for this many pages. I also cannot believe anyone would argue that 'hunt and peck' with a mouse cursor is just as effective as keybindings.
  10. never mind, just noticed that some patch note details were released. /time to start studying.
  11. can you elaborate on exactly what is happening in 1.2 that increases the focus tree's AOE damage?
  12. I leveled up to 50 as combat, switched to watchman for a good while and am now focus specced, so I have gotten to play all specs. They are all three quite fun in their own playstyles but I have settled on focus for now. I mostly do pvp and the focus spec is great in warzones and even open world situations. If I start doing more pve I will probably switch back to watchman for the tergeted single mob damage. combat was probably the most fun to play though. Any way you slice it, the flying ninja monkey is a fun class to play.
  13. I'm at work as well, but the patch notes said they improved them. I sure hope so.
  14. Looks like inflamation just became popular...
  15. I actually switch back and forth between Kira and Scourge now, depending on what kind of fights I'm partaking in. I always leave Kira out for traveling around, in case any imps cross my path, as I like her additional damage in a skirmish.
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