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"Standard" Lines That Make You Crazy


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Some are fine, some are just annoying.


Trooper - "I live to serve the Republic" or "For the Republic!" makes me want to hurt things. Especially when the option you chose is "I'll do it" or something simple like that.


Bounty Hunter - "I need money up front." My poor BH never gets her money up front. :(


Bounty Hunter - "Where do I come in?" Actually had that said three times in one conversation. The guy kept droning on and on but wouldn't tell my BH what her job actually was.


Sith Warrior - "There won't be a heart left beating." or "Time to rage!" Ohhhhhhhkay.


Sith Inquisitor - "Murder and mayhem await!" AKA, yes, I accept your quest to kill things.


Sith Inquisitor - "Yawn!" I laugh every time she says this. Good times.


Jedi Consular - "That is truly excellent news." Okay, I'm biased, I do not like FemConsular's voice, but that line drives me up the wall.


Smuggler - "I'll do it blindfolded, just for fun." LOL, k.


Smuggler - "I'm not one for causes, but I'm on board for that one." Sometimes I think she's on board for too many causes.

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Funny about the causes line, I think I've heard my smuggler say it once ever.


The murder and mayhem one though. ALL THE TIME. Every time. All of the times. And my manquisitor really isn't very ... murder-y.


The one that probably surprises me most when it happens is "A CHILD could do this" for the consulars. It's a weirdly brief, crabby moment in an otherwise aggressively zen character.

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Funny about the causes line, I think I've heard my smuggler say it once ever.


I said it soooo many times on Coruscant. Haven't heard it since then, but for awhile it got REALLY annoying. She has enough causes to write like, ten college entrance essays.

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The one that probably surprises me most when it happens is "A CHILD could do this" for the consulars. It's a weirdly brief, crabby moment in an otherwise aggressively zen character.


I dunno, my Consular is kind of a sassypants (sassyskirt?), so it sounds silly when she spouts the overly zen stuff every once in a while.


I got really tired of hearing the stock Inquisitor lines, especially "Murder and mayhem await!" At one point with a flirt, my Inquisitor responded to a proposition with "Just show me where the fun is," which was fine in words, but utterly unfitting in tone and delivery.


As for what I do like, the BH's "You aren't gonna cry, are you?" is pretty great. My BH is a huge dick, and the dismissive sarcasm fits him.

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I find that the light side Trooper responses are all; "Sure.", "I live to serve!", "Why was I not informed of this?", and other totally regulation answers. :( They just aren't very enjoyable, and the voice is nearly ALWAYS the most monotone a sentient being can get.
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Smuggler - "I'm not one for causes, but I'm on board for that one." Sometimes I think she's on board for too many causes.


Same thing with "I suppose I can lower myself to do this" and the slightly less common "Just doing my good deed for the decade" on the Inquisitor. Apparently my story has stretched on for about six decades now.:rolleyes:

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Same thing with "I suppose I can lower myself to do this" and the slightly less common "Just doing my good deed for the decade" on the Inquisitor. Apparently my story has stretched on for about six decades now.:rolleyes:


I actually like the "Just doing my good deed for the decade" line, since I've used that one RL for a few years now. :D

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I actually like the "Just doing my good deed for the decade" line, since I've used that one RL for a few years now. :D


Of course, the absolute most annoying line for Inquisitors in the entire game is not said by the player character, but by a companion:


"That's quite nice."



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Another space mission line. After a kill, the Imperial Agent will hiss "EGG-sellent!," in an over-ripe, mustache-twirling tone. I normally love the male IA actor's line readings, but boy, let him knock out one lousy enemy fighter and he suddenly turns into Montgomery Burns.
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I absolutely hate this:


"Even Havoc Squad could learn from a veteran" Trooper Trainer.

"Command's sending new tactics all the time" Trooper Trainer.

"I have completed my task then" SW (Every single time...)

"The Minister of logistics is making sure the war effort is well supplied" (That's why we have to pay, eh?)

"I'd be happy to volunteer" Trooper (It's so annoying and he says it every five minutes)


I love the following though:


"I break beast's necks in my sleep" SW (The way he says it is just awesome)

"I didn't even break a sweat" SW (See above)

"Murder and mayhem await!"SI (it just sounds so insane, I love it)

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Well, mine didn't bother me at first, but when playing my trooper she literally says it every other conversation. So I made it my sig.


Followed by: "I could do this in my sleep! MAYBE I WILL!" (-1 Jorgan affection)


Or better yet- "There won't be a heart left beating" (-1 Vette affection)


Even better that it's a SW at LS 2. Picking any option where the text says in essence, "I'll do the job", invariably leads to this over the top phrase.

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"I'd be happy to volunteer" Trooper (It's so annoying and he says it every five minutes)


Which just goes to show that Star Wars is in NO way connected to the real world. So either A) the Trooper is the biggest suck-up in the Army, or B) the Trooper has no concept of self-preservation. Pretty much any soldier who's ever been in a warzone will tell you, the key to survival is NEVER volunteering. :p

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It always sounds terribly insincere when my consular says "That is truly excellent news." in that sing-song manner.

The inquisitors "I can absolutely do that." always makes me twitch as well, absolutely just seems a really weird word to say then. Not a fan of SW "Time to rage" either.


On the plus side, I like "I do not appreciate dramatic pauses" so much that I've adopted it into my colletion of catchphrases.

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One to add to the "I love it" column.


Trooper: "If you stab me in the back, I'll shoot you in the face."


She doesn't get to say it nearly often enough, but it's pretty awesome.


I was just getting ready to make that exact post. I play a female commando and I love the way she says this!

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The one that probably surprises me most when it happens is "A CHILD could do this" for the consulars. It's a weirdly brief, crabby moment in an otherwise aggressively zen character.


On a similar line: "Better than dealing with this guilt trip!"

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