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Not voting for MVP in WZs why?


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Have been in some WZs where literally no one votes for someone an MVP even though say that person tops the healing charts/dps charts/protection charts/etc. Just wondering why people dont vote it only takes 1 sec of your time AND its a way of telling that person "Hey you did an awesome job." That further encourages that person to continue playing well VS say if you dont that person feels like whatever it is he did doesnt mean anything to anyone. Just do it guys. Plus it feels good and makes you say "HEY IM MVP!" I know i feel good when I get voted MVP in a wz. :)
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If I ever vote for someone (rarely do) I give it to the healer....either way it's only one comm so who cares.


I used to think that way, until I've learned many of the healers simply abuse the system and pad heal numbers.


That's why I switched around, and now give Guardians/Juggs who use Guard and show high Protection rating, even without a healer around, the MVP votes. They're literally "taking one for the team", and die a lot, but still try to protect people.

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I used to think that way, until I've learned many of the healers simply abuse the system and pad heal numbers.


That's why I switched around, and now give Guardians/Juggs who use Guard and show high Protection rating, even without a healer around, the MVP votes. They're literally "taking one for the team", and die a lot, but still try to protect people.


wow, thats pretty lame. I bust my *** healing in minis, and die alot due to having a dedicated jug/maurader/etc on my *** the entire match. Unless they are healing themselves, how do you determine a healer is padding their heal stats? Nothing irks me more than healing 200k+, running around like a chicken with my head cut off healing everyone i can while i'm been chased by melee constantly, while my team doesnt bother to protect/help me surivive. then see the mvp points doled out to joe-blow-from-idaho with 10k dmg, 0 healing, 5k protection and 30+ kills with few deaths. And those few deaths were mostly due to my healing.


I apologize for the rant, maybe i should hang up my healer like everyone else and play my dpsers. Healers are so freaking unappreciated nowadays...

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I generally vote for the underdog, I want to encourage new blood in the game. And most of the time the players on the top are experienced and geared out. 1 comm. means nothing to them, but the vote means alot to a noob. That being said, if everyone is camping on a node because it looks like we can't win! I vote for nobody, because their all quitters!
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Meh, healing 500-600k then getting no MVPs makes me cry. If ive only healed 200k I wouldnt care for not getting an MVP.


good point. And i've crack some high healing numbers like that. But now that i'm 'known' as a decent healer, i get a dedicated jugg/maurader/melee on my behind almost every match, sometimes more than one. Cannot get those numbers kiting constantly. I'm happy in the 250-300k range when i have a melee on me the entire match...

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I used to think that way, until I've learned many of the healers simply abuse the system and pad heal numbers.


That's why I switched around, and now give Guardians/Juggs who use Guard and show high Protection rating, even without a healer around, the MVP votes. They're literally "taking one for the team", and die a lot, but still try to protect people.

Thank you. <3

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Reading the thread. I'm almost face palming with every other post.


MVP = Most Valuable Player




That guy who scored 7th but you think he "tried."


I get top of the board sometimes with 16 Medals and 300k DPS with some defense because I'm a Guardian. Then I get the pleasure of seeing the healer who healed 80k got 6 medals and gets 3 votes for MVP while I get 1. >.>

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I dont berate people, talk down, or criticize. But when we lose 6-0, or no turrets, or cant capture a single spot I "dont vote" because no one deserved it as a team. Thats my "voice". If its competetive, I usually give it to the most needy person. If we rock it Ill give it to the overall best performer in Damage, kills, and heals.
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I vote usually for those that were trying to actually complete the warzone's objectives without worrying about their medals, someone who managed to save the day or push things forward in a match that was going south, or the best reason I might vote for someone is if they were working as part of the team while Johnny B High Score was off on his own.


Sometimes that person is the highest scorer and sometimes they're not. Anyone can farm medals and high scores but then the team loses the WZ since not enough were actually trying to play the warzone's objective.


Atleast thats what I've seen happen sometimes on my server.


There's no rules on how you vote and I don't think there should be. If you dont like that people aren't voting for you then try to evaluate what you were doing in the WZ's that might of caused them to vote for someone else.

Edited by Kindara
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I read 3 posts... 3... before I gave up and decided to reply.


QUIT LOOKING AT THE BLASTED NUMBERS PEOPLE! Oh, let's look at Objective points, damage, healing. BLAH. Why don't we vote for people who actually do an all around good job? Communicating with the team, coordinating attacks with others, ensuring they do their part to win. It's not about individual stats like healing, damage, or objective. They are all 3 an important role... it's a tetrahedron.. without one the others cannot survive. But since a healer can't be a damage dealer, or a damage dealer a healer, give it to the person who did their best and impressed you doing it. It's not hard. I do it nearly every match. If no one impressed me no one gets the vote. Simple as that.


I won time gave a person my MVP vote in Voidstar simply because she did Force Wave on a bridge and killed EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF THE TEAM. It was cool, made many people on my team laugh and probably won us the match since it was difficult for them to recoordinate after that. But when they had 8 members crossing a bridge towards three people, they were bound to get the door.

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I read 3 posts... 3... before I gave up and decided to reply.


QUIT LOOKING AT THE BLASTED NUMBERS PEOPLE! Oh, let's look at Objective points, damage, healing. BLAH. Why don't we vote for people who actually do an all around good job? Communicating with the team, coordinating attacks with others, ensuring they do their part to win. It's not about individual stats like healing, damage, or objective. They are all 3 an important role... it's a tetrahedron.. without one the others cannot survive. But since a healer can't be a damage dealer, or a damage dealer a healer, give it to the person who did their best and impressed you doing it. It's not hard. I do it nearly every match. If no one impressed me no one gets the vote. Simple as that.



I whole heartedly agree

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if you actually paid attention to the whole match, you would have voted someone regardless of his class/ranking table numbers.

useful isn't restricted to healers and/or high/low table numbers.

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Reading the thread. I'm almost face palming with every other post.


MVP = Most Valuable Player




That guy who scored 7th but you think he "tried."


I get top of the board sometimes with 16 Medals and 300k DPS with some defense because I'm a Guardian. Then I get the pleasure of seeing the healer who healed 80k got 6 medals and gets 3 votes for MVP while I get 1. >.>


Well Everyone gets a vote, seeing as MVP is subjective. It's hard to determine an MVP based on just numbers. A single guy going after an enemy healer constantly, never able to kill him, but keeping him from healing his team, is more valuable to me than someone who might have dished out 300k in damage. The problem is the numbers will never reflect what that guy actually did to help the team

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Yup MVP is rarely the person with the best stats this goes double for huttball.


I read 3 posts... 3... before I gave up and decided to reply.



T LOOKING AT THE BLASTED NUMBERS PEOPLE! Oh, let's look at Objective points, damage, healing. BLAH. Why don't we vote for people who actually do an all around good job? Communicating with the team, coordinating attacks with others, ensuring they do their part to win. It's not about individual stats like healing, damage, or objective. They are all 3 an important role... it's a tetrahedron.. without one the others cannot survive. But since a healer can't be a damage dealer, or a damage dealer a healer, give it to the person who did their best and impressed you doing it. It's not hard. I do it nearly every match. If no one impressed me no one gets the vote. Simple as that.


I won time gave a person my MVP vote in Voidstar simply because she did Force Wave on a bridge and killed EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF THE TEAM. It was cool, made many people on my team laugh and probably won us the match since it was difficult for them to recoordinate after that. But when they had 8 members crossing a bridge towards three people, they were bound to get the door.

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I usually vote for the guy who defends a lone turret all match, calling out if incs etc. Either that, or if a healer out heals me I vote for them, or if a tank guards me he gets my auto vote. I see no reason not to vote at all even if I'm disgusted with how the match went I still just randomly click a name then leave.
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Reading the thread. I'm almost face palming with every other post.


MVP = Most Valuable Player




That guy who scored 7th but you think he "tried."


I get top of the board sometimes with 16 Medals and 300k DPS with some defense because I'm a Guardian. Then I get the pleasure of seeing the healer who healed 80k got 6 medals and gets 3 votes for MVP while I get 1. >.>


Some of us were born in WH gear but I was not. I remember my first week of PVP. NO experience, NO gear, premades seeing me as a cash cow to farm. I tried as hard as I could and sometimes not even one medal. Now with Expertise at 1131, I can still die but I crush alot of skulls too. I want more people to play, giving you glory never crosses my mind!

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I tire of healers believing they deserve MVP votes because they did their job. No one deserves extra credit for doing what you're supposed to do. I don't vote. It's much easier than determining one of seven players who I believe is our most valuable player, a ridiculous concept.
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Have been in some WZs where literally no one votes for someone an MVP even though say that person tops the healing charts/dps charts/protection charts/etc. Just wondering why people dont vote it only takes 1 sec of your time AND its a way of telling that person "Hey you did an awesome job." That further encourages that person to continue playing well VS say if you dont that person feels like whatever it is he did doesnt mean anything to anyone. Just do it guys. Plus it feels good and makes you say "HEY IM MVP!" I know i feel good when I get voted MVP in a wz. :)


Words said in /ops chat speak volumes more than an artificial mvp vote.


Personally, I gave up on MVP votes when I constantly ran into premades, who voted one of their own MVP, regardless of anyone else in the the groups performance (said MVP often performing well below many other ops mates) ... the votes are meaningless.


As an aside, why in the hell, is there even an MVP vote for the LOSING team?

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