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Official Q&A Thread for May 11th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post

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Hello and welcome to the official Q&A thread for questions to be answered for the May 11th, 2012 Q&A blog post.


As a reminder, we’ll be starting up a weekly Q&A blog series in which we will select ten questions from the community and post answers to them every Friday. We’ll have the next set of answers next week on May 11th, 2012, but before that, we need your questions!


Please use this thread to ask your question (one per community member, so make it count!). On Tuesday at 2PM CDT (8PM BST/9PM CEST/5AM AEST), we will close this thread, select ten questions, and get answers to them for Friday’s blog post.


In order to increase the chances of having your specific question answered and to help us keep the thread manageable, here are some guidelines on asking questions:

  1. Keep your question relatively short. Background details are welcome, but don’t go overboard.
  2. Please actually ask a question. We want to hear constructive feedback elsewhere in the Forums.
  3. Use common sense – we cannot answer everything, especially on far-reaching content.
  4. This should go without saying, but be respectful.
  5. Limit yourself to one question in this thread, please. You can always ask another question next week!
  6. And finally, as a reminder, this is not a discussion thread. Do not comment about what somebody else has posted.


As development plans are always subject to change, questions about future features will often get vague answers which can be repetitive and sometimes annoying. With that in mind, the development team is more interested in questions about current in-game features or systems, or questions about why development decisions were made. You’re still welcome to ask questions about future features and we’ll continue to answer them where appropriate – just expect the occasional ‘soon.’


Any other posts apart from questions in the thread will be removed.


With that being said, please ask away!


Underwater worlds are such Mon Calamri, Kamino, Green Aselmet?

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Will there be any big changes to speeders in game updates in the near future? I find the experience of DRIVING a speeder to be a little lackluster. Graphically and practically, they need a revamp. First of all, for what they are they are very slow. Don't the mounts move a lot faster than ours in that OTHER game? Speeders need to be able to hover properly over top of water. And nothing is more annoying than having to stop and change out which speeder is on your hotbar when you're driving around with people who don't have as high a level of speeder than you. It would be nice if a high-rank speeder could "gear down" to drive at the same speed as a slower speeder.
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I have to ask again:


What is the status of Chat Bubbles? Is there any progress on adding them in without the "problems" (Which I still don't fully understand)? I'm curious as to when we will see them? Maybe in 1.3? Would be nice!

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This has most likely been asked before but here i go: Why can't you Re-Spec your advance class? Will this be brought in aytime soon? im a sith assassin but now ive decided i want to be a healer sith sorcerer, the only way i can do this is by starting up another Inquisitor and starting all over again?????!!!!!!
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One thing my guild and I can't get over is the daily commendation end game grind. To us it is just not fun. Is their any way to make the stuff achievable through quest lines that run through the normal daily quest then lead up to one of the level 50 flash points? To me it feels like the devs use it as an easy way out of putting in quantity over quality. The quest system is already there just needs some tweaks. If not can this at least be considered in the future. This type of game play does not make me want to log in. Especially when i can just mindlessly get farmed in PVP and get Battle master gear with half the effort.
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some people are stuck on class quests, (bugged) and even more are stuck on illum quests.. i myself for example cannot complete the illum story quest line, so i cant get to the bonus series, so i cant get the dailies for my comms, which puts those players at a huge disadvantage for earning daily comms.


when can those players expect to be able to continue their character progression? its coming close to 6 months now for some and i can bet they want to continue their characters that are bugged in quests... i know i do! how hard is it to reset a quest, quest line, etc.. and why isnt there an option for your GM's to do this for players?

Edited by wadetho
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I am wondering if there is are any plans to have a toggle for party tabbing. You can tab for DPS/tank to find the closest hostile but it would be nice to have the option to toggle the tab to party members for heals. A good case would be in a battlezone the tab would go to the operation memeber with the lowest health that is not out of range. I know there is a ops pane and you can size and move it but I always wondered why no friendly tab function. Again, just curious.
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Will there be any modifications to the costs of modding and removing mods from equipment? At this point one piece is 150K or so and seeing as this is one of the core design points for the game it seems like it should be more accessible to players w/o breaking the bank.
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Can you give us some insight on how you will be doing the first stage of server transfers/mergers? Obviously low population servers will get priority, but how do you intend to create a healthy sized East Coast PvP server that isn't the Fatman? And would a hypothetical guild have to transfer to that new, popular server willingly or will you merge them to it automatically?
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I am curious on whether or not crafters will have a method to adding an augment slot in 1.3 or another incoming patch within the next few months. is it a high priority to have this feature implemented? As of right now, crafting on my server has died quickly because most would rather stick with the armor they have than go through the costly issue of removing their mods and putting it in augmented gear and then having to buy the augment itself for all their armor.
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I really enjoy exploring the various planets within the Star Wars:The Old Republic universe, however I always felt like something was missing, sound effects awesome, graphics getting better and better. Then it was clear, my character "feels" detached from the environment, almost like floating above the terrain. Where are my footprints in the snow drifts of Hoth or the dunes of Tatooine.. :rak_02:
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I have been playing on my bounty hunter character for quite awhile now and I was wondering if bounty hunters will be able to fly around on their jet packs besides the self-healing thing and death from above. I guess what I really want here is to be able to fly around for short periods of time like Boba Fett and Jango Fett do in the movies.


:csw_deathstar: + :csw_destroyer: + :mon_smile: = :mon_trap:

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Do you plan to add some skins for siths that don`t look like semi-cyborg with all the buttons on chest? I rly like jedi`s outfits with all hoods and cloaks and just hints of heavy armor under them and want my character to look like one even when he`s sadistic bastard who likes killing.
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I am currently leveling a marauder and have concerns regarding the armourlooks. What I, and many marauders i know or have seen posting, would like are simple black hood-up robes, like those the juggernauts have (and I believe, marauders used to have in BETA). Can we get a confirmation if these looks will be available to marauders? Edited by Ceihra
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What are the full stats on each training dummy? You gave us the armor on the operations dummy, but what is the expertise on the warzone dummy? As you have said, it is the single most important stat with regards to PvP, so we should probably know the values on the dummy to be able to do analysis.



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When will targeting be fixed? The current system seems like we jumped back a few decades even though this is a new game.


I want to be able to target the person in front of me when they are in my face beating me into the ground. Target nearest enemy selects someone way across the room.


Plus, trying to heal in this game is not fun due to the targeting system.


Will targeting ever be fixed so that it is PvP and healer friendly?

Edited by Tkara
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My Shadow PVE gear makes me feel anything but like I'm a stealth jedi agen assassin. In general the Empire seems to have much more appealing gear then the republic. Is there any plans to create better looking armor for the republic side, Jedi Shadows in particular. This brings me to my second question, are there any plans for appearance tabs to give our characters a customized look?
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Greeting from Dark Reaper,


I play a Twi'lek Gunslinger and there's a big issue that I have been trying to ignore since beta, Lekku management. Before 1.2 lekku would just clip through what ever we were wearing. After 1.2 a lot of head pieces were just permanatly disabled which made me pretty sad. It makes me feel as if the Twi'leks weren't taken seriously by the dev team during game devlopment or that maybe they just didn't have the time to make special head gear for them. It's been a few months now and I'm starting to get annoyed that I can't we're my classes signature piece, the cowboy hat. I know there are a lot of twi'lek force users that are having hood/robe issues as well. I was wondering if maybe you guys could change where your lekku sit depending on what you're wearing. If you had a hood you could wrap them around the neck or have them sit in front of your chest (this would also work with cowboy hats). The main thing that bugs me is the way my lekku clip through the top of my hat. Adding in check boxes to alter where and how your lekku sit and if you want your lekku to clip or not would be an awesome addition to the character screen.

Edited by Skin_Job
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Why do I need to turn off Akaavi Spar's more annoying abilities everytime she's summoned? I dismount, I need to turn off concussive wave. I exit a warzone, I need to turn off concussize wave. I get out of a cutscene, I need to turn off concussive wave. I die, I need to turn off concussize wave. For that matter, why do companions have abilities whose only purpose is seemingly to make my AOE's miss everything?
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