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Official Q&A Thread for May 11th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post

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According to Stephen Reid's twitter, server transfers are coming in 1.3. Can you tell us why you have decided transfers over general server mergers. I understand things like server size and faction balance are major limiting factors. From what I have seen about 60%+ of the servers are light population during EST peak times. I really want this game to succeed but I am not convinced optional transfers are the smart thing to do.
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Any chance we can get notifications of our friends logging on across factions? I know being able to chat across faction would be potentially abusable somehow but when I'm playing the estranged Smuggler son of my evil Sith Lord It'd be cool to know when my Empire friends log on so I can swap characters.
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I read some where that you would be adding more to the space flight and travel system in star wars in 1.3 possibly and am hoping this is true. And was also wondering if you still had plans for a guild star ship that may or may not have a chat channel connected to fleet to keep people more in touch with there community.


one of your jedi fan's Mouglee :)

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It is quite annoying trying to keep friends' alts straight. Can we please get a way to manage our friends by legacy, or something similar so we can communicate easier?


Also can we get the restriction on guild membership and tells based on faction removed?

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Are there any PVE purple crystal schematics available in game? Last Community Q&A you said we should look for it in fan sites, but I have only found the schematics for PvP purple crystal. Can you please just say if they exist or not? Edited by EdAraujo
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It's clear that you are behind schedule. I would like to know how is it possible that a software house like Bioware with hundreds of employees, blessed with EA's money, is unable to not only deploy the full announced and hyped features, but also to release consistent patches once every week or every other week.

You announced that you have more than a milion and half subscribers, where and on what is that money being spent on?

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I have noticed consistently (especially with low-level PVP) when a match is created (say for Alderaan Civil War), that the Empire side has a full 8-man team while the Republic only has 4-6. This makes the match very unbalanced. I was under the impression that a match isn't even created until there are 8 players qued for each side. Is this true? Will any changes be made to address this imbalance?
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What's your plans about high lvl offhand's? Do have you a plans to equalize it for commando/mercenaty and gunslinger/sniper, or equlize it to all classes? Edited by xpycb
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Is there plans to revisit Shielding and Absorption for full 31 tank specs who want to PvP and PvE without having to respec every time to be viable and have fun? Possibly resistances higher in the Tank trees?


Currently Tank specs in particular Bounty Hunter Powertech, Shield techs cannot effectively PvP due to the fact that shielding and armor only defend against Melee and Ranged making a full 31 build near to useless in premades or against them.


Why is this a problem? because every time you want to PvE you have to change your spec not just your armor.


In focus fire PvP most of your damage comes in the form of Force and Tech which just ignores our shielding and Armor buff skills, making absorption skills next to useless, also combine this with the fact that our only form of reward come from medals achieved by taking other players damage on top of our own.


This brings a threefold level of frustration - Shield techs have no added utility, we have no damage to speak of, only one very long cool down heal that is near useless, and no way to break slows or stuns - So if you want to PvP you have to respec every time or spend every match slower than a snail and dead whenever anyone needs a fast easy kill.


Respecting costs a lot... Yes Powertechs have two viable PvP trees but why shouldn't the shieldtech tree be viable also? Tanks should be able to transition from PvE to PvP as long as they have the right gear.


Getting medals from casting the same two long cool down taunts over and over, rinse and repeat till quick death is not really fun PvP considering how fast Tanks die against a DPS heavy, PvP skewed game, full of min / max stat stackers.

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PVP Question


Is there anything being done at this time to balance PVP WZ ?. is quite frustrating to play outnumbered matches, as most players have Imperials rolled for PVP and playing a match of 8 vs 4 cannot be fun unless you are on the winning side - which 99% of the time does not benefit the Rep side.


Also, was it intended for Imperial characters, you know which ones, to have infinite stun and paralyze while most Rep characters have close to none?


thank you

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Could you please shed some light about past promises?

Like rated warzones?


Also, My server is so empty we weren't able to finish daily pvp not because of not winning... but because there were only 2 warzones in a timespan of 4 hours.... during "peak" hours.


Reveal your transfer/merge plans completely. Since your customers are frustrated.

Edited by Verill
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Are there any plans (if not, hint hint) to either increase the amount of warzone commendations allowed to be held or to allow sub-50s to buy battlemaster/war-hero gear. At the moment I have a character I'm levelling predominantly through pvp and I've already reached the 200 warzone commendations cap at only level 16. I can't buy Battlemaster gear until level 50 and I can't even stock up on ranked warzone commendations until valor rank 40. Once you reach 50 you need expertise gear to survive in warzones, hence the recruit gear for fresh 50s, but would it really make a difference to allow people to buy battlemaster/war-hero gear before level 50 and save it (again, if not, hint hint!).
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1. What was the reason not to give craftable tanking Mods to Cybertech?

Do you planning to add them? Or maybe there is already some way to get them?


2. Are you going to add something new to cybertech? Can we expect any consumables? Such as teleporter or something that can pull out mods from gear with no cost?

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How do the developers view Slicing? What is its purpose? There seems to be some confusion about this on the forums, with some people becoming convinced that Slicing missions aren't intended to provide money at max skill (though my research into this suggests that slicing missions do yield profits, if somewhat slim). How do Slicers fit into the game economy? Edited by RobertMcDonald
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I'm an avid PvP'er and atm I feel there is really no customization for the armor I want to wear. And by customization I am referring to the Enhancements, Mods, and Armoring. When I am upgrading from Battlemaster to War Hero gear, I lose some stats that I personally didnt want to lose and gain some stats that I didnt want to gain. And the only way for me to get those stats back is to buy a whole new piece of Battlemaster gear. And I i did that I feel like I am downgrading on the modification's level. I would want an Enhancement with the stats I want in a War Hero equivalent version.


Could it be possible for us to get PvP Mod, Enhancement, and Armoring vendors with different selections of mods for us to exchange out for a small cost?

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I have a question regarding Imperial Agent Medics. Looking at Tionese, Columi, and Rakata gear there is an emphasis on Alacrity even though it is reportedly one of our least necessary stats. Black Hole gear seems to have resolved this, but are there any plans on modifying the gear with set bonuses so that Alacrity can be replaced with a more important stat, or if not removed completely, possibly reduced and put the extra points in power, surge, or crit?
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